Written in blood: Chapter 2
By Minx101
- 639 reads
Lexi walked down the hallway at a slow speed fear for what the onlookers had to say. ‘This is why I don’t move schools’ she thought as if this would prove some kind of point, but really it didn’t change anything apart from her own opinion on a fresh start she had talked herself into the night before, when Damon kissed her. Life wasn’t fair so why change it.
“Lexi” Damon called as she passed him in the hallway.
Before she knew it they were looked in an embrace smiling at each other. By the reaction of the students around her, Damon smiling must have been something rare, especially when it came to girls. When Damon went to speak again his smile had disappeared.
“Lexi, you may hate me for this, but I can live with it knowing you know the truth” Damon told her. Realizing he wasn’t messing around she nodded understandingly as if saying ‘you can trust me’. Before carrying on Damon took a deep gulp. “I’m a vampire, I know th-
“I know” she interrupted with a grin of her own on her face. “I guess I just pieced it together” she laughed seeing his reaction. “I’m not afraid Damon, I can handle different” she admitted seriously. “Damon, different is me, it’s my middle name.” Damon held her out at arm’s length and looked at her with eyes that danced with laughter.
“You are something else Lexi” he laughed. For a moment Lexi stood there looking at him with complete and utter confusion before bursting out in giggles. “I haven’t been like this for centuries” he told her passionately . Damon gently pulled her back into the safety of his cold/warm body that could be described as lukewarm.
Lexi entered the classroom to notice there were no more spare desks as a dark haired boy had taken hers.
“She should share” the same boy her were eyes focused on suggested with a cheeky grin on his face. Everyone looked at her with expectant eyes as if they expected her to start ranting, but she was mesmerized by the boys fluid movements that seemed practised until perfection. He was dressed in black and his eyelashes were long which would seem wasted on any boy, but on him it actually looked beautiful.
“You might actually be right, Jake” he laughed nervously as if the boy in the black leather jacket scared him.
“It’s Jason” he snapped. Jason turned back around with a new grin on his lips for Lexi. His eyes were a golden red that could have passed for crimson and his hair was darker than Damon’s, he was breathtakingly sexy. “Want to share” he flirted tapping his lap. Taking a deep breath she went to share the seat with him. Hope Damon doesn’t hear about this she thought smiling shyly at Jason.
By the end of the lesson Lexi was in fits of giggles and doubled over with tears dribbling down her cheek, she didn’t know somebody could be that funny.
Lexi and Jason were still in the classroom after class was dismissed talking like they were best friends.
“Lexi” Damon shouted. Jason looked at her eyebrows rose with a quizzical smile lingering. He nodded like he understood. “Jason” she heard the gasp behind her. Turning to look she saw Damon resting in the doorframe like his life couldn’t get any worse. “Jason” he repeated with a savage tint to his eyes.
“You know him” Lexi asked with a puzzled frown on her face. Jason nodded with a smile of enjoyment on his lips. “Well we better go Damon” she said slowly while bending over to pick her bag up off the floor. “You look like you hate him Damon, but I would kill to be you, he’s so funny” she exclaimed grabbing his hand. Damon nodded with a faint smile on his face that didn’t look very convincing.
“It’s okay lil’ bro, I’ll explain.” Hearing this Lexi’s head snapped back towards Jason then back to Damon, noticing the resemblance now he had said that.
“Really” Lexi smiled her eyes dancing a slow rhythm. “What was Damon like when he was little? Are you a vampire to, of course you are” Lexi asked. So many questions to be asked and not that much time. Two brothers, one smiling the other grimacing, one she dared to say she loved and the other befriended, this looked better than the twilight saga alone. “I think we should get going, but it was lovely to meet you Jason” she smiled letting Damon place his arm upon her shoulders.
When they were a safe distance away from the school Damon turned to look at her with a worried frown.
“Stay away from him Lexi, he’s dangerous, if you thought I was bad you should have met my brother before me” Damon instructed like a jealous boyfriend. Lexi looked at him for several seconds, assessing the situation before bursting out in a laughing fit. “I’m being serious Lexi” he snapped furiously.
“Damon, he seems like a really nice guy to me.” Lexi looked up at Damon into his dark eyes that made her swoon and his eyes seemed to change that golden red like Jason’s. She turned her head from Damon’s intense stare ashamed of even thinking about Jason. Damon was her one and only love, not Jason, she only just met Jason, but when it came to it she had only just met Damon before they kissed.
Jason walked out of the classroom after a load of thinking, for once in his life the feelings towards the girl Damon loved was real, he felt something powerful between them and he didn’t think he could harm her, he would even consider dying for the human girl. Damon for once in his life hadn't chosen a girl that didn’t have any intentions of killing them.
As he walked down the pathway to the small mansion he rented Kylie and Mason caught up with him.
“Have you found the girl” Mason asked eagerly.
“Yes, but you don’t touch her, I’ll deal with her, she’s has what we need she just doesn’t know it” he told them. As their leader and the vampire they were in dept to they had no choice, but to obey his every order. “It will hurt even more if I torture Damon first” Jason added seeing the suspicious looks on their faces. Mason and Kylie nodded like they knew this the whole time, but they still couldn’t help the suspicious looks they gave him.
Lexi sat before her dresser plaiting her hair intricately waiting for something to happen.
Later came a knock from the front door, which she was hoping was Damon, but to her luck and surprise it was Jason.
“Want to come to the beach with me” Jason asked his leather jacket in his pale hands. Lexi had a decisive smile on her face as she looked him in his eyes.
“Okay” she sighed grabbing her own jacket off with a beaming smile.
“We can be good friends Lexi” he laughed as they walked down the pavement to the beach that lay only a few metres from her house. When Jason looked away Lexi couldn’t resist a small peak of his glorious features. “What you looking at” he asked when he caught her looking. Blushing she turned away biting her lip, almost ashamed. “I’m only joking” he told her.
“I know” she laughed being the first of them to step onto the sandy Malibu beach. “Okay, I must ask you, you’re a vampire so shouldn’t the sunlight effect you” she asked curiously, pointing up to the sun when she did so.
“This” Jason said showing her a thin chain with an emerald skull on the end. “There are only a few and me and Damon have one each, it protects us from sunlight” he explained to her. Lexi listened closely as it were some intriguing history lesson, but she could tell there was something more to be said that he had obviously left out for a reason. “Damon’s a lucky boy.” This comment made Lexi smile while blushing vigorously.
“Thank-you” she mumbled gratefully.
“What have we here” came the spiteful laugh of the unforgettable Lily Sullivan. Quicker than Jason himself her eyes were focused on Lily who had her arms wrapped around Seth, who she must say looked very, very scared, she was almost sympathetic for him. “Now, does Damon know about this small arrangement, I don’t think he would like it if he found out his girlfriend were hooking up behind his back with his older brother” she pouted running a spindly hand through her dirty blonde hair that seemed to be killed by her straighteners.
“It’s not your fault you have to intimidate boys into going out with you and Lexi doesn’t” Jason snapped back at her quicker than Lexi could get a word out herself. “It’s not her fault you have a massive crush on my brother and it’s not her fault she’s my friend” he added with an intimidating glare himself that made hers look like a wild kittens smile. “Come on Lexi” Jason instructed placing a cold hand on the small of her back and guiding her further down the beach.
Damon walked up the pathway to Lexi’s house late in the afternoon to apologize for not being around, but it looked like she already had company. Through Lexi’s bedroom window she saw her and Jason slow dancing to some beautiful music, then halfway through the song they burst out laughing.
“Today’s been great, I wouldn’t change a thing, but I just wish Damon would have been here to enjoy it with us” He heard Lexi say to Jason. Slowly Jason advanced getting closer to Lexi’s lips inch by inch. What hurt was that she didn’t put up a fight. “Wait stop, I can’t do this, sorry Jason” Lexi burst out interrupting the meant to be secret moment they shared. Damon smiled, turned around and walked off knowing he could put his trust in her.
“You’re right, I’m so sorry Lexi” Jason apologized getting up to leave.
“Jason” she called. As she spoke Jason turned to look at her with the same apologetic eyes. “See you at school tomorrow” she smiled getting up so she could show him to the front door as not to be rude.
“Tomorrow.” He smiled one last time before carrying down the pathway to the house.
When Lexi turned she came face to face with her parents scowling faces. What had she done now? Whatever it was she knew it wasn’t her fault. Choosing to skip the whole theatrics she grabbed her coat.
“Jason’s dangerous Lexi” Her dad called behind her. Hearing this got her looking, wanting answers. She wanted to know who told them this, but in her heart she knew who had told them.
“Damon told you this didn’t he” she asked.
“Well yes, he told Orlando, Damon’s only worried about you darling and if I was him I would too” her father explained to her as she grabbed her keys. Lexi only shook her head. For one, her parents only worried about their reputation and how going out with Jason would ruin it and two, Damon wasn’t worried he was just being a jealous boyfriend. “Where are you going at this time” her father asked sternly, but she ignored this question as she was only intent on finding Damon.
“Damon” Lexi shouted as she walked up the pavement with a slight swagger in her step. The streets were busy with people going home and it made it impossible to find anyone at all. “Damon” she repeated on the brink of giving up.
“Lexi” came the reply. When she turned around Damon was behind her, his arms were crossed over his bare chest and he had trunks on that looked wet. A few metres behind him were a posse of girls and boys in swimsuits and trunks like him and they too looked wet. It’s okay, she told herself, and anyway, she couldn’t really say anything as she was the one that spent a day with his brother.
“Why did you say that to Orlando, now I am ‘forbidden’ to see your brother” she snapped her eyes accusing and violent.
“He’s dangerous Lexi” he breathed, almost sounding annoyed. All she could do was shake her head with a bitter grimace on her face.
“You know what Damon, it sounds like you have something against your brother and that’s okay, but it also sounds like you’re a jealous boyfriend, he’s a friend. If that’s how you’re going to react every time I make a friend that’s a boy...” she shouted stopping before she could finish the sentence. “We’re over until you can prove to me you trust me” she whispered. Damon looked like he had just taken a blow to his chest and it hurt her as much as it hurt him just to see him like that.
“Lexi, please, we haven’t even started.” When Damon said this he also reached out his hand to grab hers, but she only flinched from his touch.
“Don’t touch me” she screamed. Lexi took a deep breath before continuing what she was going to say. “Damon, look at us, it shouldn’t be this hard, maybe this means something, or maybe were just not ready yet” she told him, just begging for him to see the bigger picture. “Please.”
“Just go Lexi” he snapped.
That’s what she did, she turned and walked away with tears coming at the dozen down her cheeks.
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