By C_A_JONEStechno
- 835 reads
We were supposed to play a charity gig for a guy who fell off his fishing boat - at least that's what the landlord of The Waverley, Ilfracombe, N. Devon said. Being mad we are not allowed to earn money but I fancied a night out. What a fiasco!
1st there was no sound guy. Ok, we'll do it. 2nd there are seats and tables everywhere. Ok, we will move them. 3rd there are no mic stands. Ok, we will do instrumental. We fell over backwards 'cause it was in a good cause we thought.
Then, before we even started to play this drunken tosser at the bar calls out,
"You're shit! Its just Karaoke!"
This was to me because I was mixing the tracks on my RS7000 - all original and written by us.
Then the twat came over and got right in Dean's face.
"Its shit! Its rubbish!"
I thought Dean was gonna nut him. He carried on, "'Cause I've got an interest in it. I'm in a band."
"Yeah." said Dean, "A Red Hot Chilis cover band..." (I mean, our stuff is original and he is in a copycat band singing and playing someone else's shit - and he says WE are Karaoke?)
The guy spluttered and said, "Yeah, well. How much are you getting paid for this?"
I told him, "Its a charity gig for the guy who fell off the boat."
"Oh well, well. Its for a good cause. You only had to say..." and he shambled off back to the bar. We were so pissed off by this time that we packed our stuff, finished our pints and walked out.
We went home and got stoned.
Big up to Will who tried his best.
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I know the feeling, trying
Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt
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