Rat King
By Brooklands
- 1215 reads
"A rat king is said to arise when a number of rats become intertwined at their tails and become stuck to each other with blood, dirt and excrement. Consequently, the animals grow together while joined at the tails."
Rat King
Out of simple mathematics, scaffold
topples, maiming our man. Roaring: "Oh my
leg!" This poor chap has visible bones.
Actual rats escape the rubble: fat as
babies, swifts as spiders, leave their young
behind: in piles, their tails mutated, braided
new-born rodents, fifty strong, emerge
as one, for rarely do they come across
a dinner big enough to feed their fifty
stomachs, at one sitting, a loom of teeth,
beginning at his wound, incessant as
a type writ letter, bite by bite, they turn
him over, feed inside him while he sings.
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Ha! A hideous thing,
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