Leggings - end.
By maisie
- 649 reads
So with the will gone - or dealt with without my knowledge or consent, and the estates to return to the Queen, as it's all too late - I cannot now be expected to gain the Duchy. It was only to come after I had proved I could hold the estates.
The Ee's rearranged things, to their satisfaction, so whether you blame their descendants or not I'm not sure about the issues of culpability. However as to the German estates, I don't know who owned those, nor do I know how it all finished.
After Mrs Ee came back from Germany in the 1970's she tried to make me sign a form cut from a paper advert so that she could get my signature to sign over my accounts to her children. I signed a fake name and I crossed my fingers. Mrs Ee still managed her rearrangements as I've never seen or heard of any of the business interests that I might have had.
Perhaps the Queen can get some of her monies, land, and interests back. Mrs. Ee was the one I think that got the Home Office to try and deport me under the fake name. now that was a woman with a capacity for evil. No wonder the older Romanies loved her.
There was also mention of a house given to me for my 21st on an island, never given to me, someone obvious may have it., or not. Also a prom dress to be presented in, which I believe Mr. Ee hid under the attic floor in rage.
I remember dimly being told that being fostered by a Romany family would give me a greater understanding of their ways and better my abilities to run a Duchy. It certainly has iinformed me, I know now how it works. The greed, the focus, the fairy tales. And even if I came from Auschwitz along the way, I wasn't prepared for all of it. And I can do without the 'evil' label too, thank you. As it happens :) I'm not.
You see this scam worked so well because i csred about people. Now thinking back all the links are cut.
I'm not certain I want to be anyone now. I'd love a will that left me a house in Australia, enough money to live on, my family invited to come with me - a better life without all this razzle tazzle give me your money if you don't see which cup the ball is under...
without the letter being taken from the mail too, if possible.
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