a Pet 7
By Steve
- 380 reads
each days passes, burns to the next from rages to fades to the hands of sages, turning from page to page, each days becomes more and more like yesterday til all the pages of time become one hardened page, a narrative of repetition, grammatical reflex, and meaninglessness. truth simply becomes what is repeated over and over again. like a warhol painting of citations and repetitions, originality or even the idea of originality disappears, drops into a zone, smears. we becomes more and more insensitive to ourselves and others, and our emotions dive into a kind of cesspool of nonsense, unpredictability, and control-lessness. the korean man's days became indistinguishable from the others, he cleaned and cleaned and cleaned til there was nothing left to clean. he wondered what else he would do if he did not clean. he did not want to stare at the face of nothingness. even his random horniness, he wondered if he really felt anything like sexual desire, only that, she having a kind of sexuality, he wanted that also. He wanted to steal her sexuality. A young girl, having been raped, may feel that something may have been stolen from her, mainly her sexual organ, her pleasure, her modes of desiring and being, and if nothing is done about the rape, then she may become a kleptomaniac. this is her form of repetitious justice. not that the korean man wanted to rape the daughter, but he wished that he had that freedom of movement, that sexuality she so freely possessed.
i have to write a paper on F=M*acceleration.
E=MC squared.
what do you mean?
that's where Einstein's idea of universal equilibrium started.
with Newton.
what do you think?
the more the acceleration is being applied to the mass, the more force.
what is force?
unequally distributed speed being applied to mass?
the more force, the more speed must increase by a certain rate.
what about energy?
what happens during a nuclear explosion?
the atom splits.
why does the atom split?
all the different particles head toward the center and the atom implodes, then explodes?
is that what really happens?
how can any mass reach the speed of light squared?
i don't think it can. but when you almost reach the speed of light, accelerating... you experience infinite energy which slows down time.
speed of light squared is the speed limit of all possible universes?
again, the korean man felt horny. he carefully bowed and excused himself and went to the bathroom and prayed to God for humbleness. the family had been so kind to him, given him a room now and even a bicycle to ride during the night and the painting of hephaestus and aphrodite had been moved to his room. he did not need much and he felt rather spoiled. after 30 minutes, he returned to the daughter.
why don't you take 5 hairsprays and put them in a bonfire and show people how a bomb explodes?
she thought this a fabulous idea and she kissed him on the cheek. he turned orange like a cooked soft-shell lobster. she kind of stared at him for a second, then...
he started to fall sleep.
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