Play My Game
By Keiko Shizuru
- 629 reads
Lets play that you're my friend
Read my hubs !... Comment !
Tell me that you like my way
pamper me, follow me, stay!
Post in all my threads
until it is time for bed.
Agree with all I say
so laugh, or cry, or pray.
Don't have a life! Enough
it is my life for both.
I want to see you there,
your words filling the air,
sweet phrases for my eyes,
bonding you with stronger ties.
You're one with me, my friend.
Forever! Till the end.
And because you know it's true,
I can do all these things to you :
enslave, threaten,misguide;
cling to you or leave you aside.
You never know it's love or hate.
If it's too soon or it's too late.
And in the end you're part of me.
You lose your life. Insanity!
Is your commitment till this day
so strong and true, cause you're my prey.
And I will suck your blood till lame,
you bend your head... For you're my game.
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