Unknown Identity Part 1
By Trans4mer
- 654 reads
The boy woke up to the sound of banging. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around him. He was in a metal room, like a cell, with bare walls. There was a bag in the middle on the floor. And there was a man as well. Then the boy realised he had no idea who he was. He didn't know his name, his age, he didn't know anything. He looked at himself. Brown skin, black and orange trainers, jeans, T-shirt, blue hoodie, black watch. All the while the banging continued. He tried to think what to do. Should he open the door or should he leave it as it was.
"Open the goddamn door!" A voice yelled on the other side. The boy decided not to open the door and instead went over to the man in the room with him. The boy studied him. Short grey hair, rectangular glasses, lab clothes, about fifty, maybe sixty, years old. Before the boy could say anything the man spoke. "I'm sure you'll have lots of questions-"
"Yeah. Who am I?" He interrupted.
"Your name is Drew Robinson." The man said. "There is very little time." He spoke in rasping breaths. "Take the bag. Find Norman Chen." He pressed a card into Drews hand. "You will find him in NorChen. And most importantly, keep the launch codes safe. Don't let them extract them from you. Good luck, Drew."
Drew was still trying to let everything sink in. At least he knew his name. But that was all.
He noticed the banging had increased. The door was being pushed inwards. Whoever was out there seemed to really want to get in.
"Go." The man said to Drew. "There's a door behind the wall opposite the door."
Quickly, he picked up the bag and slung it over his shoulders, then went over to the wall. He pushed it and it gave way, leading into a tunnel. Suddenly, the door behind him gave way and two dozen armed men came in. But Drew was already rushing down the tunnel as fast as his legs wound take him. Then he heard a gunshot, followed by sounds behind him. The sound of the shot and the thought of the man probably dead made Drew go even faster. He knew that whoever he was that man had tried to protect him and he would not let his efforts go to waste.
While he ran, he wondered what the man had meant when said to keep the launch codes safe. What launch codes. That made him think about what he had been in his life before he woke up without his memories. A special police officer? A spy? He briefly looked at the card in his hand. It showed a picture of a casual looking man with darkish skin and white hair. He looked about twenty years old. He was probably Asian. The writing said his name was Norman Chen, he was born 21/09/2097 and that was about it. Not much. There was some other stuff but Drew wasn't interested at that moment. Maybe later.
Suddenly the tunnel ended. Drew felt the walls but there were no hidden doors, no more secret tunnels. Then he felt something. He pulled and a hidden ladder swung out. As the sound of running got louder, Drew quickly hurried up the ladder. It led into some kind of hover-car factory. He rushed over to the nearest car and, hiding behind it, quickly looked into the bag to see if there was anything useful. There was. There were four-maybe more-guns and Drew took one out he somehow recognised as a TI2-1-5 pistol.
He heard the men coming up the ladder and into the factory, this heart beating out of control. Then he realised, with shock, they were coming towards his hiding place.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are." One of his chasers taunted. So he did. Shooting. But there was no one out there. It was empty. Then he noticed the metal rolling ball in the middle of the floor. Then the world around him dissolved into fire and Drew felt himself being dragged away.
"Good to see you're awake."
Drew opened his eyes in a panic. He looked around himself. A metal room, a table, a man seated in a chair opposite him and a glass wall. He guessed people where on the other side, watching him.
Then he looked back a the person opposite him then thought about the situation he was in. Damn it, he thought. They got you, Drew. He quickly studied the man. Police clothes, gold badge, blue eyes, black hair and scars all over his face.
The man spoke again. "Let me introduce myself." The man said, making Drew shift around uncomfortably in his chair. "I am General Matthew Thompson of the Third Great British Police Force and there is some information you have which I'm looking for."
Drew gulped.
"I believe you have the launch codes for a VT2-7 missile, am I not right?"
"It's a long story." Drew said.
"You're not answering my question. Do you know the launch codes?" General Thompson demanded.
"No." Drew replied, then added "I just lost my memory, General. I don't even know who I am. All I know is that my name is Drew Robinson."
Thompson was silent for a moment. "I will be back in one hour. If you still won't tell me the launch codes I'll have to extract them from you." Then he left the room without another word.
This isn't good, Drew thought. Although he couldn't remember anything about himself, he knew a lot of facts, like the year was 2117, there were eight Great British Police Forces and that extraction was extremely painful. That people sometimes lost the will to live.
The hour went by slowly but Drew didn't mind. He just tried to enjoy the peace. No men with guns chasing him. But the peace didn't last. He knew the hour was over when he heard the door opening. He looked up, expecting to see General Thompson but was instead greeted with the face of someone else. A woman.
In a smooth voice she said "I'm only going to ask once: What are the launch codes?"
"I don't know." Drew croaked.
The woman, who a moment ago had been soothing and kind, suddenly yanked him out of his chair and painfully pinned hims arms behind his back. Taking Drew out of the room she hissed in his ear "Move and Daniel shoots." The woman pushed Drew along while the man Daniel had his gun pointed at Drews head the whole time. Suddenly Drew realised something. If they needed the codes then he would have to be alive-probably-so they couldn't just shoot him. As the thought entered his head he just stopped. "Move." The woman demanded, kicking Drew in the back hard.
"You can't shoot me." Drew said. "You nee-"
"The extraction can be done just as easily if you're dead." She interrupted, making Drew shut up and start walking again. Drew tried to think of a plan as he walked along the corridor but when the woman pushed him into what must have been the extraction room he had no bright ideas. He looked around. A chair, a holo-computer on a desk, another chair there and four people, including Daniel and the woman. A white haired man and General Thompson were also there. Daniel shoved Drew into the chair, tied him to it, than left the room.
"One more chance, Drew." The General said. "What are the launch codes."
"I don't know."
Suddenly the General exploded. "YOU KNOW THE BLOODY LAUNCH CODES! YOU BROKE INTO THE BLOODY WEAPONS FACILITY, CHANGED THE BLOODY CODES AND ESCAPED THE BLOODY PLACE!" Thompson calmed him self down and continued without shouting. "If you're not going to say them we're going to have to get them out of your brain. And let me tell you how it works: we are going to connect a wire into your brain."
Drew nearly vomited at the thought of Thompson shoving a wire into his head.
"Then we'll power the machine up, making you feel electricity in your brain. I wouldn't be surprised if you died in less then a minute. Then we have access to your mind, your thoughts, your memories, everything. You won't be able to think about something without us knowing." He paused briefly. "Considering you're not dead, of course."
Drew felt bad. No, he felt sick. In just minutes god knows how many volts of electricity would be send into his brain. He would probably die.
"Richard, put the system on line." Thompson said to the white haired man.
"Yes sir." Richard said. "Ten per cent."
"We're going to do something different for you kid. I always wondered what would happen if you turned on the machine first than shoved it in someone's brain."
"Thirty per cent."
"You've lost me a lot of good men. You've caused me a lot of trouble."
"Fifty per cent."
Then Drew noticed the pistol which was right next to the holo-computer. It was a standard army RA54IP pistol. If only he could reach it.
"I'll be happy when your ass is no longer a problem." Thompson continued. "When I'll no longer have to worry about Drew Robinson and that group you work for."
"Eighty per cent."
Drew glanced at the wire in the womans hand. An idea started to form in his head.
"Martha, pass me the wire." The General demanded.
The woman, Martha, handed it over just as Richard said "One hundred per cent. We're ready to begin."
Drew panicked, trying desperately to get free but the ropes tightly bound him. He watched, full of dread, as the wire moved closer to his head. His plan wasn't going to work. He was going to die. Thompson was slowly moving the wire towards his head, as if trying to taunt Drew.
An idea came into his head. It probably wouldn't work but it was worth a shot. It was better than nothing.
"OK, I'll tell you the codes." Drew said desperately.
His interrogator paused and Drew felt relieved that the wire was no longer coming towards his head.
"So, you've finally seen some sense " Thompson said, then suddenly demanded "What is the activation code?"
"It's two-five-three-three-eight-nine-six." Drew said as the General picked up some kind of briefcase and opened it. As his fingers danced across the keyboard, Drew added "I've also reprogrammed it to activate only to my fingerprints, by the way."
General Thompson's fingers stopped the instant the sentence was finished. He thought for a second while everyone watched, then said "Martha, cut his bonds and Daniel, come back in and keep the gun on his head at all times." Drew listened as the man came back into the room then picked up the gun and placed the cold muzzle against his head. He felt the ropes that had bound him come loose and stood up and started moving his body, glad for the freedom. Then, remembering the codes, he walked over to the open briefcase Thompson held and placed it down on the table. His hands began shaking as he realised he had a very little chance of escaping or preventing them from doing the extraction. Still shaking, he watch as a message appeared on the screen:
Drew hit the button that read Y and another message popped onto the screen:
Drew took a deep breath and typed in his fake code
Drew panicked. He was glad no one could see what was on the screen.
That said, the screen went black, making Drew's shaking even worse. The General seemed to notice this and said "Having a little trouble." An evil smile covered his face and he didn't seem to be fooled by Drew's trick.
Quickly, acting on a sudden thought, he said "It worked. I'm on!"
The gun still on Drew's forehead, the man Daniel moved around to have a look. It was then that Drew made his move.
He yanked up the briefcase and slammed it into Daniels head. He made a move to block the hit but was too slow and instead ended up on the floor. Acting quickly, Drew started kicking the man in this stomach in order to make him let go of the gun.
Suddenly he heard a noise behind him and ducked just as Martha threw a punch at where he was a second ago. Meanwhile, Daniel had let go of the gun, so Drew made a grap for it and, reaching it, brought it up to Martha's head. But despite the fact she had handed General Thompson what would have been his instrument of damnation, what wound have killed him, he still couldn't bring himself to shoot her. Instead he yelled "Move and I shoot!"
He stood up, holding the gun in his shaky hands. He saw Thompson walking towards him, saying "You won't shoot me."
"Why?" Drew growled at him.
"Because I'm the only chance you have," he said smoothly "of finding out who you were."
Suddenly Drew stops pulling to trigger. Thoughts and questions suddenly came into his mind.
Is he lying?
Does he really known who I am?
Can I trust him? But then something else popped into Drew's head. Another thought.
He tried to kill me. Pointing the RA54IP pistol at General Thompson's feet, he fired the gun. For a moment, he heard a hellish screaming noise but then it was over. The man who tried to kill him was lying on the ground and holding his knee close to him. And while he tried not to let it show, and to be strong, it was clear he was in deep pain. His eyes followed Drew as he ran out the room and his face showed clear anger. Drew didn't look back as he ran out the room. He was glad to have left it and hoped never to go back.
Leaving the room, Drew found himself in a maze of white corridors which he somehow seemed to be able to navigate. He ran down another of the seemingly endless white corridors, turned around a left corner and ran into an officer.
"Whoa, steady there bud-" a young officer with brown hair and smartly dressed in the black police uniform said in a calm, kind voice. Then suddenly he seemed to realised who was standing in front of him and his kind, friendly expression changed in a second and was replaced with a cruel snarl. "Well, if it isn't Drew Robinson. Everyday since James died I have wondered what I would do when I found his killer. And now I have." He smiled. "You're gonna wish you were never born, you so-" The officer began before Drew kicked him hard in his groin. He gasped out in pain and Drew shoved him into a wall. Then he punched him in his stomach, took the gun that was sticking out of a holster and ran of. He quickly looked at the gun. A 67A rapid-fire pistol.
He came to a T-junction and his instincts told him to go left but he heard sounds of footsteps coming from that way so instead he turned right and ran until he found a door in his way. With no other option, he pushed open the door and quietly slipped in, silently closing the door. Looking around himself, he saw two robots so he ducked down.
Taking a look up he saw that the robots were throwing objects into some kind of pit. Then, as he noticed his bag in the pile and that it was getting near the top, he realised it was an incineration pit!
Remembering the two guns in his hands, Drew tried to think of what to do. The robots seemed to be oblivious to his presence in the room but Drew didn't think they would stay that way forever. One thing was sure though; he needed that bag.
Then he noticed a window in the far corner and a plan came into his head. All he needed to do was get hold of his bag and climb out. Suddenly he noticed a robot picking up his bag and thought: It's now or never. As the robot walked over to the pit, Drew got up and broke into a run. Just as the robot dropped his bag, Drew jumped over the pit and snatched the bag in mid air, while dropping one of the guns in.
Then he slung his rucksack over his shoulders and shot the window open. The machines wrist guns popped out and started firing but Drew had already made it to the ground. And as he ran away from the building Drew felt a relieved feeling wash over him but he also thought: It's not over yet...
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Phew! That was some read and
Phew! That was some read and Drew had a very lucky escape. Looking forward to reading next part.
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