Stormy weather
By ellabellabrown
- 1657 reads
"Here comes the storm, everyone whispered to his or her mates as I walked by.
Can't blame them, really, I don't like my name either. I mean Storm Gulliver.
I was born during a really big storm. My kid sister, Sunny, was born on a sunny day (when you think about it, it makes sense). I t
hink my mum was worst off, being called Cadillac. Everyone calls her Caddy for short. Mum tried to get back at her parents by calling their grandchildren Storm and Sunny.
"Here comes the storm", people kept on whispering obviously thinking that I couldn't hear them.
"Hey you! said London. London is my best friend since the first day we met-9 years ago.
"Hi! I said enthusiastically. This was because our first class that day was English. I loved English
"Anyway, guess what! announced London žMy mum is getting married to Phil.
"Wow, Oh My God! That's great! I grinned. London's parents were divorced for about 6 years. Her mum (Natalie) met Phil last year. Her dad has a girlfriend called Janie.
"Yeah, yeah it is. I'm solo happy for them. They told me last night when they got home from dinner. She smiled.
"Freaks! that came from a girl called Madison Clevone (i.e. the most popular girl in school). She said these things because of our weird names and the fact that we weren't in her big group of admirers.
BRIIIING-went the bell. Unfortunately we made the mistake of standing right under it therefore our hearing was partially damaged for at least half of the morning. London and me hustled into the room with the rest of our class and took our seats in the front row. Five minutes later after everyone had hushed down; our teacher Miss Jays started talking:
"Hello class. How are y-" then something or someone cut her off. That someone was my other friend Cassie. Cassie was always late. I mean ALWAYS.
"I'm really sorry Miss Jays. She said puffing.
"It's OK Cassie. Have a seat and open your exercise book" she smiled. Miss Jays was the kindest and most patient teacher in the whole school. Maybe even the world. Cassie sat down but didn't even look at us. She looked all depressed.
That day we started our narrative stories. I tried really hard coz the best three in the school would go to the city finals. The 1st place prize was $250 book voucher, a digital camera and a medal. The win would also go on your school record. That one-hour went really quickly. I wrote 4 and a half page. When the bell went we all rushed out of the classroom.
The next class was math. This time it was London's turn to be pleased even though I don't know who could like a subject taught by someone as mean as Mr. East.
During break Cassie was very quiet which was totally not like her. She didn't say anything. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore and I asked her what was wrong.
She burst into tears:
"Y'know how my mum had to go to New York for a business trip?
I nodded.
"Well, yesterday she got into a car accident and this instant she is in New York State Hospital.
I couldn't believe it. This was terrible. I didn't know what to say.
While Cassie was sobbing in the hallway, Miss Jays passed. She sent Cassie to see Lola-the school psychologist.
"I'll tell your math's teacher to let Cassie off math. This was actually good news for Cassie coz she absolutely hated math. We helped Cassie dry her eyes then walked her down the hall to Lola's office.
After she had a talk with Lola Cassie went home. Her dad picked her up. I promised her that I would call her after school. During the next break London and I copied the homework assignments from Chris. Actually he only let us because he had the biggest crush on London.
School was over quite soon and the only things on our minds were Cassie and the really big history project due the following week.
London came over to my house after school.
"Mum! Sunny! I called out when we got in the door.
"Hiya Storm!! Sunny called from the kitchen.
"Is mum home?" I asked
"Nah. She went to some designer thingy. She told me to tell you to start dinner. And that London can stay over for dinner if she likes." She said coming out of the kitchen holding a kitchen towel, žAnd¦ I spilt the milk. She grinned.
I grinned at Sunny then looked over my shoulder at London. She nodded.
"Ok! So that is settled. Sunny, we just have to go upstairs and call Cassie then we will start dinner. Kay? I was already climbing up the stairs. .
Together we called Cassie. Her dad answered.
"Hello Mr.Paddson. I'm really sorry", I said sympathetically.
"Why thank you Storm. Would you like to talk to Cassie? He asked
"Yes, please. I said then braced myself.
"CAAAASSSSSIIIEEEE! IT'S STORM! he shouted. I heard her running.
"Mmm?Cassie answered the phone. She had been crying.
"Hi. How are you? I asked even though it was an extremely stupid question, and I already knew the answer. Bad.
"Bad, mumbled Cassie.
"Did you hear any new news about your mum? I asked.
"Are you going to come to school tomorrow? I asked
"I don't know.
"Well, I don't want to bother you. I hope I see you tomorrow", said. I was trying to smile even though I new she couldn't see me.
"Bye. Then the line went dead. I felt so sorry for her. So did London. I could see it on her face.
"Sis, are you going to start dinner or should I? Sunny butted in.
"I will I muttered and followed her downstairs.
I turned the oven on and got out the hamburger patties, while Sunny and London set the table. When I got everything ready I set the timer for 20 minutes and took the buns from the pantry. I then left Sunny to watch reruns of C.S.I while London and I did our homework.
Mum came home just after the timer went off.
"Hey you guys! Hi London. Can you stay for dinner? Mum burst though the door like a tornado.
"Hi mum Sunny and I said simultaneously.
"Yup, I can stay London smiled.
"Great! By the way, where is Cassie? She couldn't come? Too bad
"Cassie's mum is in hospital in New York. She was in a car crash, I told mum.
"Oh My God! Tracey!" Mum exclaimed. Cassie's mum was my mum's best friend. That's how Cassie and I met.
Dad came home just before dinner. He came home and put his coat on the hanger then yelled:
"Honey! I'm home! (Just like in the 1940's). After dinner he took London home. When he got back he asked me to give him Cassie's dad's phone number. I was in my room at the time so I scribbled it down and took it to him.
"Here yaw go. I grinned sticking a small neon pink post-it to his forehead.
"Very funny. Did you finish your homework?" He laughed
"Yeah, yeah, right on it sir. I said and went back to my room
The next morning Cassie called me (i.e. woke me up) at around 5.
"Storm, guess what! Cassie said enthusiastically (a little too enthusiastic for 5 in the morning- I was suspicious).
"Hello¦Cassie? What? I asked yawning
"Mum woke up!!!
"Huh? I said at first, and then I remembered.
"Wow! That's great. Is she ok? I asked still half asleep. I didn't want to be mean or anything but was it like impossible for her to tell me that at school.
"And¦¦¦ She's pregnant! Cassie continued obviously not hearing (or purposely ignoring?) my gigantic yawns. To tell you the truth I think I looked like a hippo. While Cassie was in the middle of telling me how her mother woke up and how the doctors couldn't find out if the (very very very small) baby was a boy or a girl, I was pushing Pepper (our overweight border collie) off my already numb leg and well, not listening to what she was saying.
"That's great listen I have to go. See you in school, I said and hung up hoping I wasn't too rude.
Since Cassie had already woken me up I had no chance what so ever of falling asleep again and since it was my turn to make breakfast I decided to make an early start.
About one hour later my whole family sleepily stumbled into the kitchen surprised that I was already awake since I'm usually the last on to wake up. After we had eaten breakfast and gotten dressed I called London (at I respectable time, mind you) and told her about Cassie's mum. I also found out that I had to go to the dentist some time next week. I swore, but silently otherwise my mother would have killed me. I hated going to the dentist.
Cassie came to school before London did (who usually comes about half an hour early), which surprised both London and me.
"Hey! Storm! Over here! Cassie yelled before I'd even gotten into a 5-meter radius, "You seemed a little weird when I called you this morning.
"Oh, yes. Well, I was half asleep I said hoping she would get what I was saying. Thankfully, she did.
"Oh my God! Sorry. I didn't look at my watch Cassie grinned. We all started laughing.
"Oh Lord! Please help us! Madison sneered as she passed. When she turned her back we all poked our tongues out. Hey, she deserved it.
By Lunchtime Madison had, unfortunately (for us), not gotten suspended or expelled. After lunch, though, we found out that a new student would be coming into our class. He/ she will come tomorrow after lunch. I was excited.
We got an unbelievable amount of History homework, thanks to Chris and his mate Benny. Apparently Chris was trying to impress London (at which he obviously failed) and Benny was copying him. Mrs. Buskin, our history teacher (very old, very strict, very old-fashioned), did not approve of this so, naturally, we got loads of homework including a 1000-or-more-word essay on ancient Rome.
"London! Hey, wait up", Chris said when the bell rang.
"Why should I? London asked but turned around anyway.
"Oh, Oh My God! I'm so sorry Chris! I totally to thank you, London said sarcastically. Chris blushed; I think he actually thought he had received a compliment.
"Well¦err¦. I was wondering if you would like to go out on Saturday? With me I mean, Chris, mumbled. Now it was London's turn-to-turn tomato red. Cassie and me just stood there, gob smacked.
" Um¦well ok. I'm not doing anything¦¦¦ call me, London said while looking at her shoes like they were the most interesting pair in the world. Unfortunately Madison overheard this (very uncomfortable) conversation and decided to add her comment:
"Get a room! I didn't mention to hear that she was the one making out with her boyfriend Danny 24/7. I didn't dare.
I came home from school that day and went straight to my room to check off the day on my Britney Spears calendar (I don't really like her except, some of her songs are cool).
I went down stairs and helped my self to a few salty crackers and a handful of mini chocolate chip cookies. Then I turned on the TV.
I was in the middle of watching some hilarious game show when Sunny walked through the door.
"Storm! I'm home! she called.
"Shhh! Be quiet! I said and pointed to the TV screen.
"Sorry. Sorry, she said and went up to her room.
The students (!) turned out to be quadruplets. There was Lauren. She was, actually looked kind of nerdy. She was wearing a plaid dress and she had glasses. Kim (short for Kimberly) was the oldest. She was a real tomboy. She was wearing a plain T-shirt and shorts. Her hair was in a ponytail. The youngest was Tasha. She was really pretty. She had a tank top and jeans on. And there was Chad! It was love at first sight (at least for me). I don't think he ever noticed me but he looked over my way then whispered something to Tasha. He was so cute; to me he was cuter than Justin Timberlake- my biggest celebrity crush. Then I saw Madison eyeing him up and down. I didn't even have a chance against her.
"Ok! Who will be the schools tour guides for these four students? Our Biology teacher asked. She chose London, Cassie and me!
"But Ms. Greene, there are four of them and three of us Cassie complained as she pointed to the quadruplets.
"That doesn't matter! she answered and then told the quadruplets where to sit. Tasha sat right next to me, and Chad right behind me (YAY!).
After class Tasha came up to me and introduced herself:
"Hi! I'm Tasha. You're Storm, right? That's such a cool name, she said.
"Thanks. I don't think so. People tease me coz of it I grinned.
"Hi girls! Chad butted in, smiling at me. I blushed.
"Hey! Chad! Com'on! Chris and Benny shouted.
"Coming! He turned and smiled at me one more time. This time Tasha noticed.
So¦ you like my brother, huh? Tasha asked when he was gone.
"NO! Well¦ yes, actually I mumbled.
"Good, she grinned.
"You'll see!
We went to meet up with the others after that.
"Do you guys want to go for a drink after school? Lauren asked with a hopeful face. I had heard later from London that she had bonded closely with Cassie.
"Ok! London, Cassie and I said at the same time.
The rest of the day passed quite quickly. I had turned bright pink every time Chad smiled at me. After school London, Cassie and I called our parents on Kim's cell phone to tell them we won't be coming straight home.
We went to the Village Café, the one fight across from the Village movie cinema. Chad, London, Kim and I had coke, Cassie and Lauren had lemonade and Tasha had soda water.
"I'm diabetic, she pointed out when she saw me staring.
"Oh, I said and didn't mention it again. I had the feeling I was more uncomfortable than she was.
Chad smiled at me a lot that day. He smiled so much that I began to be suspicious. Could it be that he likes me back?
"No way! I'm not cool enough, I told myself.
While we were drinking our cokes, lemonades and soda water, we were chatting so much that we ran out of topics to talk about. We walked home the long way- by the beach.
"See you tomorrow! Bye! the quadruplets said when we got to that point where we had to go our separate ways.
"Bye Storm! said Chad. He had this secretive smile on his face. I smiled back:
"Ooooh! my mates squealed when the quadruplets were clearly out of earshot.
I got home at around 6:30. Mum and dad weren't home but Sunny was. She was sitting on the sofa lazily watching TV like a couch potato.
"Hey you! I said nudging her so she would make space on the sofa for me.
"You're in a good mood, she pointed out.
"Really? I hadn't noticed, I said trying to pay attention to whatever rubbish (i.e. daytime TV) was blaring on TV.
"So¦what's his name? she asked.
"What makes you think there is a he? I asked trying to be serious.
"'Coz you're blushing and I do hope it's not a she! Sunny pounced on me and started tickling me.
"Stop it!! Sunny!! I shouted, "Stoooop! She didn't.
"Ok! Ok! I'll tell you. His name is Chad. Ok? I finally gave in.
"Hmmm¦ Chad who? Sunny asked curiously flexing her fingers.
"Zathen. He has three sisters. Any way it doesn't matter coz he is too cool for me
"Storm! Don't lie! Sunny screamed.
I went to my room. I took my uniform off and got into my stay-at-home clothes. I went straight to my computer. I went to my inbox, snowstorm I typed. That was my username. I had gotten two messages. One was from my cousin Stacey (ladylipgloss) and the other was from London (londonesia). Just as I had finished replying to London's email (she asked whether we were having a math's pop quiz the next day, we weren't), I was invited to go to a private chat room. I accepted. The inviter was called michealjfan.
Michealjfan: Hello? Wanna chat?
Snowstorm: Hi! Yeah, we could¦
Michealjfan: let me introduce myself: I'm 13 and a boy. I luv basketball and surfin' the net.
Snowstorm: I'm 13(lyk u) and a girl! I'm quite a girly girl (mags, make up, shopping¦.)
But I like basketball too.
Michealjfan: Sweet! Have U been to the movies l8ly? I went yesterday and watched that new Eddie Murphy flick. Seen it?
Snowstorm: Yeah, it's brilliant¦
I kept chatting to michealjfan for about 3 hours that evening. I had to sign off when mum and dad came home. I didn't want them to know- they weren't exactly ecstatic about me meeting new people on the net.
The next day I told London and Cassie about him. They just stared at me with their mouths open. I think they nearly fainted when I told them that I wouldn't go to the mall after school. They know how much I adore shopping.
Madison walked by with her best her best friends Morgan, Carla and Georgina.
"Look at those weirdoes! Madison pointed at us and sneered.
I rolled my eyes but Cassie said:
"Look who's talking.
Madison just pulled a face but quickly stopped 'cause Carla told her she would get wrinkles.
First period that day was science. Since the quadruplets were new we gad to reorganize our science partners. London got paired up with Lauren, Cassie with Tasha, and Kim with Rachel Lawtell (she was Cassie's old partner). And guess who I ended up with. Yep, that's right! Chad!
" I guess we're stuck together then, grinned Chad while we were getting ready to look under our microscopes.
"I guess, I smiled shyly. Mean while my heart was thumping like crazy.
Science was a blast. It was sooo much fun. Chad kept making jokes and making me laugh, but he still listened to everything the teacher was saying.
When the bell rang I took my time chatting to Chad. By the time we got to the class we already had to go in.
"Bye. Chad smiled casually as he went to sit with Benny and Chris.
"Bye. I said smiling. I couldn't stop thinking about Chad. I was really falling for him.
"Hey guess what! London said as we were settling into our places.
"What? Cassie asked
London blushed: " I'm going on a date tomorrow night.
"Wha-?Cassie said.
"Who with?
"Why don't we know about this? We swamped her with questions.
"Chris and coz he only called last night. London said
When I got home I was talking to michealjfan when I remembered that my mum had an magazine clipping stashed away for me (I think she thought it would help so I don't do something like going on my first date without telling her) that was all about first dates. I thought it might be useful for London so I went looking for it. Mum and Dad weren't home yet so I was able to peek around their bedroom. I went straight to the bottom drawer of mums bedside table because she told me not to ever open that drawer.
The first thing I found was I big A4 size brown envelope with the initials S.G. on them. I'm curious by nature and those letters were my initials (ok, Sunny's too) so I opened it.
In side I found a birth certificate for someone called Eva Katherine Legess. The Mother was someone called Nina and the father was unknown. There were also some adoption papers. I listed through them and didn't find anything special until I got to the last page. It was the page where the new details of the adopted child were written down. I started reading. I stopped when I saw the line where it said NEW NAME. Storm Gulliver. I began crying. I was angry, confused, shocked and a thousand other emotions at the same time.
I stuffed the papers back into the envelope, put it back into the drawer and ran back to my room. I slammed the door and started doing my homework although I couldn't concentrate. After a few minutes I gave up. I lay down on my bed and just listened to the radio.
Mum and dad came home about half an hour after that. I kept quiet. I knew I was going to bring it up. But mum was always touchy when she's cooking and dad likes to relax before dinner. Especially when he's not cooking.
While we were eating I just couldn't keep it in anymore.
" So how do you know Eva Katherine? I asked bluntly looking them both in the eye. Mum and dad looked at each other and were speechless. Even Sunny looked up.
Dad took a deep breath: " Sunny could you please finish your dinner in front of the TV?
" But there is nothing good on and I like eating at the table. Sunny said. Usually she loved watching TV while eating dinner.
" Then do your homework, darling. Mum faked a smile.
" I finished it.
How about cleaning your room, then?
"It's clean. You could tell Sunny really wanted to stay in the dining room.
" Sunny, just go to your room! Please! Dad said sternly. Sunny could take a hint. She put her last bit of potato in her mouth and left the room. I heard her footsteps stop in the hallway. She was eavesdropping.
" What do you want to know about her? Mum asked looking at her plate
" Like maybe, who is she? I said
" You know the answer to that question, otherwise you wouldn't have brought her up. Dad said
" Mark! This is not the time to be smart! Mum scolded dad then looked at me: " You used to be Eva Katherine.
"Who is this Nina lady?
"She used to work for me as an intern. She was only 18. And at the time we thought that we couldn't have children. She offered, we accepted. Mum said quietly. She had started crying.
"Why don't I know about this?
We thought you were too young. Dad said glumly.
"Too young. I said slowly. Then I accelerated to top speed: " TOO YOUNG? I'm fourteen. I'm allowed to cook. Legally allowed to look after children. Date!!! But not old enough to know you aren't my real parents! I screamed at them.
" We ARE your parents! Mum exclaimed tears rolling down her cheeks. Now dad had started crying too.
"Liars! LIARS!!! I shrieked to their faces.
I stomped of to my room passing a shocked kneeling Sunny on the way. I locked my door and just lay on my bed. My parents had tried to come in several times but I just ignored their pleas for me to open the door.
I woke up at 6:30 the following morning. Thank God it was Saturday. I didn't feel like going to school. Mum was sleeping on the couch. I guess she fell asleep waiting for me to come out of my room. I kind of felt sorry for her, I mean I don't know what I would do if I was in her situation. I got dressed and ate some breakfast. For a minute I wished it wasn't Saturday. Mum nearly always makes pancakes for breakfast on Saturdays.
It was about 8:30 when I left the house. I had looked up Nina's address in the phonebook and I knew how to get there. Only it was to far to walk and I didn't want to wait for a bus. I decided to get a cab and I took some cash from mums' wallet.
I got to Nina's house a while later; it had taken me ages to find a cab. It was nice house. Kind of traditional, though. It had a white picket fence and a beautiful garden, but the garden itself was quite modern. The door was really big and it had a big lions-head shaped knocker in the middle. I knocked on the door. I girl about 5 years old answered it.
"Hi! Is your mummy home? I asked
"Yes, she mumbled and ran to get her. I few moments later a nice but average looking woman came to the door. She looked about 32. I looked exactly like her.
"Hello. Can I help you? she asked staring at me. I think she noticed the resemblance.
"I'm looking for Nina Legess, I said politely.
"That's me, Nina said puzzlingly.
"'m Storm Gulliver, I said. Great time to not know what to say, I thought.
" What? Do I know you? she asked.
"Oh! I'm sorry I guess you don't know me by that name, I said.
"Excuse me? she asked.
" God this is going worse than I expected. I'm Eva Katherine, I finally blurted out. Nina looked like she was hit by lightning. She took a deep breath and said:
"You'd better come in then.
"I'm sorry to bother you, if this is a bad time, I can come back later I looked at her sheepishly.
" No! No, this is a good time she said hastily and practically pulled me inside, " I've been wondering if you would ever come.
" I'm sorry to keep you waiting, I said trying to loosen up the atmosphere. I was successful. Nina burst out laughing.
" This is Lara-Marie, she said looking at the little girl, " Say hi, Lara.
" Hello Lara, nice to meet you, I smiled.
"And that is my husband Trevor. Nina said pointing at a picture of a well-groomed businessman on her mantelpiece.
"What a nice house you have, I said politely but I meant it. Her house was exquisite. The living room and hall was all I had seen so far but boy, was I impressed. The hall was painted light beige with a dark mousy brown stripe throughout all the walls. The only furniture was a brass coat hanger and a small table on which were a pair of keys and a wireless phone. Right above it was full-length mirror and beside that was a dark wood chair with a light and dark beige upholstered pillow. There was also a huge family portrait on the opposite. I had stared at that photo for about 2 minutes but it seemed much longer. There they were, my mum's new family. Trevor, Nina, and Lara-Marie. I pressured myself not to cry.
I don't want to get started on the living room except I will say that dark crimson doesn't look that bad on walls and that I've never, in my whole life, seen a bigger TV set.
The kitchen was really high-tech and modern.
"Please, have a seat, she smiled. I sat on a high stool. Lara-Marie had in the meantime gone to her room to play.
" What do you want to drink? She asked opening the fridge, I have coke, orange juice, lemonade and water.
" I'll have coke, please, I said.
I nodded. I watched Nina pour two glasses of coke and put 2 cubes of ice in each. She walked over to the counter, handed me one of the drinks and sat on the other stool.
" So... how did you find out? She asked looking at her drink. I think she just didn't want to look at me because a glass of coke isn't that interesting if you ask me.
" I found the papers, I mumbled.
"Oh, yeah. Well you were going to find out soon enough.
"Huh? I looked at her puzzled.
" I asked your parents to tell you on your fifteenth birthday which is in, like 35 days, right?
"Right. I smiled.
"Do your parents know you're here? Do they know that you've found out?
"They know I've found out, but they don't know I'm here, though. I snuck out before they woke up. I said kind of ashamed. I knew they would be worried, really worried by now. Nina saw what I was feeling. Not just that I was still shocked but that I was sad angry every emotion there is all at once.
" Listen, Storm, I know how you're feeling, Nina said, finally looking me straight in the eye.
"How would you know? I exclaimed rudely. Luckily she didn't take offense.
"I found out I was adopted just before my 15th birthday as well. I actually attacked my dad! She grinned.
"You what?
"Well, I punched him in the nose.
"Oh my gosh! I yelled at them, stormed to my room and locked the door, I laughed. The atmosphere had finally loosened.
" You lucky thing. My door didn't come with a key! Nina said taking a sip of coke.
We talked quite bit after the ice broke. I told Nina about school, London and Cassie, Pepper, Sunny and life in general. She told me about her Wedding, having Lara-Marie and her twin sister Tina (she is in New York right now. Working on Wall Street).
By the time we finished talking we drank a liter of coke and it was half past one.
"I'd better go. Even though I'm angry at my parents, I don't want to worry them to death, I said taking my glass and putting it in the sink.
"Yeah, I guess you should, Nina said, "But listen, if you ever need help or just want to talk, I'm here, ok?
"Ok! I promised her. We said good-bye and I left. I didn't actually know how to get home so I thought about calling mum, but I decided not to. I tried calling London instead.
" Hey London! Are you busy? I tried not to sound desperate.
"Well, yes actually, she answered.
"Why? Did you help my help with something? Storm, I'm sorry. I'm in a hurry I need to get to the hairdressers.
"Oh yeah. Sorry I forgot. You have a date. Then go get your hair done. See you on Monday. I said in a slow drawl.
"Ok! See you! Bye she said hurriedly and hung up.
I saw a bus stop down the road and walked the 100 meters or so to it. I looked at the bus timetable. My bus wouldn't come for another 30 minutes so I just sat down and waited. I wasn't in a good mood. I had considered calling Cassie but I remembered that her mum had come home yesterday and didn't want to bother her.
I was staring at my hands, waiting for the when I heard some one say my name. I looked up. Madison.
"You know my name?
"What? she asked.
"You usually call me freak or dweeb, I pointed out.
"Oh, yeah. So why are you here? You live, like, on the other side of town. She said.
"Why do you care? I said bluntly. I admit it was a bit rude.
" Fine, geez, I was just asking, she said and started to walk away.
Then for some reason I can't even begin to understand I blurted out:
"I'm adopted!
Madison turned around. Her mouth was open.
" What? I think she thought I was joking but then she saw my tears; I was beginning to cry.
" I was adopted when I was a baby. My real mum has a 5-year-old daughter named Lara-Marie, her husband is a rich businessman and her house is extraordinary. Cassie is with her mum and London is too busy with her hair, so I can't talk to them. I can't go home, not yet! And, and I'm in love with 2 boys at the same time, I said so quickly that I had to take a breath when I was finished. Madison, in the mean time had come and sat down beside me on the once brown bench.
"Wow! she said thinking, "You've been busy lately.
I smiled weakly.
"Lets start from the top, she continued.
I basically told Madison every single thing that had happened to me in the past few weeks and how I was feeling the whole time. Only when I had finished had I realized that she hadn't once laughed at me or called me names.
I was happy when I found out that she never even fancied Chad. I was about to ask her a question but right then my bus came so I jumped up, gave her a hug (which totally surprised her) and got on the bus.
By the time I got off at my stop and walked the 10 minutes to my house it was around 3 pm. Mum opened the door.
"Storm! Oh my god, thank god you're ok! she screamed as she hugged me. Sunny and Dad came running soon enough.
"Where have you been? Dad asked then added, "We are definitely getting you a cell phone.
I told them everything, about Nina, Madison and even the bus ride home. They listened to everything and I know the regretted not telling me earlier. They wanted to keep their promise to Nina, so I don't blame them. I got pampered for the rest of the weekend. As soon as we got settled, mum made us all pancakes and then mum, Sunny and I went on a shopping spree at the biggest mall in town. After all that we rented a video and I got to choose. I slept in till noon on Sunday. It wasn't such a bad weekend after all. On Monday I had a note waiting for me on my desk. It said:
"If you want to meet me, go to the art room at lunchtime, and it was signed michealjfan!
When I got there, guess who I saw¦ Chad! We talked a bit and it turns out he really did like me from the start and we're going on a date this Saturday. Then he kissed me! Yes, right on the lips and right as Madison and her gang we're passing by. They started laughing at me straight away, but when they got a few meters away Madison turned around and winked.
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