Sailing Orders or dreams??
By achristop
Nelson Era Sea Story
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Under A Renegade Flag (Part Two)
UNDER A RENEGADE FLAG (Part Two) We worked through the night...and most of the next morning, bringing the whales alongside, hauling them aboard, cutting
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"A New Commission. (Part one)
"A NEW COMMISSION" (part one) A New Commission!!.....1st of December 1804! I had taken up lodgings in my old haunt of the Pirate Inn, it was a Guinea per week, for a room that was both squalid and noisy. My view of the sea was non-existent, my sleep even more so!...however, with my marriage to Rosie over, there was no alternative, other than to rough it here until the next coach and four, this was due today Tuesday at 1100. I had had plenty of time to think things over !! (Part two will follow)
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"Under a Renegade Flag" (Part One)
UNDER A RENEGADE FLAG (Part One) June the 21st 1725 AD......My family were hungry...we had bread in a small amount, but very little else!!!...I had waited until nightfall to take my light, and my trusty bow, and venture into the woods to try and illegally bag a rabbit for the pot!! I left my beautiful wife Cassie and my 15 year old daughter Clarry (short for Clarissa) cutting up woodland roots to go into a stewing pot....We would have meat tonight, I could not see them go hungry, at least, not whilst there was game in the New Forest to be had!! Poaching, if you were caught, invited severe punishments...flogging, imprisonment....loss of a limb! I would gladly suffer these, sooner than see my daughter crying with hunger again!
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A New Commission (Part Three)
A New Commission (Part Three) I stayed on deck throughout Jinks's watch, 'Carry' Carstairs had the First watch, from 8 until midnight...the evening had closed in completely, no moon, an overcast night, no star sight even! Navigation would be on Dead Reckoning only until a sun sight could give us our Latitude in the morning...we were heading for about 35
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A New Commission (Part Two)
A NEW COMMISSION (Part Two) And so "Revenge" was taken into the Navy's bosom!...from here on in it would be the real thing!....getting her to fighting state was one thing...keeping her peace or in action, something else !! Her crew had come through with flying colours, the working up was finished...we were now part of the Fleet proper....and so, had the responsibilities that went with it! Other ships would be relying upon us, their lives in our hands in time of action! And action there would be soon enough!!...reports coming from ashore, had put the number of French troops landed on the North African coast at 20,000....there would have to be a large fleet of ships to keep that number supplied!..Amongst these would be our quarry! The Admiral called all Officers to her cabin on the evening of our graduation, her introduction was comment on the day's work. "Gentlemen! I have our sailing orders in my hand! However, before I tell you what they contain...let me first reflect on today's events! I would like to express my pleasure, and my delight, that "Revenge" has been accepted into the Fleet"... "Your efforts have not gone unnoticed! After reviewing different aspects of Officers previous training I have moved some Officer's responsibilities, watch duties etc!"..."You have instilled a vast pride in the crew, and,you have instilled a large portion in me also!"..."I am proud of each and every one of you!" You may be wondering why I filled the vacant position of 1st Lt from within!-I feel that you work together as a team exceptionally well...and...the order to fill from within came from the Flag Officer himself! I had no choice in the matter, you might say...I'm glad that I didn't!"...."A team is only as good as it's lowliest member!...Remember that please gentlemen!"......"Now to other business!!...We have our sailing orders!" (She placed the oilskin package upon the mahogany table)..." Our orders are to sail at 1200 noon tomorrow, rendezvous with Indefatigable and Indigent off the Isles of Scilly, we are to proceed at best speed for Gibraltar!"...."There is news, somewhat old, that arrived in the port of Falmouth on a packet, that the Spaniards are blockading the Straits of Gibraltar with 7 ships-of-the-line...reportedly, two are of 72 guns armament!"..."If these reports are true, then I think perhaps they will be concentrating on the Westward reaches of the Straits!"...."My thoughts gentlemen, they might be looking Northwards for any reinforcements of our Fleet coming from the Home Waters!....then again the might not!....However, to try and gain a little advantage, I plan, in consultation with Indefatigable and Indigent, to take us further southwards in the Atlantic, before swinging North from further down the African Coast!"..."This might, I repeat, might, give us an advantage...the prevailing SW winds will certainly be an advantage...we can run up the coast, staying at least 50 miles offshore...then, hopefully, with the element of surprise, either come upon them from an unexpected quarter, or, slip through the Straits without being spotted...If we can do that gentlemen..the roles will have been reversed!".... ."They will then be cut off.... by us.... from their Home Ports and supplies!"..."So there we have it!...Intelligence reports are well behind time....but I'm afraid, it's all we have!".....She paused looking around at the faces around the table..."Right!...Any Questions?" I raised my hand.."Yes Number One?"...I still found it strange to be addressed thus!..."Ma'am...although we have done exceptionally well with our Guns crews during the work up period, I would like to continue excercising them during our passage South!...I would like to see the time taken.. reduced still further (To run-out...recover...reload etc and be ready to fire again was vitally important to be achieved at the fastest speed possible!!)...I would like to get the cycle to within 2 minutes!...If we can achieve that, then I would feel confident we can beat any French or Spanish ship that we meet!"..."Also, would it not be a better exercise to attack the Blockading ships regardless?..Why do we need to slip through unobserved? Surely we can do them colossal damage, the three of us!!" "Regarding your first question....Yes! continue by all means! Get that time down!.....Your second question!...We will be much more use to the main fleet off Aboukir undamaged!...Three reinforcements, in prime condition, better than risking those ships in an action that may not be necessary!"...."Any more questions?"...I looked need for further questions was written across every face!...I could see by DG's face that he was itching for the fray!!!... "Well gentlemen! If you will see to it in the morning, after sailing, that the crew are informed....then...that is all!...I bid you good night!"....."Good night Ma'am!" the voices echoed in that was it!... 14 hours and we would be at sea!!! My heart longed for the feel of the decks lifting to a real swell again!! Biscay would put that right!!!! I had the Afternoon watch on the Friday that we sailed...I still arrived on deck at 0800 to peruse the working day!...It was now my daily orders, my daily routine that the ship followed! I felt in awe of the situation, in awe of the power I now held...even the power of life and death over every man-Jack aboard!!...I had all working parties closed up for the morning cleaning routine, I quickly scanned the various decks checking that all was in order...I was now directly in charge of Garrity and his guns crews also! That was my mission this forenoon...I wanted to explain the reasons why I felt it necessary to continue drilling even after our graduation....I knew I had the power to order the exercising regardless!!...but... I really felt that this crew had so much potential, that I could learn from them, from Garrity, even his being a more junior officer, I still held his opinion in high regard! I did not know all there was to know about armaments by any would be a lesson for all of us when the time came for action!!! I didn't want that learning to be via heavy casualties! I found Garrity hard at the job already...He had the guns captains lined up around their stations, a briefing was under way...I felt I didn't want to butt in...however, I also felt that my two-pennyworth might be needed...They sat around the 32 pounders in the midships section of the Starboard Battery....young (13 to 14 yrs old) powder monkeys stood off in the distance...As I approached, men sprang to their feet, including Garry....I waved them to carry on with the words "At ease men!"....I went amongst them, sat on a powder cask, and bade the Gunnery Officer to carry on with his briefing...."....Aye Sir! As you were men!....Now where was I??....Ah! Yes!....shot gauges!....Keep these clear of the field of action...the same goes for rammers and sponges, hooks and ladles...keep them clear of the gun recoil area! If we all get used to the idea that each piece of kit has it's place...and....we all keep to those simple rules..we won't have the unfortunate incidence of crushed feet, or tripping that we had at the start of work-up!"...."I know that in the heat of battle, it may be easy to just discard a rammer... or ladle.. in the hurry to run-out...but that could be our downfall!...So!!..One!!... Keep the decks around your charge free of obstruction!...Two....I want all trunnions..and all carriage wheels greased!!....Three..I want the return tackle blocks greased!...Four!...I want all gear double checked for wear....return tackle, elevating tackle, breeching etc! when we start......I want you to bear this in mind!"...."Anything to add sir?" He looked askance at me...."Guns!..I do think perhaps it might be an idea to involve the monkeys! They should sit in on these briefings in my opinion! Their job is paramount, and knowing which way any guns crew is going to act is of paramount importance too isn't it?....What's your thoughts on it?".... "Well Sir! It's a bit unusual!! They haven't been involved before...but if you think it might help!"...."Guns I will leave it to your discretion!...But remembering that all men that come into contact with armaments in the heat of battle, must know what the other is thinking!...but I leave it to your superior knowledge of gunnery!"...."Aye Sir!....Er!...I think it could be a wise move to get them more involved!...Shall I ask them over?"...."That's for you to decide Guns! But they are part of the Gun crews too in my opinion!" "Right Lads! Let's be 'avin you!....Let's see if you can learn anything!!" The 6 powder boys from this battery, shyly doffed their caps and approached the gathered guns captains and crews!...."Beggin' yer pardon sir!...can I speak freely?" A skinny, pimpled face..a lad scarely thirteen I'd wager!!...."Of course!" Garry replied "Of course! That's why you're here!"...."Well Sir!....In the work-up period we became aware of the fact that our stock of shot for the 32 pounders was stacked on the left of the Gun carriages....would this not be better to be shifted to the right hand side of the Gun???..then there would be no need to be at the rear of the recoiling guns, fetching shot!!"....There was a moment of silence...traditionally the right hand side of a gun carriage was for the tooling required to sponge out etc....but the boy had a point!..."Would this make the reload faster Guns?" I asked....."Maybe Sir..Maybe..but it will take a little getting used to!"...."Well! Want to try it men?"....several nods, also several mutterings of "Bloody sprogs!!"....."Now with your permission Guns...I would like to outline the plan for the coming few days!"..."I would like...with your help get the timing of the reload down to below 2 minutes!".....There was an audible gasp from all in the group..."I know it will be hard work....but doing it over and over again, will , in my opinion get the drill to become second nature!"..."We need to be inside 2 minutes to have any chance against the Frenchies!...Their gunnery is second to none! But ours, I feel, can be better!"..."I leave it to you to try new methods, change things around, whatever!...But I want that time down!!....You will need to be better than survive the actions ahead!...I want to return you all to your homes, fit, able and in one piece!"...."And by being faster, better prepared and better equipped...that vision will be achieved!"...I paused, then rose "Thank you Guns!...I'll leave you to it!" "Aye Aye Sir!"...The assembled guns crews rose as one man...I waved them down..."Carry on men!"...I then went topside to leave them to it!....Put the shot on the right eh? Might be a good point!.....As I reached the deck, I could smell the salt air.....I went to the Starboad side...preparations were under way for our departure!....Merchants were carrying fresh stores up the gangway...our livestock was being brought aboard via another wider gangway rigged aft!...A mix of animals that we carried for our fresh supply of meat...our hens for eggs...piglets..all were being loaded via the gangway aft...a continuous cycle of dock workers, coming up one gangway and returning via the other!....Water casks were being manhandled across the decks, barrels of salt beef jerky,salted pork....enough stores to last us until Gibraltar!!! At 1150, a pilot cutter approached us, containing our guide through the treacherous inshore waters...our boats were unshipped and lowered....the four cables through the for'ard fairleads were laid...two boats on each side were ready to pull us off and out into the channel until we could catch the 12 noon precisely, we singled up, then let go for'ard...let go aft....and, slowly at first we moved off the berth...I could hear the boats crews being stroked..."And One....and Two....and Three.....And pull!!!" picking up their timing from a drum beat in the starboard boat!...Gradually our head swung to seaward....The quayside diminishing at our stern!...I looked aloft....topmen were setting the tops'ls...they began to flap languidly in the slight NW breeze.....I felt the familiar lifting of the deck beneath my feet, as REVENGE gathered her skirts, and lifted her eyes to the horizon!!! The movement, so beloved of seamen everywhere...was a sign of HOME! .....And..... home was the sea!!! ." . She lifted her nose and rhythmically moved with the long low swell...about a mile off-shore, the wind began to pick up, we were out of the lee of the land, and, the fitful gusts that had flapped the main, were now puffing in a steady breeze!.....Bosun's mate?..Pipe the carry on!"... The pilot shouted the order
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A New Commission (Part 5)
A New Commission (Part 5) As we came alongside the Spanish ship, more of her crew were shouting, and, in typical Latino style, gesturing manically!!!
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A New Commission (Part Four)
A New Commission (Part Four) I was aware of light...I was aware of sound....I was aware of pain!! I fought for consciousness, I could hear voices, unintelligible! I was lying on something hard, wood? Iron?....where was I? I tried to lift my head...pain shot through from my neck to my eyes!!! "He's Coming to Sir!!"...The voice was close at hand...the voice I knew...the voice of???.....HARRINGTON!!! Our Sick Bay Attendant! Our Surgeon's helper!! I WAS IN THE SICK QUARTERS!!!
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Under a Renegade Flag (Part Three)
UNDER A RENEGADE FLAG (Part Three) I went to my "mick" that night full of mixed emotions! Pleasure and anxiety, satiation and contentment....there were
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Under a Renegade Flag (Part Four)
....Her orgasm ripped through her......
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