Idea for a new religion - Chapter 37 - Health
By well-wisher
- 568 reads
HEALTH A 1) All healing is the work of God - Every medicine that heals or cures; every good doctor, or nurse, is a part of God's own powers of self-healing and regeneration. 2) Every mind and body is a part of the mind and body of god and the health of every individual is a part of God's own health; thus, the health of every individual is sacred. 3) It is wrong to put a price upon human health and life because these things are sacred and beyond price. The health of all people, wether they are rich or poor, is precious to God. That is why God disapproves of private health care and favours a nationalized health service, pharmaceutical industry and medical equipment manufacturing industry. 4) Visit the sick and the injured, because it is a visitation to God; Bring gifts to them, because this is an offering to God. 5) Excercise and dancing for health - God wills that every person should get, atleast, one hour of excercise, every day, in order to keep fit and healthy. The best way to ensure that everyone within the community is getting regular excercise is by making communal dancing a form of religious observance. Those who do regular excercise need not attend but priests should organize regular dances within the church, atleast twice a week, so that children, and everyone who needs excercise, can dance to lose weight.
HEALTH B 6) It is also important to God that no child should suffer from malnutrition; that every parent should have enough money to feed their children and that no parent should ever neglect the health of their child. 7) Natural resources which are essential to the survival of human life; such as food, water and medicine, should be freely available to all. 8) Human beings have a duty to care for animals that are injured or sick and to monitor, protect and preserve all living things. 9) Neither the state nor private companies should engage in any activities that are harmful to the health of human beings or nature and all companies should protect the health and safety of their employees.10) God wills that funding, science and technology be directed towards empowering the disabled so that they can live useful and fulfilling lives and help others in need. 11) God loves all, wether healthy, sick; able or disabled and those who love god should not discriminate against any sick or disabled person. 12) Contraception is sacred because it prevents overpopulation and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Medical science must try its best to create a cure for, or an immunity to, sexually transmitted diseases. 13) God wills that every woman should have the right to have an abortion and that all abortions should be safe, hygenic and performed by trained medical professionals.
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