Have You Ever Felt Like Your Drowning?
By FallenAngel
- 454 reads
Not in water but words and emotions
You fight the current and
Wherever you turn
Dark thoughts and feelings follow you
About how you hate everyone in your life
Yet at the same time
You care so much about them
You drag yourself down deeper
Some days you think you've surfaced
And can escape
But your immediately sucked back under
A victim of the sea again
You try to scream but the words clog in your throat
Suffocating and hurting you until
Your chest feels like it will explode with pain
You flail in the water
Your energy fading
And then the thought that
You've been fighting
Swims up to your face
Blindingly obvious and your so
Tempted to let it have its way to
End the pain
End the suffering
End the drowning.
Sometimes people fight
And pull free from that deadly torrent
Most often than not people let it claim them
A victim of the sea again.
So let me ask you again;
Have you ever felt like your drowning?
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