A New Commission (Part 5)
By achristop
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A New Commission (Part 5)
As we came alongside the Spanish ship, more of her crew were
shouting, and, in typical Latino style, gesturing manically!!!
"Standby boarding party! Mr Bunt! Have your marines drop into the
lower shrouds! Let's have those muskets looking right down their
"Aye Sir! 'Twil be done Sir!" His dour Scottish brogue, belied a
very humourous nature!"... . "I've a job stopping them as it is
Grappling irons flew across the gap as we hooked on! She was badly
mauled, but in no immediate danger of sinking....Where was the
Spanish bravado we had seen so much of?? Heard so much of??...These
guys were jumping ship faster than fleas off a dog!!
"Be wary Mr Carstairs...Let me lead the way!"
"Ahem!!! I think, Number One, that is my decision!"
"Aye Ma'am! It most certainly is...however, I thought you might like
to remain on Revenge whilst we investigate her!!..I was going to
have her Captain sent over to you!!!"
"Well! You thought wrongly Mr Allen!!!....I too wish to partake of
some of the Spanish hospitality!!"
"Very Well Ma'am!...Bosun!! Take 6 and search below decks when we go
across...then round up any officers!!! The rest...you can help
abandon ship!!"
"Aye Aye Sir!" The pleasurable look in the bosun's eye told of his
anticipation in following that order!!!
"After me Revengers!!!!" With a cry akin to a Boudicca Queen, the
Admiral swung her booted legs up onto the Gunwhales, crossed over
and landed, legs akimbo, left hand on hip...right hand swinging a
cutlass, on the opposing deck!!! ...She gibbered in some kind of
language I took to be Spanish...something like "Questa
Capitaine?"....then a flurry of Spanish was hurled at the shocked
crew members....surprised to be taken by a lone ship...but a ship
skippered by a woman!!!...that really shocked them!!
Men were still leaping overboard...it was becoming a struggle to
find anyone left on the deck...then a poor hapless seaman appeared
at the after accommodation doorway...."Seize that man Bosun! Bring
him over to the mainmast footing and lash him to it! We will find
out where our "Capitaine" is!!"
The man was duly grabbed and quickly lashed to the stump of her
mainmast...the Admiral drew her dirk from its sheath....walked
purposefully toward the man...lowered her dirk point to his breeches
front, and repeated her question...there was no reply...the bosun
stepped forward..."Steady Bosun!!!....."Senor!!...Questa
Capitaine".." I had never heard much of the Spanish language, and it
sounded like our Lady was rather fluent!!!
Our captive gibbered in his native language, then spat on the deck
beside the Admiral's boot....Not a wise decision!!!!
"Bosun!!! Undo the breeches if you please!
"Aye Aye Ma'am!"....with a look of glee, Newcombe stepped forward,
and cut the drawstring of the sailor's breeches!! The clothing
dropped to the deck!!! "Our friend is making a fuss about nothing by
the looks of it Bosun!!".....The hapless fellow's fear shrivelled
organ, now plainly in sight, became the focus of attention as slowly
the Admiral lowered the point of her dirk until it rested on the
organ's tip!!...." Senor!!! Questa Capitaine?"....a sudden flick of
the wrist, blood dripped to the deck, the seaman spouted a flurry of
Spanish......"Grazia! Senor! Grazia!"
"The Captain is holed up in the lower gun room Bosun!...Take 6 men
and round him up....if need be set fire to the door! that'll bring
'em out!!"
"Aye Ma'am!" The bosun selected "You, you and you.." Six men and
they disappeared aft!.....The Admiral sheathed her dirk....withdrew
her cutlass from her scabbard...then in a lightning quick double
strike, sliced through the ropes at the sailor's wrists! but,
equally as quickly the point of her cutlass was at his belly!!!!
"Promenada!!"....I supposed she meant walk....he stepped away from
the mast foot, and, slowly walked to the Starboard side, with the
Admiral's weapon at his back...she prodded him up onto the
gunwhale...then tipped him off balance, and with a choking cry, he
disappeared over the side!
"Now to business Number One!...Let's run through the ship, see
what's aboard...then we'll question our Capitaine a little!
Poor fellow I thought!!!!......
A sudden commotion aft...I looked to the after castle....our rummage
crew were running from the hatchway with a "Gold braided" character
in tow...green breeches, ruffled collar shirt with lace sleeves!!! A
real 'Dandy'...Our Capitaine no doubt!!!
"Well Capitaine!...On behalf of His Britannic......!" She got no
"Run for it Admiral Ma'am, Number One!!! They've set charges below
in the gun decks...not much left of the fuses!"
A quick flurry of activity as word was carried to Revenge to cast
off!!!....We dragged the unfortunate Captain across the gunwhales in
a rather painful manner, all hell broke loose on the deck of Revenge
once they knew the enemy was a time bomb!!! The gap was widening as
I jumped across...looked back ...and the Admiral was struggling with
the Spanish Captain, alone on the gunwhale, balance precariously on
the edge...the yawning chasm of sea widening as the two ships leapt
"Jump Ma'am!!...Jump!!!!"
I drew my loaded pistol from my waist....pointed the barrel at the
Capitaine's knee and pulled the trigger!....A scream of pain, and he
collapsed, dropped from the gunwhale into the sea, the Admiral
quickly followed, ropes were thrown over the side from Revenge...the
Admiral quickly swam to one, tied it round herself...then swam for
the other and tied it off around our captive!.....they were quickly
hauled in....As the Admiral emerged dripping over the side....she
looked at me, a small smile tugged at the corners of her
mouth...."Very persuasive Number One!! I thank you!"
50 yards!!!.....60 yards!!!....C'mon!!! C'mon!!! the wind wasn't
enough to carry us away any quicker!!!!
"Bosun???? how long did those fuses have left to burn???"
"Should have gon.........!" He didn't finish!! A massive explosion
shook Revenge....our vision was blinded by an almighty
flash...repeated all along the 'Midships section of the Spaniard!!!
As my eyes fought to adjust, and my ears too....I was showered with
debris, timber, canvas, steel and pieces of human!!!....GOD!!!!
I surfaced from the depths of bedlam, I had actually seen the body
of a Spanish seaman thrown higher than our 170 ft Main mast by the
explosion! it had stunned all of us!!! I thought of what might have
been had we got found the charges in time!!!!...Thinking these
thoughts swiftly brought me back to the present...I raised my head
and sat up, I looked around me at the devastation and floating
debris that was once the "El Diablo"...Well she had joined her
namesake now!!! that was for sure!!
I clambered to my feet, around me others were doing the same..
"Damage report OOW!!".....I needed to know had badly we had taken
the explosion!!!
"It's Carstairs Sir!!! Got men on it!!...But all we seem to have
lost is our fores'l yards and part of our sprit..some rail...that's
it so far!!!"
"Well done Carry!!"...."Where's the Admiral and our guest?"
"Right behind you sir!!! I think the Admiral was on the leeward side
of the Spanish Capitaine!! He took the brunt of the shock wave!!!"
"Ma'am???....Ma'am??? Are you with us Ma'am???" Although it was very
uncommon practice for one Officer to lay hands on another...I placed
my hand on her shoulder and turned her over!...She looked up at
"Well Number One! Lucky we found those charges...we might both have
been nursing slit gizzards!!"
"Aye Ma'am! Lucky indeed...well spotted by the Bosun and his crew!"
"Point taken Number One...they will be mentioned!!"
"Now!!...Don't just stand there man!! We need some information from
this wretch!..and the sooner we get it the better I shall be
"YES MA'AM!!!!"
I helped her to her feet, we dusted ourselves down, I was worst
affected with my uniform topcoat soiled in all sorts of
unmentionable human evisceration!..God!!! I stank!!
"If it please ma'am, I would like to get out of these clothes before
we look for answers!"
"Number One!!! You are a Naval Officer!!!! This is war! Blood and
guts are spilt in war...hazard of the job!! The luxury of a bath can
wait until after!!"
"Aye Ma'Am! As you see fit!!!!!"
"In my cabin....Ah!! Just remembered!!! I haven't got a cabin!!! In
YOUR cabin in ten minutes Number One!!!"
"Aye Ma'am! Take care that the Gunnery Officer is abed in my
cabin....recovering from a broken leg!!!"
"Then we will put on a good show to aid his recovery eh?"
I thought 10 minutes...knowing the Admiral that would be 5
minutes....I couldn't very well change my clothes to be interrupted,
or do it in her presence!!.....There was time...... however
I stripped of my top coat, doffed my breeches and shirt, took off my
buckled shoes....and....dived head first over the side and into the
lushnes of the deep...I surfaced and shook my hair, ruffled my
fingers through it, trying to clear the cloying pieces of entrail, I
dived under, came up....washing my body as I did so!! It certainly
felt better!!! I took one last deep dive, twisting my body this way
and that, surfaced to hear cheers echoing from Revenge!!! The
gunwhales were lined with men staring in my direction...the gunwhale
gate was open...and there....speaking words I couldn't hear because
of the water in my ears....stood the Admiral!!!
I shook the water clear of my ears......"When you've entirely
finished Number One, we'll get to work on information gathering!!!
The Captain will be joining us! Will you be getting dressed? I've
taken the liberty of giving your clothes to my steward to launder!!"
"But Ma'am????" God!! that's all I needed! An audience to get back
aboard!!!....Ah well in for a penny in for a pound!!!...I tread
water waiting for the Admiral to leave the side.....NO SUCH LUCK!!!
"Come along Number One....Don't dawdle!! Or is there a "little"
The crew and off watch Officers were lining the side....enjoying the
spectacle of my embarrassment!! "Well Ma'am!!!! You asked for it!!!"
I thought!
I swam for the side...mustering as much composure as I dare, shinned
the rope put over the side for me (Handily placed by the bulkhead
gate!!!) and, without further ado climbed over the Gunwhale rail to
stand naked before all!!
My glare left nothing to be said!...There were few titters! A couple
of snorts! For me there was only one direction to be taken...I
marched to the after accommodation ladder entrance, and went
below....what no-one knew, was that, as soon as I had gone inside, I
ran like the hounds of hell were after me! Arrived panting and
pantless in our cabin.....DG took one look and doubled up
laughing!!! "Thanks Buddy!"..."Now get your arse in gear...we have
"The Admiral, the Captain and the Spaniard! So let's be 'avin you!!
Do you need a hand out of that pit?"
I shouted for the steward to fetch some more seating and between us
DG and I, made it look hospitable at least....As long as you ignored
the fug that is!!!
A tap at the door and the Admiral and the two Captains entered!
"Stay seated Guns! Not much point in you standing...Haven't got a
lot to stand on have you??? That works anyway!!"
"Right Gentlemen....This (she pointed at the Spanish Captain)
wounded man, wounded in the line of duty I must add! Has kindly
agreed to give us some information regarding the latest positions of
his fellow men-of-war that are patrolling the Straits of Gibraltar!"
"I have offered him hospitality...he has refused....the marks of
that refusal you will witness dribbling down my coat!....Therefore I
have only one means of hospitality left to me!...Number One! Kindly
divest the Captain of his bloodied breeches...I must attend to his
wound! As one Ship's Master to another of course!"
I walked over to our "guest"....I looked meaningfully at the
Admiral...she took out her blade and offered it me, handle
first!..."Go ahead Number One!"
I cut the cummerband holding his drawstring at his waist, and his
breeches fell to the floor!!!
"Looks like a nasty wound Allen...How did he come by this any idea?"
"None Ma'am! No idea!!"
There was a flurry of Spanish (I presumed it was Spanish).....then,
after a final pause, I heard her hiss the word......"Castrato!!!" or
A terrified look came over the captain's face...the Admiral was nose
to nose with our captive.....she hissed again!!! "Si...!!!
"Let's see how deep this wound is gentlemen...perhaps it needs to be
cleaned!" She knelt, and stared at the raw area, blue and black, and
running red, just above his kneecap......"Hmmm! Looks like a
shattered leg bone to me Number One! I think we need to clean it
don't you??"
"Aye ma'am I do!!"...I stepped from the cabin..shouted for the
steward..."Fetch me a pan of cold heavily salted water Philips if
you will!!"
"Aye Sir!!"...The steward ran off to the galley to do my bidding,
arriving back within a minute with a pail half full of
water...."Plenty of salt in it Philips?"
"Oh Yes sir!!! Lots of salt!!"
I stepped back into the cabin with my "cleaning wounds" equipment at
the ready!!
"Well Number One!!! Let's see what's under this lot shall we?? Oh!
And Guns?? Take notes will you please?"
Take Notes? Take Notes?? Falsetto ones would be the order of the day
I felt!!!!
The Captain, Bellingham-Smythe looked at me with sad eyes! The
action he thought we were about to undertake, went against all Naval
protocol, and human decency!...However, more men would die unless we
could find out where the enemy fleet was at present!
I looked at the Admiral...she bent forward and uttered something
into the Spanish Captain's ear! I saw his eyes go wide with surprise
and anxiety!!! He uttered a gibbering sentence in Spanish!
"Do I look like a "Blood thirsty she-devil, daughter of a goat"
Number One?"
"Not from where I'm standing Ma'am no!!...But I am on your blind
She leaned forward and uttered something else in Spanish....then
turning to me she said "Right Mr Allen! Let's give this wound a
clean shall we?"..."Aye Ma'am!" I picked up the pail and with a wet
cloth (it looked like it had been used to scrub the galley flues) I
splashed water onto the wound....An ear piercing scream rent the
air!! I wiped the blood away, showing the wound to be deep, and it
looked like the pistol ball was still in the pulpy flesh...there
being no exit wound! I repeated the proceedure again and again!
"Stop Number One!" A flurry of Spanish went between the two of
"Lady Christine!" The Captain spoke..."Lady Christine! That is
enough I think!"
"Nonsense Captain Smythe! We need to get the ball out!"
"Then I will leave you to your devices my Lady...as I do not want to
be witness to such barbarity!"
That's your priviledge Captain Smythe...but kindly leave us to find
out the information!"
The Captain turned and left the cabin, slamming the door behind
him...."Anyone else wish to leave? Do so now!"
No-one moved....the Admiral unsheathed her dirk...went onto one knee
and....I looked away as she pierced the wound, ostensibly to
retrieve the ball.....The Spaniard screamed and ear shattering
scream!...The Admiral leaned to his ear and spoke again....nothing!
Again the procedure was repeated...Nothing!....But the third time it
was effected....there was a voluminous flow of Spanish lasting about
2 minutes!!...uttered in an agony of hissed words!!!
We waited for 30 seconds to ensure the Captain had finished!
"Number One fetch the Surgeon if you please! Then meet me in the
chartroom...you too Guns! Can you walk unaided?"
"Aye Ma'am! I'll use a broom for a crutch!!"
"So be it!! Chartroom in 5 minutes!" She turned to the Spanish
Captain "Grazia Senor!".....then a flow of Spanish!
"I have just informed him the wound will be treated by our
Surgeon...that he is now a prisoner of His Britannic Majesty! At
least until we get him to a prison in Malta! Or to a ship going
We, DG and myself helped the Spaniard onto my bunk, I then turned
and left my cabin to find Derrin the Surgeon! What had the man
We mustered in the chart-room, six of us...The Admiral, Captain
Bellingham-Smythe, Carstairs,DG and myself...."Gentlemen!" She had
spread out the chart of the area, which covered the entrance to the
Straits and the North African coast..."The information I have is
that there are 6 enemy ships, patrolling a line from here (she
pointed to a cross she had drawn on the chart) to here! That is a
patrol line of 400 linear miles...that would take two days to
traverse, and two days back with good wind!"
"Now, what we are not sure of, is that these ships are stationed in
a line across that patrol line, or, in fact whether they are
following in line astern or going, some one way and some
another!"..."It does however seem from what the good Capitaine says,
that the line stops short of the Tangiers coast by 100 miles at
least!"..."That means we have a gap to squeeze through into the Med
proper!"....I intent to signal Indigent and Indefatigable our
intentions, to make sail and head for that gap!!"...."We will wait,
upon arrival there, until darkness...just in case we've been sold a
pup!"...."Then we will try and slip through under cover of
night!...It is important to avoid the Patrol at all costs!!!..They
can continue to patrol, thinking their enemy will come from the
Northeast...that will take up 6 valuable ships from the Spanish and
Napoleon!!!"...."It will also...if we are successful, mean that the
Fleet at Aboukir bay will be 3 fully fit.. well.... we will be by
then!!!!.....3 fully fit Ships-of-the-Line to reinforce
them!!"....."All clear?"
Murmurings of "Aye Ma'am!"
"Then let's to it!....Number One! Send the Signal Yeoman to me
immediately if you please!"
"Aye Aye Ma'am!"...I turned and left the room! As I stepped onto the
deck, I noticed the wind rising again...black clouds formed all
along the horizon!...Good!! For what we were going to
attempt....darkness and foul weather were two prime aids we could
"Yeoman!! YEOMAN!!!!"
A signalman ran to my side..."Yeoman's gone below Sir...I have the
"Your name signalman?"
"Barton Sir! Petty Officer Signalman Barton!"
"Right Barton...the Admiral needs your services in the chart-rooom!
He doubled away towards the Navigator's shop!! I sniffed the air!!
There was rain in the air! It was going to be a wet night! I
wondered idly how many Spanish survivors Indigent had managed to
rescue....then thought again of a previous ship....the
"Talkalot"...and the time we had come across a boat load of
corpses..lashed to the boat thwarts, wounded, but alive!!!.... and
set adrift, to die slowly, by the French!!! Suddenly....my thoughts
of the scenes in the cabin earlier, my doubts about the Admiral's
actions.... dissipated!!! And, suddenly I felt much better!!!!!
So! Indigent had picked up 61 survivors!!! They would have a crowded
run to Tangier that was certain!!
The Yeoman and his signals crew had been hard at work now for half
an hour...bunting soared aloft...taken down smartly.....looking
across at Indigent and Indefat....I watched as bunting also soared
aloft in each!!! Messages flying to and fro, we were in for an
exciting few hours trying to slip through the Straits, I thought!!
Lt Jenkins appeared beside me....I dropped the telescope to my
side...."Lots of chat going on Jinks! I don't know what it's all
about! But, I think the excitement is building , don't you?"
"Aye...I do Number One!...Oh! And I have the watch by the way!"
He had the watch!!! God!! Those 4 hours had slipped by with
lightning speed!!!....I had the Middle watch, from midnight until
4am....so I could now relax for a few hours in the wardroom...but, I
wanted to be in the forefront of any action that was about to take
place....slipping into the Med might turn out to be tricky!!!
"Thankyou Jinks! I shall go below and prepare myself a brew of
something hot!!!...Then mayhaps..I will return and keep you
company...would you like a hot drink?"
"Thanks Number One! A brew of China tea...black as you like, and
sweet!! that would go down a treat!"
"Think of it as done! I will return with it shortly!"
I strode off to the after accommodation hatchway to go below...I
needed a wash and brush up...A breathless boy seaman came rushing
toward me...I thought for a moment he would collide with me head
on!!! "Steady Lad!!! What's your hurry??"
"First Lieutenant Sir...The Admiral's compliments, the Captain's too
sir, could you join them in the Chartroom?"
"My compliments to the Admiral, I will be with her in a few
moments...I have to attend my ablutions first!"
"Aye Aye Sir!".. A slipshod salute, and the boy was gone! Post
I ducked below and went to our cabin...I used the Wash-stand jug and
basin to have a quick rinse down, changed into a clean rig...left a
note for DG with apologies for using all the water...! I didn't have
time to go aft and get fresh!! Five minutes later I was knocking on
the Chartroom door....the Admiral was spending more time in here
since her cabin had been wrecked!!!
"Ah! Come in Number One! Have a seat! A glass of grog?"
"Thankyou Ma'am....Captain!"
Captain Bellingham-Smythe rose and went to the glass decanter ,and,
selecting a glass, poured a rather generous measure of the fiery
liquid into it...then handed it to me!...."Thank you Sir!" I took
the glass from him...he remained standing...as I did
also...."Gentlemen! The King!"....We echoed the sentiment in
chorus....then the Admiral turned to me and pointedly said..."Sit
down gentlemen!...I have something I wish to inform you of Number
One!" I felt my stomach lurch...her manner was serious...what could
warrant this seriousness? Had I made a cock-up in any procedure or
"As you no doubt realise...Indigent picked up a number of
survivors!!!....61 in total!! 4 of them may not live the night!!! 6
more have severe burns and require intensive medical care! This is
not to be found on Indigent or Indefatigable!....however, be that as
it may...we also cannot afford rations to feed this amount of extra
"Accordingly...I have decided that these wretched souls will be a
drain on our resources from here to Alexandria, and need to be
despatched quickly from our presence!"...."I have also decided to
instruct Indigent to proceed independently to Gibraltar...discharge
the prisoners there and rejoin us later!"
"Makes sense Ma'am if there is a shortage of rations....God knows
when we will reach Malta!" I said with conviction!
"Precisely Number One!! Which brings me on to my second, more
unpleasant point!!!....As you well remember Number One...Following
the receipt of the letter from Malta regarding the charges brought
against you...I placed you under open arrest!....You will also
recall, I had a duty to inform the Admiralty of that fact, by hand,
via the Packet ship, which calls upon Scilly fortnightly!"...."This
being the case! By now the Admiralty will have received my
despatch...and be aware of it's contents!....Therefore... Number
One!!!...I have an Honour-bound Duty to follow through on that
decision!...I have decided that in the interests of fairness...I
have a duty to transfer you to HMS Indigent, still under open
arrest, to be transported to the Provost of the Governor General of
Gibraltar! For onward passage to Malta! Where you will have all aid
at our disposal to portray your defence against the charges in the
High Court!!"
"But Ma'am!! surely this can wait until we reach Malta!!" the
Captain interjected on my behalf!!
"And what precisely will I tell the Flag Officer when we do reach
there, and they realise we could have had the prisoner sent before
them earlier?...No! It is my unpleasant duty!!...but duty
nonetheless, to serve the Governor General's arrest warrant at the
earliest possible moment!...I have no choice in the matter!"
I could see her point...but I was dumbstruck!!! "When shall I
transfer Ma'am?"
"At first light Number One! We will lower our whaler and you will be
rowed across!...That is my final decision by the way!"
"Aye Ma'am...and...Ma'am?...." I paused..... not sure whether to go
on!...."With respect Ma'am!...It has been a pleasure to serve under
you!!...You too Captain Smythe!"
I saw the pained expression in her eyes, saw the tic at the corner
of her mouth...I knew it wasn't what she wanted!...Just what she was
duty bound to do!!
"A finer Officer I have never served with either Ma'am!" Captain
Smythe couldn't look me in the eye either, as he made the statement!
"Me neither Captain!! Me neither!!! I would willingly face the
gallows myself, before one of my Officers has the priviledge! I can
assure you!"
She turned to me and looked me in the eye! "Number One! I have my
duty! It is done...with great sorrow!...I shall miss you as my First
Lieutenant....(She moved up closer!)...and as my friend!" she
whispered the latter sotto voce!
"That will be all!! Thank you Gentlemen! And goodnight!!"
"Goodnight Ma'am!" I was reeling! I felt shattered! My whole world
had just turned upside down!! Well.... I would fight the charges!!!
I would fight!!! And....I would win!!!!
I came awake from my dozing at 2300....well approximately then...I
had no time piece! I could feel the movement of the ship around me
...I was rolling partly to my side on the left...then to my
right...all the time moving lengthways!! The ship was labouring a
little...I had the middle watch!!!! Time to wake up and get
ready...I slipped out of my bunk leaving DG snoring loudly in his
pit!....God! I would miss his snore...it was a kind of lullaby when
I couldn't sleep for thinking of duties!!
I slipped on my rig, after quickly rinsing my face with cold water
from the wash stand jug....flipped my cap from it's resting place at
the foot of DG's bunk....quietly opened the door and went out...the
motion of the ship was really quite marked!...I actually had to grab
the rail on my way along the gangway to the upper deck ladder!!!
Opening the hatchway to the upper deck...I was hit in the face by a
squall of spray!! God the wind had picked up in the last couple of
hours!....I stepped onto the deck...grabbing the lee rail to help me
cross the gap between me and the steering platform!.....We were on a
Port tack with the gunwhales awash....the song of the wind singing
in the canvas, was a cross between a wolfish howl and choral dirge!
A forlorn sound, a sound that sailors think heralds a severe
blow...and possibly ..bad luck! Well I had bad luck alright.....in 6
and a half hours I was to be transferred to Indigent...then....4
days to Gibraltar....what then???
I made it to the steering platform without getting soaked...the
helmsman saluted as I approached..."Course 225...ESE Sir....we've
taken in sail...we anticipate a blow!"
"Very Good Potts! Where's the OOW?" Jenkins was nowhere to be seen!
"With the Admiral sir!...In her cabin...he went aft to see her, when
he read the glass, half an hour ago!"
"Very well Potts! Thankyou!...I have the watch...steady as she
The helmsman acknowledged the watch take over..I left him to go
for'ard...I climbed onto the foc's'le ladder....I was looking all
around me!...I would miss this ship! She was my kin now! I would
feel the wrench tomorrow when I had to leave her!
"MR ALLEN SIR!!!" A shout from the steering platform!!
"Yes Potts! What is it?"
"Can't see Indigent's lights anymore sir!!! Think a squall is
heading our way! Do you need to get your waterproofs?"
"Thankyou Potts....very thoughtful!.... Yes I will go below and get
them as soon as Lt Jenkins returns!"
"He's here now sir!!"
I turned and looked aft...Jinks Jenkins was heading my way....!
"Number One!...The Admiral would like to see you in her cabin a
moment if you please!"
"Now??? I thought she would be ready to get her head down!!"
"Any idea what it's about Jinks?"
"I do sir!! I do indeed!....But I'll leave it for the Admiral to
tell you!!!...meanwhile..I'll retake the watch until you return!"
"Ok mate...and thanks!"
I dejectedly left and went aft to the after acccommodation
ladder....stepped through the hatchway, and made my way unsteadily
to the Admiral's newly patched up cabin.....(A Victual store quickly
commandeered!!) I tapped on the flimsy door...."Come in!"
"You wanted to see me Ma'am?"
"Yes indeed Number One!! Yes indeed!!.....A glass of Port?"
"Thankyou Ma'am....that would be nice!"
"Sit down Number One!....Now what I am going to tell you must not
leave this cabin!!! Lieutenant Jenkins is responsible for this
suggestion!!!...I have merely listened to his advice!....He read the
glass at 2300....at present...or just now when he was here....the
glass was reading 972 millibars and dropping!! We already have a
blow coming on....the glass could drop even more in the next hour or
two....I have logged it at 2345 as 972....the problem is......If the
wind gets any stronger...or the glass drops any further, then a
transfer of personnell in the Morning watch or the Forenoon watch is
out of the question! It will be too dangerous!" Her face remained
impassive!! I was looking for a sign! An inkling of her thoughts!!!
I couldn't see where this was going....it only meant that we would
have to wait until the wind abated....then do the transfer!!!
"Information I gleaned from our Spanish guest during the First
watch....When you were off watch!....Indicates that the patrolling
ships are keeping to a regular pattern of patrol....Sweeping along
the line given, from West to East and return.....Four days in total
from end of line to end of line....With the last known position and
direction supplied by our very easily persuaded Capitaine...I have
worked out that on Thursday next....they should have reached the end
of the patrol line nearest where we wish to enter the Med!!....Then
they turn and re-cover their route! According to the last movements
of these ships, known by our Capitaine, that is the time we need to
slip into the Mediterranean....as they turn to retrace their
footsteps!!! ....Then, or after then, is the best time to try the
"Now! I can wait until the weather improves, transfer you to
Indigent, then await the next 4 day cycle....or....I can, at first
light signal the escorts to go for it on Thursday night....that
means we have to be in position by then.....!"
"I would like your thoughts on the issue Number One!...Do you think
it wise to forego the transfer and make a bee-line for our
break-through position....or....wait out the blow...then do the
"Ma'am....as is usual, I trust your judgement implicitly....However,
you have already signalled your intentions to the escorts! Indigent
will still have to break off and go solo to Gib...!" I was at a loss
for words....was she telling me she would "cook the books" to enable
me to stay aboard longer.....or did she want me to say that I would
wish to transfer as ordered?? What was I to say or do???
"Well Number One!...My thoughts are...that we wait and see what
conditions are like at dawn....if the glass drops further, I may
have no option but to break Indigent off prematurely....keep you
aboard...and head for the breakthrough zone!"......"So! Let's wait
and see what the glass says later ok??"
"Aye Ma'am!" She obviously knew that the signals, previously sent
between the escorts, had all been logged! Any inquiry would have to
know that the decision had been made to transfer me....yet she was
willing to risk an inquiry to keep me aboard....it would want a very
good reason for her changing her mind!!!....The weather might
By the time I had finished the Middle watch, I was tired, but knew I
would not sleep even if I turned in!!....I paced the deck...."Furby"
took over from me at 0400....the wind had now reached force
7/8....we were reducing sail now, taking in To'gallants and Royals,
main upper and lower....leaving just mizzen , fore and a little
sprit!....I wanted to go below, get my head down and
sleep...impossible!!! So! I decided to keep Furby company until the
dawn broke!
By 0545 the wind was force 8 to severe gale 9....I trusted the other
escorts had scattered for the darkness hours, we could see no
lights, and they would resume station at dawn...Furby reduced sail
even further, just enough canvas to keep her head into the seas,
these had grown from a long slow swell...to a distinctly
uncomfortable chop, with short sharp breakers, maybe 30ft,
whitecapping and bursting on deck....sluicing across the walkways
and barely being taken away by the scuppers.....the decks were
continuously awash, making it difficult to traverse from for'ard to
aft!..It was going to be "watch on- stop on" routine if it got
worse...I was too full of trepidation to go aft to the charthouse
and inspect the glass!
I was standing, preoccupied with my future, thoughts on Malta going
round and round in my head!...so preoccupied I didn't notice that
Furby was gone from my side for a few moments.....I looked round for
him....not to be seen!.....The helmsman saw my inquiring
glance...."Gone to the Chartroom sir!"......God! Furby did you have
to do this...I was worried enough without knowing the glass might be
rising....I assumed the glass had dropped to about 965 Mbs...mainly
experience told me this...but it might easily climb just as quickly
as it fell!!....I thought of the Admiral's last words...they echoed
in my head! Could fate yet intervene???
I awaited the OOW's return, stomach churning!...I hadn't felt like
this when facing the French or the Spaniards!...My fate might hang
in the balance, hanging on the reading of a barometer!!! How crazy!
I espied Furby coming out of the chartroom.....did I need to know
this...or should I just go below...I stood waiting as he
approached....NO!...I would go below....I turned and walked
away...watching me Furby shouted...."960 and still dropping Number
One!"....God!! This was going to be a bad one!! We needed to get
everything loose battened down....there would be no time later....I
heard him give the order to get all hands on deck....all sail would
have to go from being clewed-up to fully reefed and
stowed!!.....everything furled and double lashed!!!
Dawn broke a little before 0700....a grey dismal day.....with
howling winds and mountainous seas...the whining of the wind through
the rigging and bare poles, made the goosebump chill run through my
body...a forlorn sound, like as if the sea was crying!! A cry from
aloft "DECK THERE!!!!...Sail to Starboard Sir! Looks like Indigent!
Can't see Indefatigable as yet!"
"Very good! Let us know when she hoves in sight!" Furby reached for
the telescope, raised it, and peered over to Starboard....."Indigent
alright!....Can tell by her Stern!....Carrying very little sail
"Don't blame her! If this blow gets worse, we're going to have a few
problems!"...I reached for the telescope Furby offered....raised it
to my eye....The seas were horrendous!! Indigent was making heavy
weather of it!...I supposed from her decks, we must look as though
we were making heavy going too!!
"Furby!...I'm going below to get a snack....cheese and bread seems
heavenly at the moment!....Let me know if anything comes about will
"You know I will Number One!! Get your head down...get some rest!
You know we won't be transferring you in this weather!!...get some
He was right!...but I knew I wouldn't sleep!....If the Admiral, when
she came on deck, found that conditions had deteriorated, or even
stayed the same, she had a decision to make!.....Keep me aboard and
despatch Indigent to Gibraltar...Or wait out the weather, and wait
for the next window of opportunity to break-through into the
Med...meanwhile giving me the Heave-ho!!!...Well! I wouldn't know
for a while yet! Unless the Admiral was up and about already from
her "Victualling Store" quarters!!!
I tumbled below....went to the galley...and rustled up a mouldy
bread and mouldy cheese round...and some salt beef jerky to go with
it!! Upon entering my cabin, DG awoke!..."What's the news
Darbs?....Feels like the glass has gone to the bottom!"
"Yeah! It's at 960 at the moment David!!! But what will she do?"
"YOU KNOW WHAT SHE'LL DO!!!! She can't transfer you in this weather
can she???"
"NO! But there's always later!!"
"Get some sleep mate!!!.....That food will only help keep you
awake!!!...What is it anyway?"
"BWED UN CHWEEDS!!"...With my mouth full I couldn't talk
properly....we both burst out laughing simultaneously! I spat bread
crumbs all around the cabin, coughing and laughing, choking and
spluttering...DG rolled up in fits of laughter!!!...."That's better
mate! Nice to see you laughing!!!
I was red in the face!...My sides were aching!...I had tears running
down my face....I looked at my cabin mate...he smiled, then lunged
for my sandwich of doorsteps!...."C'mon you tight......" There was a
knock on the door...I opened it to find the bosun's mate Chantry
standing cap in hand!
" Mornin' Sir! The Admiral's compliments Sir!...She would see you in
her cabin please!"
Here we go!! DG looked at me, a worried look on his face!!!
"Come back and tell me what gives Darbs!!! Yeah?"
"Ok DG I will!"
I traipsed to the bulkhead door...the sea was breaking across the
decks...so I had to wait until the ship lifted to Port and the
scuppers took away the water, before dared risk a breakneck dash to
the other door leading to the Admirals "Larder"!! I tapped on the
door...."Come in!"
"Good morning Ma'am! I trust you slept well! You wanted to see me?"
"Yes Number One!!..... Alas I did not sleep well! In fact I hardly
slept at all!"
"In fact I have had all night to think of the situation that is
unfolding!!! (She slowed, paused..then went on)...to think of your
career, and, my career!(Pause)....Your fate, and my
fate!(Pause)...They are inextricably linked I feel!! What say you??"
"Aye Ma'am, indeed they are!" I waited with bated breath....what was
she going to tell me??....her face gave nothing away...but her voice
was full of sadness!!!!
"I have made up my mind Number One! Here's what I intend to
I waited with held breath as she paced across the room...all 6ft of
it...she paced forward and backward three times...then suddenly, as
if making up her mind, she turned and faced me....!!
"Number One! My decision could so easily affect both of our
careers!...that being the case, bearing in mind, I might have to
resign my commission if my decision is wrong...face an inquiry at
Courts Marshal.....and be discharged with ignomony from the Royal
Navy!!!....I feel that the decision I made previously is a sound
one! You will remain under Open Arrest until such time as I can
transfer you to Malta, Gibraltar...or to a vessel destined for
either of those ports....The weather being too inclement to enable a
transfer in the time required, I have put the transfer on hold...I
will despatch Indigent to Gibraltar forthwith....we will however,
for my peace of mind and security, close with her, and transfer, by
gun-line, a message to the Governor at Gibraltar for forward
shipping to the Governor General in Valetta, stating my reasons, due
to the state of National Emergency...My decision to continue to hold
you under Open Arrest....and my decision to keep you aboard Revenge
until either of the above options are favourable!"....
..."You have, as a matter of course, the right to appeal...or to ask
me to reconsider my decision...If you decide, that is the course you
wish to take...then I have to warn you, that I will not be available
to accept a lodgement of appeal until after we have met the Fleet at
Aboukir Bay!...I have to ask you if you wish to accept these
conditions?? Bearing in mind the alternative!...You don't have to
decide now...you can sleep on it....as long as I can know of your
decision as soon as practicable to enable me to close with Indigent
to despatch the Message!!...Clear?"
"Very Clear Ma'am!...And I don't need time to think it over! I am
more than willing to accept the conditions you have iterated!"
"Right Number One!! Now that's over with, the official duty having
been done, we shall partake of a glass of a nice pilfered French
Cognac, once the property of our Spanish guest! Then you can meet
back here with Captain Smythe, to discuss tactics for breaking into
the Med on Thursday evening, as soon as darkness closes in!"
She walked over to her drinks cabinet, a botched affair now with 3
good legs and a makeshift fourth, fashioned from a piece of belaying
pin... selected a large bottle of Cognac....then proceeded to open
it and pour two glasses!!
She handed me a glass, three fingers full, raised hers, tilted it
towards me and made the toast "To Success at Aboukir!"....I echoed
her sentiment, raised my glass, and downed the fiery, but smooth,
French brandy!!!
"Don't drain it yet Number One..I have a second toast!"
I quickly dropped the glass from my mouth...and stood waiting....
"Freedom and Justice!"
"Aye Ma'am....Freedom...and Justice!!"
She drank the remnants of her glass, as I did....then without as
much as a flicker of amusement....offered me the back of her hand! I
took her hand and touched my lips to it with a bow..."Your Humble
Servant Lady Christine!....And thank you! I will repay your trust
and loyalty a thousandfold!
"I know you will Number One! Hence my decision!! Now to more
pressing matters.....My compliments to the Captain....I request his
company here in 10 minutes...meanwhile, let's get the OOW to raise a
signal to Indigent to close us...and I will quickly scribe my
message!!...Carry On!!"
"Aye Aye Ma'am!" I picked up my cap, and with a flourish, exited the
cabin (or victualling store) closing the door, once outside, I let
out a huge sigh of relief!!!
I caught Philips at the Galley hatchway...."Philips! Take the
Admiral's compliments to the Captain...she requests the pleasure of
his company in her cabin in 10 minutes!"
"Aye Aye Sir...In 10 minutes! Aye Sir!" off he trotted, whilst I
clambered out onto the upper deck, Revenge was still heaving like a
bucking horse, still shipping mountainous amounts of water, the
decks nearly off-limits....I found Jenkins at the steering
platform...."Jinks...make a signal to Indigent!!!!....."Close
Revenge! Prepare for Gun-line transfer of mail!"....get it aloft as
soon as you can!...Then execute as soon as acknowledged!!...OK?"
"Aye Number One!....Yeoman!!!!!"
"Ahem....Number One!...Am I allowed to ask?....."
"You are Jinks...I have a reprieve....which might mean I die with
dignity if I have to die at all...instead of at the end of a
hangman's noose!"
"Well done Sir! I think I speak for everyone! We are all very
"Thankyou Jinks! I'm pleased as well....as you can no doubt detect!"
"Right I need a course from you....and fetch me the Chart of the
North African Coast will you....the Admiralty one from Tangier to
the Nile!!! We have work to do!!!!"
"AYE AYE NUMBER ONE!!!!!" He left sporting a huge grin!!...Now to
get to the job in hand!!!
My hours of Duty today were the First Dog and First....But I could
not go below!!!...I needed to see that the message crossed safely to
Indigent, the Admiral's career was at stake if it didn't...it could
so easily drop into the water and get lost! The seas were
tremendous, breaking across our bow, when Revenge shook it off, she
was immediately inundated again, but she was well found...and I had
no worries....when Indigent got here it might be a different kettle
of fish!...Two ships...running close to each other in high sea,
there would be the magnetic effect of the two of them trying to draw
together... to contend with if they got too close!!..The idea was to
fire a line (by tying it to a specially prepared musket ball|)
across the gap between the ships, the crew of Indigent would
immediately recover the line, haul it in after we had attached a
heavier line at our end containing the waterproof oilskin pouch
containing the Admiral's letter to Gibraltar....those on board who
could read and write, had also got the special priviledge of being
able to send a letter via the same oilskin package, to be collected
from the Fleet Office in Gibraltar by the next Packet ship heading
for Falmouth!
At 1430, Indigent was within half a mile of us....we would have to
shorten sail to a rag...put the Coxswain on the wheel, keeping
station on our course of 175 degrees very accurately...then Indigent
would come about under more sail than we dare carry, and run down
along our Starboard side, as she drew abeam of us the gun would be
fired and all should then be a piece of cake!...Should be!!!
We really had little time to spare!...during the briefing in the
Admirals food store, times were worked out and we had to be in our
break-out position by nightfall tomorrow night!! This meant, due to
tacking into the wind, that we needed to have left our present
position 2 hours ago!! But with the wind at the height it was at the
moment, we could carry a little more sail and hope to make up for
lost time....that's if the canvas didn't carry away as soon as we
set it!!
Signal flags soared up and down mastheads as the 2 ships closed each
other....then the flag "R" was hoisted, we were exactly on station,
on course, and, running at the right rate of knots!!!...I heard the
Captain tell the Yeoman to "Hoist Prep flag yeoman!"...The green and
yellow pennant replaced the letter "R" at the truck....then in a few
short moments, we saw the letter "R" flying from Indigent's
truck...."Execute Yeo!"....the pennant was swiftly hauled down, and
Indigent began her approach....we held a steady course at about 6
knots, she approached on a parellel course at about 8
knots....gradually she drew nearer.....nearer...I watched as the
musketeer climbed into the shrouds....it was Dingle...a marine from
Tavistock in Devon...a crack shot with a musket.....Indigent was now
40 feet on our Starboard quarter....then her sprit drew level with
the position I was standin at on the poop....I raised my hand in
salute to the three ringed Commander standing at her helm....he
returned the wave....we were now almost level.....I waited for the
bosun's shrill pipe to sound the alarm for the shot to be
fired.....I watched as Indigent's nose buried into the sea...she
lifted clear, shook herself, then ploughed under again...as she drew
level I was amazed at the true height of the seas....from where I
stood, I was looking up at her Port gun ports one moment, looking
down on her decks the next....I could see the sweat beads on the
forehead of the Coxswain....one false move could wreck us both...I
looked across at the other steering platform...they had two men on
the wheel, fighting to......PHEEEEEOOOOW!!! The Bosun's call
interrupted my thoughts....the cry of "Under below!" echoed across
the gap between the ship's..."Fire Dingle!!!" The order from the
Captain was followd by the immediate discharge of the musket and the
line soared across the chasm between us .....As I watched, seamen on
the Indigent raced to recover the line....successful..they started
to haul in the heavier cordage...and there, bobbing in mid air was
the oilskin wrapped package contain our post and the Admiral's
letter!.....Eager hands grasped it as it was hauled over the
gunwhale on the other ship...I saw a seaman unfasten it from the
line, and the line begin it's return journey back to us.....he ran
with the package to the Commander at the steering platform....who
upon receipt of it, raised it above his head!..The job was done!!
"Break away! Break away! Steer 120 degrees!! Yeoman...make to
Indigent.."Thankyou and God's Speed" if you please!"
"Aye Aye Mr Allen sir!"
Within a couple of minutes we were well apart..Indigent turning away
to Starboard....the flags soared aloft, stayed for a couple of
minutes, then were hauled back down.....That was it...for better or
for worse the job was done.....fate would now decide the outcome!
"Signal from Indigent Sir!!!....."We
....Wish...You....Farewell.....Fair wind....and.... A fair
verdict!!".....Any reply sir??"
"Aye Yeoman....make....."Proverbs 11 verse 21" if you please!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
(And the Lord looked sorely upon the trials of the people of
Israel....and in the twinkling of an eye, delivered them up from
their misery..and behold there was great rejoicing!!)....Quite apt I
My First Dog watch (from 4pm 'til 6pm) approached...I had still not
gone below to rest! I stood on the quarterdeck looking aft to where
Indefatigable plunged and rolled in our wake...our course of 120
would bring us close in to the coast...Our landfall should, with
expert navigation, be Khala Fa......just south west of Tangier....by
tomorrow night we should be there...then the plan is for us to hug
the coast showing no lights, until a star sight could ensure we were
past the line of patrol of the Spanish warships!
My watch was a busy one....the wind was still force 7/8, the seas,
short and sharp...had not diminished...we were making heavy weather
of it...tacking to make headway...often I went aft to look at
Indefatigable, she too was making heavy weather...I watched as she
buried herself, trying to smash the sea aside...losing the battle,
being partly submerged for'ard...then shaking free to show her
Garboard plankings!!!! We wouldn't be off Khala Fa tomorrow night at
this rate!!
I continuously had thoughts of Malta in my mind...we needed to store
ship soon....If...repeat...If we made it through the
blockade.....then we would have to go to Malta to store and
ammunition ship!! My thoughts should have been entirely on my
pending court appearance..instead...I thought only of Petra....our
time spent on the beach! I hungered for her...at night I often lay
with my keepsake garment and her lock of hair under my bolster....I
would often, when DG was asleep, take the lock out from it's little
package, raise it to my nose, and drink in her perfume...I was
immediately with her!! Alas, in dreams only!! Would we ever meet
"Indefat" had been told to keep at least 10 miles astern of us,
maintaining the same course...our speed was a paltry 5 knots...cram
any more canvas on her and we would risk it carrying away!!! I
called the Bosun's mate to the platform, gave him the order to
darken ship.....no point in giving our position away....after all,
we were taking the word of a Spaniard as gospel...these ships might
not be where he said they would be...that would be a real pickle if
it turned out he was lying!!
I handed over the watch at 2000 to "Carry" Carstairs....His first
words upon taking over were...."DG's got the all clear from the
Surgeon to resume his duties from tomorrow morning...he's gonna take
the Forenoon watch!! That's good isn't it Darby??"
I had to admit it was...not only for DG...but for us doing the extra
watch hours between us!!!
"Your course is 120 degress West by Southwest...speed about 5 knots!
She can't take any more canvas at present Carry....it will rip to
"Aye Number One! She's surely taking a pounding!!!"
"Shake me out if I'm needed Carry! I shall be in my cabin!"
"Aye matey Ok!"
I went below...I had 2 hours until I was on watch again....I joined
some of the seamen in their messdeck...they were playing a game of
"dice"...I sat and watched as they played...no money exchanged hands
whilst I was there...no doubt it was involved as soon as I
left...But Navy rules said nothing is to be played or gambled for
money!! I was bored after 10 minutes, so, I sauntered aft....went to
my cabin and lay on my bunk...It must have taken me all of 30
seconds, and I was fast asleep! I was woken by DG entering the
darkened cabin, cursing as he knocked his gammy leg!! "Bloody hell!
Why're you lying there in the dark Darbs??? nigh gave me a turn you
"Sorry mucker...I didn't mean to cause you grief...merely closing my
eyes for a few minutes...I've got the first watch...so I was
relaxing before then!"
"Well!! You'd better not relax anymore!!! It's 1940....you've got 20
minutes before your watch starts!!"
GOD!! I'd been asleep for well over an hour!!! I was tired
obviously!!...My body crying out for rest!!! Not yet my friend!! Not
yet!!! Midnight maybe!!....But not yet!!!
"Thanks DG! You've made my day!!.I must have been asleep for over an
I rose and went to the wash stand jug and basin, doused my face in
water...then thought it might be better if I washed the rest of my
body in water too!...It hadn't seen much water for 24 hours now! So
ignoring DG's ribald remarks..I stripped and started to wash down,
splashing enough water over myself to ensure DG got a goodly amount
of the residue....chuckling at his demise at not being able to do
much about it with his gammy leg..I spashed happily like a baby in a
"Darby for God's sa.........!" The last words were lost in a melee
of shouts of "All hands on deck!! Beat to quarters!!!"
What the hell??.....I grabbed my pants and shirt...and, struggling
to get into them, exited the cabin with my manhood to the
wind!....Behind me I heard DG laugh!...."Don't laugh Davy lad!!! Get
your kit on too! You're fully fit now...and every pair of hands may
be needed!"
I heard him curse as I slammed the door...leaning against the
bulkhead to get my balance and get into my bottoms!!!
I reached the deck in a hurry...."CARRY??? CARRY???" Where was
Carstairs?? I looked about me...then saw a gathering on the
foc'sle......I leapt up the ladder...behind me men were tumbling on
deck and leaping into the shrouds!!
"What is it Carry?" I shouted.."What have we got???"
"Lights Darby....they look too big to be fishing boat lights....so
I've beat to quarters in case!!"
"Good thinking Carry!! Good thinking!....Guns crews closed up?"
"Should be Number One!! I'm waiting for their report now!!"
"Well done!! I'm going aft to see the Captain!"......Lights!! They
looked to be about 20 miles distant...but who could tell in this
pitch blackness, wind and rain???....I heard the call from
CLOSED!!.....What would the next hour bring????
I ran to the sprit with the eye glass...I tried desperately to keep
it on a level....I got drenched through with the first dip of the
ship's nose...a wonder I didn't get smashed against the Cat-head and
stowed anchor!!! I would have to go aloft!!!...I ran for the
Foremast shrouds...vaulted onto the gunwhale...swung into the
ratlines and started to climb...REVENGE decided at that moment to do
a curtsy....my wet footing slipped, I was falling, trying to grab
anything...my foot caught in a piece of cordage, and, before I knew
it I was hanging upside down, I dropped the telescope, it fell to
the deck with a loud clatter!!!....I felt my recent bite of beef
jerky coming up into my throat...God!! I'm not going to be sick
surely!!!....Then...a pair of hands grabbed me, lifted me by the
shoulders until I could grab onto the shroud lines with my hands! I
looked into the face of the Captain...."Only Davy Jones locker that
way Number One!!..Oh! And a broken eye-glass! Here! I've bought you
another!!"...His smile said it all...I felt a real
fool!!....Embarrassed, I returned to climbing to the devil's
elbow...there I perched precariously...Revenge was swinging from
about 30 degrees on the Port side to an even more pronounced 40
degress on her Starboard...the mast I was clinging to was swinging
like a pendulum!!! How on earth did the top-men manage to stay
perched, only a 2" wire to stand on, both hands clawing canvas, 160
feet up in weather like this...I thought of the times I had ordered
men aloft in foul weather like tonight's, or even worse, and made a
mental note to be more enlightened in future!!!
Eventually I was able to get a good purchase, and I could lay the
eye-glass along the strut of the Devil's elbow.....I peered in vain
through the gloom...nothing!....I swung the glass as far as I was
able...I couldn't see a light anywhere....Then rain and hail hit me
like a thunderbolt!!!!!!....no wonder I couldn't see...it lashed
against the canvas, it stung my face...I could feel it stinging my
hands...I wanted to let go!!! I remained glued to my position, and
stuck it out..a full 8 or 9 minutes of sheer torture, and eventually
the squall passed, I looked aloft and the stars were showing
through...there was little moonlight though!!....It was going to be
another squally night...below me, men were at their action
stations...the whole ship was on edge!!!....Some would be sweating
at their claustrophobic places on the gun deck...some may even be
sweating with the fear of battle!!
I raised the glass again to the support position!..I wish this
damned ship would hold steady for just a moment...the wind was
cutting! I worked my way along what horizon line I thought I could
counted....TWO!.....FIVE!.......ELEVEN!!!!...I counted Eleven
lights!!....3 sets of 3 and a set of 2!!!! It couldn't be could
it??? They were about 15 miles distant on our Port beam.....Hell's
teeth!! I looked astern...I could see no sign of Indefat....that was
little wonder if she was darkened....I returned to the port
beam....sure enough there were 4 sets of lights!! Quite distinct
from one another...four ships?? Not a fishing fleet?? Could the
lights be 2 or 3 vessels working together....with another set
further out?......We wouldn't know until the light got
better...meanwhile I was stuck, frozen to the elbow...until I could
make out better, what they were!!
Three quarters of an hour later, frozen through, wet and aching...I
still could not make out any definite pattern to enable me to define
what type of ships they were.....My thoughts were to shorten
sail...keep barely enough canvas on to stay under way...the problem
with that was...Indefatigable!!! She was right behind us somewhere!!
...she would run us down!...What if I shaded the after Navigation
lights, so they only shone astern...then Indefat would see that she
was gaining on us, and reduce speed accordingly?? If we had stumbled
onto an enemy scouting fleet, our best manouvre would be to steadily
slip behind them and let them pass on ahead!!! That was it!!! The
only answer...until we had daylight anyway...which was 10 hours away
I shimmied down from my perch..."Bosun!!.....BOSUN!!"
I heard shouts going aft...then in a moment the Bosun was with me!
"Bosun! I want our after Navigation lights covered so that they only
show directly astern....cloak them in canvas or something...but not
a glimmer to any other quarter mind!!! Then light them and turn the
wicks up!!"..I explained what I wanted to do...the Bosun doubled
away to the after end to do my bidding...."Top men aloft!! Shorten
sail! I just want a few rags on her!!..We have to slow her, but keep
headway!!! Helmsman!! Come to Starboard a full point!"
With Indefat astern of us, seeing our light lit, but cowled, she
might be aware, as we were, that there were lights on our port side,
and realise that I had slowed, expecting her to do the same!!! Our
lights would give her a beacon to steer by!!...If my plan
worked...by daybreak, we would be away from our possible
enemy...With any luck!!!
If they were the lights of enemy warships...How on earth did they
know we were here? DID they know we were here?...Had the Spanish
Captain given us false information...the latter didn't bear thinking
about!!! The two of us against seven enemy ships-of-the-line!!! We
had no chance!...My decision had been made!....time would tell!!
"Bosun!!...I'm going aft to consult with the Captain and the
Admiral!!...Let me know of any change!"
"Aye Aye Sir!! Stand down from action stations Sir?"
"Not just yet!..Let's be sure of ourselves first! But leave the gun
ports closed!"
"Aye Sir!"....."Course now 115 Degrees West Southwest, a point
"Very well!".....Was I doing the right thing???....Time to shake out
the only people that could sit in judgement of any decision I
Indefatigable must have been on top form...she must have read the
situation with great clarity....a report was sent to me in the
Admiral's cabin..it confirmed that during a period of moonlight...(a
half moon) she was spotted as a dark outine shape following about 7
or 8 miles astern of us! she had followed our small adjustment of
course..and slowed to our speed! I thanked the Bosun's mate Jeffries
for bringing me the information....and returned to my discussion
with the Admiral....we were waiting for the Captain to join us!
He arrived, a little breathless having been involved with ammunition
counting on the lower gun deck! "What's the position Number One?"
"Well Ma'am...there are possibly four ships to Port, I have made the
decision, the odds are too high if indeed they are enemy
ships!...So...with discretion being the better part of valour, I
have decided to slip behind them, and hopefully let them pass us
by!...We can assess the situation again in daylight...then also, we
will be better placed to make a decision...when we know the odds
stacked against us!"
"Very laudable Number One...a decision I too would have taken! What
say you Smythe?"
"Well Ma'am!...We don't know they are enemy ships...however, we
cannot take that chance!...My concern is...what are they doing here?
Have we been betrayed?"
"My thoughts too Ma'am" I added!
"So!! Let's get the Spanish Capitaine up from the brig and see what
he has to say about it shall we???...I'm sure he can be persuaded to
co-operate with us again!" Her steely gaze made me shudder! I had no
intention of staying to witness another round of questioning!!
"If you'll excuse me Ma'am...I have the watch..and I need to be on
deck in case anything turns up!"
"Very well Mr Allen....if your conscience might trouble you!!!" she
smiled, and I felt I had betrayed her trust in me....but, it was the
truth...I had to get back on deck! So, I excused myself...grabbed my
hat and left!
The watch passed until 4am with nothing new....the lights were
gradually dimming and slowly, ever so slowly...diminishing in
size....we were succeeding in our tactics!!
At 0400 I was relieved by "Carry" Carstairs...I handed over the
watch...I felt I would not sleep if I went below...but I had had
little sleep in the last 36 hours...so I bade him goodnight...asked
to be shaken if anything changed...and tumbled below to my cabin!! I
entered the darkness.....there was a small oil lamp burning on the
side cabinet....DG was not going to make the same mistake again,
finding the furniture with his gammy leg! He wasn't snoring either!
That was a blessing!! I stripped out of my rig-of-the-day, and
clambered into my bunk...It must have taken all of 20 seconds for me
to fall asleep....I was woken at 0625....two and a half hours
sleep!!!!!!!!!...The fore topman Miller was shaking my
shoulder..."Sir!...Sir!...Mr Carstairs apologies, but he would like
you on deck as soon as possible!"
"My compliments to Mr Carstairs..I'll be with him shortly Miller!"
"Aye Aye Sir!...I think we have lights astern Sir...he wants your
Hell fire!!! Lights astern!! What now???
I dressed quickly, throwing on yesterday's kit....climbed the ladder
and stepped out on deck...I quickly made my way for'ard to the
steering platform..."Right Carry! What have we got!"
"Two sets of light coming up fast from astern Darbs!!" he handed me
the glass! I noted it was the one that I had dropped earlier...the
front lens was cracked, but it was still servicable!! I raised it
and looked aft....there over our Starboard quarter were lights sure
enough!! Four lights in a line, spread across about 5 miles!...Ships
or boats? I checked the light...no dawn as yet!! "Are we still at
action stations Carry?"
"I stood half the watch down Darby....thinking we would not need
them until dawn!"
"Beat to quarters now! Let's close up for action....light will be
with us in half an hour!"
"Aye Aye!! BEAT TO QUARTERS!!!" The drums started their rolling
beat... I pictured men tumbling from their hammocks, cursing as they
went, grabbing kit and "personals" on the way...some carried things
from loved ones....others carried small pocket bibles...some
beads...and some gutting knives...just in case!!
My thoughts were in turmoil...I sent messages to DG, Captain and
Admiral...informing them of the situation (DG had the forenoon
watch...he would take over at 0800)...our problem now was
sea-room...we had none...to our starboard side we had the
coast....to the fore..we had a possible enemy formation, and now, to
our rear, we also had possible enemy ships...our only escape route
was to Port...and that was being cut off swiftly!!!
By 0720 daylight was breaking! I scrambled aloft, once again
swinging on the pendulum that was the mainmast!....I perched on the
lower yard...raised the glass to my eye and waited...Just above me
Ferris the morning lookout watchkeeper was at the truck of the
mast...also staring astern!!
"Well Ferris! What do you think???"
"In my opinion sir! I think they are too fast to be anything other
than Men-of-War!"
"Do you by God??" I took the views of my crew on board with great
respect....after all, they had been at the job far longer than I!!
"They're coming up fast sir!....They look like 3 masters to me!!!
Another 10 minutes and we can be sure!"
"We need sea room!" I muttered, mainly to myself....We could cram on
sail....but they must have seen us by now!!! Could we out pace them?
Only one way to find out!!
"Yes Number one?" he shouted above the roar of the sea and the wind!
"Let get some sea-room shall we...can we come to Port 20
degrees??....Indefat can see us clearly now...hoist letter "C" and
figures 2 and zero!...See if she acknowledges!...Then let's get as
much canvas on her as we can eh?"
"Aye Aye Sir!" He rushed off giving the orders to bring us
about...one thing in our favour...we would be now "Running free" and
could make easier weather of it!
"Keep me informed Ferris! When we swing away..let me know if they
follow suit?"
"I can see them better already sir!"
I raised my glass...he was right...I could see them too now "God
"My thoughts too sir!!...Bloody Spaniards!!!...Two of them...3
masters both!"
Three masted men-of-war!!!! 60 guns on each I'd wager!!!
"Course 090 degrees West by South ...two points West Number One!"
"Thanks Mr Carstairs! Let's get this canvas set...fast if you
"We've got a bit of sea room to Port and to the fore....!" My voice
trailed off as I swung the glass to the fore and checked for the
vessels we had let pass in the night....BY GOD!!! More sail at 20
miles fine on our Port bow!!!
Ferris heard my sharp intake of breath, and swung his glass to the
fore also...."More of the beggars Sir!.....I can make out 3 separate
sets of royals...although they're still hull down!!!!"
I looked aft...the 2 big warships were bearing down on us at about
15 miles distant....to the fore...another three...to the Starboard,
the coast...we were hemmed in...our only escape route, to the
left....As I watched...battle ensigns soared to the mastheads of
both vessels astern.....THEY WERE SPANIARDS!!!!!...I looked out to
our Starboard quarter...Indefatigable was turning to
port.....NO!!!!.... turning 180 degrees!!! She was turning to
"Stand by to come about Mr Carstairs!!! 180 degrees...We'll be full
and bye!!! Steer 260 degrees!!!....Clear for action!!! Run out Port
side batteries....A and C gun decks only!!"
"Aye Aye Number One!!" I looked to the fore...we had a little time
before the others got here!!! I looked down to the deck! The Admiral
was at the helm!...her cutlass hanging from her waist belt...I
noticed the bloodied dirk she held in her right hand!!! I supposed
he had deserved it....but he was serving his king and country...just
as we were about to do!!! God help us!!...........Indeed!!!........
I looked worryingly aft to see how much time we had!...The other
ships to our stern, were still 20 miles distant! The gap narrowed
between the other Spaniards and us!! Now just over 5 miles separated
us...suddenly canvas began to come off the leading ship....she began
to turn to her Starboard (our Port) she was going for
Indefatigable!! "Come left to 220 "Carry"!!"
"Left to 220! Aye Sir!"
Revenge turned towards the first enemy..."Load and run out B gun
deck! But we will fire A and C first...then B if we can keep trained
on her...if not we'll reload A and C...but use B on the next
one!...Who's the Gunnery Officer Mr Carstairs??"
"DG is on the gun deck sir!"
"Good! Pass that message on if you please!"
This was going to be the biggest single action I had ever
Well! This was it then...no way out!!! We had been led into a
trap!!! As the distance narrowed..I could hear the beating of drums
coming from the lead Spaniard!...His countryman was still about 7
miles away!....time for us to make a killing? I thought not!! A
voice behind me startled me! "Number One! That scheming Spaniard who
has led us into this trap...has confessed he lied...these ships have
been right here awaiting any attempt to sneak into the Med via the N
African coast!! And....to make matters worse...there are 7 here..and
another 3 to our right about 100 miles distant...Altogether we are
facing 10 enemy ships!! One thing I have arranged....our El
Capitaine is going to be the first to greet his fellow men!!!"...I
looked for'ard to where she was pointing....there pinioned to the
foc's'le rail was the Spanish Captain....directly in the firing line
of the first fusillade of musket fire from the enemy ship!!! Ah
well! It was a bloody war!!!
BOOOOOOM! Smoke and flame issued from the Port side of the leading
ship.....she had fired from 2 gun decks!!! ..."Fire at will... A and
C gun decks Carry!"
I heard the order being passed.....there was an almighty ripping
sound, and cannon shot whistled overhead! The shot fell harmlessly
40 or 50 yards on our Starboard side!....BOOOOOOOM!!!! The whole
ship shook as our twin gun decks let loose, the whole ship was
wreathed in choking black and white smoke, acrid, burning eyes and
throats!!!...I coughed as did everyone else...my lungs fighting for
air!....I peered through the smoke looking for fall of shot....I
wondered if DG had put elevation of different degrees on each gun
deck?...I could hear the reload goin on....the clanking of the
trunions and carriages...frantic shouts of gun captains, driving
their guns crews on!!!
Splashes erupted on our side of the Spanish ship...then two hits on
the forends....then more splashes on her far side...we had straddled
her!!! "Fire B gun Deck Mid elevation Guns!!"
"Aye Sir!!"...Carry's words were drowned out by the crash of the
next barrage from the Spaniard....quickly followed by the crash and
shuddering of our return of fire!! I had only a brief snapshot of
explosions on the forends of the enemy again!! This shot was from
Indefatigable...."Well done Indy!" I muttered under my
breath...then.....a massive explosion on Revenge aft!!!! Steel and
timber splinters whined through the air...I could hear screams from
aft...men had been hit! Another crash...another huge red explosion
of fire from our Port side! A direct hit on the gun deck I
thought!!!....The choking smoke was clearing...enough for me to see
Indefatigable turning away to Port to take on the other ship...now
in gunnery range!....I heard the order from DG..."Wait for it
men....as she rises....steady!!......FIRE!"....the ship gave a huge
shudder!!....BOOOOOM!...the guns crashed out their defiance!...This
time I could see several flashes along the side of the
enemy!!...."Good shooting DG!" I thought....."Sponge out! re charge!
Run out!"...I heard the orders sung out....teams well drilled,
oiled, running like like clockwork!"
We were within 40 yards of the Spaniard now!...I took a quick look
BOOOOOM!!! Return fire from the enemy....I counted the seconds
5,6,7,8....then all hell broke loose! I heard a crack overhead,
then, a splitting creaking tearing sound as the fore lower yard
carried away....came crashing to the deck in a tangle of timber,
cordage and canvas....some Marines who were stood-to, ready to get
into the shrouds, to prepare for close combat...were buried in the
wreckage...their screams and groans echoed across the deck...Our
Spanish Captain was no more!!! Screams ripped into my soul!!!! "Shut
up! Shut up!!" My mind screamed! I needed to concentrate...they
would have to wait!!
"Stand by to come about Mr Carstairs!!! We'll cut across her stern!
Load and run out full broadside!!"
I listened with pity to the cries and moans of dying men!! Bloody
BOOOOOM!!! Smaller fire from her carronades as we passed by her
after quarter!.....5 seconds later and we had lost another 4
seamen...they had been trying to recover the wounded from under the
wreckage of the fore yards! Next minute they were smashed into
pieces by shrapnel from the falling 32 pound balls!!!! God!!! We
were in trouble!!
We came about and passed across her stern....I looked across our bow
and saw Indefatigable in close combat with the other ship......both
had been hit! Fire was evident on Indefatigable's bow
section!......Then we were running across our assailant's
stern....50 yards between us!...."Stand by to fire! B gun deck only
as we cross her Starboard quarter!...When we come abreast...A and C
gun decks Mr Carstairs!!"
"Aye Aye Number One!!!......His words had hardly been uttered...when
there was a WHOOSH!! and flame erupted from the area by the
Navigator's chartroom aft!!!.....we had a fire!!! I could hear the
shouts of the seamen running to bucket the fire out!!....Smoke
enveloped the whole ship...."Stand By B gun deck!!!!!" We were now
50 yards off her starboard quarter...at any minute she would open
fire as we came to bear!!! "Fire at will Guns!!"
I heard the order repeated.....I heard the muted call from the Gun
deck.....a few seconds more and we'd be in range of her sternmost
armament!!!.....BOOOOOOM!!!.....We opened fire with 12 guns on B
deck!!! Once again we choked on the smoke blowing back in our
faces....I felt we were so close we couldn't miss!!! ....I waited
for what seemed minutes, in fact, it was probably only a few
seconds.....a huge crash.....red flashes on the enemy
decks....HITS!!!!....Then BOOOOOM!!!....her full broadside of 60
guns erupted and she was hidden from view!!!
"Stand-by A and C gun decks!......as we come alongside her beam!!!
Sta......!"...the words were lost in a tortured, rending, crashing,
ear shattering chaos!! I felt a kick in my side! Had I been
hit???... No time to worry about that!!!...We had taken several hits
along the Port side again!! More screams...agonised cries, pleas to
God!! I made the decision!! "Bring us alongside Mr Carstairs!!
before we get blown to hell!! Stand by grapplers!!"
We would have to close with her, and fight it out at close
quarters....the other ships would be on us very soon! We would then
have no chance of survival!!! I saw the Admiral, resplendent in her
uniform, cutlass drawn...staring across at the foe!!....what would
the next hour bring??
"Marines into the tops Mr Carstairs if you please! Let's reduce the
odds a bit!!"
"Aye Sir!"
I raised the glass to my eye! There were musketeers in her shrouds
too!....The Admiral!!! She was directly in the line of fire!!! Had
she seen them??? Then.......everything happened in slow
motion...against all known rules of engagement...the enemy ship
fired again at point blank range...about 25 yards....risking blowing
herself to kingdom come along with us!!!...The cannon shot tore into
the bowels of the ship.....devastating A gun deck, scything through
men frantically reloading!! I ran from my spot at the poop...slid
down the poop ladder...sprinted across the decks to the gun deck
hatchway....as I ducked below the shattered coamings...I walked into
hell!!! A tangled mass of splintered timber, metal and bloodied body
parts met my gaze...entrails, eviscerated remains adhered to all
fittings and what remained of bulkheads...it was a ghastly sight!!
Bloody war!!!...Suddenly...without warning, I vomited!!! Was it any
wonder???.....I tasted the coppery taste of blood in my mouth!!...I
looked down at my feet, to the evidence of my stomach
contents......I was shocked to discover it was mostly dark blood!!!
I felt no pain from my side....I reached a hand inside my
jacket....I winced as I felt the torn flesh!! Why didn't it hurt??
Shock??.....No time for worrying about that...as I peered through
the torn remnants of the gun deck to the open sea...I could see we
were barely feet from the enemy!!!... Preparing to come alongside
her!! I raced for the deck...emerged into another hell! Whistling,
singing shot from the marines in the enemy rigging was howling
across the deck space...everywhere men lay dead or wounded...no sign
of the Admiral...I looked in vain? Where was she??? Then I saw her,
cutlass in her right hand....halyard in her left...standing fearless
on the gunwhale, ready to jump across the gap!! What a woman!!! I
turned quickly...looking for a weapon...and stared into the
sightless eyes of Carry Carstairs, lying in a bloodied heap by the
mainmast footing!!!...I couldn't help it.....I shouted above the
din....."Bastards!!!!"....."You Bastards!!!".....But were they any
different from us??? Both following blindly, orders from
above???....I entered Hell for the second time at that point!!!
I felt a little dizzy as I quickly bent and closed "Carry's"
eyes...I looked around...found a canvas vent cover, and placed it
over him!!! He had family! We would have to contact them when this
was over...!!!!
I heard the clanging of the grapnel irons being thrown across...I
had to get to the Admiral's side!..I was needed with the boarding
parties...Howls of rage....shouts and guttural threats were coming
from the first of the crew to cross the gap....The two ships had not
really come together yet...but Revengers were already jumping the
gap...cutlasses in hand ...dirks between clenched teeth....pistols
being drawn and brandished as soon as theie feet steadied on the
other ship's deck! I suddenly heard the unmistakable cry of "At 'em
Revengers!!!"...The Admiral was jumping right into the thick of
things!! I saw DG emerge, blackened, from the lower gun
decks...pistol in hand, he shouted to me..."Leave him be Darby!!
He's gone eh?"
"He's gone! God rest his soul!! So let's go DG!! Let's show the
blighters what Englishmen and women are made of!!!"
I picked Carry's belt for his pistol, tucked it into my waist band,
drew my cutlass with my right hand, and made my way to the
gunwhale....DG hopped onto the rail, leapt the 5 feet separating us,
and landed on top of a Spaniard who was atop one of our crew, about
to open him up from top to bottom! DG drove his sword into the man
as he landed, with nearly enough power to skewer the unfortunate
Kelly, underneath, to the deck!!!...Running, I made to jump onto the
gunwhale...when a sudden sharp pain left me breathless!!! I felt my
side under my tunic....I had a wound that felt about 2" long just
below my ribcage...I withdrew my hand...it was covered in blood!!!
That would have to wait!!!!....I turned again to take another bite
at the jump....A Spanish seaman landed at my feet, knife in
hand...he slashed at my neck...I parried with my sword, blocking his
slice...he tried again with a backward slashing movement...I saw it
coming, ducked, and, as he went around, popped back up under his arm
and drove my sword into his abdomen!! He screamed...I withdrew my
blade...then slashed him in the neck....a bloody geyser shot
arterial blood a foot into the air...he was done! I looked about for
any more...clear!!! I sprinted for the rail!.....From nowhere...I
heard a bumble bee sound, and something hit me full square in the
chest....my breath came out in a whoosh!...I gasped for air...My
throat gurgled....bubbled...I coughed and blood ran down my chin
onto my uniform jacket...I looked about me wildly!!! What had hit
me???...I looked to the Spanish crew, leaping over our gunwhale,
what to do?? The leading man grinned as he looked at me, behind him
came a uniformed Officer, chattering in their language....I tried to
lift my sword....the front man was drifiting in a blur...I shook my
head to clear my vision....Vomit spewed from my lips...frothy,
bloody...it fell onto my front...Panicky, I knew I had to fight or
die! I lifted my sword!....I took a step toward the grinning
seaman....it felt like I was walking in glue...I couldn't get my
feet or legs to respond!!!....Suddenly....he was not there....in his
place was a brilliant golden sea....from out of the sea came a
woman...a NAKED woman!!!....It couldn't be!! Could it??? It was!!!
My lovely Petra!!! She stood outlined in the golden aura of the
sea!!! Her arms reached out to me!...I felt a stabbing in my
heart!!! The sea air tasted of copper!!!...I called to
her...."Petra???"....my words came out liquid!!! I had made it to
her!!! The light grew stronger! More golden in colour...she
smiled...blew me a kiss!!!...I lifted my arm to do the
same!!!.....the bright golden light died....then nothing!!
22,472 English seamen died trying to rid the world of the "French
Hooligan" !!!
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