Pene Dentata
By StJimmy
- 553 reads
"Do not walk around campus alone after dark."
That's what every female student at Albright College was told after five women were found raped and murdered on campus over the course of two weeks. Every time it had happened at night, and there were no witnesses. No evidence was found at any of the crime scenes, so the police investigation was stalled. The University and police force both agreed that the warning, in addition to a heightened security presence, were the best way to deal with the situation.
And for a while, it worked. No more bodies were found in the two months following the announcement. That is what would get Leigh Humphries killed. The danger was no longer present in her mind; do long had passed since the last incident that it seemed to no longer matter. So long without a reinforcement of the fear had led to its loss.
"heyy leigh party at sigep u coming?"
That was the text that brought Leigh out of her dorm on the last night she would be alive. Her roommate should have been walking over with her. Bu her roommate was already there, and was the one who texted her. So she left the dorm alone, and walked to the party.
At first she found herself rushing slightly when in the darkness between streetlights. But she stopped this after a few minutes, deciding that it was foolish. Surely the only reason was the fact it was dark, and the wind rustling the remaining leaves gave a slightly unsettling atmosphere to the night. But what was there really to be afraid of? Nothing, and in a few minutes she would be at a party, getting drunk and having fun. This was the thought that kept her moving.
It would be hard to guess when she thought someone was following her. Perhaps some part of her mind knew all along, picking out the sounds coming from the dark to her right. But to her conscious mind ignored the sensation as long as it could. The sounds of the leaves moving must be a gentle breeze that wasn't strong enough to feel, or perhaps a small animal preparing for the coming winter. But when the agitation of leaves became soft echoes of her own footsteps on the sidewalk, she could ignore it no more.
Standing in the middle of the ring of light from the streetlamp, Leigh quickly spun about to see who was pressing her. And she stood, looking at the space between her safe light and the one she had last passed through. Nothing was there, and yet she had an unshakeable presence. Like something was standing just off to the side of the light, encased in darkness and invisible.
After over a minute of waiting, Leigh continued on to the party. She was only a few blocks away, and would have been safe in no time. Would have been safe, that is, if she hadn't seen what she did when she turned back around to continue on. The figure she had felt was now standing in her light, only a few feet from her.
He looked like a normal college kid. The clothes, the hairdo, even the tattoo on his right arm wouldn't have looked out of place on any guy in Leigh's classes. But there was one thing that made him terrifying. His face was truncated beneath the nose, and where there should have been a mouth there was simply nothing.
Unable to believe her eyes, Leigh screamed and started running back to her dorm. She could hear the quick steps behind her, closing in. She never looked back, though. That would have been too much for her. But she knew that with every second he was getting closer to her.
Just when she could all but feel his fingers grabbing her, she saw what seemed would be her salvation: a car coming her direction. She ran out into the street, waving her arms and trying to flag the car down. It pulled over, and she ran to the passenger door, and tried to open it. But the driver kept it locked, and simply rolled down the window partially.
"What the fuck are you doing," the driver brusquely inquired of her.
"Let me in, he's after me, just let me in now!" She was franticly pulling on the door handle and shouting at the man in the car.
"I don't see anyone." And she looked over her shoulder, and she saw no one either.
"But he… he was right there…"
"Well he isn't now. Go back home if you're going to freak out like this."
"Can you drive me back to my dorm? It's just a few blocks back behind you."
"Am I headed that way, bitch?" And with that, he rolled the window up and shot off down the street.
Leigh was stunned for a moment from his harsh treatment of her. But then she remembered the man who had been following her, so she continued running to her dorm. She only made it a couple yards, though, before an arm shot out from the darkness and grabbed her around the throat. She was pulled into the darkness by it, and she knew that this was the end for her.
The way he held her, she was unable to open her mouth to scream for help. She was dragged along into a wooded area, and then thrown to the ground. There was some moonlight coming down through the sparsely leaved branches, and she could see that it was the same half-faced man from before. Since his arm was no longer around her, she started screaming and tried to run away.
She had barely gotten to her feet before she felt the pain in her back from him striking her. Back on the ground, she was rolled over by her attacker as he pulled down his pants. Kneeling down onto her legs, he ripped open her jeans and her underwear. And then she felt him inside her body. He thrusted further into her than she had ever felt before, and with more force. The pain of her organs being hit by his was horrible, but then the slamming pain was added to. A new, sharp pain shot through her.
It felt like biting.
And the biting got worse, and worse, and she realized that he was chewing his way through her body. And as the teeth made progress through he flesh he thrusted deeper into her. She knew she was being eaten from the inside out, and knew she had no way of stopping it. And so it went, eating her insides until she passed out from the pain and blood loss. She was mercifully unconscious when his deformed penis burst from her stomach, and would she did not have to see that where the glans should have been, there was his absent mouth.
Her body was found in the morning, the same as the others. Raped, disemboweled, and naked on the sidewalk. There was talk of closing the school. It never happened. The police sent more men to patrol at night. They never found anything. There were no more incidents before winter break. There were none the next semester either. Eventually, the added security was cut back. Still nothing happened. Life returned to normal for Albright College. In a few years, the stories of the rape and murder of six young students became nothing more than a gruesome true story to frighten freshman with. "Have you heard about the six? Their bodies were found right where you're standing."
It took a decade for it to become more than that. Because ten years to the night of the first murder, a raped, disemboweled, and naked woman was found on the sidewalk of Villenova University. Do you want to guess how many more victims eventually were claimed there?
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