The Alter Life
By seank88
- 374 reads
The headlights illuminate the road in a brilliant display; every crack and pothole can be seen for miles. With his Crimson stained hands clasped tightly on the wheel, the driver meticulously dodges all of the dangers that lie ahead. Massive Attack sings to him through the speakers attempting to calm his thoughts but on a night such as this it will take more than music to help him relax. His eyes are wild as images pour through his mind; haunting scenes that were conceived just a few hours ago.
He engages the cruise control and reaches for his satchel on the passenger seat; he pulls out two small baggies and a pipe. While steering with his knee he first loads the marijuana carefully into the bowl and then sprinkles white powder from the second bag on top. He presses his lighter down to compress the drugs, ensuring he will receive a strong hit; he raises the pipe to his lips to breathe in the poison. Social Distortion blasts through the radio now while he holds in the smoke, waiting for the amphetamines to grab ahold of him.
The world now seems brighter and his thoughts are rushing through his mind. He cannot make sense of all of them but one idea rang true, almost as if someone else had spoken the words into existence, "the job must be finished. You must complete the task before you can move on." His eyes grow angry as he inhales another hit into his lungs and he cranks up the volume on the radio. The world before him starts to fade into a bright and starry blur; he pushes the pedal to the floor and listens to the engine roar. A low thumping could barely be heard over the music; it was coming from the rear of the vehicle followed by muffled screams. "She's awake." He said with a gritty smile, he notices a large sign welcoming them to the sunny state of Arizona; they were almost home.
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