a spider
By valiswaverider
- 269 reads
Come into the parlour said the spider to the fly
be there devoured, the puzzle lies their in
A consummate dance of death
frailty and the stab of venomous jaws
And then no more
Think me not without pity in my hunger
As I must do as nature dictates
how ever repellant my behaviour and alien shape to human eyes
my own mind is made up
The unknown pleasures of certainty
All to infrequently occupy the human mind
you can not comprehend my will, nor judge
An apparition an unknown quality
The whole beyond your ken
You know nature not
Rustlings in the pit of the stomach
which was once home to vain and empty longings
In those knock kneed and heady days of youth
On waking you see me as a phantom your deepest fear
Crawling venomous beast of nightmare made flesh
This strength of certainty to be not afraid
Animal instinct
Some will kill for it
others will swing from their necks for it
Many will search for it
None ever find it
That fountain of youth
the prize above all others beyond hunger
the abyss of self loathing
The whole of heaven in the heart
I the reminder of this absence of feeling
I consume with out love
I know no passion, no love ,only instinct
How impossible it is to truly know your own nature
divorcing selves from cultural delusions
having one pure thought
to persist and forgone betterment for deep instinct
I have no notion of life beyond my web
Can you be sure of your convictions
your very illusion of depth
No light falls upon the walls of plato,s cave
This is where we both reside
Upon my sight an ache tears unto your bones
pressure in the sternum and tightness in the heart
Gasping and grasping for the familar
rightly you fear me
I a product of the same world as you indeed we are related
In a deep code which unites all living on a string of silk like my web
I fear not your loathing , I seek not any reasons like your aflicted self
What is,is and no more
I sit out of site in the dusty cobwebs of the abandoned study
Words left unspoken
books left on the shelf
Like unquestioning lives
Days spent in idleness and nights of doubt
Endless witless ponderings without an answer in the dark
no mind can replicate an other
the lack within the marrow is this fact
Of unknowing words and solitude
The insect , the reptilian and hominid all must venture to their ends
But do not envy those callow witless souls emptied of emotion
For their imagenation creates nothing as wonderful as my web
I hold myself above shallow creation
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