Reality Returns
By nearside
- 731 reads
An email, forty words long
Sent in morbid curiosity
Like watching a car crash
or poking a wound
What had she been up to
All these years since
Breaking us up
Tearing out all that was hers
From inside of me
Taking it away
Back across the sea
How had she lived her life
In the years in between
Then and now
The reply was terse
Hurt echoed in her words
Life had gone well, even so
Travel had brought her back
To where she wanted to be
Alone yet happy
Aware of life and the joke
That life is
And the haunting was over, for me.
Memories once traps
Now were just...
All the wind kicked out of their sails
Emotional element turned way down
The space it all took up
Empty, almost.
Fill it up with future
Is this closure?
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