Day 11. A Pregnancy Journal
By macserp
- 874 reads
Day 11. How the Democrats Won the Midterm Elections and What I Can Learn From Them.
Americans, by a slim margin in most cases, are tired of fighting. They want results. They want an answer to Iraq, to jobs, to minimum wage, health care, and congressional corruption. The Democrats publicly sided with the people while the Republicans repeated the same divisive mantra - taxes and security, taxes and security, us v. them, us v. them - that won them the last election. This time the Dems courted the centrist voter, widening their appeal by opening the dialog to include them. The strategy seems to have benefited the party - the small public compromises have yielded power many times over.
Or, to take a different tack. Here is my horoscope today:
To the untrained eye you may seem to have no direction today. You see the liberty trail, and you take it. Hopefully no one will ask you where you're going. The point is that you're free.
And here's hers; keep in mind she talked to a life coach last night - well, it's her friend who's practicing to become one:
It's time for another one of your famous reincarnations. You're so skillful at changing into a new and exciting version of yourself that people around you might not notice. But you know, and that's what matters.
No wonder I haven't heard from her today. She's in the broom closet at work putting on her supermom outfit. I decide to email her to tell her that Mario Batali, that is, Molto Mario for you viewers out there in TV land, is opening a pizzeria in Hollywood over at Highland and Melrose. This is a sly reference to the cookbook she bought me for my birthday last month when things were still good between us.
Ok, so what do we have here? The Democratic party reincarnates itself and I'm on a freedom march over to Mario Batali's new pizzeria where I'm not likely to run into her, unless of course she's turned into a gypsy barista in an ironic twist of things happening for a reason, in which case I'm really fucked because I already wrote that book.
Just for the record, she did get back to me. The clarifying parenthesis are mine.
Hey sweetey - I missed your good night [I had text messaged her] - I had no idea. And, I seem to have left my phone [at] home today, so I'm a bit incommunicado.
Baby... [blah, blah, blah] Thank you for voting baby.
Talking to [her friend] was so very, very helpful. She's really good at what she does, which is a process of clarify[ing] thinking, paring thoughts apart so that you understand what [the] important factors are in your decision making. Of course, I haven't reached any decision, but feel like I realized [?] that respecting myself, accepting myself as being a capable, loving, and well-intentioned person will allow me to make the best decision. And at this point I've thought over and over about the big and macro [micro?] picture of logistical nightmares, etc..., and think that I can put that aside, knowing that I've already thought that all through. [This makes me relieved] I also think that should I decide to go through with it all, that [her old job] will take me on full-time again, thus maternity leave, etc...
I also really want you to know that as hurt as I've been through this, that I love you deeply, and realize that I've put you [in] a place that you never wanted to inhabit, never wanted to consider. When people are scared, frustrated they say things and act in ways that aren't necessarily them. [Did her friend ok this?] I know that you are loving person, and believe that you care about me. I really hope that we can work through this my love, but also realize that is conditional for you...[Not sure what this means either]
Feeling really fucking nauseous today.[check!]
take care love.
Thank god she's thought all the logistical problems through and can put them aside, that's all I've got to say. Otherwise she's kind of stay the course, like Bush, in spite of evidence to the contrary. Oh, and that job of hers with the theoretical maternity leave that didn't quite support her when she was alone - I'm wondering if she's just gonna walk in to her boss's office with her round stomach and proclaim that she's back. Really, it seems to me that I've been trying to clarify thoughts all along, paring them apart as she says, only since I'm not a woman, or a life coach or a dear friend of hers, she doesn't listen to me.
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