Max's Break-up Part Two: Secrets from where the coats hang
By Horseinabathtub
- 365 reads
Liz clung tight onto Max, her mind flourished with ideas to rebuild their relationship. The tight she embraced him the worse Max felt about his betrayal. Zara was Liz’s best friend and he had kissed her. He could practically feel his soul burning from the regret. But what pained him the most was whether or not he should tell Liz. It was the right thing to do but it made so many complications that could end in more than one relationship ending.
Liz pulled her head from his shoulder. The teardrops nesting in her lashes made her eyes twinkle. “So,” she sniffed. “Do you want to go do something or whatever?” Max flinched slightly at the breaking of what seemed to be an everlasting tranquillity. “Ohh… Ehh, maybe later. I’m sort of… now y’know? His words just petered off but he managed to finish his sentence by pointing back into his house. Her smile dropped a bit. “Okay, I’ll call you later.” She kissed his cheek and left down the driveway.
Max returned to the dark abyss that he called his bedroom. It was only when he sat on his bed that he realised the true weight of the day’s events on him. His breathing got heavier and the room was beginning to shrink. Panic was setting in.
What was he to do? He couldn’t tell Liz what happened earlier, she would never trust him again. Plus she had already ended their relationship once. Then what about Zara? Would she tell Liz? If she was going to, what could he say to convince her not to tell? The situation was too complex. Too many options too many variables and it seemed as though most of the endings were bad for Max. But this catastrophe was far from over. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts he got a shock when the phone rang.
“Hello? Max are you there?” It was Zara. “Hey look, I’m sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have kicked you out like that. It’s just been so crazy lately with your break-up and I’ve been… I dunno how to say it really, like, confused? Like you know how I’ve been going out with guys for the last couple of years and stuff? Yeah, then like, a couple of months ago I started wondering what it’d be like with a girl, so I went on a night out and ended up kind of getting with one. Not anything crazy but it was just to try.
“But then when we had our kiss there was a few minutes where I was just thinking and I sort of just started to feel something toward you. Like, our kiss was just so passionate. We were vulnerable, it was our true emotions showing so it was like the decision was made for us. And now I think I like you. I mean like, like like you Max. Max?”
He was in shock. Everything she had said was too much for his brain to process. And she had said it all at break-neck speed so he wasn’t even sure if he heard half of it. But he supposed half was enough because the main message was clear and sinking in. He hadn’t spoken in almost a minute so he decided to make a noise. He wasn’t sure what noise he made but it must have somewhat resembled a “yes” because Zara replied.
“I understand that was a lot to take in. And I’m sorry I am just throwing all this at you at a horrible time but you must understand I need to get this off of my chest. Please call me, when you’re ready. And don’t worry I won’t say anything to Liz until we’re both ready.” She hung up.
He couldn’t breathe. If he didn’t pass out then he was going to have another panic attack. He was just a teenager. His parents always told him that this was the easiest time of his life. If that was true then why did he feel so stressed? He always had to deal with homework and chores but now this aswell? It was all too much. He felt the stress make its way down toward his gut. He rushed into the toilet and emptied the contents of his stomach. His stomach hurt, his throat burned and there was a wretched taste in his mouth. He remained face down in the toilet inhaling the ghastly smell until his head was clear.
He spent the next few minutes pacing, allowing his thoughts to organise themselves. When his mind was set straight he came to a conclusion that he really wish he didn’t have to come to. He was going to have to choose. It was either Zara or Liz. He couldn’t have both and he didn’t want neither. But the more that he pondered this the more he feared the repercussions that could evolve from his decision.
If he chose Liz then Zara might get jealous. And if she got jealous she could reveal their secret. But if he chose Zara then Liz would tell her that he already agreed to get back together with her. He started think a little more in depth about the overall pros and cons. Zara was prettier but Liz was a better kisser. He already knew what Liz liked but he enjoyed the long late night conversations where he would learn. He could pick up where he left off with Liz but would the relationship be the same?
No matter what Max thought of his like of each girl seemed equal. So all that left was his original question of who to choose. And no matter what, it seemed that he would end up alone no matter who he chose. The answer was an enigma. He thought of other time when he couldn’t get an answer. Like in a test. He would take a guess, leave it to chance. He glanced up at his dart board.
“Okay he we go,” he murmured. “Even numbers are Liz and odd numbers are Zara.” He cocked his arm, bringing the flight of the dart up to eye level. He inhaled intensely and shut his eyes. His hands were juddering violently. It would be a miracle if he even hit the board. With a quick jerking movement he flung the dart across the room and he heard the familiar thud.
“So far, so good.” He couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes, but he had to. Too much fear ran through him. What if this was a mistake? What if he immediately regretted whoever the dart chose for him? All he could do was look and see. He gathered all his strength. His clammy hand curled up in a fist, sweat dripping down his back. There was something about this moment that made his mind drift and he thought of kiwis. It was then he had an epiphany and he already knew who he wanted regardless of what the board said. Now calm he gently opened his eyes to see where the dart was on the board. Bullseye.
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