Idea for a New Religion - Chapter 24 - A Personal, Individual Connection To God
By well-wisher
- 691 reads
A PERSONAL, INDIVIDUAL CONNECTION TO GOD 1) The whole is within each of its parts. As we are within God, so God is within us. As the inward looking eye of God meditates upon us so, by looking inward and meditating, can we better know and understand our God. 2) Air is the breath of God and sunlight, her wisdom. When we breathe in deeply and exhale, we let God flow through us. All things in nature, even the pull of gravity, are God and connection to them is connection to God. By studying the living bible; the book of Nature, we learn more about God than from the bibles written by the ancient and the dead. 3) God is within our friends and neighbours. God is in all people and by communing with other people and by group meditation may we also know God. 4) Art is meditation. The creation of and the appreciation of art is meditation, It can detach us from ourselves; shock us into waking; make us view the world anew and bring us closer to life which is God. Music that moves us to dance is God; performance is a bridge between the audience and God; all that is beautiful and honest and heartfelt comes out of God. 5) Experiment. There are as many paths to knowledge as there are seekers of knowledge and no path is supreme or suitable for everyone. The quest for something is itself a form of meditation within the mind of God; God seeks answers through us and sends us out and brings us home.
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