Home Read Write Forums Blogs REALLY STRONG LANGUAGE By alpTue, 25 Oct 2005 1185 reads Strong, tough, solid, durable, Robust, sturdy, powerful, Unyielding, well-built, strapping, Heavy-duty, hard-wearing, Resilient, stout, burly, Capable, stable, mighty, Energetic, muscular; You couldn't get much stronger! 25 October 2005 Certificate PGPoemA smile through the teardropsHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
REALLY STRONG LANGUAGE By alpTue, 25 Oct 2005 1185 reads Strong, tough, solid, durable, Robust, sturdy, powerful, Unyielding, well-built, strapping, Heavy-duty, hard-wearing, Resilient, stout, burly, Capable, stable, mighty, Energetic, muscular; You couldn't get much stronger! 25 October 2005 Certificate PGPoemA smile through the teardropsHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments