By alphadog1
Tue, 03 Mar 2015
- 1234 reads
As the rain melts into rust
I am serenity
I am dust.
And in the secret place
Where the breeze does find
That then erodes around the sands of time
My spirit –now- remains.
Leaving nothing here in the world of matter:
just mere rocks that collect dust
In spirals.
Outside is a vacuum
A cacophony of silence
Benumbing to the ears.
and its bloody old
yet I've never seen the stars
shine so very bright
as they do...
Tonight. x
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1 User voted this as great feedback
Beautiful, austere images.
Permalink Submitted by Philip Sidney on
Beautiful, austere images. Really like this.
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1 User voted this as great feedback
The spirit serenity in outer
Permalink Submitted by tibi popovici on
The spirit serenity in outer matter realm. Interesting idea.
Like it!
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