Through the Haze - Part Twelve
By Leno
- 511 reads
Sometimes, when we need each other, there are ways to connect when you're very far apart. --Trisha McGee, Book of Hope
Gabriel walked down the hallway in the unfamiliar house. It was dark out and a bit chilly, but he didn't feel uneasy like he usually did. It wasn't that icy chill that was swooping about, no, it was just a normal chilly evening in the house. Frowning, he continued onward, unsure of what was going on, where he was, or why he was there. Where was the chill? He didn't feel afraid, he felt rather comfortable, actually.
He lumbered to a door and pulled it open, glancing inside the room. There was nothing there, just a window on the far side and a closet to his left. The room was dark and vacant, but still, he didn't feel uneasy. He felt normal, which confused him greatly.
"...Hello?" he called, confused, wanting some answers. "Is anyone there? Hello?"
There was nothing. No answer, no noise, no chill, no nothing. It confused and worried him all the more.
With a small growl, he focused his energy on his hand. Slowly, a dull glow throbbed from his hand, giving the room a little light. Still, there was nothing. He narrowed his eyes and took a step into the room.
Suddenly, the door slammed shut behind him. He frowned and looked back at it, expecting to get that chill of warning, but nothing happened. He still wasn't uneasy.
What was going on?
"Gabe...wake up...."
Gabriel blinked. Who was calling to him? Wasn't he already awake? "Who's there?" he called, looking around.
"Gabriel, I'm serious...wake up..."
"I AM awake! I'm in this house, can't you tell?" he frowned. 'What's going on?' he thought to himself.
"Wake up!"
Gabriel's eyes snapped open as he sat up quickly, his head colliding with Loukoi's. He gasped and brought a hand to his head, feeling a sharp pain throb throughout his body. "What--What happened?"
"Warn me when you're gonna sit up like that," Lou groaned, rubbing his head. "I was trying to wake you up, you were shivering."
"I was?" he wondered, confused. Suddenly, he felt weak and drained, and had to lie back down. Lou frowned and pressed his hand to his forehead.
"Your fever's gotten worse..." he mumbled.
Gabriel sighed. 'And it's just gonna keep getting worse,' he thought to himself.
"How're you feeling?" Lou asked worriedly, removing his hand.
"Same..." he mumbled. He shivered and tried to pull the covers tighter around himself, but was far too weak. Lou saw what he was trying to do, and did it for him. "Thanks..."
Lou nodded slowly. "Do you feel up to eating?"
"No...not really..."
"Do you think you could try? You haven't eaten in days."
Gabriel frowned. "Days?" he asked weakly. "How...long have I been out?"
"...Off and on about three days," Lou answered quietly. "You wouldn't stay awake for long, and you weren't very coherent. I wish I could say that you're getting better, but..." he trailed off, shaking his head. "Your fever hasn't broken. It spiked a little while ago."
Gabriel sighed.
"...For what?" Gabriel asked, confused.
"I don't know what to do."
Gabriel offered a weak smile. "You've...done a lot...thanks..."
Lou smiled back, but it looked kind of forced. "Try to eat something, okay?"
Gabriel sighed. "Okay..." he mumbled. Lou smiled again and helped him sit up. He leaned his back against the side of the carriage, feeling rather dizzy for a moment.
Lou handed him a glass of water. "I want you to take some aspirin first. It might help."
Gabriel sighed again. "Why not?" he gripped the glass, afraid he would drop it, and swallowed the pills when Lou gave them to him. He winced as his head gave a sharp pound, and Lou put a hand on his shoulder to steady him.
"Okay. Now, try to eat this." he handed him a bowl of soup.
Gabriel grabbed it weakly and brought the spoonfull of broth to his lips. The warm liquid felt surprisingly good in his mouth. It warmed him a little and pushed the pain back some. He gave a contented sigh and took another spoonfull.
"Feeling okay?" asked Lou, watching him.
Gabriel nodded slowly. "Yeah."
"Good. Think you can keep that down?"
"I think so..." he murmured.
"When you're done, get some more rest."
"...Kay...where are we, anyway?" he asked, taking another spoonfull.
"Small town called Kashimia. Would you like to stop at a hotel for the night?"
Gabriel shook his head. "Nah...that's okay..."
"Okay. How're you feeling?"
"...A little better, I guess...Not as cold," he mumbled, taking another spoonfull.
"That's good," said Lou, sounding rather relieved.
Isaac sighed heavily as he lay on his bed. Where were the others? They had to be coming. Ember was dying, and he didn't want that to happen to his friend. He looked over at his window. The sun was setting, making colors explode over the sky.
He sighed again and closed his eyes.
Isaac walked through the unfamiliar house. There was no chill, this time, no moaning voice, no pain, no nothing. He didn't feel uneasy or uncomfortable, which was oddly strange. He slowly crept down the hallway, stopping at a door. He turned the knob and opened the door.
The room was empty and vacant, with a single window on the far wall and a closet to the left. He frowned and took a step into the room.
The door to the room slammed closed behind him, making him gasp and spin around. But still, there was no chill, no warning sounding off in his head. He blinked at the door and turned to look at the interior of the room.
Where was he? What was going on?
The door knob suddenly turned. He gasped again and moved toward the far wall, trying to hide in the shadows of the room as he glared at the door. The door opened slowly, and a tall male entered the room.
The male had black hair and ice-blue eyes that seemed oddly surprised when they landed on him. "Who are you?" the other male asked.
"I--I'm Isaac," he answered shakily, confused. "Who are you?"
"I'm Gabriel," he answered, then paused. "You wouldn't happen to be a gifted, would you?"
Isaac frowned. "I am. Why?"
"Because I'm a gifted too."
Isaac's eyes widened.
What was going on here?
"What are you doing here?" Isaac asked.
"I could ask you the same question," Gabriel answered as he entered the room. The door slammed shut behind him as he walked toward Isaac. "How old are you?"
"Twelve," he answered truthfully. "You?"
Isaac remembered why he'd wanted the other gifted to come so badly. "You have to help me," he said.
Gabriel raised a questioning brow. "With?"
"My friend, he's sick. I don't know what to do to help him. The chill-"
"You know of the chill?"
"Yeah. It made him sick. He'll die if you don't help him." his eyes were pleading.
Gabriel frowned. "I'd love to help ya, kid, but I can't."
"What? Why not?"
"Because at the moment, we're dreaming. And, in life, I'm dying."
"Dying? What?" Isaac asked, eyes wide. "How? Why?"
"The chill. I'm sick. I was coming to you and the other gifted to see if you could help me, and because I kept hearing a voice in my head, and it wasn't the moaning voice."
Isaac frowned greatly. "How can you be dying?"
"I just am. I know I am. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach."
"Well, if you and the other gifted come to my place, we can help Ember and you."
Gabriel sighed heavily. "I dunno, kid. Maybe. Where are you?"
"I live at a small farm on the west side of Ranchestrum."
Gabriel nodded. "Ranchestrum, got it. Okay. I'll try to get there."
Isaac sighed in relief. "Thank you."
Gabriel smiled slightly. "No problem."
"Gabe? Wake up." Gabriel opened his eyes to see Lou looking at him worriedly. "You were shivering again. Are you okay? How're you feeling?"
Gabriel frowned. "Okay...Listen...we have to get to Ranchestrum..."
Lou frowned. "Ranchestrum? Why?"
"...Another gifted..."
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