Snoopy Shivers
By forest_for_ever
- 1042 reads
Lovers of Charles Schulz and his cartoon creation Peanuts will of course instantly identify the much-loved character of Snoopy. Indeed, many who have no clue as to the series walk around bedecked with the latest 'cute' image of the enigmatic and philosophical hound adored by so many.
I spent my youth collecting the paperbacks and my friend Dave and I would sit for hours quoting from the many cartoons. Yet two stick in my mind. The first was not even created by Shulz but by the creator of Garfield and portrayed Garfield looking up at an empty kennel roof. I guess it was a tribute to Charles Schulz's passing and for me was a classic moment when words become needless.
Yet it is the series of characters who visit a shivering Snoopy who is clearly suffering the cold of a bitter winter. Each character offers up sympathy and moves on. One is moved to say "Be of good cheer" and a puzzled dog looks back and continued to shiver.
Why do I recall this now? Well, I have already posted once on Christmas and will refrain from ranting now, but this sums me up and my love of bravado and boast. I have said many nice things across the years but it is what I do for others that matters. Schulz often made biblical references in his cartoons and this one was no different.
Strange isn't it. We can tremble before the 'fire and brimstone' preachers and recoil a the splinter-thumping fist as it shakes the sturdy pulpit to it's core as the speaker urges us to repentance and forgiveness. Yet a simple, quiet moment can move us to so much more. It is what I do and not what I say that really matters in this world... I'm off to find a blanket and hot cup of cocoa for a shivering 'dog'.
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