Idea for a New Religion - Chapter 29 - Clothing & Food
By well-wisher
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CLOTHING AND FOOD A 1) There are no strict rules regarding clothing and food because, due to the cosmic conflict of good and evil, life can be unpredictable and God needs human beings to survive, so expects them to be flexible and adaptable; happy to wear and eat whatever is available to them. 2) Try to dress suitably and sensibly - What you wear should be dictated by purpose, time and place. Dress to suit the activity which you wish to engage in or the occasion which you intend to take part in. Dress to suit the season, the climate, the weather conditions, the terrain and, if you are in a country which is foreign to you, the local customs. 3) Try to dress ethically - If you can, try to avoid wearing anything which is derived from the slaughter or suffering of animals; from the large scale devestation or pollution of nature or from the unfair exploitation of the poor. 4) Prepare to survive - In order for goodness to survive, good people must survive. If you intend to serve god then prepare yourself to face all the obstacles that evil will place in your path. Always try to carry some small, unobtrusive survival tools, such as a lighter or matches, a first aid kit, a torch, a compass, a sewing kit and a pen knife, if possible. 5) Do not conform to fashion. God wishes every person to be a creative, free spirited individual and to celebrate their uniqueness rather than wearing a uniform. If you do not like yourself and long to be someone else, then create the person who you wish to be but do not try to buy a ready made, mass produced style or personality.
CLOTHING AND FOOD B 6) Why human beings are omnivores - Being an omnivore allows human beings to be more adaptable; able to eat whatever food is available to them. Because of the ongoing conflict between demons and God, the living universe, life can be chaotic and unpredictable, Accidents, poverty, war, natural disasters, famine and drought and pandemic diseases can force people into circumstances where they have little choice about what to eat but God cherishes them and wants them to survive. If God can, then God will provide but it is difficult for God to provide for a fussy eater. 7) Try to avoid causing the suffering of animals - Vegetarianism is ideal but, if you eat meat, avoid eating young animals. Try to eat only those animals which have enjoyed a long, happy, free life; have satisfied their goal in life, which is to reproduce and care for their young and have died quickly and painlessly. 8) Share what you can - God gives each of us good fortune so that we can help others. God desires that no one in the world should suffer from starvation or malnourishment. If you are celebrating a religious feast day, then make it a communal feast and invite the poor and the homeless to share your food. Remember that all that we feed to the starving, we feed to God.
CLOTHING AND FOOD C 9) Try to eat healthily - Try to eat in moderation and lead an active life. Try to maintain a balanced diet, containing all the nutrients which your body needs and look after your teeth. If you suffer from a medical condition which limits or prohibits the consumption of certain foods then don't endanger your health. Strongly avoid eating anything which may result in ill health or addiction. Always think about long term needs and weigh them against short term gratification.Friends, family or community can work together to help each other stay fit and healthy. Get atleast one hour of excercise each day as a small offering to God. 10) The positive symbolism of food - Milk is a symbol of God, the mother, and of love because it is both food which nourishes infants and also food which is not derived from the death of a living thing. Sugar and honey are a symbol of the angellic diet because angels feed upon the sweet things of life which are love and happiness. If you are lactose intolerant or diabetic then put your health first before religious observance, because God values your health and well being more than any symbolic gesture of your faith. 11) Grown meat - Just as replacement organs can be grown in a laboratory using cell division, so animal body parts can be grown for human consumption thus making it possible to produce meat without slaughtering animals.
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