Idea for a New Religion - Chapter 5 - War
By well-wisher
- 1017 reads
WAR A 1) Wars are created by Demons as a means of generating suffering on a large scale, Demons plant the seeds of war. They manipulate the greedy politicians and businessmen who start wars, then they harvest the suffering of the grieving, the orphaned, the homeless, the poor, sick, injured and crippled. 2) Wars are the wounding of God's own flesh and soul. God despises war and God's will is world peace, friendship and equality among all groups, races and nations. 3) It is God's will that a world army be formed which consists of soldiers from every nation. This world army would be placed under the control of the united nations (a truly neutral united nations which is not dominated by any individual nation or group of nations). This world army would ensure the national security of all countries. War would be made illegal and the world army would enforce that law. 4) Until the world army is formed and world peace is achieved, those who wish to serve god must do all that they can to either avoid war or reduce the suffering and devestation caused by it.
WAR B 5) Large scale killing of civilians is never acceptable to God. Genocide is an act of violence against God who is all. 6) Torture was invented by Demons as a way of generating suffering. God detests torture and has given human beings an intellect and an imagination so that they can invent alternative methods of obtaining information rather than relying upon torture. 7) Weapons of mass destruction are tools of genocide and genocide is abhorrent to God. Weapons of mass destruction may only be used against the non-living, for example, a meteorite that threatens to destroy the earth. 8) Non-lethal weapons should be employed by armies whenever and wherever possible as a means of reducing loss of life. 9) Medals must be awarded for kindness aswell as courage. A kind soldier fights on the side of all humanity and God is truly on their side. 10) The diplomat who prevents war is a hero to God. War must be avoided whenever possible.
WAR C 11) Nations do not wage wars; governments wage wars and soldiers are forced to fight them. We must never hate an enemy nation or its soldiers, we must only hate the governments who rule the enemy nation and the system that they impose upon their people. 12) Children must learn about the horrors of all wars and about the heroism of those who oppose war. 13) War also devestates nature and those who wish to serve God must try, whenever and wherever possible, to protect nature from the ravages of war. 14) War should only be waged for the protection of life or the prevention of widescale suffering, it must never be waged as a means of obtaining power, wealth, land or property. 15) All manufacture of weapons should be nationalized and weapons should be made purely for the purposes of national defence and not exported for profit. God abhors those who seek to profit from killing and devestation. 16) Those who wish to serve God must care for all who are the victims of the devestation of war. All that they do for their fellow human being, they do for God. 17) The true and godly purpose of an army, navy or airforce is not to invade countries or subjugate people but to help protect, rescue and deliver aid to those in need.
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