Consciousness, Sleep and Astral body travel
By Tom Brown
Wed, 22 Oct 2014
- 690 reads
The story I tell could well be to my detriment. It must be noted and clearly understood that I have not had any dreams such as these for well more than a decade. All the same I may well be writing this at my peril, specifically at risk of being totally misunderstood. It should be read objectively and unprejudiced. There is absolutely nothing here that contradicts the Bible or Protestant teaching.
These stories with very few exceptions tell of my own dreams, things that I have personally suffered from. I speak of experience and I won’t attempt to give any interpretations the idea is simply to give facts.
With prior judgement and from the content of the stories one may be tempted to think in terms of a war of good and evil and of black magic and sorcery. Certainly, I personally have never participated in occult or in sect activities and indeed I regard that as evil. On the other hand typical kinds of fundamentalist interpretations when attempted are always out of ignorance and not helpful or conducive to understanding and not constructive.
I intend to merely describe facts and things as they were experienced. I would imagine that one might find the idea to be a bit subtle.
A necessary insight, the really real
It should thus be clarified exactly what I mean, in the sense of what is real. Let us say for example I dream I am swimming in the sea. Surely I am not swimming but the dream itself, experienced as such, the dream is a fact. I did dream but the content is not truth. In fact I am sleeping in my bed, bone dry, and dreaming of the coming holidays.
Or think of a movie. What you see on the screen is not reality, but it is real. The fact is that you are sitting in a comfortable chair munching popcorn and watching the screen absorbed in the story, that in itself is real too but reality as well.
I will completely refrain from speculation and theorising on concepts such as body, spirit, soul, flesh heart mind and so on, and specifically the notion that the spirit can actually literally leave the physical body.
Nightmares and Night terrors
One very common kind of experience is a sensation of falling, and waking with a terrific jolt and a great fright, a shock supposedly upon hitting the ground. I believe it to be a very common nightmare especially amongst children and I myself, as a child. Such nightmares are natural ordinary dreams and everyone has them, and always accompanied by fear. For instance for long after my father’s death I frequently had terrible nightmares of the trauma. I was terribly restless in sleep and gnashing teeth my grandmother always said it looks like a storm hit the bed.
A night or sleep terror is when you go to sleep and you experience paralysis, which means your conscious motor system is not working at all. As if our mind is still awake but your body is switched off. It feels as if you are forced on and held to the bed by some terrifical unyielding force and darkness, understandably causing fear and builds up to terror.
The natural thing is to see it in a religious framework and that is unfortunately quite inappropriate. These are not so unusual many people have them at some or other time in their life.
Overcoming or conquering of the fear does not work, nor breaking through fear, it seems more a question of letting the terror break through you. Unfortunately this could well give rise to worse. It can also happen that one regains awareness and consciousness during sleep such as actually from inside a dream. This could at best result in a great party but more often evolves into quite upsetting stories.
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Sensations of leaving the material body
There are strongly related experiences which I would like to call astral. The principal occurrence is regaining consciousness in sleep, in other words realizing inside a dream in your sleep that your perceived sensory experience is not reality and in fact you are sleeping, in a way you are conscious in a temporary virtual reality. It could happen inside of a dream, or when you go to sleep.
Typically in sleep a person then feels how his spirit literally leaves his body, and floats above it or he is standing next to it supposedly seeing himself, his physical body sleeping on his bed, which of course strengthens the illusion. His spirit thus freed flies and seems to roam free.
At times such very unpleasant and disturbing dreams seemingly carries on right through the night’s sleep, and dreams within dreams one following another uninterrupted from falling asleep to waking, usually involving out of body type experiences and others almost as fantastical. An amazing thing is how graphic, detailed and vivid the dreams are and definitely more so than in normal ordinary everyday wakefulness.
Sometimes on waking, lying on a hand or a arm or say a foot the limb is numb and lame it feels dead probably because of oxygen shortage, when blood circulation was cut off temporary, when on waking find it limp and without feeling, then rubbing it vigorously it is the usual pins and needles until the life returns and the strength. Quite an odd thing and interesting to me is always when lying on a hand arm or foot immobile in this way, in the dream also that same limb is paralysed.
I honestly think these sensations have nothing to do with spirits and supposed demons and so forth and such fantasy. Although it is quite understandable to have such notions, from the nature of manifestations it could easily be imagined as magic and sorcery.
Astral body travel
Often when lying down it starts with an uninterrupted noise and a steadily louder humming buzzing and droning. Real external sounds are sometimes incorporated as such and become part of the dream. Sometimes in bed now it is felt that there is an earthquake or very strong earth tremors shaking the walls and the bed accompanied by every thing in the room rattling. Such an earthquake can go on for long and steadily more severe but on waking of course every thing is still exactly as it was with everything completely still and calm. This means simply that nothing actually happened.
Very commonly there then is this sensation of flying or floating, as well as transportation. It actually feels like your spirit is leaving your body seemingly by magic. Subsequently you often experience flying floating hovering inside the house then over the house and familiar neighbourhood and soaring over cities and the countryside and sea.
The belief is quite common that the astral body or spirit then has been temporary released and this often is known as astral body travel. Attempts to break the dream’s hold with the will and to actually waken yourself are somehow always doomed to failure. Also as to be expected there are sometimes things of a sexual nature and indeed they can be disgusting and bizarre.
Transportation and dreams of the future
Typically transportation is as waking up in the future, they are seemingly prophetic dreams as such and are supposed visions of to come, what is to be.
I find myself in my own bed the house and outside usually in a terrible post apocalypse state and living conditions of poverty and squalor. Our house in a terrible state of ruin, and rain rain always rain. A hard rain. And more rain. Much evidence of chemical disasters and nuclear bombs, sometimes mushroom clouds, always rain. It was beyond the thunder dome stuff. Hardly any people around at all. Of my friends and family only my step-dad, and he’s now passed on.
In these dreams of the future, there were so many and all very similar, I often tried to date the dream I tried to find a calender but with very little success. There was one but seldom, but it was strange and not our familiar calender but the date that stuck in my mind was 1997. Well 1997 has come and has gone long ago I hope that should be proof that these dreams of the future were not true and not worth of any prophecy.
Often then too I was on a train gazing out the window, a train going somewhere, fast, far away, looking out the window watching the scenery pass by. Another recurring theme with me was Christmas, especially all the festive decorations. Very occasionally such a dream of the future was of great welfare and luxury, spacious mansions broad green grass lawns blue skies and lovely kept flower beds and roses, dreams of great wealth including sports cars and in general of much riches and happiness.
Hades or hell somehow plays a significant role, graphic and in detail and of terrible horror. The little of Dante's Inferno I know of now seems to be in almost perfect agreement and this I find particularly interesting it cannot be by coincidence.
In caverns in different levels and halls of torment in the great dark depths under the earth is hades. The doomed, the river styx and the screaming and rattle of the damned in chains. A horrible overwhelming stench rancid smoking flaming pools of brimstone and terrific scorching heat.
Exactly like that. Deep under earth seas of molten sulphur burning, unbearable foul air, rotting flesh the living dead being devoured by worms screaming in agony and always an unbearable heat. Similar such are stories of the afterlife. Although, I don’t know about heaven. The fact that stories like this appear be mostly in agreement I find inexplicable, very unusual strange and scary.
The supernatural, and reality
Personally I do not believe that these nightmares have anything to do with the supernatural. However some of the things I saw and went through I had not heard of ever until first hand, and I had no way of knowing beforehand. In fact I had not even known about the very existence of these types of dreams. I for one had no knowledge and until after I myself was there and I probably wouldn’t have believed it if someone told me. This spiritual realm scenario is common indeed, I believe it could even be universal. There is something mysterious and sinister here.
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Illusions and hallucinations
Some types of substances and chemicals are hallucinogens and could also cause similar experiences. Although I myself hardly had any partaking and so I haven’t had first-hand experience. What I know I learnt only through others, friends and so on.
Alcohol is the main culprit if you ask me. After a good binge after the throwing up formalities lying on the ship at sea the floor collapses and falls in and falling down a burning shaft into depths of hell falling and falling with the bed as well. Like a boat.
Real hallucinations can be caused by substances which can also be of natural origin. These hallucinogens are usually from fungus and some plants, like magic mushrooms and cannabis as well as others for example even snake venom as of the mamba. As one would imagine some of these would make you feel really very sick. Then of course there are others like illegal laboratory synthesised chemicals for instance LSD.
In absence of chemicals then people who’ve been close to drowning also tell of near death experiences sometimes with elaborate music and choirs and orchestra. Unfamiliar music and songs that are probably non-existent with new and unknown words. Once, before waking, in a dream I heard a pop song so clearly I can actually remember the lyrics and the singer yet there exists is no such song. I can also testify to hearing a whole symphony orchestra and new and unknown classical music. This to me is astounding, a brilliant performance of a beautiful symphony that doesn’t exist. The same kind of thing may happen when drowning, with visions of magnificence and glory.
Time illusions are very common and I in general find them to be unpleasant. I’ve known time passing by that felt extremely slow, minutes feel like hours, like ages, and then switching round, now time passes very fast with hours like minutes and then alternated again and in completely unpredictable fashion. This is very typical of cannabis and alcohol and to a much lesser degree is normal in boredom drowsiness gladness excitement and forms of sleep.
For the reason that one could technically be asleep I am unsure what phenomenons might be termed hallucination, and what is not. I don’t know how such are defined and classified. This all might sound very romantic but it definitely is not, to say the least such dreams can be disturbing and unsettling and to the point of terror disgust and horror.
The days of ages
There are many disorders and illnesses involving lack of sleep and sleep deprivation. The commonest is of course simply sleeplessness or insomnia.
Personally I have had some very long episodes of complete wakefulness, that is with no sleep at all. There have been at least for two episodes of two weeks and longer. I’ve been told that this is impossible although I know that for instance in trench warfare at the last battles at end of the Great War it is documented that some of the surviving soldiers had been awake for more than two weeks. These infantry soldiers were none of them the same after the war they spoke of shell shock. Concerning myself I should add that I became seriously ill and had to be hospitalized twice when not sleeping for so long.
Awareness heightens, the world, your surroundings and other people all become more intense, colours become bright and vivid, more real than real, perception is drastically altered and becomes seriously affected as one starts getting delusional. I cannot recall being fatigued as one would normally expect and in my case the opposite rather. It is not a good state of mind to be in. It is a profound distortion of reality.
Your body and mind goes into a type of battle mode. Incredible strength endurance and physical speed, while all the senses seem much clearer with especially acute hearing and sight, as well as sometimes being deviously clever. Oblivious to pain and fatigue. Soon it reaches a point where you can become psychotic and you are indeed a problem.
Mathematics and the subconscious
Anyone who has worked intensively in mathematics will testify to this mystery, when working on a problem, to find a solution or prove a theorem that when he has worked seemingly in vain until the early hours and eventually gives up and exhausted goes to sleep, then wakes the next morning with the answer clear and fresh in his mind.
The genius mathematician and mystic Ramanujan claimed that, when after seeing in dreams the drops of blood that according to tradition heralded the presence of the god Narasimha, the male consort of the goddess Namagiri, scrolls containing the most complicated mathematics would enfold before his eyes.
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The great German writer Goethe’s last words, on his deathbed,
More light!
“Mehr Licht!”
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