By Chris Whitley
- 3137 reads
I surface from the underground
periscopes high
I to eye the hue and cry
entering the envelope
astounded by the surround
back on the merry-go-round
running away – running away
you want to live in someone else’s life
seeking, seeking always….
contemplating the naval – or there about
there is danger on our lips --
we must whisper that we care
after nights of sensuality we arise,
put on our cretin clobber
and return to the jungle
where time and place eat us up
but it’s strawberry time
and in this candy-coloured dream
they suck this sugared life to death
we turn a wheel dislodge a stone
and crash through yet another decade
sabotage is your game – your pleasure
your only claim to fame
you easily fool the fools
the mob runs to meet the victor
‘cause winners always win,
and the rabble love parades
the war is raging all the time
there is savageness abroad
and rules of narrowness below
leaders with budget brains sit down together
and break the heads of others
stealing the truth of possibility
with enough weapons to crush everyone’s dreams.
I’m sliding down between the holocaust scenarios
the stain of blood spreads through the whole (human) consciousness
take my mouth, take away my teeth and my tongue,
and I’ll scream it on the fucking wall with my fingernails
do you hear the cries of the dead in my voice?
the murdered masses screaming
‘you’ve sold us out’
while we get mac-fat on freedom
if it all goes wrong again it will be us in the cattle wagon
going around the last curve over the hill of forever
there’s a wailing in my head
and a tugging at my heart
while dogma barks from the mouth of the mob
like a wad of gum they chew the cud
blowing bubbles full of nothing but wind and hot air
but burstable(sic)by anything sharp
their security – my prison
their barricades -- my borders
their hopes – my fears
their dreams – my nightmares
their beliefs -- my nonsense
the geography of idiocy is everywhere
and the global world remains
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'History is a nightmare that
gez devlin
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