Chapter 13 Children of the Moon
By rayjones
- 429 reads
Chapter 13
Children of the Moon
Had it not been for the backdrop of black sky Kian would have easily thought he was walking down the sidewalk on Earth as he followed Miles.
“This was not what I was expecting.” Kian said, as a 67’ green Mustang silently whizzed by them. “Asphalt streets, concrete sidewalks, brick and mortar homes, vintage cars, grass and trees everywhere. This could be any town USA.”
“Not any town James” He emphasized the name James, reminding Kian of his new identity, “Camelot this is Camelot.”
“After King Arthur’s kingdom,” Kian asked.
“No James after the crater it was built in.”
“And it was built to look like an Earth town why?”
“They live by a saying here, We are Lunan. We are Earth. What you see is a memorial to our ancient past, destroyed so long ago, a constant reminder of our great loss.”
“But the Earth is not lost,” said Kian as he looked turned around and looked up at the beautiful blue and white ball hanging low in the eastern sky. “It’s right there," he said pointing at it while he talked.
“It’s there but it’s dead and deadly. This is your new truth. You will live by it from now on. That is what they believe. Is was true long ago and as far as they know it is still true. You will tell them nothing different.”
“Or Kia will die.”
“Yes James, Kia will die if you say or do anything to undermine our control of these, lesser people.”
Seething, Kian nodded looking out over neatly mowed lawns, cozy little red brick homes and people mundanely dressed in jeans, shirts and loafers going about their boring daily affairs knowing that this despicable lie was their prison as well as his, the only difference being he knew the truth and they didn’t. “But you still want me to find and expose malcontents,” Kian asked, vainly hoping for a different answer.
“Yes we do,” was Miles’ only answer.
“Neat trick if I can do it?”
Miles grunted a yes as Kian dropped his arm. They continued marching down the street in icy silence. It was not long before they left the residential area and entered Camelot’s business district.
After walking another block and half Miles turned into a parking lot of what looked like a bank.
However as they made their way to the front door of the two story brick building a large white sign with bold black letters caught his attention, informing him otherwise . It read.
Miles led Kian up the front steps even pulling open the heavy glass door. Suddenly he was smiling.
“Good Earth Day,” said Miles as he put his hand on Kian’s shoulder and gently guided him through the neatly appointed lobby. A horse shoe shaped desk protruded from the back wall. An attractive blonde-haired young lady dressed in a gray and white pant suit stood behind the desk. She was looking down at the desk and did not see them enter, but smiled up at them when Miles greeted her.
“Good Earth Day to you sir,” She said tapping the computer embedded in the desk, “How may I help you.”
“Sandra Costa,” Miles said reading the name tag pinned to her right lapel. “May I call you by your first name?”
“Certainly sir, but only if I can call you by yours,” she replied leaning forward as she folded her hands on the desk.
“You can me call Doctor Miles and this is my friend James East, he’s just transferred from the southern polar region and needs to learn a thing or two about how things work on this part of the moon. He so wants to fit in and become a useful member of your fine community, don’t you James?”
“Oh yes sir,” Kian said through a forced smile.
“Sir,” Miles shook his head and shrugged, “James no need to be so formal.” He grinned broadly at Sandra, “he’s bit nervous, kind of out of his element.”
“Ah,” Sandra cooed, “no need for that Jimmy. May I call you Jimmy?”
“Sure, why not,” Kian said as looked deep into her eyes for any hint of pretense.
She looked right back at him, smiling ever so sweetly flirting ever so obviously.
Kian blushed, “I’m sorry, your eyes, they’re really quite lovely.”
Miles slapped Kian on the back, “that’s exactly what I want from you James, reach out and fit in. Her eyes are most attractive, what a beautiful shade of light blue.”
Sandra cocked her head leaning toward both men rather seductively, “I take it Jimmy here needs a crash course in…”
“I believe a full comprehensive down load along with extensive muscle memory training is in order.”
“Ooh, pricey.”
Kian patted the back pocket of his jeans, “flat as a flitter, don’t even have a wallet.”
Sandra leaned back, clearly unsure what to make of his strange confession.
Miles was quick to explain. “Terrible mining accident, a cave in, , water appropriation can be most hazardous.”
“A mud hog, huh,” Sandra was clearly impressed.
“Poor guy lost everything including most of his crew.” Miles casually lied, “he’s still a bit shaky even though it was months ago. Of course, the company is happy to cover all costs. We look out for own.”
Kian grinned, nodding as he leaned toward Miles as though they were best of friends.
“Well don’t you worry Jimmie," She assured him, "we will fix you right up. When you leave here you’ll have everything you need to work inside outside or,” she winked, “or beside anyone here. From now on, you are part of the Camelot family. Now if you will just follow the red line that runs around this desk it will take you right the elevators, once inside push the button marked sub floor seven, from there you just work your way up. There will be technicians waiting for you below. Happy learning, when you are through I will be right here waiting to give you the address of your assigned living quarters and all the work clearances you’ll need. You should be so grateful for the Company’s generosity. ”
Kian slapped Miles on the back, “Oh yes I agree and I am most grateful. I owe them so much and I intend to pay them back with interest.”
Miles knew exactly what Kian was really saying but smiled anyway. “Well, Jimmie, I’ll just leave you in their tender care. We’ll meet again soon, friend.”
“That we will, friend.” Kian reached out and shook Miles’ hand, a bit more forcefully than he intended. Sandra looked on with watery eyes, clueless of what was happening right in front of her.
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I wonder how Kian will get
I wonder how Kian will get out of this sticky mess! I don't think he'll let Miles continue to rule him, even though his thoughts are with what they'll do to Kia if he doesn't do what Miles tells him to.
Continuing to enjoy.
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