A New Commission (Part Three)
By achristop
- 559 reads
A New Commission (Part Three)
I stayed on deck throughout Jinks's watch, 'Carry' Carstairs had the
First watch, from 8 until midnight...the evening had closed in
completely, no moon, an overcast night, no star sight even!
Navigation would be on Dead Reckoning only until a sun sight could
give us our Latitude in the morning...we were heading for about 35
degrees North, so it wasn't that important for a few days yet, but
all ship's navigators like to know exactly where they are at any
given time....no moon, no stars and no sun means we are Navigating
only by DR...this doesn't allow for winds and tides, so these have
to be catered for....our course of 225 Degrees was paramount....I
watched as the helmsman followed our swinging compass, Revenge was
flying along, running free before the wind....the ship's log,
streamed from astern, was showing 15 knots...a cracking pace!
I was due to take the Middle watch from Carstairs, but couldn't get
the thought of the strange sail from my mind....so, it being a dry
night, I donned my jacket, and stayed on deck!....It was as black as
pitch...no light showed astern either, where Indefat and Indigent
followed a cables length astern, 1000 yards was not a great
distance, but I could see no wash from Indigent's bow wave, she was
following of that I was sure, using a bowman to keep a lookout for
the distance cable we towed astern, this consisted of a small wooden
device trailed astern, the other ship could then keep station on us,
by following it's splashing ahead...it also gave a true reading of
distance between us! Indigent would also be streaming her own!
Keeping close distance under sail was very tricky, some might think,
nigh impossible...but to a highly trained crew it could be done! But
this was in the darkness!!!
I was pacing the deck, going from stem to stern...peering ahead,
looking astern to see if I could spot our escorts....Then!! at 2130
or thereabouts, the cloud cover broke, and , the half moon showed
it's face...I ran to the stern...and there, following like a
faithful puppy, lay Indigent, a little more than a cable away, but
there all the same...and on course too!! I was impressed, as was
'Carry' Carstairs!
"She's keeping station well Darbs isn't she?"
"She certainly is!...And in pitch darkness too!"
"Excellent job if you ask me! My eyes are sore from staring
ahead...and we've no one to follow, or hit!!"
I laughed at his attempt at humour! It was a tiring experience, but
desperately needed, if indeed that had been a sail!...the watch
passed slowly, I went below to get some sleep before taking over at
midnight!...I was awoken before then by the drum roll of "Beat to
quarters!"....In time with the beating drums, men were tumbling from
hammocks, slung in every available space, from beds made-up on
tables, under tables and on the deck itself....I slipped on breeches
and my jacket and ran up the companionway to the upper deck....
I was at the wheel in seconds..."What's the word 'Carry'??"
"Frobisher's in the foretops...thinks we have a light, fine on our
Port Bow!...I've sent Miller up to have a look also! I hope Indigent
has heard us beat to quarters!"
"Right!! What did he think the light was? Any ideas?"
"Not even sure he saw it for real...spied it out of the corner of
his eye I think!"
"Very often a reliable place to see things from Carry...what say
Lights at sea, at night, can often be verified by turning slightly
away, and the image will become clearer in the periphery!
We waited, and we waited, I heard distant drum rolls!!! Our escorts
were also beating to quarters!......Nothing! Just the creak of ropes
under strain, the slap of a loose flap of canvas, the sluicing of
water along our sides...Nothing!
"Pass the word quietly 'Carry'...Run out the Port battery on the
Upper Gun Deck if you please!"
"Aye Sir!"...He muttered to the Bosun nearby...who slipped away to
pass the word to the Gun Decks!
"Come right to course 235! No point in pre warning them if there is
a ship out there! And...if we can pass without being seen, so much
"Deck There!!"...."Lights Sir! Dead ahead!! About 6 or 7 miles! A
definite light Sir! Looks like it could be 3 close together!"
Three close together could mean only one thing...it was one ship!!
And we were probably dead astern of her..These would be her 3
sternc'stle lights, shipped one on each side, the other in the
"Pass the word aloft!! Break out the Royals!"...Carstairs was on the
mark! We would try and overhaul them if need be! but swiftly avoid
them if possible!
A breathless Captain appeared at my elbow, 'Carry' having passed the
word below that we had a light in sight!..."Where away Carstairs?"
"She's dead ahead Captain Sir...about 6 to 7 miles distant!"
"I've told the Admiral...she has ordered we avoid detection at all
costs Number One!"
"Then with respect Sir...I think we need to come more to Starboard
than the course we're on now?"
"I do too Number One! Carstairs!! Come right 20 degrees! Can
Indigent see us do you think?"
"Aye sir! As long as there's a moon!"
"Right! Then make it so!"
"Helmsman! Come right 20 degrees! make your course 255 degrees!"
The order was immediately repeated from the helmsman...I sped astern
to see if Indigent followed our course adjustment.....I
waited....waited...then slowly, I could make her out, following
dutifully around behind us! Well done lads!!
As we swung away, men were busy trimming sail...I could see now the
lights were off our Port bow...about 5 miles distant! 3 distinct
clear lights...I turned to speak to the Captain about the need for
silence...when.....on the breeze I could hear the definite drum
beats of a ship beating to quarters!!
"They've spotted us Sir!!" Carstairs shouted..."Bosun!! Light us
Within the minute lights appeared all round, swiftly followed by the
lights on Indigent and Indefatigabe! That would shake them!! If they
thought there was only one of us! Now they would know there were
Following the sound of the beating to quarters on the "enemy"
ship...we had lighted the ship up, quickly followed by Indigent &
Indefatigable!..we were now about 4 miles from the other ship,
approaching on her Starboard side...I looked astern...Indigent was
reading the situation well, and had paid off to come up on the
stranger's Port side...with Indefat.coming up astern..there really
was nowhere for the other ship to run! We could outpace her, and out
gun her....!
"Mr Carstairs!! Let's put a shot across her bows if you please!"
"Aye Sir!" Carstairs replied..."Mr Garrity! One shot! 25 yards ahead
of her if you please!"
"One shot! Aye Aye Sir!" I looked at the chronometer, interesting to
watch the time!
I heard the order passed along the Gun deck..."Fire at will Mr
"Aye Sir!"......Number 3 gun....one shot across her bow!..... FIRE!"
BOOM....smoke billowed up over our Port side...the ship momentarily
shook as the recoil was felt!.....I held the glass to my eye,
awaiting the fall of shot!....there it was!...and accurate too! A
Huge waterspout told where the shot had fallen....about 20 yards in
front by the looks of the whiteness of the disturbed water!
Difficult to tell in the darkness!....I was listenening to the
gunners in the gun deck....."Full battery ready sir!" Upper Gun
Wow! That was fast 34 seconds! That would take some beating!!! I
felt a swell of pride in my chest! That was good!!
"Way coming off her sir!!!"
I peered through the glass...God it was dark! But no return of fire!
And...she was slowing! Maybe an easy prize! I thought of whom to
send back to Portsmouth as a Prize Crew...Perhaps Jenkins and 10
"Definintely slowing Sir! I think she's taking in sail!" Frobisher
still had Miller as his second pair of eyes...and it was Miller
calling from aloft now!
I raised the glass...I could very dimly make out that, indeed, where
the white shadow of her mains'l would have been, there was now only
a triangle of pale whiteness...perhaps one topmen's crew were faster
than the other...so! She was stopping!
I looked to her Port side, but could not see Indigent, I could only
see Indefatigable by looking peripherally!
"Stand by to run down her Port Side...then we'll come about and
cross her bows! Meanwhile...slack out the sheets! Take the way off
her!" Carstairs was enjoying the moment! I was reluctant to tell him
that it was 21 minutes after midnight...it was now my watch!
But...let him have his moment!!!
"She's Stopping Sir! Way coming off altogether...she's taking in
canvas!...Looks like she's keeping her fores'l and mizzen set!"
"Thank you Miller! Well spotted!"
We were now running down the stranger's Port side....she was
certainly a beautiful ship! I could now see her quite plainly in the
moonlight...It looked like Black, Green and Gold paintwork...might
just be a Spaniard!
"Marines to the Foretops Mr Bounsall!"
The Marine Colour Sergeant rushed his men into the rigging...just in
case there was small arms fire, 'Carry' was taking no
chances!!....we were now in musket range!!!
We reached ahead of her, she had slowed to a snail pace...her
fores'l and mizzen keeping her head into the wind....."Stand by to
come about!"....."Gybe!!"....The wheel went over, as halyards and
stays were let out and hauled in....sail on yards swung across
bringing the ship onto a course to cross her bows!....Then!!! I
could see on her fores'l the unmistakable red cross of a Portugese
National!!....Carstairs and the Captain had seen it also..."She's
Portugese Sir!"
"Very Good! Number One! Prepare a boarding party if you please!"
"Aye Aye Sir!" The words were barely out of my mouth, when Miller
shouted.."Deck there! she's lowering a Jacob's ladder sir! Starboard
"Very Good Miller!! The Captain was everywhere...totally in control
of the situation...I looked askance of Carstairs (He was now a good
three quarters of an hour over his relief time!)..He nodded , and I
doubled away aft to raise a boarding party!
The cutter was being lowered over the side when I returned with an
armed party.....We were now nearly round onto her Port side...our
way had come off too as we lessened sail...still nothing from the
other ship!
Suddenly I heard the Captain's voice through a hailer...a carded
tube shaped like a cone.."What ship are you?"....No answer!
Our boat hit the water...."Right over you go men!!" The party
clambered over the gunwhale, and, in true Naval fashion, shimmied
down the rope one after another...now it was my turn...I jumped onto
the gunwhale, grabbed the falls rope and lowered myself, hand over
hand to the waiting boat!...."Fend off! Out oars! Give way
As I gave the order, I dropped an oar over the stern to act as a
rudder...I steered her along the stranger's Port side and under her
counter...I looked up at her name...In beautiful Gold script was the
name.... "SANTO CHRISTABEL"...She was definitely Portugese...and
Portugal was a great ally of England and the Royal Navy!....I
shouted her name across the water to Revenge, now less the 20 yards
off......"Her name is Santo Christabel Captain Sir!" I couldn't hear
the reply...so I didn't know if he had heard me or not!! Just then a
voice from above spoke....I didn't understand Portugese at all...all
I could think of was to stay silent!....The Jacob's Ladder was
dangling over the side amidships...."Give way gently lads!...We'll
come up under the ladder!"....."Steady! Ship oars!!"...The oars were
shipped...and the boat glided to the ladder hanging limply over the
side.....Should I go up? Or wait to.......
"Ello! Eest Capitaine!!! Velcum an bort...You make on bort no?"
I looked aloft....a Portly man in green and white uniform stood in
the Bulkhead gate looking down on me!
"Capitaine DIAG PATTERO, His Majest' Naafy Di Portugese!"
I whispered to the Leading Seaman....wait for me!...if I'm not back
or make contact in 10 minutes...pull like mad for Revenge!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
I leapt for the ladder....the last rung of which hung above my
head...Then, with a great deal of awkward swinging and splayed legs,
managed to pull myself high enough to get a foothold on the bottom
rung! I climbed to the gate...stepped through the bulkhead, saluted
the portly gentleman...and the assembled officers..."Lieutenant
Commander Christopher Allen! His Britannic Majesty's ship Revenge!"
I doffed my cap and bowed low in a sweeping bow!....this was
returned by a bow from the officers and a "hands by the side" bow
from the Captain..."Eet is ver' plesser Sir! Vee arrr Santo
Christabel...Vee maka patrolleen von Oporto to Funchal!! Stoppa
Franka sheep un Dam Spin sheep!"
I took it he meant patrolling from Oporto to Funchal in
Madiera..stopping and searching French and Spanish ships, if they
were encountered! Although Portugal was neutral...they prized their
age old alliance with England!
"Eest my plesser to meet dee Capitaine plees?"..."You feeks plees!"
"Very good Captain!" I saluted and turned to the bulkhead
gate...stepped onto the edge, looked down to the boat crew..."Fetch
the Captain and the Admiral across if you will Coombs! Tell them
Capitaine Diaga Pattero requests the pleasure of their company
aboard His Portugese Majesty's ship Santo Christabel!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"..I turned as the orders to give way were shouted, the
cutter returning to Revenge!
"Lootenent! You vill eat us too plees?"
"Delighted Captaine Pattero! Delighted!"....I shook our ally's
proffered hand...he smiled warmly, and bade me sit in a chair that
had been hastily brought up from below! It was comical....but I
daren't smile and offend our host!! Portugal was an important
ally....beside being one of the best wine producers in the
world.....and..I am led to believe, a connoiseur of fine seafood,
renowned the world over! 'Twould be a lively night!!!!
The next 2 hours were spent in the jovial company of our host,
Capitaine Pattero! Mysteriously, the Admiral and our host
disappeared for a while during our rather boisterous partying, I
wondered exactly why???We were all wined, dined and mainly sloshed
when it came time for us to depart! The Indefat and Indigent were
casting jealous eyes in our direction for certain! it would not pay
to keep them waiting any longer!
As I rose unsteadily to my feet, Capitaine Pattero called to his
steward in his own language...the steward doubled away...only to
return within a few minutes, with two others, with a large wooden
crate carried between them! "Admeeril....vill you plees take for
times of old sake? And...ven u trink ...plees tink of Capitaine
Pattero?" He passed over a full wooden crate, of 24 bottles of
Oporto Reserve...a truly beautiful red Port wine!!!
"It will be a pleasure Capitaine! And May I express, on behalf of
His Britannic Majesty, our grateful thanks for your hospitality!! I
trust you will join US on another occassion, should we meet up
I noted with a wry smile that the Admiral was also slurring her
speech slightly, and was also a little unsteady on her feet! We made
our way, somewhat sadly, onto the upper deck (The Portugese had been
magnificent hosts! Maybe we would meet again somewhere!) We said our
goodbyes, with much hand-shaking, and somewhat embarrassingly,
kissing and hugging, amid farewell cries of " God Blis England"
..."God seeve the Keeng!"...Eventually we managed to break away, and
the boat bumped alongside, we were then able to take our
leave!....The Capitaine and his Officers stood until the darkness
swallowed us up...still waving and smiling!!
On stepping aboard Revenge...the Admiral called us
together..."Number One! I will see all Officers on watch, in my
cabin in a few minutes if you please?"
"Very well ma'am!"...I turned and sent the bosun's mate below to
check who was on watch and who was turned in! It turned out that
only Derry and Jenkin were on watch...so we headed for the Admiral's
cabin in rather depleted numbers! I knocked, and was bade "Enter!"
"Gentlemen, I have called you together, and you can pass on to
others and reliefs, to give you some news imparted to me by
Capitaine Pattero of the Portugese ship!!...He has just come from
the Cabo Verde islands a week ago! He informs me that on passage, he
came across, and had discourse with, a Spanish Triple deck,
Ship-of-the-line....He thinks she may have been a 72 gunner...called
the "El Diablo"...He gathered during his discussions by loud hailer,
that she was part of the blockading fleet, guarding the gates to the
Mediterranean!....But gentlemen!!! The worrying part is...she was
SOUTH of the Port of Tangier!...He saw no other vessels in the
vicinity...but... as you can appreciate, this makes our approach
from the south, even more dangerous!! If they have ships strung
right across the Straits......" She left the rest unsaid!..But we
knew exactly what problem she was highlighting! We could run into
the Spaniards anywhere...we had hoped they might be looking
Northwards, towards England, for any possible reinforcing
fleet...however, if this "El Diablo" was in the position Capt
Pattero had indicated...then we might well run into the full fleet,
even from the south!!!
There was however, nothing to be done but get under way and carry on
as intended!! When the quick meeting was over...I rushed on deck to
take the watch back from a hastily mustered Coxswain Jameson! By
loud hailer I briefed Indefat and Indigent on the resumption of
course...and called for "Topmen aloft!!!" and "Set sail!!"
"Course SSW a point West! helmsman!"
"SSW a Point West! Aye Aye Sir!"
Revenge started to make way, and slowly, as canvas was spread,
gathered speed! Indefat and Indigent followed astern...it was now
nearly 4am...time for me to be relieved!..."Guns" Garrity was my
relief....I was looking forward to getting my head down for a few
hours of well deserved kip!! I was suddenly aware of the Gunnery
Officer at my side..."Wind's pickin' up Darbs!!"....It was a
statement of fact, and , until now, I had not noticed that, indeed,
the wind had picked up to quite a breeze from the South West...good
for us! A brisk passage if it rose to a force 6 or 7!! ...."Smells a
little damp to me Number One! What say you?"...What could I say to
that....it was bound to be damp...it was coming over water for
heaven's sake!!....I replied with "I hadn't noticed Guns!"...."Bit
of a blow coming Sir I think!".....A Blow???...That would mean we
would have to scatter the escorts to ride it out on their
own...but...maybe he was wrong!!!
"You think we're in for a blow guns??"
"I think so sir!!...But we are in the right area for it aren't we?"
He was referring to the Bay of Biscay...that well known nemesis for
mariners throughout the ages......We were roughly in the same area!!
Ah well! Let's hoped the Admiral had recovered the use of her legs
by the time it was upon us!! If...it was upon us!!!!
I went below to get my head down! I was extremely tired after our
carousing with the Portugese crew!...As I stumbled below, I thought
suddenly of Malta! A shiver of anticipation ran through me.. I was
feeling quite anxious about what had transpired there...what I would
find upon my return there! And...what about Petra? My beautiful sea
siren!!...Avoiding DG's snores, I stripped and climbed into my
bunk...I reached below my pillow and removed the little package that
had accompanied the letter from the Court!....I lifted out the
little lock of black hair...I could smell her fragrance...I raised
it to my face, breathed deep the essence of her!! My beautiful
Petra! I tenderly tucked the lock of hair back into it's housing!
Placed it back under my pillow, and, with a sigh of frustration, lay
my head upon my pillow, and slept!
I was awoken with a start! The ship's movement was becoming more
violent! My head had knocked against the head of the bunk!!....As I
lay there, I could feel myself sliding to and fro in time with the
movement of the ship!! She was also ranging, causing us to roll
quite violently...I didn't know what time it was...DG was still fast
asleep, snoring like the proverbial bullock!!!! I turned over in
frustration, why did I have to wake?? I had only been asleep a short
time...I tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable...DG's snoring
wasn't a help either!!!....After trying for half an hour...I decided
enough was enough...I left David to his slumbers...climbed into my
clothes, and set off for the upper deck...on the way, I found my
balance being challenged quite audaciously!...I had to hang on
anything I could as the ship's movement threw me from side to side
in my passage!
I eventually arrived on deck...it was blowing a "hoolie"....I
stumbled to the stern ladders, then up to the steering platform,
there I found Garrity and the helmsman, both hanging onto the wheel,
fighting to hold her on course....dawn was just breaking, the sky
was an angry grey/black..another half hour would give us full
daylight...but the signs were ominous!!! I peered astern, and saw
the escort ships fighting to stay on course...I watched as Indigent
raised up on a crest....just before plunging back down into the
trough of the swell, I could look right back under her
keel....."Garry!....I think it would be wise to scatter the escort
don't you? Don't want any accidents trying to stay on station do
"I have sent word below to the Captain to ask if I should scatter
them Darbs! No reply as yet!"
"I see! Well I'll take full responsibility Garry! YEOMAN!!!!"
The Yeoman came bustling to my side...."Make to the
escorts...."Break off and proceed independently" if you will!"
"Aye Sir! Break off and proceed independently! Aye Aye Sir!"
He bustled away... a few moments later I heard him giving the orders
to the signalman on watch..."Hoist...pennant 2....S...Y..M!"...The
next minute the bunting went soaring up to the truck....."Hoist
standby pennant!"......I fetched the glass and watched as both
escort ships answered the signal....."Letter R from both sir!"
"Very well Yeo....EXECUTE!"
I looked aloft and saw the signal run down....followed swiftly by
the standby pennant....I looked astern again...both ships were
falling off and swinging independently to Starboard.....I breathed a
sigh of relief....they would be much more comfortable acting on
their own until the blow was over...I heard Garry calling orders
aloft for sail to be taken in! Hands leapt into the shrouds, nimbly
climbing to the yards...Revenge was heeling over until her decks
were awash....and then lifting on the crest of each wave...to drop
away into the trough with a slamming, bone jarring lurch....burying
her head into the seas, shaking off the tons of water as she lifted
clear again, to rise on the next one....to repeat the procedure over
again.....we were also being thrown about by a vicious cross
sea....tides and wind opposing one another didn't help!!!
"Look lively lads!! Get the damned sail off her! Or Davy Jones will
be 'avin guests!"...."Let's get some of this deck-gear lashed down
and stowed!!!"
The bosun had appeared on deck, having only had a couple of hours
sleep also!! Gradually, sail was taken in a furled, though how the
top-men kept their footing I did not know!! The wind was picking up
all the time! I estimated it was now about a force 8 gale....maybe a
severe gale force 9!!...Timbers, yards, masts...all were creaking
and groaning under the strain....."Keep your Mizzen set!!...We'll
need all the help we can get to keep her head to the wind!!" Garrity
had full control of the situation I knew.....The sky was really
turning ugly now....a very dark indigo colour...I could see only a
short distance to the fore.....I raised the glass...a sheet of rain
was approaching, cutting off all visibility!....I ran to fetch some
waterproof waxed clothing...the deck dropped suddenly away from
under me, and, along with the Helmsman, the Bosun, Garrity and 2
watchkeepers, I arrived in a jumble of arms and legs in the
Starboard scuppers! My bones hurt where I had slammed into the
bitts!!....Our wheel was spinning in a blur,nobody at the
helm....The helmsman lay groaning on the deck under the main mast
footing!!! I lurched to my feet, I made to run to the wheel, I had
taken 2 paces when.....Boom!!! We buried our head into the next
wave, I thought she was never going to shake herself free! With a
juddering, creaking groan, Revenge shook off the deluge and lifted
her head clear....We couldn't afford to broach and be beam onto this
kind of sea!!!....I waited until I thought she had lifted to just
below the top of the next breaker and made a dash for the
helm!!!......Just as I was about to grab the spinning spokes of the
double wheel.....Revenge decided to slip into the next trough beam
on!!!!She rolled right over on her Port side....held there for a
split second....then righted herself...hung suspended....then with a
crash, rolled to Starboard!!!...I was hurled across the decks and
fetched up in the same scuppers I had just left!!! Pain racked my
body....I looked up....millions of sparks crossed my vision...I
suddenly felt warm wetness on my face.....I lifted my
head...everything swam around in my vision......my eyes seemed to
have blinkers alongside them.....then............. the blackness
engulfed me!!!
I groaned as I came from the depths to semi-consciousness!..I hurt
in every part of my body!...I tried to open my eyes..they were full
of grit it seemed...and just the brightness hurt!!...I tried to sit
up...I had been lying on my side, my arm twisted underneath my
chest, I tasted the coppery taste of blood in my mouth...I had to
move! I tried again to sit up.."Steady Sir...You've got a nasty cut
on the head!"....Who was that? I tried to open my eyes to see...the
pain shot through my head like a hot needle!...Suddenly...my whole
world turned upside down, my head banged against something solid, I
yelled in pain...all I got for my pains was a deluge of salt water,
I swallowed fighting to breathe! What was happening? Memory came
flooding back!...I struggled to a sitting position, biting my lip
against the pain, which shot through my body! I opened my eyes a
little...I couldn't open them fully!!!! I raised my hand, felt my
eyes...they were coated in congealed blood, the wash of sea water
hit me again...I took time to rub my eyes with some of
it...and....was at last able to look around me....A Top-man,
Griffin, was struggling with the wheel...all around me lay men, some
conscious, some not....the bulwark had protected us!...But we were
lucky not to have been washed overboard!
I saw Dave Garrity, conscious, but unable to move....the Surgeon
would be needed to see to his leg...it was twisted at a very oblique
angle...I thought it must be broken! "Lie still Darby! You've got a
bad cut on the back of your head!" "You look after yourself David!
You don't look so bright!"....I fought to get control of my
body...and....with a great deal of effort, managed to clamber to my
feet....I looked over to our Starboard side....mountainous seas were
pummeling us....we were almost beam on again...shipping huge amounts
of water...so much so that I could feel we were lower in the
water!!...It was finding it's way below decks, down into the messes,
from there into the bilges! I needed to get men on the pumps!!
Using a piece of broken livestock crate timber as a prop, I managed
to stagger forward, unsteadily, I was just able to put one foot
before the other, I felt that I had broken some ribs...my left foot
hurt like blazes!...I managed 5 or 6 paces before the pain made me
stop!! There was a sudden flurry of activity...the crew from below
had come on deck to assist! Knowing we should not be beam on in this
sea...they had quickly gathered, and, waiting their chance, had come
on deck and were trying to take over from the injured watchkeepers!!
I looked aloft!..Pain stabbed my head! Thank God we had taken in
sail...."Bring her head back into the wind Griffin! Doesn't matter
about a course! Just keep her head to the wind!!" Aft the Mizzen was
flapping, trying to hold us to the wind...."Bosun!
BOSUN!!!!"...."Bosun's injured Sir!! Over there in the scuppers!...I
looked, and sure enough, the Bosun was lying in the scuppers,
bloodied water running around him, unmoving!
Running feet and curses, anounced the arrival of the SBA
Harrington!.."Do what you can for the Bosun first Harry!"
"Aye Aye Sir!" He ran across the deck, managed a few paces before
being deluged in a fresh, slamming torrent of water shipped aboard!
It flooded across the deck and washed me off my feet! I cried in
agony as I once again hit the deck! I choked on the water, fighting
to stop it penetrating my lungs!!...eventually...I sat up, Griffin
was fighting the wheel, trying desperately to bring the ship back
into the seas, we were fighting a losing battle.....The only answer
was a sea anchor or drogue, shipped from the bow..it would fill,
then hold us head into the wind! I rose and shouted the order to a
mix of crew members struggling to lash the wheel....."When you've
got it lashed....stream a sea anchor! We've got to get her head
"Jones! Richards!! Get for'ard and stream a drogue! Make it from
whatever you can find!.... A couple of hammocks lashed together will
do!!!...."Look lively now!" The 2 crewmen ran for the for'ard
companionway...the lurching of Revenge making it a perilous
The seas were about 30 or 40 feet high....crashing aboard us on our
Starboard side....the sluggish way she was responding told it's own
tale!! We had shipped tons and tons of water.....We desperately
needed the drogue to be streamed, without it we were in deadly
danger! I looked for'ard, couldn't see any action going on!....I
limped to the ladder, every step was agony...somehow I climbed the
few steps onto the Fo'c'sle....I could see 3 hands, struggling to
keep their feet, between them was a heavy 7" manila being fed
through the fairleads...4 hammocks had been quickly tied together
through the eyelets....our "Drogue" resembled a large canvas bucket
6ft by 6ft square at the neck and gathered at the base!...."Get it
in the water! Quickly now!"
Revenge took a sudden lurch to Port as Griffin and his gang managed
at last to bring her head round, now she was trying to swing the
other way!!!
God Damn it!!......She suddenly buried her head under water...I
could feel her sluggish response...but valiantly, she shuddered her
way up...shaking off tons of water....Now I could hear the clanking
of the pumps!!!!!....we would need to shift some weight aft...then
her head would come up!!
"Drogue Away Sir!!"....."Excellent men!" Well done!"...."There'll be
double grog ration all round after we get her safely riding it
out!"....I saw the smiles! They were a good crew! An excellent crew!
We would get her into trim!! A sudden bolt of pain hit me in the
head! I staggered! I fell to my knees, grabbing hold of a stanchion
as I felt my world slipping away!!!!!!....I heard myself shout, from
a huge distance away it seemed, my voice echoing...."Shift weight
aft! Shift weight aft!"....then, once again....the blinkers....and
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