Lakeside on Campus

By Frances Macaulay Forde
- 903 reads
I’m sitting here next to the lake listening to the Magpie’s talk, the Wood Ducks peep, the fountains filter their water. This is the first entry into my new notebook the red (for passion) one with a teddy bear (you, of course) playing guitar on the front! I’ve also got my two passports with me and I thought I’d scan the pictures for you just for a laugh. One was taken before you, when I was 15 (British passport) and the other way after, when I was 40 for the Bali trip.
Three tourists walked by obviously looking for something. So I said, ‘The kangaroos are over there’ (pointing) behind Cowan House, ‘lying around in the shade.’ Well, this lovely lady replied, ‘Oh thEnk you!’ in a broad South African accent. Small world hey? She and her husband Gordon have ‘…jest arriyevved thus morning at 5am from Jo’burg for 5 dazes. He and Pete ‘aff bin freends sunce grade 5. We’re goin’ out to deenar tonight.' She can’t believe how clean it all is… Anyway, they’re having a good look at our lawn mowers, who aren’t actually doing much. Just lying back, torsos-twisted, scratching their bellies. Totally unconcerned, wild, grey Kangaroos - and these tourists a couple of yards from them.
I’m obviously early for the poetry workshop. My watch has stopped again – it needs a service (another thing on my long list!). Wonder what we’ll tackle this afternoon. I have no idea of today’s subject - haven’t been for while, far too distracted by you! Hope you’re having a lovely day. I’m being good and giving you ‘space’ (in the nicest possible way). I hope it’s helping with the study. Hmmmmmmmm – poetry – erotic poetry for you. I wonder if I can do it? First drafts only My Love:
1. Coots
Lakeside, I watch
the Coots bouncing
on top of the water.
They throw their heads
with intention and abandon.
Plunging - immersing themselves.
I want to bounce,
immerse myself.
Plunge into you...
2. Soixante-Neuf
I wouldn't want you
to look at my bum
at that angle...
But then,
you're not doing
much looking,
N'est pa?
3. Your reward...
... is access.
Complete acess.
Although the years
have worn - you can see!
I will allow you ~
only you, this viewing,
this exposure
to my most secret self.
Frances Macaulay Ford © 2002
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