By tarquin1
- 780 reads
Stagnant mist hung in the air,
And the glens were dank and sodden.
That morning of the 16th,
When the English took Culloden.
The Highlands soon fell silent,
Like they had never done before.
When the clans all joined together'
For this bloody civil war.
Bagpipes proudly boasted,
Of the battle yet to come.
The English troops replied,
With bugle and with drum.
The outnumbered clans attacked,
With passion and with pride.
But grape-shot, cannon and musketry,
Halted the marauding tide.
With the Jacobite cause in ruins,
And the Bonnie prince on the run.
The "butcher" Duke of Cumberland,
Announced the battle won.
Will the pain of Scotland ever heal,
Or change the way her people feel.
Or does the memory burn too deep,
Then as ye sow, then ye shall reap!
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No Tarquin, the pain will
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