An Account Of An Alien Abduction
By alang
- 5671 reads
An Account Of An Alien Abduction.
By Alan Goodenough.
Darkness. Pitch black darkness. I could feel movement all around me. I tried to move but couldn't. I felt straps on my arms, across my chest and on both legs. Light. Shadow figures moved around me, but still I could hear nothing. Then I felt a hand on my leg and another on my head, everything was blurry, I couldn't make anything out save for blurred figures and other bizarre shapes. I felt the hand on my head move around and suddenly i could hear. They were talking in hushed tones but I didn't understand the language they were speaking.
I felt a needle press into my arm, I felt a rush, then a clamp was placed over my mouth. One of the figures twisted a dial and my mouth was wrenched open. I tried to scream from the pain, but nothing came out. Another clamp was attached to my eyes, forcing them open, I tried to blink but could not. A liquid that tasted somewhat akin to petrol smells with a consistency of thick gravy was poured into my mouth, I spluttered and could not breathe, I gagged. I tried in vain to spit it out, but could not summon the strength. Once the liquid had stopped I found myself about to vomit. The vomit travelled up my throat and the table flipped over at a speed that disorientated me. As I vomited I felt my eyes bulge. The table did not rotate back.
I felt a cold metal against my anus, it was at this point i realised i was naked. A split second later I felt the probe enter me, forcing my anus open and stretching me. I heard skin rip and felt warm blood on my scrotum. The probe shot liquid inside me as it scraped the walls of my rectum. Agony spread through my body.
Seconds, minutes, hours... time had no meaning. The probe was pulled out and liquid followed it. The table flipped back. I felt a blade against my thigh and then I felt a cut. I wanted to pass out from the pain, but could not. Another injection into my arm as a flap of skin on my thigh was pulled back before another device was forced into the muscle. The pain intensified. Something was placed over my penis, it tightened, my penis stiffened and seconds later I orgasmed. The object over my penis was removed.
The clamp in my mouth was opened further, I felt my cheeks rip. The table began to spin, getting faster and faster. My eyes fought to close, but the clamps held them open. My left eye exploded out, I tried to move my arms to cover the open socket but they were still restrained. Seconds later my right eye went the same way. The table slowed and soon stopped. An implement came down from the mouth clamp and attached to my tongue, pulling it out of my mouth and extending it out. Another injection in my arm and the already excruciating pain worsened. My tongue was scraped and then removed from my mouth. One of the figures walked off with it speaking away in his language to his colleagues. My body was screaming in agony, the pain intensified I should've been dead or unconscious at the least.
The table began to raise up to a standing position. My straps were released, and I slid off of the table. I opened my eyes and found myself lying in a field.
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