Idea For a New Religion - The Full Text
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IMMUNIZATION 1) Every tree is a bough upon the Earth and every Earth, a bough upon the stars. Every spider that spins a web is a thread within a greater web. Every living thing; every man and woman and child is a sacred cell within the sacred anatomy of God, the living universe. 2) As God is sacred, thus all that is a part of God is also sacred. Every living thing; every man, woman and child is God. Treat all things with reverence and be kind to all, for every act of kindness is an offering to God. 3) The good of all is the will of God. As it is the function of a cell to serve the body, so it is the purpose of every person to serve the greater good. As my hand moves to obey my will, so should I move to obey the will of God. 4) All bodies are a part of one great body and all souls, a part of one great soul. The self is a necessary illusion; an imaginary cell wall that keeps us divided; a dream that fades when we die and our flesh is united with the earth and our soul becomes one with God who is all heaven. 5) Sickness afflicts all bodies, wether mortal or divine. Fear and greed are a sickness that is spread by the demons that feed upon the sufferings of man. Demons are psychic parasites that live within a higher dimension. They cripple the world with division, turning neighbour against neighbour and nation against nation because they fear the power of a united world. Faith is a form of immunity and religion, a tool for reuniting, healing and motivating the broken and severed limbs of God. 6) As there are demons, there are also angels; divine symbiants who feed upon the pleasure and the joy of man and thus seek to spread joy and pleasure and to protect all of humankind.
MACROCOSMIC HEALING A 1) The healing of God, the universal organism, is called macrocosmic healing. The healing of individual life forms is called microcosmic healing. 2) Macrocosmic healing involves the repair of macrocosmic wounds; that is, large scale environmental damage or the devestation caused by war and genocide and also injuries to the macrocosmic psyche; the divisions between groups, communities or nations caused by hatred or war. 3) Just as a plant requires water, light and nutrients to survive and thrive, so the universal organism has requirements. These requirements are called sacred necessities. 4) Unity is a sacred necessity; the unity of the human race in the service of the common good. Demons divide and conquer the human race; turning colour against colour, creed against creed, rich against poor, class against class, gender against gender; heterosexual against homosexual, able against disabled, nation against nation, man against his neighbour and mankind against nature. A divided human race is like a dismembered body. Divided and turned against itself, the human race has no hope of defeating the common enemy: the demon parasites. 5) Diversity is a sacred necessity. Just as a plant must branch out in many directions, so the tree of life must spread its branches in order to survive and thrive. Without diversity, there can be no evolution and no human progress because there would be a smaller gene pool and a smaller intellectual gene pool to draw from. Diversity is life and extreme homogenity is death, like the white of winter that covers over everything bright and colourful. God is a multifaceted gem and every facet is bright. God is reached by a million roads and no single road is supreme. Diversity is the beauty of nature which is the face of God. Those who impose homogenity upon the world only disfigure God. 6) Balance is a sacred necessity. All evils are forms of extreme and all good things are moderate. Medicine, in too great a dose, can be poisonous while too small a dose can have no effect at all. Balance is essential for the health of every individual living thing; for the health of society, the planet and the universe. Balance is the root of all reason, fairness and liberality, Nature contains many delicate balancing mechanisms which humankind must respect and humankind must also balance its needs and wants with the needs of nature. All friendship and love relies upon balance. Every human being must balance their social responsibility with their needs as an individual; balance their duty towards themselves with their duty towards God.
MACROCOSMIC HEALING B 7) Tradition is a sacred necessity. Just as genes are passed from generation to generation, so wisdom and experience and ritual must be passed down because of their usefulness to the survival of life. Every new generation has a duty to serve God, the living universe and tradition prepares them for that duty and teaches them the best methods that have been learned through practice, trial and error. Tradition exists throughout nature. The seasons and cycles of nature are traditions and life itself is a tradition. Tradition is the root of law and education and tradition also helps to unite and motivate people aswell as giving structure and routine to their lives. 8) Change is a sacred necessity. Change is the root of all hope. Without change, there can be no life, no birth, no growth, no death and no rebirth. Without change, there can be no healing, no learning, no highs or lows of emmotion, no progress and no redemption. Change is like the ever moving river that is always clean and clear rather than stagnant water which is a breeding ground for disease. Because evil is constantly changing its shape, so goodness must also adapt and evolve to survive. Change is exploration and discovery and invention in science and art and every field of human endeavour and, since every human being is a part of God, so every human explorer and experimenter is God, exploring and testing itself.
MACROCOSMIC HEALING C 9) Suffering- God feels the suffering of all its parts. God feels the pain of cities destroyed by war and natural disaster. God feels the symptoms of the sick, the pains of the injured, the misery of the enslaved and abused, the frustration and humiliation of the poor, the cold of the homeless, the hunger of the starving; the grief of widows and the lonliness of orphans. Those who wish to serve God usefully must strive to minimize the suffering in the world. 10) Empathy - Empathy, the ability to imagine ourselves in the position of other people and even non-human lifeforms, is a blessed thing which we must seek to teach and preserve. Empathy is the root of all generosity and all truly moral behaviour. Empathy is a sense of our connection to others and thus to God. 11) Reaction time - God, the living universe, is enormously vast and has so many responsibilities to attend to and so it may take a long time for God to respond to all our prayers, which is why we should try to answer each others prayers. We are the limbs of God and if we act quickly then God is acting quickly. Those who wish to serve God must have patience and perseverence and must focus upon long term rewards rather than the quick and easy path. God waits patiently for an end to human selfishness and greed. God continues to have faith in humanity, century after century. We must be patient with and have faith in God. Small miracles are happening constantly, all around us and great miracles also happen but they take a longer time and require our participation.
THE LAW OF OPPOSITES; REGENESIS, DESTINY AND FREE WILL 1) The law of opposites - Everything that exists must have an opposite. Because order exists so, there must be chaos. Because destiny exists so, there must be randomness. Because the faithful believers exist so, there must be atheists. Because good exists so, there must be evil. Because God exists so, there must be the absence of God. 2) Regenesis - Creation had no first chapter. Creation had no beginning and it will have no end. Each day is part of a neverending cycle of genesis and regenesis. Every person is the hand of God, helping to create and shape and change their world. 3) What do you mean by universe? - By universe, I mean, "All that there is". What scientists call a multiverse, I call a universe; many branches upon one tree and the tree is God and all dimensions are dimensions of God. 4) Destiny - Destiny is the will of God. The faithful should be leaves of belief in the wind of the will of God but they should resist the will of evil as strongly as someone battling to walk against the wind. All who follow the will of God shall find their soul in heaven, so none should fear. 5)The various parts of destiny - The movement of a hand is a complex thing. It involves the interaction of brain and nervous system, muscle, bone and other parts of our anatomy. So too, destiny involves the coordinated movement of many parts; my destiny is effected by all the actions of nature and people throughout the world; a chain reaction involving a complicated network of many interwoven chains.
6) True free will and options - True free will can only come when we are prepared to stand outside of ourselves; to set aside the guidance of our genes and our experience and look at our situation neutrally and even then we are limited to the options given to us by circumstance but, by working together, we can create more options. Whatever you choose in life, choose the most kind, loving and reasonable path.
NATURAL DISASTERS 1) Overpopulation- When there is overpopulation there will also be great death and devestation. Overpopulation is a drain upon natural resources, creating scarcity which can cause famine, crime and war. Overpopulation increases the probability of disease; overpopulation means that people have to settle upon every inch of available land, even if that land is prone to the occurance of natural disasters. Contraception and abortion were inspired by God as a means of controlling the size of the human population. 2) Destiny makes us strong so that we can help the weak, it makes us rich so that we can help the poor, it makes us well so that we can care for the sick. God only gives us good fortune because God intends us to share it with others. It is the duty of strong and wealthy nations to help poorer weaker nations through times of crisis. 3) Natural disasters are not a punishment from God, because human beings are God and God would not harm itself, however, there are practical lessons to be learned from each natural disaster, they teach us to prepare for future disasters, how best to survive them, how best to minimize their consequences and how best to heal the damage and suffering caused by them.
WAR A 1) Wars are created by Demons as a means of generating suffering on a large scale, Demons plant the seeds of war. They manipulate the greedy politicians and businessmen who start wars, then they harvest the suffering of the grieving, the orphaned, the homeless, the poor, sick, injured and crippled. 2) Wars are the wounding of God's own flesh and soul. God despises war and God's will is world peace, friendship and equality among all groups, races and nations. 3) It is God's will that a world army be formed which consists of soldiers from every nation. This world army would be placed under the control of the united nations (a truly neutral united nations which is not dominated by any individual nation or group of nations). This world army would ensure the national security of all countries. War would be made illegal and the world army would enforce that law. 4) Until the world army is formed and world peace is achieved, those who wish to serve god must do all that they can to either avoid war or reduce the suffering and devestation caused by it.
WAR B 5) Large scale killing of civilians is never acceptable to God. Genocide is an act of violence against God who is all. 6) Torture was invented by Demons as a way of generating suffering. God detests torture and has given human beings an intellect and an imagination so that they can invent alternative methods of obtaining information rather than relying upon torture. 7) Weapons of mass destruction are tools of genocide and genocide is abhorrent to God. Weapons of mass destruction may only be used against the non-living, for example, a meteorite that threatens to destroy the earth. 8) Non-lethal weapons should be employed by armies whenever and wherever possible as a means of reducing loss of life. 9) Medals must be awarded for kindness aswell as courage. A kind soldier fights on the side of all humanity and God is truly on their side. 10) The diplomat who prevents war is a hero to God. War must be avoided whenever possible.
WAR C 11) Nations do not wage wars; governments wage wars and soldiers are forced to fight them. We must never hate an enemy nation or its soldiers, we must only hate the governments who rule the enemy nation and the system that they impose upon their people. 12) Children must learn about the horrors of all wars and about the heroism of those who oppose war. 13) War also devestates nature and those who wish to serve God must try, whenever and wherever possible, to protect nature from the ravages of war. 14) War should only be waged for the protection of life or the prevention of widescale suffering, it must never be waged as a means of obtaining power, wealth, land or property. 15) All manufacture of weapons should be nationalized and weapons should be made purely for the purposes of national defence and not exported for profit. God abhors those who seek to profit from killing and devestation. 16) Those who wish to serve God must care for all who are the victims of the devestation of war. All that they do for their fellow human being, they do for God. 17) The true and godly purpose of an army, navy or airforce is not to invade countries or subjugate people but to help protect, rescue and deliver aid to those in need.
EQUALITY A 1) No part of a flower is supreme; petal is equal to leaf and stem. All living things are a sacred and beautiful part of God, the living universe, with an important role to play and all should be respected equally. 2) However, the needs of individual parts must always be weighed against the needs of the whole. 3) A persons function, their role in life, can only be determined by their natural aptitude. What a person is good at is what they were born to do. God, who is nature, gives us natural abilities so that we may use them to serve the greater good. 4) Diversity is sacred. No colour within the spectrum of life is supreme, all are a part of God's great wonder and beauty. 5) Homosexuality is a kind of symmetry. It is part of the design of nature; part of the great wonder and beauty of God, the living universe. 6) God, the living universe, is both disabled and able. All types of things in nature have strengths and weaknesses, yet all things in nature survive and thrive and can contribute to life. Every human being should be judged according to their strengths rather than their weaknesses. Prejudice and hatred are true disabilities. They are a form of blindness that weakens and wounds the whole world.
EQUALITY B 7) Gender need not determine what role a person plays in life. Every individual man and woman has a duty to use whatever abilities fate has equipped them with to serve the common good of all humanity and nature. 8) As we treat nature, we also treat other human beings. We seek to own nature and we enslave others; we objectify nature and we objectify women; we demonize nature and we demonize those who are different to us; we brutalize nature and we brutalize our fellow human being, yet those who learn to love and respect nature, be its friend rather than its master, also learn how to love and respect people, 9) All living things live to serve themselves. Plants and animals exist to feed and multiply; they do not exist to serve the needs or wants of humankind. However, all living things indirectly play a part within the living world. All living things exist to serve themselves, yet, within humankind was born the gift of altruism and the intelligence to perceive the logic of cooperation and kindness. 10) All human beings are fighting on the same side. All people are part of the same army, fighting a war against evil, chaos and destruction but the enemy has divided us and clouded our judgement so that we fight amongst ourselves. Evil has done this because it fears our unity because it knows how strong the human race will be once it is united. 11) Why does disability exist? – Disability is a part of life’s diversity. Everything which exists must have an opposite. Because there are people who see, so there must be blind people. Because there are the hearing, so there must be the deaf. Because most can walk, so some can not. All people, of every kind of ability are part of the great pattern of nature who is God. Those with disabilities are not lesser than others or wrong in anyway but merely different in the same way that all people have differences that make each of them unique and, like all people, those with disabilities have a great power inside them and an equally useful destiny to fulfill. Society has a duty to give opportunity and offer help to empower people of every kind of ability so that we can all make our contribution to the greater good.
FREEDOM A 1) God is all nature and humankind and the freedom which we deny to nature or to our fellow human beings, we deny to God. 2) Any system which is designed to serve God must be a lasting system. Systems which survive by oppression do not last. Systems which liberate and grant freedom to the common people are cherished, protected and preserved by the common people. Religions should not be oppressive. They should be about loving the world and all the people in it. They should be a tool to help people and to reduce suffering and only then can they truly be of service to God. 3) Freedom is essential for the devoted service of God. That which we do freely, we do with the whole of our heart. 4) Freedom of information is essential for true faith. Before we can truly believe something, we have to weigh up all the alternatives to that belief. Our faith must be an informed decision. 5) Freedom of speech allows the free exchange of ideas which are essential to human progress. Freedom of speech is the freedom to criticize and protest which is an essential weapon against tyranny and tyranny over the people is tyranny over God 6) Privacy and freedom from surveillance is protection against those who use private information as a tool of blackmail and oppression.
FREEDOM B 7) Freedom to be a non-believer - You don't have to believe in God to serve God, If you are a kind, giving person who cares for nature and for your fellow human being then you are already serving God. God loves a kind atheist more than a cruel fanatic. 8) Freedom Of Experimentation - Without experiment there can be no change. It is through experimentation and exploration that God tests and explores herself. 9) Equal Opportunity - Poverty, inequality, lack of education and opportunity equal lack of freedom. No society which tolerates poverty and inequality can call itself free 10) Peace between sects- If this religion becomes divided into different sects then the sects must live together in peace, friendship and cooperation. 11) No freedom for hate or intolerance - The only people who should not be free are those who wish to deny the freedom of others, they are agents of evil and suffering and should be deprived of power and influence and rendered harmless. All who expect freedom should respect the freedom of others.
TAXATION A 1) God supports fair taxation. Fair taxation is a way of giving back what we take from the world which is God and is necessary for the free and equal availability of life sustaining services and resources. 2) Those on low incomes should pay lower taxes; those who have high incomes should pay higher taxes. This is fair and reasonable and those who protest against it are merely putting their own interests before the greater good. 3) Those who are wealthy but seek to avoid paying taxes, or try to pay less tax by becoming tax exiles or exploiting legal loopholes are parasites who are cheating all of those people on low incomes who pay their taxes properly like good responsible citizens. 4) Every individual has a right to know and decide how the money they pay to their government is being spent. If, for example, they are a pacifist, they may not want their earnings to go towards the defence budget.
TAXATION B 5) Paying Fair Taxes is a patriotic act - If poor men are prepared to fight and die for their country then rich men should be prepared to sacrifice their wealth. 6) Paying fair taxes is a moral act and a religious duty - Money is not an end, it's a means to an end; a tool created by God for the service of the greater good. Destiny, which is the hand of God, gives power to the powerful so that they may help the weak, wealth to the wealthy so that they may help the poor. Money is part of the healing and regenerative power of God and those who have money must go forth and heal the sickness and the wounds of poverty. A greedy, selfish man is like an impotent man, his wealth like seed going to waste. Taxation is an offering to God, for all that we give to the world, we give to God and all that we horde for ourselves, we steal from God.
GOVERNMENT A 1) Democracy is sacred. God is all of the people and the voice of the people is the voice of God. 2) Socialism is sacred. God is all; the rich and the poor; the workers and the owners. 3) Liberalism is sacred. God is all and the rights and freedoms of the people are the rights and freedoms of God. 4) Environmentalism is sacred. Nature is also God and man must respect nature and protect it from harm. 5) Political Corruption - Corrupt politicians are criminals; conmen who have abused the trust of the electorate; traitors to their nation and to democracy and they should be treated as criminals. God is in the people who elect politicians to represent them and those who betray the people are betraying God. 6) Incarceration of corrupt politicians - Let all who stand for election know that if they try to con the people they will be incarcerated. This should not be viewed as an act of public vengeance but as a form of compensation - the politician who cheats the public, has taken from them without giving back, he owes the public, he must pay off his debt, redeem himself and earn their trust again. Prison is a time for him to reflect on what he has done and reconnect with God.
GOVERNMENT B 7) Rewards for whistleblowers- There must be an incentive for all those who work in government to report corruption whenever they encounter it, a monetary reward aswell as the praise and approval of the people. 8) Lobby groups are undemocratic- In a true democracy every voice should be heard, not just those people or groups who have wealth, power and influence. If a cause is genuinely good then it should not require a lobby group to gain government support. If a cause is bad then no politician should allow themselves to be bribed or pressurized into supporting it. 9) Democracy is not a football match - It is not about winning and losing but about doing what is best for the people. Political tribalism and rivalry must never get in the way of serving the people.
THE LEGAL SERVICES A 1) The legal services are essential for a peaceful, orderly and fair world. A world without law courts would be a world of greater chaos and misery where no one could be trusted to keep their word, where disputes would be solved by vengeance and violence and the strong and powerful could never be punished and thus, a fair and honest legal system enforced by fair and honest people is in the interests of all. 2)The legal services are public services and all who work within the legal services must be motivated by the principles of fairness, truth and justice for all people. 3) The adversarial system can hamper the pursuit of truth and justice, if it reduces the pursuit of truth and justice to a tennis match where skill prevails rather than right. Both the prosecutor and the defender should serve the same goal, to ensure that the truth is known and that justice is served. A lawyer should regard themselves as a public servant, it is not their duty to serve a client but to serve the principles of fairness, truth and justice for the benefit of society. 4) There should be no private law firms. All legal representatives should be employed by the court and the court should have tax raising powers so that legal representatives are not dependent upon either state funding or upon the money of clients, which would ensure the total neutrality of the court and all legal representatives.
THE LEGAL SERVICES B 5) Trial by jury is a sacred institution because it allows ordinary people to play their part in the legal system which is designed for their protection aswell as demonstrate their faith in the principles and the effectiveness of the legal system. It also reminds us that only through active participation in a system, can we ensure that it remains fair and true to its founding principles. 6) There should be no such thing as a corrupt judge or a crooked lawyer. All judges and lawyers must be regularly investigated to ensure that they have no criminal affiliations and are not being bribed or influenced in anyway which would effect their ability to serve the law correctly. 7) The identity of jury members must be a closely guarded secret, known only to judge and legal representatives so that no jury member can be bribed or intimidated by either the accuser or the accused or those associated with them. 8) A court room is no place for prejudice of any kind. Those who serve God serve fairness and loathe any form of prejudice. When justice has been carried out properly, without prejudice or unfairness, then Gods will has been done.
THE PUBLIC SERVICES 1) What we deny to our fellow human being, we deny to God. All, including nature, are God, God belongs to God, so all belongs to all and all should have an equal share of the world and its resources. 2) All that is essential for the preservation of life and quality of life should be given freely to the people. Medicine and healthcare, education, policing, financial services, housing, clothing, fuel, food and water, toys for children and anything which is necessary to sustain life and give people a decent quality of life must be made freely available to all. 3) In order to make life sustaining goods and services freely available to all, they must be owned by the state and the state must serve the interests of the people and be motivated by a love of the people. 4) The public services are the hand of a benevolent, maternal God, doing good in the world. A national health service and national pharmaceutical industry are the healing and regenerative power of god. Schools, colleges, universities and librarys are the womb of education, custodians of the infant future; policemen and women are the trusted guardians of the people who should never let themselves be used as tools of oppression or betray the trust of the people by behaving like criminals. The public services must respect and love the people and earn the respect and love of the people.
GOOD LAWS 1) In order for something to be a good law, it is not enough that it is imposed by the state or enforced by police, a law must fulfill three criteria; logic, fairness and humanity. 2) Logic - A law must be in the interest of society or nature, it must benefit the majority of people and therefore be a law which it is logical to obey. 3) Fairness - A law must apply to all people equally and it must be a law that all people are equally capable of following. 4) Humanity- It must be a law that is not unnecessarily harsh, cruel or humiliating. 5) Land ownership replaced by reciprocation - because the land is God, it cannot be owned by any individual, however those who promise to care for the land and protect it and its natural inhabitance and whose purposes for using the land cause no harm to nature or to the public health may use the land for aslong as they abide by their promise.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 1) If domestic violence is occuring within a community then the community has a duty to know about it and take action to help the victim. 2) The community must provide physical protection, comfort, care, support, refuge and whatever else the victims of domestic violence need. 3) The community must be helpful and cooperative to the police and legal services in their investigation of domestic violence and the prosecution of its perpetrators. 4) Community members who are guilty of committing acts of domestic violence must undergo rigorous psychological treatment and must not be trusted by the community until they have proven, over the course of several years, that they are no longer violent. 5) Funding must be given to research into the cause, prevention and solution to domestic violence. 6) Domestic violence is a legitimate grounds for divorce and those who have committed domestic violence could be penalized by being forced to pay for the therapeutic treatment of their ex-spouse or partner so that they contribute something to the healing process.
POWER OF THE PEOPLE 1) Unemployment - Although God believes that the state should provide our basic needs, God also expects us to be active in our service of the greater good. If a person is unemployed then, apart from continuing to seek work,they must do their best to help improve life within their community, either through voluntary work or learning some useful skill or art or being active in politics or helping to raise money for charity or growing flowers and vegetables for their community or making something beautiful and useful.There are many ways to have an active and purposeful life and those who do not find good work to occupy their hands and mind may find themselves prey to demons who will try to push them towards depression, drink, drugs or crime. 2) Changing the world - Democracy is not the only way in which a person can influence and improve the world. Ordinary people working together, motivated by a cause they believe is right, can change the world. Belief in a cause or principle is like a wind that pushes the sail of a united people. Do not just grumble about the failings of your government, Unite and do the job yourselves because you, united, are God and have the power of God flowing through you. Form a charity, protest peacefully, do all that you can.
MORALITY AND CRIME A 1) An immoral action is any action which causes harm, directly or indirectly, that is either unnecessary or needlessly extreme. 2) Harm is only necessary when it prevents harm to ourselves or to others. 3) Harm is needlessly extreme when it exceeds what is necessary for the prevention of harm to ourselves or to others. 4) An immoral act may be a deliberate action with the intention of causing harm or it may be an act of willful neglect which leads to the harm of others. 5) Self harm and suicide, when they are committed by those with helpless dependents, are a form of neglect; however, society has a duty to help those who harm themselves or who are suicidal and faliure to attempt to do this is also a form of neglect. 6) Reckless and irresponsible behaviour, because it may lead to accidents which are harmful to others should be viewed as a form of neglect. 7)Harm may also be caused by neglect of our social responsibility; for example, when the rich have the power to help the poor but do nothing for them. A rich man who does nothing to help heal poverty is like a doctor who ignores the suffering of the sick and the injured or a policeman who ignores a crime. 8)Empathy - Empathy is essential for moral and altruistic behaviour. Empathy may develop naturally but, for the sake of society, empathy must be taught to all children. Those who feel that life has worn away their empathy; their feeling of love and kindness towards humanity or nature, must reconnect themselves with the world.
MORALITY AND CRIME B 9) Moral Education- It is not enough to tell a child that something is wrong. You must explain why it is wrong. A child must grow up learning that being cruel or selfish harms other people and that a world without love or kindness or mutual respect or principles would be a hellish chaos; an unbearable world to live in. 10) A child must grow up learning about the moral heroes and heroines of history; the people who stood up against injustice and inhumanity. A child must, most of all, grow up with a love of life and community and a friendship with nature and people of all types. They must understand the importance of cooperation and peace rather than violence and selfishness. 11) Forgiveness and understanding - Crime and immoral behaviour cause wounds between people and communities and the pain of these wounds is also felt by God. Forgiveness and understanding are a necessary part of healing these wounds. A wound that is not healed will only deepen and fester and cause greater harm and greater wounds. 12) The importance of Redemption - Redemption is hope. It is a belief that all people can be saved from evil. The redemption of the whole world begins with the redemption of a single soul. If we do not believe in the redemption of others then how can we believe that, if we fall into trouble, that we shall be saved.
MORALITY AND CRIME C 13) Preventing and curing addiction - Many forms of addiction cause great harm to ourselves and others and it is the duty of society as a whole and of each individual to help control or eliminate these harmful addictions and to help fund scientific research into the control and elimination of harmful addictions. 14) A good environment - All Children, regardless of their parents income, must grow up in a happy environment with safe places to play and explore and things to stimulate them. There must always be somewhere for them to go or something for them to do rather than being bored. 15) A sense of community - Children should not grow up isolated from their community. They must be encouraged to feel proud of where they live and want the best for it. 16) A balance of love and discipline - Discipline is not a bad thing aslong as it is balanced with love. Every child must grow up knowing both. 17) Setting an example- Children cannot be fooled. If they don't see adults behaving morally then they will not trust adults who lecture to them about moral behaviour.
MORALITY AND CRIME D 18) Population and crime - High population plus scarcity of land and resources equals high economically motivated crime. 19) Primitive values - Despite all the advances of humankind, human beings are still bound by a primitive value system which causes misery and crime. Competition is preferred to cooperation; success is rated more highly than virtue. Human beings compete in every aspect of their lives, they compete to posess the most wealth, to be part of the strongest tribe, and have the strongest mate; they pursue the goals of savage beasts and just as in every competition there are winners and losers and the losers feel disatisfaction, impotence, purposelessness and ultimately all of that unhappiness can lead to criminal behaviour. All are guilty of creating this problem; all participate in the competition to be higher up in the wolf pack; all are either directly or indirectly stepping on someone else to get ahead. The criminal can be seen as a person who, in order to achieve the primitive goals of our society, has shed the pretence of civilisation and has resorted to primitive methods. Spiritual aims do allow us to evolve to a higher level of awareness; to detach ourselves from the world of the wolfpack and look down upon it . If humankind truly seeks an end to crime and the other ills of society then it must seek the higher goals of wisdom, understanding and the service of the greater good.
PUNISHMENT AND REHABILITATION A 1) The Demonic view of punishment - Demons feed on suffering. They feed upon the suffering of victims, the suffering of the loved ones of victims and the misery of criminals in prison. They also see prison as an ideal cocoon within which they can turn petty criminals into hardened criminals. They also prefer punishment of criminals to prevention of crime or rehabilitation because prevention of crime is prevention of suffering which robs them of food and rehabilitation is a victory over them; the curing of a diseased limb; the turning of a tool of evil into a tool of goodness. 2) Punishment is not a deterrent - Punishment is no more a deterrent to crime than losing is a deterrent to gambling. If the rewards seem greater than the risk then men will always take the risk.3) God is not vengeful - Evil is a sickness and getting angry at a sickness will not cure it. We, the people are God and if God were to punish us then God would only be punishing herself. Vengeance is foolish because it feeds the demons who are Gods enemies and God is not a fool. 4) Love and Discipline - The purpose of disciplining others must be to teach self discipline. Discipline without love is mere cruelty without purpose, all who are disciplined must also feel that they are loved; discipline without love teaches nothing but resentment.
PUNISHMENT AND REHABILITATION B 5)The quick fix of vengeance - Vengeance makes us feel short term relief; incarceration or execution cuts off a diseased limb but punishment does nothing to cure the sickness that breeds new criminals and more suffering. Yet. society does not want to cure the sickness. Society prefers the quick fix of vengeance, the release of hatred rather than the struggle of forgiveness; the simplified notion of good and evil rather than the more complicated causes of crime. Several millennia of human progress have not led to a cure for the causes of crime. The reason for this is that people are sated by quick and easy, short term solutions that do not demand anything of them. However, the victims of todays crimes, if they wish to save future generations of victims must not give in to vengeance; they must be motivated to understand the causes of crime, how to rehabilitate criminals and how they can prevent future crimes. Vengeance, if it satisfies only the hearts of victims rather than helping to solve the larger problem of crime, is a selfish act which hinders the progress of society. 6) God's view of punishment - Crime causes suffering to humankind. The suffering of humankind is the suffering of God. God wants a permanent end to that suffering; a permanent solution, not another quick fix. Executions and incarcerations are just amputations of Gods diseased limbs and she feels as we do when we lose limbs to a disease which rages on and on and there is no hope of a cure.
SCIENCE & EXPLORATION A 1) Experimentation and exploration are the means by which God discovers more about itself; develops and becomes more efficient. The scientist and the explorer are the fingers of God probing itself, the inward looking eye of God seeing more of itself. 2) Innovation makes God more powerful - Innovation creates tools for the service of the greater good which is the service of God. Medical science gives God new powers of healing. Communication technology gives god a louder voice. The innovator is God's own innovative hand. 3) God is always evolving, God changes its shape; God moves and grows. Science and exploration are agents of change and they allow God to change itself. Evil is always changing its shape. Evil is always innovative and so God must change; must learn; must experiment; must be resourceful and flexible and adaptable. 4) God needs to unite itself. Exploration, transport and communication bring nations together; bring the parts of God together.
SCIENCE AND EXPLORATION B 5) An evolving religion - The only religion that can serve God efficiently is a religion that is flexible and adaptable. A good bible is not the ultimate truth but a means of discovering truth. All who wish to serve god should question, investigate, experiment and innovate. A good religion is a living thing that is always struggling and adapting itself to survive because only by surviving can it do good. 6) Science and exploration bring us closer to God. The more we understand about nature which is the anatomy of God, the more we understand about God. When we love and are amazed by nature, we love and are amazed by God. Meditation is a form of exploration which helps us to discover God in ourselves and in the world around us. 7) Science is not the enemy of tradition - Science helps connect us to the past. It gives us a lense to see the past more clearly. Archaeology and historical research helps forge stronger links between us and our ancestors. Time travel will one day take time pilgrims to meet the founders of their religions.
THE ARTS A 1) All of the arts, old and new, are sacred. All art is a form of divination; the voice of god speaking through the artist. 2) Art is also, like science, an agent of change because it can alter our perception of the world and by so doing change the world itself. 3) Art is a kind of solid meditation which causes us to meditate. Like meditation it can detach us from ourselves and from the world. Like meditation it can also reattach us to the world. 4) Like the peacock tail; like the bright flower or the mating songs and dances of nature, art helps to attract minds to mate; breed new thoughts and transmit the seed of new ideas. Art keeps the soul of humanity alive. 5)Art is healing. It can find a way inside our heart and mind and bring us peace, comfort, joy or enlightenment which can help to heal psychic wounds. 6) Art is a uniting and a driving force. A symbol that represents a community can unite it. A symbol which encapsulates an ideology can motivate a united people. 7) Art gives pleasure and all pleasure is an offering to the angels who are symbiants with and servants of God.
THE ARTS B 8) Art which involves a whole community and brightens a community is good for the soul of the community which is the soul of God. Theatre and filmmaking are ideal as community art because they are made by a group working together rather than by an individual. 9) Art can be an act of worship; a prayer, a ritual and an offering. A good church must be an art gallery, a theatre, a place for music and dancing; a place where the community can experience art aswell as display their own artistry. 10) No censorship - The people are the eyes and ears and mouth of God. Censorship is a blindfold and a gag for the people and thus a blindfold and a gag for God. Truth and knowledge are illumination and those who are kept from truth and knowledge live in darkness. Truth and knowledge are a wealth and power and sustainance that every adult human being has a right to. Truth and knowledge must be shared equally among the people. A censor is only a mortal human being and if a censor is not harmed by that which he censors then it is logical to assume that other adult minds will not be harmed. 11) Heresy and blasphemy must be allowed - God cannot be offended by words; only by harmful actions. A true faith has no fear of heresy. God has faith in the wisdom of her people to, with mental effort, tell right from wrong and truth from lies. Her followers must respect the views of others, not impose their views on others. Question all and apply reason to all.
BUILDINGS,SETTLEMENTS AND CHURCHES A 1) All have a right to a safe, hygenic home with proper ammenities. None should be homeless, nor should they be forced to live in a house which is unfit for human habitation. 2) All buildings must be accessible to people with physical disabilities and the interior should also be designed to suit the needs of all. 3) Buildings and settlements should not, directly or indirectly, cause damage to nature. If damage to nature is unavoidable then it should be minimized and the damage to nature should be compensated for by giving back to nature. 4) Buildings and settlements must be designed for survival in times of disaster, rioting, war, persecution, disease and famine. Evil will always rain down misfortune upon those who try to do good and those who wish to serve god must be prepared to survive. 5) Adjacent to every house should be a seperate guest room where families can give shelter to homeless strangers without compromising their security. Secret hiding places within each house may also be necessary to hide those who are fleeing some kind of persecution.
BUILDINGS, SETTLEMENTS AND CHURCHES B 6) If you are able to, avoid building or settling in areas which are prone to natural disasters. Also, asses the position of your settlement strategically. In the event of war, your community may have to defend themselves against invaders. 7) A religion should be a shelter, a refuge and a comfort. A church should be a safe place of refuge to all those who need it. A church should be protection against a mob; it should be a hospital for the sick and injured, it should be a home for those who are destitute and church builders must make it suitable for all these things and more. 8) A priest must be an ever useful person and a church must be an ever useful place to serve God. A church must be a place, not just of worship but of free debate where people can gather to speak and argue openly; a place to settle disputes; a place to get information about all matters of public concern; a place where people can organize political protests; a place which is always open and there to provide a genuine service to the people. 9) Aslong as priest and church truly serve their community, the community must help preserve and protect priest and church.
PRIEST AND COMMUNITY A 1) An elected priesthood - The will of the people, enlightened by faith, is the will of god and so all priests must be democratically elected by their community to serve both their spiritual and practical needs. Candidates for priesthood must be people of experience; people of knowledge; people of ability, people of persuasion and people of principle. 2) People of experience - Priests must have knowledge of life. Preferably, they must be atleast 30 years old. They must have a store of personal experience to draw upon when giving advice and helping their community through hardships. 3) People of knowledge - A priest must not only have a thorough knowledge of their own religion but also be versed in many faiths and philosophies since all religions stem from God and the wisdom of all faiths is of use to all people. 4) People of ability - A priest must be able to serve the practical aswell as the spiritual needs of their community. 5) People of persuasion - A priest must be able to unite, organize and motivate their community to serve the greater good. 6) People of principle - Those who are elected to serve the community must be people of honesty and commitment. The good of their community must be foremost in their hearts.
PRIEST AND COMMUNITY B 7) How should a priest be elected?- Within a small community, each candidate should have a book and voters should sign their name and write their address within the book of the person they wish to elect. The candidate who gains the most signatures should become the priest of their community. Keep the books safe from outsiders, as they will have names and addresses of community members in them. In a large community, a system of booths, ballot papers and boxes like that used in government elections is probably better. The election of a new priest should be a joyous, festive occasion with music and food and decorations. 8) Duties of a priest - A priest has two roles to fulfill in their service of God. The first is to be useful to their community and to all who need their aid. They should exemplify usefulness to God. The second is to help forge their community into a powerful force for good. 9) Helping the many to become one - Each human being is a cell within God, the living universe. United, they become a powerful limb of God but they require ritual, symbol and the power of faith to unite them and a priest to conduct the ritual of unification. 10) Macrocosmic Healing - A community which is wounded or weakened cannot act as a useful organ within God, the living universe and so it must be healed and it is the duty of a priest to organize the healing and regeneration of his community. 11) Limitations upon the power of the priesthood- Because a priest is elected by the people therefore, they are the servants of the people and the people have a right to criticize, question, disobey, disregard and democratically replace a priest if they are dissatisfied with them.
RULES OF CONVERSION 1) A Good faith cannot be spread by evil means. It is wrong to convert people by force, blackmail or bribery. Those who obey God must do so willingly and sincerely. 2) Convert by example - Show your faith in action; the results that it can achieve and the advantages that it can bring. Go out and help people in need, attaching no strings to your help; expecting nothing in return. Make friends and let your good deeds be an advertisment for your religion. 3) Convert by reason - Seek out those whose minds are already open and receptive to the will of god; do not waste your energy trying to prize open closed minds. 4) Convert by beauty - Make your religion beautiful as the flower is beautiful which attracts the bee, 5) Convert by mystery - Nothing is more seductive than the veil. That which is mysterious makes us curious. 6) Convert by stealth - As lessons may be disguised as games or stories, and medicine may be disguised as a sweet, so a faith may have to wear an appealing disguise. 7) Respect all those whom you wish to convert - Conversion is an act of love; a greatness which you wish to share with others. Do not look down upon others or their beliefs or customs. You may even invite them to try and convert you to their beliefs. If you look down upon those people whom you are trying to uplift, their minds will close defensively.
VOW OF INITIATION Priest: Speak only the truth to God, for God will hear only what is good and true but demons, who feed upon the liar's soul, hear and praise every falsehood. Initiate: God permit me, please, to plant these words of promise in your ear, for I am sure to myself that, out of them, shall grow the dense forest of my good deeds and devotions. This promise that I make, I make to three; to you, my god and to your faithful and lastly, to myself. I have recieved the immunizing word; the sacred truth which is the root of this good faith and made sense of its meaning and now, I freely choose this path to God, knowing that it is long and snake-like, steep and narrow, perhaps with sorrow and danger behind each bend and that, all that I am, all that I own; all that I can, I must give to the good of all which is the will of God. Priest: With broadly open arms and hearts, we welcome you to join our number and pray that God welcomes you and that, together with God, you prosper and fulfill your life. Stay true to your vow and every year that you are with us, we shall give thanks for our good fortune and love and cherish you as the gift of a generous god. In every time of need, we shall be there; whenever grave danger looms over you, we shall be beside you, this we swear, unanimously, to you.
VOW OF A DILIGENT PRIEST God is the good within all people and the people have chosen me, out of goodness, to serve them like a trusted friend and I shall not cease to strive to be a priest deserving of the peoples trust. Let me be the helper of healing; the midwife of change and rebirth; the copper which conducts the power of my people; the ladder that lifts them up and the bridge which carries them over. I shall be like a good coxswain to the mighty rowers of my community and they shall row fast and far ahead. Only love can make a person fight with all of their strength and sacrifice all that they possess and I love my people for I am my people and for them I shall give everything.
MARRIAGE CEREMONY True Love's blessing (Spoken by priest) - True love is the essence of God. True love consecrates all which it touches and, if true love is contained within your vows to each other then they are sacred and binding. Vow of hands (Spoken by couple) - Love, let us be like the left hand and the right; cupping the waters of joy within us; bearing the burden of sorrows together; holding each other in holy prayer and shaping the blessed clay of life between us; now and for the full length of our lives. So long as they have beating in them, let our hearts be owned by each other Prayer for a lasting marriage (spoken by priest) - Our God; who is the eternal within us; the source of all love and the unity of all things, bind these two friends and lovers into a one which is inseperable; a unity which will endure all the forces of sorrow, time and nature. Kiss (spoken by couple) - Let us kiss and remember that our life together should be like a kiss. Though it may be fleeting, it should be filled with love, pleasure, passion and joy. Confirmation (spoken by priest) You are now true husband and wife. Go forth, with God's blessing, and live happily together.
RITE OF REBIRTH On Faith - All that lives and dies is a shining part of the immortal; all souls, a part of one great soul. God is all and all are god. All that lives and dies shall live again for, as the old flesh becomes food for the earth, so the old soul is used in the making of the new. What is bad within it shall be cast away and consumed; what is good of it shall be reborn. On living - Look upon your glimmering lives, my friends, and treasure them dearly for, only by treasuring life may we become good and only by being good, can we make our souls worthy of salvation and rebirth. To the departed - Travel on, dearest soul; round the sphere of rebirth, over deaths dark horizon to the bright other side. See all the colours and hear all the music of heaven; then come home, a new person, reborn. To the grieving - Those who live should not sigh but breathe deeply; should not weep but gaze in wonder at the world beyond the shell of their grief. Let yourself and your departed love go free. Be happy that they are with God and be happy that you are alive.
RITUAL OF UNIFICATION Let us weave our hands together and be as one. One mind united by a single aim; one heart united by a common love; one soul united by the faith we share; one body moving to serve the will of God. Each of you is a sacred part of God, the eternal universal. Within each of you is the power of God, waiting to be awakened. Feel the force of God radiate from within your soul which is the presence of God; feel its golden fire spreading like the beams of the sun, illuminating every part of you and making it golden; feel that divine energy flow between you and the soul of your neighbour. From the unity of our spirit we become a greater being; not many, small, lonely people who are aimless and lost but a giant of kindness with power in her limbs to smash the legions of hatred and level the towers of greed. We are God, alive and awake and moving now upon this earth and all evil shall quake and cower before us. Let us rise up now and speak the words of our faith which unite us and make us strong, "God is within us and we are within God". And when we speak with one voice we shall be like a mighty wind; when we share a common vision we shall be like an all seeing eye, when all of our hands become one then we can bear the weight of this world; when we are one, then we shall win.
A PERSONAL, INDIVIDUAL CONNECTION TO GOD 1) The whole is within each of its parts. As we are within God, so God is within us. As the inward looking eye of God meditates upon us so, by looking inward and meditating, can we better know and understand our God. 2) Air is the breath of God and sunlight, her wisdom. When we breathe in deeply and exhale, we let God flow through us. All things in nature, even the pull of gravity, are God and connection to them is connection to God. By studying the living bible; the book of Nature, we learn more about God than from the bibles written by the ancient and the dead. 3) God is within our friends and neighbours. God is in all people and by communing with other people and by group meditation may we also know God. 4) Art is meditation. The creation of and the appreciation of art is meditation, It can detach us from ourselves; shock us into waking; make us view the world anew and bring us closer to life which is God. Music that moves us to dance is God; performance is a bridge between the audience and God; all that is beautiful and honest and heartfelt comes out of God. 5) Experiment. There are as many paths to knowledge as there are seekers of knowledge and no path is supreme or suitable for everyone. The quest for something is itself a form of meditation within the mind of God; God seeks answers through us and sends us out and brings us home.
MONEY A 1) There is no shortage of money in the world; only a shortage of compassion in the hearts of an over privileged few and, while poverty is a cause of wide scale suffering and death, the possessions of the rich and powerful are stained in innocent human blood. How long will this grave inequality last? Only as long as the fair and humane majority in the world remain silent and passive. Only as long as we idolize the obscenely wealthy instead of abhorring them for their vile selfishness. Only as long as we are motivated by the dream of joining a privileged minority rather than the dream of sharing the wealth of the world fairly and equally with all of our neighbours. Does God favour the rich? Ask a mother which of her children she would wish to suffer? God is the mother of us all and she will not choose between us. When there are the homeless and the dispossessed; none should live in a mansion without feeling shame. When there is starvation; none should feast without feeling an uneasiness at the pit of their stomachs. When there is conspicuous poverty then there should be no conspicuous wealth for it is nothing less than an insult to the poor. 2) All those who wish to serve God sincerely, must boycott any company which is involved with unethical or inhumane practices. 3) No individual or company should profit from blood or suffering; from the selfish and unfair exploitation of the poor; from callousness and cruelty to animals or from the pollution and devestation of nature. Life must always come before money. Man must always come before businessman. 4)Why does one child deserve less than another? - If you truly love children, it is difficult to accept the irrational and inhuman notion of a ‘rich child’ and a ‘poor child’. If you truly love children, you want all children to have the same quality of life; the same opportunities; the same standard of education; the same happiness. We often say, “I love children” but the acceptance of child poverty is incompatible with a love of children. It is this blindness people have to the unfairness and cruelty of capitalism, and the economic divide, that perpetuates it. Why are we so unambitious, that we only aim to be more wealthy and have better things for none but ourselves and our own families? Why don’t we aim for a world where everyone is happy? Why do we let ourselves listen to the wealthy and powerful when they dismiss any vision of a more mature world as an adolescent fantasy? Man must end his unquestioning acceptance of this unjust system and he must start by ending the notion of ‘rich child and poor child’. The children of the rich and the poor should not grow up in separate worlds and become alienated from each other; they should be educated in the same schools; they should play together and become friends and then, perhaps,
they would grow up to see each other as brothers and have respect for each other. 5)Advertisers who create artificial demand for unecessary goods are, like bookmakers and peddlars of alcohol, confidence tricksters who encourage the poor to pour away the money, which they have worked hard to earn, on things of no use or value.
MONEY B 6) Self-sufficiency - The more goods and services which an individual or community are able to provide for themselves, the less they need to spend on buying the goods and services from others and the more they are able to save and the better they are able to survive. 7) To avoid industrial disputes, workers should be involved in how their company is run. There should be workers representatives on the board of directors for every company. In this way, the workers would be responsible for making the money to give themselves pay rises and improve their working conditions. 8) When industries or companies collapse, the workers who have lost their jobs must unite to find a solution to their predicament, for example, by starting a new company 9) Too much conformity is like a cancer. Mass produced culture creates conformity and kills individuality, Mass produced culture robs the common people of imagination, creativity and self sufficiency because when the people buy a pre-packaged culture then they have no incentive to create their own. Culture should not be created in the boardroom, it should be created by the people and evolve out of time and circumstance. 10) When upward mobility occurs it should serve a good purpose to all. Those who climb to the top of the tree should only do so in order to throw apples down to the hungry below. The poor have a soul which they should not sell just to become like one of the soulless elite. Those at the bottom must celebrate themselves; see the value, the beauty, the elegance, the creativity, the wonder within themselves. They don't need to sit upon piles of gold to make them important because they are already truly amazing.
MONEY C 11) A limit must be placed upon how much a person can earn and how much property they can own. God sees no reason why some people should have two or three houses when there are those without any house at all. God sees so many in so much poverty that God cannot bear the sight of the few with too much wealth. 12) Economic Migration - Aslong as there is global economic inequality, there will be economic migration. Aslong as there are poor nations and rich nations then the poor will travel seeking a better life. Create more global economic equality. Improve the lives of the people in all nations and there will be fewer economic migrants. 13) Entrepreneurs for the people - There is no reason why all entrepreneurs should be capitalists. The state has an obligation to encourage entrepreneurs who have a love of the people and of principle. 14) Spendingfasts - Man has an unhealthy addiction to material things. Consumerism is a modern form of gluttony. The desire to buy and buy and buy more and more pretty, useless objects; encouraging us to be like spoiled children who always want more and more toys and sweets and shiny trinkets and who never learn to be content with what they have or appreciate the simple joys of life or the wonders of the world that nature has made. Those who are addicted to spending need to go on a spending fast; live on less, enjoy what they already have, share with friends and save up money to donate to the poor. 15) Morals should be printed on money- Printed upon every pound note or dollar bill should be the words, "Be kind" or "Be generous", so that we are always reminded of the true purpose of money. Money is a tool for doing good in the world.
THE HUMAN BODY A 1) Human self loathing - Demons wish human beings to loathe their own bodies because this creates suffering and because they are enemies of nature; life and all that is good in life, such as love, pleasure and birth. It is for this reason that man, perversely, considers nudity and sex obscene but glorifies violence and death and why there is so great a prejudice towards natural processes such as physical aging and menstruation. 2) Celebration of the body - To love the body is to love God for all bodies are a part of the anatomy of God. God wishes us to celebrate physical diversity and the seasons of the body like menstruation and menopause rather than being ashamed of them. Nothing that is not hateful or harmful should be called obscene. 3) Contraception and abortion are beneficial - With overpopulation comes famine, disease, war, crime and poverty which cause immense suffering and devestation. Abortion causes little suffering and contraception, none at all. God has lived with the suffering of humankind for thousands of years and our suffering is gods own suffering. It is God who first inspired the invention of abortion and contraception as a means of controlling the population and reducing the pain of the world. 4) Eugenics is an evil - Another positive aspect of contraception and abortion is that they are freely chosen. People choose for themselves wether to use contraception or have an abortion. Eugenics is the sterilizing or neutering of the powerless and the poor by the ruling classes. Eugenicists wrongly believe that they are superior to others and have a superior right to reproduce. It is artificial selection rather than natural selection; man deciding what only fate and nature have the right to decide and Eugenicists, though they masquerade as philanthropists, are only guided by an
irrational hatred.
THE HUMAN BODY B 5) Homosexuality - Symmetry or sameness is part of the design of nature and homosexuality is merely sexual symmetry. God loves all love and if a gay or a lesbian person is kind and loving and hard working for the greater good then they are, like other kind and loving souls, favoured friends of god who have the same right to marry and raise children as do heterosexuals. 6) Is sexual pleasure obscene? - God, who made the clitoris, expects us to enjoy all pleasures but not to become addicted to them. Enjoy all pleasure as much as you are able to but do not become a slave to pleasure. Live a life of moderation rather than abstinence. 7) Beyond Natural Selection - It is time for homo sapiens to leave the ways of their ape ancestors behind, Human beings are intelligent, they fly to the moon and back and need not be subservient to the laws of natural selection particularly when contraception minimizes the risk of pregnancy. Physical attraction is an unreliable way of finding a suitable partner since physical
attributes cannot tell you about the heart or soul of a person. The demon would like us to cling to our primitive instincts rather than being rational and open minded because our primitive self is the root of all prejudice and hate and the demon craves the suffering which these cause. It is the will of God that we enter a new stage of spiritual evolution and become more enlightened beings 8) Physical pleasure as an offering - Just as God feels the pain and misery of every living thing, so too does God feel their joy and pleasure, and angels, who are the friends and helpers of god, feed upon humanitys enjoyment, thus all pleasures which cause no harm should be considered sacred and the practice of them as an offering to God.
THE HUMAN BODY C 9) She who is semi-veiled - Our body is the beautiful body of God and God is never fully veiled, like a catholic nun in a habit. She is both the seen and the unseen; the covering night and the revealing day; white robed winter and summer, shamelessly displaying itself; the seductive veil of mystery and the nakedness of truth; the death shroud and the naked infant; the invisible afterlife and the tantalising glimpse of heaven. Dress to suit the climate and the weather; cover yourself up in the winter but in the spring and summer, when it is warm and bright, wear clothing that reveals the body or clings to it; show off God's own flesh and fertility with pride. 10) Make up - God wears makeup, God is the bright flower that attracts the bee and the bird with bright plumage to attract its mate. God is also the beautiful painting that draws our eyes to new ideas. 11) God does not approve of fashion that damages the body - Do not wear heels that are so high that they cause pain and damage to the body. Do not wear clothes that constrict or contort the body too much because this is merely self harm; it creates long term suffering and it is disrespectful to the body which is the body of God. 12) Transvestites and transsexuals - God, the ever changing; who is both male and female has only love for her transvestite and transsexual sons and daughters. 13) All people of all physical forms are a part of Gods great and wonderful diversity, wether they have some facial deformity; some disability, some growth defect or some other physical peculiarity they should be respected, praised and celebrated as all people should and only a person of distorted vision would see ugliness in them.
WORK ETHIC 1) Think of the greater good - Do you want to live a life with purpose and meaning? Then be a useful part of the living world. Help it to survive. The wealthy are worth nothing if they are not useful to God. The powerful who are not purposeful are only a power for evil. The famous are forgotten specks in the vast, eternal eye of god while those little, humble people who serve the good of all the human race and nature are God's pride and joy. Do not build monuments to yourself upon the earth. Be part of the eternal monument of all life. Why are we made to love and to care for our children and the children of others? Because they are the continuity of life which is God. Love life and joy and goodness; be proud of them; take pleasure in them and keep them alive for they are the most precious of all things. A selfish person is like a broken part of a machine; they have become alienated from the world and thus from God. 2) Build it to last and repair what is broken - It is the modern way to make things with a short life span and throw them away when they are worn down or broken and replace them rather than repairing them. This not only cheats the consumer but creates waste and junk. It also shows lack of care and commitment and the desire to put profit before excellence. Whatever you make in life, make it to last and when it is broken try to repair it rather than throwing it away. This
philosophy also applies to other commitments
like marriages, partnerships, faiths and friendships.
THE MEDIA : THE COMMON OMNISCIENCE 1) Newspapers, radio, television, the internet and other sources of world news, have evolved into a collective sixth sense which allows individuals everywhere, who are the parts of God, to connect to the world beyond their locality. This collective sixth sense shapes their understanding of the world and theirunderstanding of the world influences how they think, feel and act within the world and so, the individual must be able to trust the information that this sense gives them. The media has a duty to be trustworthy and to give a balanced view of the world, revealing both its darkness and its brightness; both its grimness and its beauty; both its tragedies and its reasons to be happy and hopeful. 2) If the media fails to serve the people; if it is an unreliable source of information, then it is the duty of individuals all over the world to use whatever forms of communication are at their disposal to communicate with each other and give a more accurate and balanced representation of their part of the world. Whenever the media fails the people then the people, who are God, must replace the media. 3) God takes no interest in celebrity gossip. It is not news. It is something trivial which mesmerizes and distracts us from real events. 3) Learn to distinguish news from propoganda. Never accept news at face value; always dig deeper and find out more.
FESTIVALS: REASONS AND THINGS TO CELEBRATE 1) God is all and so, when we celebrate ourselves and others or nature and our connection to it, then we celebrate God. 2) Just as God feels our sufferings and sorrows, so God feels our pleasures and joys, thus our pleasures and joys may be given as offerings to God. 3) Angels, that are the symbiants or helpers of God, feed upon human pleasure and joy and so, by celebrating, we feed the angels and encourage them to gather around us and multiply. 4) By celebrating, we reduce the unhappiness in the world and thus starve the demons that feed upon suffering and sadness. 5) In our celebration of ourselves and others we must celebrate the beauty of human diversity. Every person should celebrate God in their own way and every region should draw upon their local culture and use it in their celebration. 6) In our celebration of nature we must celebrate both the world and our own bodies which are part of nature; the seasons of the world and the seasons of human aging; birth, childhood, puberty, adulthood, old age, death and rebirth 7) Birthdays - When we celebrate someones birthday we are celebrating they, who are a part of God and we are celebrating life and its continuance. The giving of gifts represents the gift of life. The eating of sweets and cakes represents the enjoyment of life and the lighting of candles, that each good moment of our lives is a bright thing which should be treasured and remembered fondly.Let all have happy birthdays, wether they be rich or poor. Let all celebrate and be celebrated by all. Every milestone is a gemstone on the golden road of life.
ACHIEVING GOD'S OBJECTIVES 1) God has two great goals for humanity. To unite in peaceful cooperation and to reduce all the suffering in the world to a minimal level. 2) Statistics are a useful and important tool for the achievement of God's objectives. By gathering and analysing statistics, a church can better assess how much their efforts are improving the world. 3) Human history hides a secret conflict between good and evil. By studying human history we can learn demon strategies for the spread of evil and formulate better strategies for the spread of good. 4) Patience and perseverence are essential for achieving any long term goal and those who truly wish to serve God must be prepared to suffer and endure all types of misery because those who truly try to serve God make themselves an enemy of evil and evil will try to stall them, thwart them, bribe them, seduce them, mislead them, distract them, discredit them, divide them or destroy them. 5) A faith that is never tested can never become strong. Faith without doubt is faith without reason. Faith that is lost can be regained and faith which is regained is twice as strong. 6) Don't wait for a hero to save you. Together, the people are the greatest of all heroes and every person of every type and ability can be part of that heroic team.
WHAT CHILDREN SHOULD LEARN A 1) Children should be involved with political and environmental activism, because this teaches them about the power of small, ordinary people; the power of unity; the importance of standing up for your principles and, it gives them an opportunity to improve the world which they shall inherit from their parents aswell as teaching them that there are many ways which a person can be important; make a contribution or a difference to their world. 2) Children should experience nature; its beauty and wonder and know how to survive its harshness. They must be well informed about life; about sex, birth, old age and death. They should spend time in the company of older relatives, friends and neighbours so that they know about their future and the world's past. The more that they learn about life at an early age, the better equipped they will be to survive their lives to come. Innocence is just ignorance sprinkled with glitter. Knowledge is power and protection. Love, fun and wonder are the essence of a good childhood, not innocence. Being close to nature also brings children close to God, who is all nature. 3) Balance is essential for the upbringing of children just as for the growth and development of all living things: balance between love and discipline; between praise and criticism; between caution and encouragement; between protection and freedom; between work and play.
WHAT CHILDREN SHOULD LEARN B 4) Teach children about the diversity of nature and humanity that add beauty and interest and wonder to our world. All faces are facets of the one who is all. Teach children to respect all people despite their different colours, creeds, customs or points of view. 5) Teach children about those people who courageously fought against oppression and teach them that they must stand up for their own rights and the rights of others. Teach them that there is both goodness and wickedness in the world; both goodness and wickedness in the human heart but that focussing upon goodness, and doing good deeds, increases the goodness in the world. 6) Let them have a happy childhood. Let them know music and games and sports and toys and stories which will teach them to love life as a thing of joy and will encourage the angels to gather and protect them. Also, let those children who are poor or orphaned or abandoned by their parents have a happy childhood. Make sure that there is music, games, sports, toys, stories and love for all children. Every child has a right to loving parents, so all who are able to give a child a good home should adopt an orphan or an abandoned child. 7) Older children and teenagers, who have been orphaned or abandoned, also need loving parents or guardians, friends or mentors; people whom they can trust to help and protect them.
CLOTHING AND FOOD A 1) There are no strict rules regarding clothing and food because, due to the cosmic conflict of good and evil, life can be unpredictable and God needs human beings to survive, so expects them to be flexible and adaptable; happy to wear and eat whatever is available to them. 2) Try to dress suitably and sensibly - What you wear should be dictated by purpose, time and place. Dress to suit the activity which you wish to engage in or the occasion which you intend to take part in. Dress to suit the season, the climate, the weather conditions, the terrain and, if you are in a country which is foreign to you, the local customs. 3) Try to dress ethically - If you can, try to avoid wearing anything which is derived from the slaughter or suffering of animals; from the large scale devestation or pollution of nature or from the unfair exploitation of the poor. 4) Prepare to survive - In order for goodness to survive, good people must survive. If you intend to serve god then prepare yourself to face all the obstacles that evil will place in your path. Always try to carry some small, unobtrusive survival tools, such as a lighter or matches, a first aid kit, a torch, a compass, a sewing kit and a pen knife, if possible. 5) Do not conform to fashion. God wishes every person to be a creative, free spirited individual and to celebrate their uniqueness rather than wearing a uniform. If you do not like yourself and long to be someone else, then create the person who you wish to be but do not try to buy a ready made, mass produced style or personality.
CLOTHING AND FOOD B 6) Why human beings are omnivores - Being an omnivore allows human beings to be more adaptable; able to eat whatever food is available to them. Because of the ongoing conflict between demons and God, the living universe, life can be chaotic and unpredictable, Accidents, poverty, war, natural disasters, famine and drought and pandemic diseases can force people into circumstances where they have little choice about what to eat but God cherishes them and wants them to survive. If God can, then God will provide but it is difficult for God to provide for a fussy eater. 7) Try to avoid causing the suffering of animals - Vegetarianism is ideal but, if you eat meat, avoid eating young animals. Try to eat only those animals which have enjoyed a long, happy, free life; have satisfied their goal in life, which is to reproduce and care for their young and have died quickly and painlessly. 8) Share what you can - God gives each of us good fortune so that we can help others. God desires that no one in the world should suffer from starvation or malnourishment. If you are celebrating a religious feast day, then make it a communal feast and invite the poor and the homeless to share your food. Remember that all that we feed to the starving, we feed to God.
CLOTHING AND FOOD C 9) Try to eat healthily - Try to eat in moderation and lead an active life. Try to maintain a balanced diet, containing all the nutrients which your body needs and look after your teeth. If you suffer from a medical condition which limits or prohibits the consumption of certain foods then don't endanger your health. Strongly avoid eating anything which may result in ill health or addiction. Always think about long term needs and weigh them against short term gratification.Friends, family or community can work together to help each other stay fit and healthy. Get atleast one hour of excercise each day as a small offering to God. 10) The positive symbolism of food - Milk is a symbol of God, the mother, and of love because it is both food which nourishes infants and also food which is not derived from the death of a living thing. Sugar and honey are a symbol of the angellic diet because angels feed upon the sweet things of life which are love and happiness. If you are lactose intolerant or diabetic then put your health first before religious observance, because God values your health and well being more than any symbolic gesture of your faith. 11) Grown meat - Just as replacement organs can be grown in a laboratory using cell division, so animal body parts can be grown for human consumption thus making it possible to produce meat without slaughtering animals.
JOYFUL PEOPLE: LEISURE,PASTIMES,PARTIES AND HUMOUR A 1) All forms of communal leisure activities and team sports are sacred because they bring people together; generate pleasure and joy which are offerings to God; bring the young closer to nature and teach the value of cooperation. 2) All forms of hobbies and pastimes are sacred because they give pleasure, joy and a peaceful, meditative state of mind. They are acts of love because we only choose as hobbies things we love doing and they add to our enjoyment and appreciation of the little things which make life worthwhile. 3) Every creative act, however small, is a part of God's creation which is neverending. Everything which we make or transform, every flower that we plant, adds something positive to the world that is God and so all craftsmanship, gardening and creative hobbies can be seen as useful actvities and offerings to God. 4) Parties, dances and other social events are blessed occasions because they generate joy and pleasure which are offerings to god and they bring people together in peace and friendship, aswell as being an essential part of the human courting ritual. 5) Role playing games are a useful tool of moral education. Because of the narrative element of role playing games, they also have the potential to be a form of theatre and great literature. Those creating role playing games should concentrate upon making games which focus upon the real world and the universal human issues. Role playing games also have the potential to be used as a form of religious ritual since they can take someone upon a simulated quest of self discovery.
JOYFUL PEOPLE : LEISURE, PASTIMES, PARTIES AND HUMOUR B 6) As we are all limbs of God, when we rest, a part of God rests. Those who work hard for God need to balance this hard work with relaxation for the sake of their mental, physical and spiritual health. Those who remember their duties sometimes need to forget their cares. 7) Humour, when it is not a weapon against the weak, is a sacred thing. The ability to laugh at ourselves and our problems is an essential tool of mental survival. Humour releases our tensions; can help to heal psychological wounds; gives us a sense of perspective and helps us to conquer our fears. Satire is a peaceful but effective means of protest. It highlights important social issues and reduces the powerful oppressor, from something frightening into something ridiculous which gives the public confidence to face that oppressor.
THE SOUL AND THE REMAINS OF THE BODY 1) If our hand is cut off, where does the will go that moved the hand? Does it die inside the hand or does it live on within the body. I am the hand of God and her will is the soul that moves me. 2) There are not many souls but one soul. The soul of God that is the soul of all life. All that we are is a tributary of the soul of God. I may die but the soul of God lives on. 3) Making use of the remains after death - All that we are, we must give to life which is God. While our body breathes, we must devote it to the service of life. When we die, God will make use of our soul and leave our body to be made use of.4) Blood and organ donation for medical or scientific use is a blessed thing because it helps to preserve life which is God. It is an act of kindness which is an offering to God and it will give happiness to the one whose life is saved by the donation, which is an offering to the angels that feed upon human happiness. During your life, and afteryour death, give any part of you that you can afford and that is needed to save the lives of others.
MARRIAGE A 1) It is not essential for every woman and man to get married or have children. There are many ways to serve the greater good but those who do decide to get married should try their best to make their marriage happy and long lasting. 2) A long engagement is wise because it gives a person who intends to marry a proper opportunity to discover, and come to terms with, all the faults and flaws of their partner. Marry with caution! A long engagement is better than a short marriage. 3) A marriage is like a wedding dress. If you could lock it away in a cupboard, wrapped in plastic, then it would stay white and never get torn but if you wear it every day, it will get stained and tattered and you have to keep washing it and mending it . Married life, like all life, is endurance made bearable through love and occasional joys. 4) The purpose of marriage and fidelity - Marriage creates a stable framework for the care and protection of children. Faithfulness to a spouse is faithfulness, or loyalty and devotion, to their children. 5) The right of an illegitimate child - In God's eyes, an illegitimate child has the same right to love and care and protection as the child of a faithful marriage. All children are the beloved of God.
MARRIAGE B 6) Regarding the mother of an illegitimate child - If the mother of an illegitimate child is single, then they should get married so that their child has a father to fulfill the role of the childs absentee father. If the mother of an illegimate child is already married, then their husband has a duty to love the illegitimate child as if it were his own. 7) A single parent should have many suitors. It is a good thing, in the eyes of God, to marry a single parent and help in the care, protection and upbringing of their children. 8) Remarriage - The remarriage of a widow or widower is a good thing, It is essential for the continued care and protection of any children they may have and for helping to heal the wound of their grief. 9) Widow marrying widower - Ideally, widows should marry widowers, because they both have the experience of bereavement and are therefore better equipped to help each other. 10) Preparing for the death of a partner - Every married person should consider that they may die suddenly and the effect that this would have upon their partner and their children. Prepare for the worst that may occur.
MARRIAGE C 11) God approves of homosexual marriages that are happy, productive and long lasting. Love, in all its forms, flows from the source of all love which is God. 14) Mixed race couples, disabled couples and all couples who are struggling to overcome obstacles and prejudices are serving God and are a living example of the power of love and unity in overcoming the problems of life. 13) A marriage is whatever you want it to be. Marriage need not be associated with traditional gender roles. Marriage can be an experiment or an adventure. Compromise is essential in any kind of relationship and husband and wife should express their needs and innermost desires to each other and try to find a way of fulfilling each others needs and desires. 14) Couples with children may feel restricted but having children is an opportunity for them to grow and mature as people. Parenthood is a vital occupation and all parents who try to do a good job need to be respected as much as doctors or teachers or workers in a vital industry. Demons torment us with dissatisfaction. They try to make us feel that our life is wasted, God wants us to know how important we, and the part that we play in the continuation of life, are.
THE IMPORTANCE OF MARRIAGE VOWS A 1) Do not make a vow of life long love upon a passing whim. Do not marry for amusement. To swear love falsely before God is to commit a kind of perjury. The vows that we make to each other, we make to God. 2) Do not wed for wealth and profit. Marriage is not a form of employment but devotion to the cause of love. If love can unite two people. then love can unite the whole world. If two people can endure all the hardships of fate in the name of love. then humankind can endure and God's will can be done.3) Children may speak pretend vows and play at pretend weddings but a vow made by man and woman is sacred and binding. Those who are not mature in mind and heart are not ready to marry; not committed or able to face the problems of life and raise children. 4) All vows are sacred which are sworn by mature and responsible adults because truth and honesty and trust are sacred. Think of meaning as the soul of the word, truth as the good soul which enters heaven and lies as the damned. God is the source of all meaning and truth and from these come all love, morality and reason. without which the world would become mad and destroy itself. When meaning and truth are in the world, then God is in the world.
THE IMPORTANCE OF MARRIAGE VOWS B 5) Each family is a microcosm of the family of humanity. When every family follows the virtues of honesty, trust, love and respect, then the whole world will follow these virtues. When every parent is good, then every leader will be good. When every child is good, then the common man will be good. 6) Marriage is to love what religion is to faith. When your faith is waning, then you must keep believing in your religion. When your love is waning, then you must keep believing in your marriage. Because marriage takes endurance and commitment, a high divorce rate indicates that the people lack endurance and commitment and if the people cannot serve their marriages well then how can they serve God. 7) We are all wed to life from birth; wed to God and we can love life; love God and do our best to serve life or we can divorce ourself from our responsibilities and be unfaithful to all. The way we view marriage and parenthood is an indicator of how we view life.
RULES AND RITUALS OF DIVORCE A 1) Demons detest marriage because they detest love and marriage is a union built upon love; because weddings are joyous occasions that can leave life long memories of bliss and because marriages can lead to the happiness of childbirth, happy childhood and proud parenthood. That is why demons try to wreck marriages and drive happy couples to divorce. Those who mean to truly serve God and defy evil must struggle to keep their vows; strive against strife and love each other, whatever fate may bring. True love has the strength to forgive. 2) Weighing the reasons for divorce - God decrees that any couple wishing to be divorced should first undergo the public ceremony of weighing. First, a priest must ask them to make a list of the pros and cons of their marriage and arrange them in order of importance. When they have done this, the priest should give each pro and con a weight which represents its level of importance then, infront of the community, the weights should be placed upon a set of scales; the cons in the left pan and the pros in the right. If the scales tip in favour of divorce, then the priest should say, "God is satisfied that you have weighed up the pros and cons of your marriage. You may proceed to be divorced with God's blessing". If the scales tip towards marriage, then the priest must say,"It is my sacred duty as a priest to urge you to reconsider". If the couple still wish to be divorced, the priest should say, "Whatever your chosen path, God will go with you".
THE RULES AND RITUALS OF DIVORCE B 3) After the weighing, if the couple are to be divorced, then the priest should recite the Prayer for new love - "Many a battle for love is lost but love, courageous, battles on and for each bond of love that breaks, love weaves an everlasting one and, from the death of every love, a new love is ever reborn as the bride of every rising sun wedsthe groom of each new morn. God, we ask you not to abandon us, for we are still your faithful in our hearts. God, guide us so that we may discover new hope in a new love that is part of your eternal love". 4)The welfare of children is the primary concern of God. When a couple is divorced then, it is God's will that the most able parent should recieve full custody of the children and that the wealthiest parent should pay for their needs and wants until the parent who has custody of the children remarries and financial responsibilities for the children, if the wealthiest parent is not also the most able, pass to their step parent. If the less able parent is judged to be no threat to the health and welfare of the children, then it is the right of the children, if they so choose, to have continued and regular contact with that parent.
THE MARRIAGE OF HUMANITY AND NATURE 1) All humanity and nature are part of the same body. The damage which we do to nature, we ultimately do to ourselves. 2) God, who is all, expects human beings to respect all living things; every plant, animal, fish, bird, insect, arachnid, worm and fungi. 3) Take only as much as nature can afford to give. Give back all that which you take from nature. 4) We have to behave as the beehive does and not like a plague of locusts. The bee never takes nectar without spreading pollen. The bee takes from the flower but does the flower a good service in return and thus helps to weave the sweet fruits and beautiful flowers of nature. The locust is ravenous and callous. It eats up all good things and gives nothing in return and so spreads famine, starvation, poverty, suffering and death.
5) Do not upset the delicate balances of nature. Learn to live with them or be part of them. 6) Love of nature makes us better people. As we treat nature, we treat others. Do not harm or enslave any living thing; be a friend rather than a master; love and take joy from all life.
COMMUNION WITH NATURE True communion with God is communion with nature, other worshippers and ourselves because God is not in symbols or in words but in the living world. Speak the communion, not in a church, but among the living things, steeped in the air and sun Fill your lungs with air and your heart with the bounty of beauty, for the breath that we breathe is the breast of our God and sunlight; her revealing vision. Blessed mother of all mothers; all heaven is within her and to her starry womb, we shall return when all our lifes duty is done. The maturity of man and woman comes from their becoming children of the world. The freedom of their souls shall only be won when they are bound to nature. The stars of heaven are close at hand. Their constellations are found in the branches of a tree. Starlight glistens within every blade of grass and a sun is inside every flower. Above is below and all the universe is within, and by touching the Earth to our hearts, we are joining ourselves with the limitless and immortal cosmic being; mother universe, our god.
PRESENCE AND ABSENCE 1) The cycle of change is divided into two conflicting halves; negativity or absence and positivity or presence. 2) Evil, darkness, cold, demons, hate, death, pain, sadness, sickness, waste, poverty, solitude, hunger and defecation and all negative things are part of a general negativity or absence. Good, light, warmth, angels, love, life, pleasure, happiness, health, usefulness, wealth, companionship, food and drink and all positive things are part of a general positivity or presence. 3) Positivity must convert all which is negative into something positive; essence must fill the emptiness. Until this is done, negativity will convert all which is positive into something negative; evil will spread and grow until it becomes unbearable and good is motivated to fight it. 4) Both positivity and negativity are important because the conflict between them is the driving force of universal change; like the breath that flows in and out of the lungs or the movement of the tide. 5) It is therefore essential that negativity and positivity be kept in balance; that the wheel of change is kept forever turning and that good people forever continue to oppose evil.
THE BALANCE OF THE HEART, MIND AND BODY 1) Heart, mind and body are the three rulers of the self and they must be equal. If one rules over the other two then trouble always follows. 2) When the heart rules over the mind and body, then we become loving without reason or judgement and selfless to the point of destroying ourselves. 3) When the mind rules over the heart and the body, then we become ruthless in our persuance of a practical goal; we become fascists who sacrifice people in the name of order and efficiency. 4) When the body rules over the heart and mind then we become slaves to desire and self-preservation; greedy, gluttonous and bestial. 5) Only with heart, mind and body balanced and in agreement can we make proper moral decisions regarding our own welfare or the welfare of others. 6) However, from imbalance power can be unleashed and, in extreme circumstances, we may need to let one of our three rulers take control in order to survive.
HEALTH A 1) All healing is the work of God - Every medicine that heals or cures; every good doctor, or nurse, is a part of God's own powers of self-healing and regeneration. 2) Every mind and body is a part of the mind and body of god and the health of every individual is a part of God's own health; thus, the health of every individual is sacred. 3) It is wrong to put a price upon human health and life because these things are sacred and beyond price. The health of all people, wether they are rich or poor, is precious to God. That is why God disapproves of private health care and favours a nationalized health service, pharmaceutical industry and medical equipment manufacturing industry. 4) Visit the sick and the injured, because it is a visitation to God; Bring gifts to them, because this is an offering to God. 5) Excercise and dancing for health - God wills that every person should get, atleast, one hour of excercise, every day, in order to keep fit and healthy. The best way to ensure that everyone within the community is getting regular excercise is by making communal dancing a form of religious observance. Those who do regular excercise need not attend but priests should organize regular dances within the church, atleast twice a week, so that children, and everyone who needs excercise, can dance to lose weight.
HEALTH B 6) It is also important to God that no child should suffer from malnutrition; that every parent should have enough money to feed their children and that no parent should ever neglect the health of their child. 7) Natural resources which are essential to the survival of human life; such as food, water and medicine, should be freely available to all. 8) Human beings have a duty to care for animals that are injured or sick and to monitor, protect and preserve all living things. 9) Neither the state nor private companies should engage in any activities that are harmful to the health of human beings or nature and all companies should protect the health and safety of their employees.10) God wills that funding, science and technology be directed towards empowering the disabled so that they can live useful and fulfilling lives and help others in need. 11) God loves all, wether healthy, sick; able or disabled and those who love god should not discriminate against any sick or disabled person. 12) Contraception is sacred because it prevents overpopulation and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Medical science must try its best to create a cure for, or an immunity to, sexually transmitted diseases. 13) God wills that every woman should have the right to have an abortion and that all abortions should be safe, hygenic and performed by trained medical professionals.
WELCOMING OF THE SEASONS A 1) Why we should welcome the seasons- There are seasons within seasons within seasons; wheels within wheels. The four seasons of the earth; spring, summer, autumn and winter. The seasons of our fortunes and misfortunes; of defeat and victory; loss and gain. The seasons of the body; childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. The seasons of the mind; innocence, arrogance, cynicism and wisdom. The seasons of the soul; birth, life, death and rebirth aswell as all the myriad seasons of the heart. Between life and death, there may be a million days and nights, a million dreams and awakenings, entrances and exits and we must welcome each new season and each new day, learn from it and prepare for the coming season and the coming night. 2) Spring: We welcome the blessed springtime; childhood and puberty of nature; season of hope, forgiveness and healing; season of the returning sun and of life victorious; of renewal, rebirth and thus of rejoicing. Like every season, it is a time of preparation; of ploughing, and planting, the seeds of the summer. Let us all rise and be part of the spring and, like it, bring the flower of healing into our world and spread life, love, beauty and joy wherever we tread.
WELCOMING OF THE SEASONS B 3) Summer - We welcome in the blessed summer; adolescence and young adulthood of nature; season of natures wealth, health and well-being; season of the body and of the senses; of music and bright colours, festivity, fantasy and fun; season of romantic love, passion, beauty, freedom and discovery. Like all the seasons, it is a time for preparation; for storing up happy memories that will help us to endure and triumph over all the trials of dark autumn and winter. Let us rise and be part of the summer; be like the roaring sun that drives the darkness into hiding and, with truth and wisdom, reveal all the beauty and glory of our world. 4) Autumn - We welcome in the blessed autumn; maturity and menopause of nature; season of wisdom and courage; of lighting candles and lanterns and facing the growing darkness without fear and the season of old mother nature and her bessom broom, sweeping the earth to make room for the new. Like all the seasons, it is a time for preparation; storing up our needs for winter but also of shedding our material desires, like the monk or the hermit, and baring ourselves to greater truth. Let us rise like the fall; giving of ourselves nobly, so that life may continue; throwing away our gold, like the precious leaves in autumn; planting acorns like the jay, so that future oaks may grow and, like the squirrel, saving what is important. Only by storing our spiritual needs, and letting the unimportant fall, shall we rise above the passing to the eternal.
WELCOMING THE SEASONS C 5) Winter- We welcome in the blessed winter; natures senesence and slumber; season of reverence and tranquility; of the snowflake bowing silently to earth; of the whole earth covered in snow, like deep, silent thought, before the speech of spring; of the sleeping soul of warmth, awaiting rebirth and the stars above, like ancient wisdom, reminding us of the eternal. The season of possibilities, of blankness and emptiness waiting to be filled; also, the season of the robin and the evergreen, of the spirit of life kept alive and of hearts gathered together and warmed by friendship. Like all the seasons, it is a time of preparation; readying ourselves to turn the corner of a new year and face whatever fate awaits us; learning from the bygone year and turning that knowledge into hope. Let us rise and be like the evergreen, bright and bristling with life amid the cold and darkness or like the robin with the rose bursting from his heart.6)Greeting the sunrise- Let us rise to greet the rising of the sun which is the beaming face of our god; and, like the birds, sing its praise and, with our outstretched, open arms, embrace its spreading beams and, from our happy hearts, make a mirror for it.
MORAL QUALIFICATIONS 1) A course in honesty and morality should be taught in schools, colleges and universities and only those with a degree in honesty and morality should be allowed to hold the highest positions of power within society, such as police chiefs and presidents. 2) A course in honesty and morality should teach people how to behave morally when in positions of power and responsibility; it should teach people not to lie, not to take bribes, not to steal, not to act selfishly, not to be tempted by the material but to be motivated by ideals of honesty, fairness and goodness and to care about how their decisions and actions effect ordinary people. 3) It must be made difficult to gain a degree in honesty and morality, so that only those who are truly honest and moral can gain degrees. 4) A persons education in honesty and morality should begin at school level and end with the obtaining of the university degree, so that degree holders have spent atleast two decades of their life studying to be an honest and moral person. 5) Those who study honesty and morality must also take other courses, so that they can be intelligent, able and useful aswell as honest and moral.
CELEBRATING THE SEASON OF MENSES 1) The human body has its seasons and every season serves a sacred purpose. Celebrate the coming of menstruation. It is an important time; the body is preparing itself to receive the gift of life and life is a precious and wonderful thing. It should not be a time for tears but a time for courage and rejoicing. Give the menstruating girl gifts that are red; rose gold and rubies, red flowers, a red dress or red shoes or even just a red ribbon to wear in her hair so that she can wear those things with pride. 2) Prayer Of Menses (spoken at sunset)- Robin red breast sweeps out her nest; must look its best for her egg guests. Autumns red broom sweeps out lifes room for the bright blooms of aprils loom. Pretty maiden, do not weep; here's a crimson gift to keep. Each red season has a reason; red makes room for life that's golden. The sun sets within you, so that it may rise within you. God! Mother of all mothers! Today you have blessed this girl with new maturity; bless her also with courage and strength and help her through all the years of her life. 3) It is the duty of mothers, sisters, aunties and female cousins to throw a party to praise and instruct the menstruating girl in how best to cope with and relieve the pains and problems of menstration, puberty and womanhood. They should pass on their experience to her and instruct her not to be ashamed of her body which is God's sacred gift to her.
EDUCATION 1) All education is religious education. God is all the world and all the heavens and all that we learn about the world, we learn about God. 2) Education should be everywhere - From the womb, a child should be surrounded by stimulation and learning. They should be immersed in nature and come to love it. Libraries and museums should be filled with happy and curious children. Every home should be a place of stimulation and learning, filled with art and music, literature and science. Education should be the air that a child breathes; their comfort food. All parents should be students. If parents are interested in learning new things, then their children will be. If parents do not have the money to create a stimulating and educational environment for their children, then the state must help the parents.Intellect is not the reserve of the middle and upper classes and so, there is no reason that a good education should be. 3) Teachers are public servants with a duty to society. parent and child - Parents pay taxes and expect their children to be taught by teachers who put effort into teaching. They do not expect their children to be bullied or to be discriminated against or to be neglected. 4) Teachers are the guardians of the future of humankind - No one should ever enter the teaching profession unless they understand its importance. Teaching should never be viewed as a dead end job but as a vital organ within the body of society.
DIVINATION - Within all things that exist, there is god; within a forest and equally within a deck of cards; within sun and thunderstorm and equally within the roll of a dice or the flip of a coin. Divination is merely the seeing of God's will in the world around us; however, within everything there is also the presence of evil. God speaks to us, with a loving voice, through everything in our world but Demons also speak to us and they can distort our understanding of the messages that we receive from God thus, all who choose to practice divination should be careful which omens they trust.
THE OLD AND THE YOUNG 1) Why the young must embrace what is old - We are all children of the earth, who is ancient and when we are close to her and open to her then we embrace the greatest of our grandmothers and from that union comes wisdom about our place and purpose; a knowing that we are a mortal part of something immortal, a living link in an eternal chain; keeping the flame of life from dying out. Similarly, when a child is close to their grandparent, they learn both about their biological future and about the worlds past; they learn, in a loving way, that it is the destiny of all children to grow old and thus, the duty of all children to live a glowing life; to forget all their cares and have memorable joys instead. From our grandparents, and from historians, we also learn that we are not the first and we will not be the last to attempt great things, to make great mistakes, to try to put the world right or to make a mess of it. We learn to do our best because that was all that even the greatest living people of history could do. 2) Why the old must embrace what is young- To embrace the young is to embrace life, because the young are filled with life. Embrace the spring and be part of it; plant seeds of flowers; be part of the future; of helping to raise your grandchildren; of making a better world. Pass on your wisdom and if you have no wisdom to give then just pass on your love. Learn from the young, all things new and remember your own youth. Be part of life continuing rather than life ending..
INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES 1) Striking is a natural thing. Workers are the body of a company. If you do not feed a body, or give it water, then it will cease to function. If you mistreat any living thing, wether it be a human being or a horse, then that living thing will refuse to cooperate with you. You must give in order to receive. 2) God is all, but God is on the side of need rather than greed. God is both the employer and the employee, but God is on the side of the honest and the fair, whoever they be. God is classless, both rich and poor, but God made the rich to help the poor, not to cheat them or exploit them; to use their money, power and influence to improve the conditions of their fellow human beings. Money is a tool for doing good and God makes men rich, as she makes men strong or clever, to help others; to contribute to the greater good. 3) If strikers have a legitimate grievance, then it is the duty of the public to support them in whatever way they can. Support all who are standing up for their rights, wether they be a striking worker or a woman fighting discrimination or a black person fighting racism or any ordinary person who is fighting oppression. 4) Forgive the wrongdoer. Forgive the adulterous spouse, the enemy in war and the strikebreaker. Both right and wrong are a part of god; and the wrongdoer is like a delirious man, controlled by what sickens him and lost to truth or reason.
SACRED DAYS 1) Celebrate the solstice and the equinox - Celebrate the summer and the winter solstice and meditate upon the solstices of fortune and misfortune; sadness and joy within your life and see the necessary seasons of struggle that all must endure in the service of the greater good. Celebrate the spring and autumn equinox and meditate upon the benefits of balance in all aspects of life. 2) Wednesday is the day of equilibrium - On wednesday, at half past noon we should remember God, who is at the centre of all things and who weighs up all things within the world and expects humankind to do the same. Remember that the path of God is the middle path; the level path; the path of moderation; equality; peace; unity; harmony; ambiguity; liberality; reason and fairness. 3) Saturday and Sunday belong to rest and pleasure - We are a part of God; when we rest, then a part of God can rest; when we feel pleasure and joy, God feels it also. The angels, who serve God, guide and guard the human race, feed upon the pleasure and happiness within the human heart and thus, our relaxation and pleasure are an offering to them. 4) Survival comes before scripture - If you must work upon a sacred day to survive then do so, because life and its preservation are the most sacred things of all.
PRAISE AND PRAYER FOR MOTHER AND CHILD 1) Praise to the expectant mother - Good mother, we adore you and place the crown of our blessings upon your head, for you are the living body of our eternal mother, who is the womb and bosom of all creation; who, like every sun that rises and every moon that grows full, brightens our world with the light of new life. We give to you all our hopes and good wishes and place these gifts before you in gratitude for the blessed gift which you shall bear. 2) Praise and prayer for the newborn child - No weight of wealth exceeds the worth of life; no ruby is more precious than a rose and every infant is like an infinite sum of gold. God, we praise this child and raise it up, like a piece of the heavens, to be adored. Mother, who is mortal, treasure that which you cradle and, everyday, be thankful ; mother, who is eternal, keep safe this infant until its hair is grey. God, protect and preserve this and every child, forever and, forever, we shall be your faithful sons and daughters.
LIFE CONTINUING AND LIFE SURVIVING 1) Menopause: Wise woman, look around you and see that your body is a mirror of all nature, which is God; that your life is a part of her immortality. No single light or song can last forever but those who can no longer sing or shine can find another part to play and, while they are searching, hear the music and see the stars which surround them and be happy that they have been such a wonderous part of such a wonderous thing. If you are sad it is because you and your neighbour have swallowed the lie that life is nothing but unending and unfriendly competition. Never loathe yourself or any other; weave, together with all other women, a great web of sisterhood. 2) Mourning - Be active in your mourning; seek out an answer to your questions and a remedy to your grief. Grief is a wound that must be healed before it can deepen and become fatal to the soul. Demons gather wherever grief occurs and if we feed them, then they will never leave. Do not offer yourself to the hole of grief; offer yourself to the whole of life. Let yourself, and those who are departed, go free. Let them be reborn and let yourself return to living. Do not turn one death into two. If you have children, take comfort and happiness in them and try to heal the wound of grief that they are also feeling. If you have lost a child, then try to help and protect other children. All who die young go straight to heaven.
DAILY MORAL BEHAVIOUR 1) Diary of good deeds - Every faithful follower should keep a diary of their good deeds. Do something kindly every day and record it within your diary. Being kind and caring every day keeps the soul in good health. All that is good within a soul shall be reborn while all that is bad within it shall be cast away and consumed; that is why we must try to do more good than evil within our lives. 2) Chastisement- Always be moderate in your chastisement of others. Every child should know equal love and discipline. Only a parent who is good, caring, conscientious and kind towards their child should have the right to discipline them. Only a good and loving parent can be trusted to chastise a child fairly and in moderation. 3) Following a timetable - Organizing and giving structure to your life is easier if you follow a timetable. For those who find it difficult creating their own timetable, they may ask a priest, or some other trusted person, to do it for them. Nature follows a timetable of rising and setting suns and changing seasons and so, regulating ones time is not unnatural and, though it might seem to restrict us, can empower us and give us more freedom. Rest and leisure are essential for a healthy,balanced life, so always remember to keep saturday and sunday free.
PRAYERS A 1) Prayer for protection - Ear of heaven, hear my plea! Eye of god, watch over me. I, who praise your name with pride; be my guardian and my guide. I, who do as you decree; comfort, shield and shelter me. 2) Prayer of sincere offering - God, hear us and remember us, when the days of our dark sorrows come. We were the ones who did not only sit and pray but bore the heavy burden of true devotion; who fought and laboured hard to serve your will, which is the will of all love and all kindness; who built not only temples to hear your praises in but strong fortresses of refuge and healing, for we longed to live and die for you alone; you who are the body of all the living and the soul of all goodness and all hope. Remember us, all that we have offered and suffered to serve you, when we call to you in times of direst need and gravest trouble. Dearest god, remember those who are your most faithful and true. 3) Prayer for healing - God, most noble spirit of all goodness and mercy; feel how deep is the sadness that fills my heart yet, how deep is my love for you and the ones for whom I pray. God lend to them all your might and courage and fill them with all your power of healing and for all that you help us, know my unceasing thankfulness and praise, faithfulness and devotion. God heal the ones I love and I shall forever be an instrument of your great healing, this I swear. 4) Prayer to the people - Let us praise all of the people; for we, the people, are a part of our god. Let us pray to the God within ourselves to make us work well and be good. Let us pray to each other and hear and try our best to answer each others prayers.
PRAYERS B 5) Praise for the elderly - Those who stand upon the summit of their life, be praised. God, the eldest of all elders; founder of all age and time; great grandmother of the many stars in heaven, smiles upon you; pleased and proud of all your offerings, but the true and faithful should not rest while there is still daylight to work in and bright work to be done. Out of the seed of short time, can come the tree of the great and long lasting. Take good care of your soul by making good use of your life, for only the worthy within us shall be welcomed in heaven and, out of the womb of heaven, be reborn. 6) Prayer of offering - God, who is the heart of all good deeds, look upon each offering I make to you and know that I am your ever true and faithful; that I give kindly to all in need; that I love and respect all of humanity and nature, knowing that all humanity and nature are a blessed part of you. 7) Prayer for peace and security - God, give peace the conquest of all nations; make love the valiant victor over war. Give loud voices to the diplomats; the doves who sing for peace and quieten the baying of the warmongers. Give us strong hearts so that we may love and forgive our enemies; see ourselves within them and our children within their children. Give us good sense to see the senselessness of war and save us from believing the lies that lead men to murder. Let war make no more widows or orphans; let no more war graves fill up with innocent bodies or uniforms be soaked in innocent blood and keep we, who are peaceful, loving and loyal to your will, safe from all those who would do us harm.
PRAYERS C 8) Autumn vow of renunciation of worldly wealth and pride- We praise you, great super infinitaire; God of the poor and the oppressed. We invest all that we are and own in you so that we may make a spiritual fortune and share in the true, splendid luxuries of heaven; a wealth denied to all the wealthy of this world; a wealth that men of greed shall never know. As our bodies kneel before you now, so our hearts shall always kneel until, through greatest humility, we shall make our souls worthy to stand in heaven. 9) Prayer for difficult times - God; see within me, a soul that is loyal and true to your will. Lend me your strength; show me your wisdom and give me courage. Help me to survive this terrible darkness and bring, swiftly, the light that will end it. As I have been a saviour to others; kind and helpful to all those in need; so, God, help and be kind to me. 10) Join Hands - Let us join our hands and hearts together and weave a web of love between us; a web in which to catch all evil. Let us join our hands and hearts together and be a strong community; the strong, hard working hand of god, lightening all our burdens and moving all that is in our way. Interwoven into one we enter heaven; prepared by this community to join the community of souls in heaven. 11) Offering to the angels - We summon all the many friends of heaven to descend; come friendly angels; the benevolent guardians of men; come taste the splendid feast of our pleasure and the overflowing gallons of our golden joy. Come angels and spread your charms; keep this house free from the presence of darkness.
PRAYERS D 12) Prayer for the protection of a loved one - Great mother; God, the protector of all the vulnerable and the small; silence my worries by hearing my prayers; watch over, and keep safe, the one I love; see them within my heart and move destiny to guard them from all harm and danger. Bring them to safety and I shall be your truely faithful; honor and worship you daily, for all the days of my life. 13) Prayer of contentment - God, who has given us breath to breathe and voice to speak; let us use them to thank you with. Wonderous God; we give, to you, our deepest gratitude and highest praise for all that destiny has done for us; given us our needs to survive and a home with many comforts; love, family, friends andcommunity. Contentedly and happily, we praise you; our beloved God. 14) Prayer for a victorious insurrection - We, who are followers of spring, the usurper; spring, the overthrower of winters tyranny, sow our own seeds; our rebellious whispers, knowing that, out of them, golden freedom shall grow and bloom; that the sun of principles shall return to rule and lift up life in its strong arms of gold and give power to all the powerless of the world. God, who is the balance and the wheel; god of all the poor and the oppressed, whose will is truth and justice above all, march within us when we march; bind our spirits into one; make them muscular and strong; a river of our spirits, that no wall of oppression can withstand, and the wellnesss of all shall prevail. 15) Prayer for victory in a necessary war - God, let the good be victorious and know that we strive our hardest to be the good. God, protector of the peaceful and the kind; if we are worthy, then lend us your strength and wisdom. Mother of the sun and thunder, whose arms are the swift eagle and the furious tiger; help us to protect the child of our nation. God, bring us to victory and safely home again.
THE SOUL AND THE AFTERLIFE (BETWEENLIFE) All souls are a part of one soul; the oceanic soul of god, into which and out of which all river souls flow. All who come from god shall return to God. Just as the flesh decays into the earth and breath returns to the air, so the souls of the many are reunited with the great soul of God. To be reunited with God is a joyous thing. All within the soul of God is love, goodness, wisdom and joy.
AN INCLUSIVE RELIGION 1) God sees without prejudice and so must the people of God. Heaven is open to all who are loving and kind and so should the religion of heaven be. 2) Those who reject others shall themselves be rejected by heaven. Those who see ugliness in others make themselves look ugly in the sight of God. See the beauty and goodness in people and in all life. 3) The living idol - During every service, a follower must be chosen to represent God because God is within our neighbour and within nature, not in some distant heaven or in a statue of stone. Every type of person, of every physical description, is a suitable representation of God because God is diversity and every person, of every shape, size, colour, age or ability, is a part of the beauty and greatness of God.4) God hopes that you see goodness within this bible. It is not the only path to God, but it is the most efficient path. Whatever you choose to do, remember to try to be kind and loving at all times. Never wage war or persecute others in the name of God, because God loves all and craves peace among all. God has no favoured race or nation or group of people; God only favours the good hearted, whoever they are. 5) Saints and sinners - Forget perfection. God does not expect us to be a stainless saint or a virtuous virgin. God expects us to try to do as little harm and be as much help as possible.Try to be the best that you can be and you will make it into heaven.
6)This faith is owned by all who follow it truly and with a loving heart. It belongs to its people. It does not belong to any one person or any priestly caste or aristocracy or ruling elite of any kind. It belongs to love and to goodness; to all of its followers,equally. Let it never be tarnished by the hunger for power and let it always be a religion of kindness, humility and reason whose supreme, guiding principle is love.
SOME SHORT HYMNS Break up the silence Break up the silence with singing, for the spring is beginning again./ Light up the lanterns and brighten the room, for the flowers are blooming again//Lift up your hearts with rejoicing, for the songbirds are winging again./ Let us join hands and dance all around, like the seasons that turn without end.Together, we wear the crown. Together, we wear the crown; we're wearing the darkness down./ Together, we wield the sword; we're spreading the healing word of peace and love for everyone.// One body is what we are; all our hearts and all the stars;/ the whole world must move as one, around love's salvation sun; bring peace and love to everyone.// The future is what we are;each newborn; another star/ within the heaven on earth to which we are giving birth; a place of peace and love for everyone. Don't lend a hand to the darkness Every act of kindness lights a candle in the world; every act of kindness makes life bright./Every act of cruelty makes the world more dark and cold; pushing the earth deeper into night./Chorus: Please don't lend a hand to the darkness; please stand on the side of the light;/please don't feed a crumb to the sorrow but help fill the world with loves sweet delight./Every act of friendship plants a flower in the world; every act of friendship makes life bright./every act of hatred is a thorn that pricks us all; bleeding the world winter cold and white.Our Mother Universe In our mother universe, we are all one;/ we gather together to get her work done /and we'll never give in till her great war is won;/ for peace and for freedom for everyone//In our mother universe, we shall unite;/ together forever, to fight for all right;/ defending the weak and the meek with our might/and lifting a darkened world up to the light.
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This is an epic piece John
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This proposed religion is
This proposed religion is based on a Utopian fantasy from the 19th century. It’s a religion that would diminish God, along with every individual, taking away all our personal freedoms, including God’s. This religion would make us all, including God, subservient to whoever the unrestrained, intimidating, Politically Correct Dictators are, who decide what is or isn’t the “Greater Good”.
There is a better Way.
Jesus said, “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who among you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear? For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
(Matthew 6: 25-34)
Jesus also said: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” (Matthew 7: 1-5)
Remember, Jesus died to take away our sins, not to make it easier for us to keep them.
The Apostle John wrote: “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not live by the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.
“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John: 5-9)
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