Max's Break-up Part One: Switchblades and Infidelity
By Horseinabathtub
- 562 reads
He sat alone in the café. His gaze mindlessly wandered across the establishment. Busy workers quickly making all manner of caffeinated drinks for those, who likewise, are hurriedly making their way to their own jobs. But there were those, similar to him who sat and enjoyed the ambience. Some with friends having a conversation, others quietly enjoying the sweet escapism of literature. Then there was him the only person the café who was truly alone. Without realising it initially he had been staring at the attractive waitress serving an elderly couple. Her rich chestnut hair flicked over her ear barely covering the back of her neck, only matched in colour and beauty by her deep, sparkling eyes. The steam from the various coffee machines clung to her skin making her rosy cheeks glisten. He noticed her top button on her shirt was undone. It probably wasn’t part of uniform but who cared? No man alive would make her button it again. The open collar showed a beautiful silver pendant that hung round her neck. A perfect frame to a perfect picture.
She glanced over at him. He came back from his inner thoughts and in a panic looked away immediately. He was so embarrassed. If his mouth was open any wider his jaw would have been dipping in his tea. Once he was settled he began staring out the window. It was eerily calm out that day. Despite the threatening looking clouds the sky was mainly a dull listless grey but all the same it was quite mild out. Looking up at the ash coloured sky he thought of it as a blank canvas. He could turn it into anything, picture whatever he wanted and let it emerge from the grey, brighten the sky and take advantage of the artistic side he always wished he had. But he couldn’t. No matter what, it was always just clouds. He sighed, “My life in a nutshell.” Simultaneously with the tingle of a bell, the door of the café swung open and his journey back to reality was greeted by the image of the love of his young life strolling toward him.
“Hey Liz,” he said with a wink as he stood. “How’s my beautiful lady doing?” He wrapped his arms around her quickly and accompanied it with a kiss of the cheek. They both sat. “Fine,” she replied. She didn’t have nearly a fraction of the enthusiasm of his greeting. His face sunk. Something was obviously wrong but he didn’t dare ask, he feared the complexity of the female psyche too much to risk it. She had asked him to lunch at this café and the look in her eyes, which were almost beginning to well up with tears, meant that she had something on her mind and it was not good. Today was never going to be anything special but he never imagined it would be a tragedy.
“Max you know I love you…” she began. Max stood up instantly, he knew what was coming next. “NO! No, no, no, no,” he was raising his voice and people began to stare. Liz shielded half her face with her hand. Max glanced over his shoulder. He could see hair swishing and flicking as people averted their gaze so as not to catch his eye line. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the attractive waitress giving him a funny look from behind the counter. He was turning scarlet and he returned to his seat. “Max you don’t need to react so much to this. You had to have seen this coming, our relationship was…” She couldn’t finish but Max did. “It wasn’t perfect. Just like every other relationship in the universe. Just because we’re going through a rough patch doesn’t excuse you just giving up on it. We work and we work through ii, it’s how relationships function.” His voice began to wobble and his lip was quivering. He knew no matter what he said, no matter how valid the argument this was only going down one road. It was inevitable.
She couldn’t even look at him. The shame, the anguish, the remorse all flooded into her. That is when she began sobbing. “Well Liz what do you have to say for yourself.” She glanced up at him. Tears streaming, carrying mascara in black lines meandering down her cheeks like black veins making her look like an evil character from a retro horror film. But that’s what she was to him right now, evil. She was the one emotionally destroying him. It felt like she was ripping his heart out through his chest, snapping ribs to get at it. Yanking it and tearing ventricles and arteries in the process. Then shredding it against the shards of what was leave of his protective bones on the way out to cause and much pain and discomfort and create the bloodiest mess possible. “I see. That’s the way you want it. I will never understand how even though I stared this, you’re the one that ends it.” Max got up and barged out of the café. His shoulder slammed into another patron of the coffee shop causing his cup of scorching hot tea to splash over his making him let out a girlish shriek.
Max sat alone in his room. Nobody was home. Lights were dimmed and curtains were pulled. He had a Swiss army knife in his grasp. He rhythmically flicked the blade in and out while he thought. Nothing in particular drifted through his mind he was just thinking. He stared at the knife. It was a gift from Liz. What was once a tool given to him as a symbol of love to ask him to keep safe during his various excursions in the woods was now a weapon of his own demise to change his very being both physically and emotionally. He was moments away from having an idea that he would regret and not be able to return from but he was stopped from a received text. It was from Zara. “I heard what happened. Need to talk? My place?” Why was she messaging him? She was Liz’s best friend. He knew her well but they were never particularly close. Regardless he was incredibly lonesome and wasn’t going to refuse an offer for human interaction at a time like this.
Zara opened the door to Max with a sympathetic look that could only be matched by a face a puppy would make. “Ohh Max, come here sweetie.” She gave him a big hug. ‘What is going on?’ He thought to himself. She led him inside. ‘Hugs?’ he thought. ‘Calling me sweetie? We’re friends but never like this.’ They sat down on the couch. “It’s okay. You’re in a safe place now. Nobody else is home. We can talk or we can just sit here, we can do whatever. I know it’s a horrible experience but I’m here for you now. Do you want something to eat or drink? Tea perhaps?” Max, though slightly overwhelmed by the situation managed to nod his head. “Alright I’ll go make some tea you just sit here, relax and I’ll be back in a jiffy.” She left him sitting alone on a surprisingly snug sofa. He stared around at the décor. He noticed hanging on a chair a blue jacket. There was something so familiar about it. It took a moment then he realised, it belonged to Liz.
“So the kettles boiling do you take … where are you going??” Max was almost out the door. “She’s here isn’t she? This has all been an elaborate rouse to humiliate me even more.” He was pointing over at the chair. “What? Ohh no, no, no, it’s not what you think. She’s not here.” Max took a minute to think of a response. “Then why is her coat here?” Zara walked over and picked up the jacket. “Ohh you know us two, always borrowing stuff off each other.” He felt less tense and slowly loosened his grip on the door handle. “Do you swear?” She nodded vigorously. “I swear on Harry Styles’ life she is not here. And trust me that means a lot.” Max slumped back on to the couch rubbing his head. Too much stress for one day. A faint whistle emanated from the kitchen and Zara left to make a cup of tea.
He entered into an inner monologue. “What is wrong with me? I’m paranoid and I’m filled with anxiety. And on top of that, I’m making a complete nitwit of myself in front of Zara, who I am still curious about. Why did she ask me over?” Thoughts began to formulate in his head. They had known each other for a while. They got along well. As Liz’s best friend she heard all about what he and Liz were like together. She invites him over the day they break up. Then it occurred to him. It was so simple. Such a storybook answer. He mumbled to himself, “She wants me.”
“What’s that you’re saying?” she asked. Max abandoned his soliloquy as Zara re-entered the room holding a tray of fine crockery. “Nothing, I’m just coming to some realisations.” She placed the tray on the coffee table and sat beside him. “I know what you mean. Over the next few months you’re going to be seeing the world in a new way, thinking differently. And you’re going to be asking questions about yourself and it’s good that you’re starting now to get it over and done with so you can move on.” She placed a reassuring hand on his knee. He was beginning to see her in a whole new light now. At first she was just a friend but now it was different. Her emerald green eyes, her luscious blonde hair, the little flick of a fringe just resting above her brow. All these new features about her were popping out at him. She all of a sudden became so attractive. In fact, more than attractive. She was hot.
He began leaning toward her, not quite sure what he was doing. Luckily she automatically responded with a hug. Her perfume, her shampoo, her conditioner all wafted into his nose in a plethora of enchanting scents. It was amazing. It was kiwi. It was so very wrong but he couldn’t resist now. He was focused and ready to do this. He scooted in a little closer to her. “Zara I just want to say thanks for having me over, it really means a lot at a time like this when I’m so lonely and vulnerable.” He placed a hand on her knee. She raised an eyebrow. “It’s no problem Max. I’m sure you’d do the same for me.” She tried to move back but he was moving equally forward. “You bet I would. All you would need to do is text me and I’d be there for you. Kind of like today.” She had an incredibly awkward look on her face. “Max this better not be going where I think it is.” He leaned back and raised his hands innocently. “What? No of course not.” She gave him a stern look. “Zara I swear on Styles’ life.” He gave a cheesy grin. She seemed convinced and began to let her guard down. That was the moment.
He rushed forward, lips pursed, hands outreached. In a spontaneous moment of luck and skill, Zara managed to shoot out of her seat and dodge Max. “What is wrong with you!?” she screeched. “You haven’t been dumped for three hours and you’re trying to kiss me? I asked you here to help you through this difficult time and this is what you do. I don’t deserve this.” Max looked up at her and tried to put on his charm. “Please baby, the only thing you deserve is the taste of me on your lips.” She opened her mouth to reply but she couldn’t. It was working. Max stood up and strutted toward her. He had never felt so smooth in his life. He continued on. “I don’t see why you’re standing up to me because I’m the one falling for you.” That was it. It was cheesy and cringe worthy for some people but that was the moment where he had her in the palm of his hand. He cupped his hands on her cheeks letting one run back through her smooth hair and without any resistance he embraced her in a kiss.
He had never felt more alive in his life. This was his definition of euphoria. Her lips were the sweetest thing he had ever tasted, her skin the smoothest thing her had ever touched, the slight exhale of relief the best sound he had ever heard and her hair, once again, the nicest thing he had ever smelt. A tsunami of thought flooded his mind. The main subject, Zara. She was the best. Generous, funny, exciting, talented. She would have been a much better girlfriend than Liz. She still could be. Even thinking about her now gave him goose bumps. Zara, was she as exotic as her name or was it the other way around? Their faces slowly drifted apart. The most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
A moment of weakness had passed over Zara but now she had regained her strength. Whatever version of Max had just emerged from deep down in his inner subconscious had now receded. His confidence was gradually being replaced by lacklustre. He saw the look on Zara’s face and all he could feel was nerves. “That was nice” he said. She looked as if she was about to explode. “No it… Well it was but… no. Just no,” she sighed. “Get out Max, just leave me alone.” She pointed at the door. He opened his mouth to reply but her ferocious stare was enough to shove the words back down his throat. He stepped out onto her porch and turned just to catch a glimpse of her furiously swinging her arm and slamming the door shut. He loved how she played hard to get.
Max sat alone in his room. Nobody was home. Lights were dimmed and curtains were pulled. He had a Swiss army knife in his grasp. The cool blade rested above his wrist. Was he to become one of those people? People which he had so playfully ridiculed over the internet? People he felt he had to look at with a pinch of salt. There was always that one person in school he curiously tilted his head back and forth to try and sneak a peak of their arm. They were different. If this was the life that was to be lived by Max Foley, then he wanted to be different. He took a deep breath in to prepare but was rudely interrupted by the doorbell. He may as well interact with one more person before he became a new man.
The door creaked open and light miraculously seeped into the dark abyss he had created in his home and soul. And like a shining angel there stood Liz. But once he adjusted to the light he saw nothing like an angel. Messy make up like a car crash on bloodshot eyes and bright crimson cheeks. She was sniffling like a child and used tissues were practically bursting out of her pockets. “Max I’m so sorry. I’ve made the biggest mistake of my life. I didn’t know what I was thinking. I was being too rash. But it’s only taken these few short hours to show how wrong I was and how much I miss you. It’s so horrible to play with your emotions like this and I understand if you don’t want to forgive me. But please, please, please do you want to be my boyfriend again?”
There it was. Every boys dream to have a girl arrive at his doorstep and beg them to be their boyfriend. But what was he to say. There was a million reasons he could think of to say no. But it wasn’t his brain making the decision. “Yes,” he murmured. A massive smile broke across Liz’s face. He didn’t know why he said it. She had tossed him aside only a few hours ago. But now here she was begging on his doorstep. Maybe it was that she was opening herself to him. Maybe seeing her this vulnerable meant something to him deep down. Maybe this was a new connection they could have this time around. He trusted his heart before and it didn’t work and now he was doing it again.
Liz leapt forward and gave him a hug. That sweet familiar embrace that he had relied on for comfort over the last year. Maybe he could build a new relationship with her. But something was wrong. There was something too familiar about the hug. A flashback popped into his head, “Ohh you know us two, always borrowing stuff off each other.” He inhaled deeply. Kiwi. Then he realised his mistake.
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