Scrap CH TWO part 37
By jcizod103
- 453 reads
Harry Tobin has been busy dismantling an almost new JCB back hoe loader. Beanpole Brett has been helping with the task and the parts have been labelled and packed into crates ready for shipping to Nigeria along with a dumper truck and a tarmac spreader. Prince has been watching the proceedings from his bed in the doorway of the shed where he can keep a lookout for intruders and be first in line for a biscuit when Carol makes her regular tea break runs.
Carol’s mother has been a godsend since the twin girls arrived on the scene, looking after them as well as taking care of her daughter, who is recovering from what she terms the worst experience of her life. Determined never to endure a repeat of the whole ghastly business she has already started taking the Pill and will keep Harry at arm’s length for as long as possible. After three weeks she is still not able to walk properly and struggles across the yard with a tray bearing coffee and biscuits.
Prince is up on his feet as soon as the kitchen door opens and is not disappointed as Carol drops a custard cream into his maw before setting the tray out of his reach. ‘How’s the eye?’ She asks Brett, who sets his spanner down and wipes his hands on his boiler suit before sitting on one of the rickety chairs by the workbench. ‘They say I may not get full sight back,’ he replies, matter-of-factly, ‘but I can still drive with my one good eye so I have to be grateful for that.’ Carol seems to be the only one to feel any guilt for the driver’s loss but says nothing more about it. ‘I see you’ve nearly finished then; what time is this lot being collected?’ Harry says they will be loading the boat later in the day and hope to catch the midnight tide.
The load will be trans-shipped somewhere near Southampton but Carol doesn’t need the details; as long as it’s out of her yard she can rest easier. ‘Have you seen young Jason today? He said that Rosa might call in with the baby but she always seems to be out in the lorry. I reckon her mother has taken over, don’t you?’ Harry gives her an odd look but makes no comment on the fact that she is doing exactly the same with their babies. ‘He’s busy down at the gravel pit,’ he says, ‘Brett’s going to give him a hand once he’s finished here.’ Brett says he will if he has the time and Carol seems to have run out of conversation so she heads back indoors and leaves them to it.
Prince grunts loudly as he flops down onto the bed, disappointed there was only one biscuit on offer, but Harry takes the hint and hands over another custard cream before getting back to the task in hand.
Captain is on fine form as he greets Carol with a fruity wolf whistle, hoping for a treat. She gives him a kiss, selects a Brazil nut from the cupboard and hands it over. He makes short work of cracking the shell, sending shards across the kitchen floor. ‘Sorry,’ he mutters, ‘butterfingers me,’ then proceeds to chip away at the tasty kernel. ‘Someone needs a bath,’ he adds, ‘Captain needs a bath, turn on the tap Carol.’ Carol does as he asks and watches as he dips his head beneath the flowing water several times before flicking the droplets all over the tiles. Carol turns off the tap and goes through to the sitting room where Julie is rocking one of the babies as the other sleeps in her Moses basket.
‘Have you had any further thoughts on the baby shop?’ Julie asks. Carol has stretched out on the sofa with her feet up on a pillow. ‘If we can get someone who we can trust to work with us then I agree with you it’s a great idea but I haven’t actually mentioned it to Harry yet. You know what he’s like, wants me where he can keep tabs on me. He does need someone to man the ship to shore when he’s out at sea and we can’t have just anybody in the house. Did you have anyone in mind to work at the shop?’ Julie has a surprising suggestion. ‘I was thinking of young Sally, Gerry’s daughter. You know she had a little boy a week ago? Well her mum is desperate to get involved, as is Pat Chapman. Turns out that her lad, Kenneth was the father so she sees this as another chance to be close to him. Sally was at the clothes party yesterday evening and I mentioned the shop idea to her then. She said she would jump at the chance, especially when I said she could have Ray in the shop with her whenever she wanted. It could be the ideal solution; what do you think?’
Carol thinks it’s an excellent idea and they chat about their plans over a cup of coffee. Julie already has the details worked out, leaving very little for her daughter to work on but she is happy to go along with her mother’s ideas especially as the project will get her out of this place and doing something she enjoys for once.
Captain calls out as Harry comes into the kitchen. ‘Shh, it’s a secret,’ he cackles, ‘don’t tell Harry or he’ll do his nut.’ Harry pops his head round the doorway; ‘don’t tell me what?’ He wants to know. Carol curses the bird and Julie says maybe now is as good a time as any. She takes baby Karen upstairs to change her nappy, leaving her daughter to break the news of their joint venture. She waits until the shouting has died down and the back door slammed behind her son-in-law before venturing back downstairs. ‘How did he take to the idea?’ she asks, timidly. ‘How do you think?’ comes the reply. ‘And his reaction has made my mind up to go ahead,’ adds Carol, getting up and pouring a glass of sherry for each of them. ‘To our baby shop, Little Tinkers,’ she says, raising her glass in toast. Julie chinks her glass against Carol’s and they smile as they down the contents in one.
Brett sits silently until his boss has finished ranting about his wife and interfering mother-in-law. Once he has run out of steam he slumps in a chair next to him and asks what Brett thinks of the idea. Brett is a sly one and has already thought of a few angles which would benefit him. ‘Maybe it could work in your favour,’ he suggests, ‘you know how Carol hates anything dodgy going on; well if she’s not here she doesn’t have to know. I can help if you need someone on the radio and we could maybe get more done with both of them out the way. Carol will be happier doing what she wants to do so the way I see it we could all be winners.’ The penny drops and a smile twitches the corners of Harry’s thin mouth. ‘You could be on to something there my friend,’ he agrees, ‘but I’ll make her sweat a bit before I tell her she can go ahead. She needs to think I’m doing her a favour, not the other way around.’
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