Dreamwars #1 Dani and the kermit ship
By alphadog1
- 707 reads
A warm bed. A sense of togetherness and isolation; all wrapped inside the warmth of a cocoon. The alarm blasts the shouts start. Orders yelled in staccato screamed from spittle mouths. alert alert alert! Heavy boots dragged on from soiled hands people getting up fighting to put on something to protect them from the storm Alert Alert Alert
Voices swarm about like flies.
‘-Yes sir!’
‘-NO NO NO!’
‘-Gods help us!’
The hollow grate floor clacks with the rumble of shoes.The lice ridden hair and bodies scratch like fire on fire. A gathering
‘We have a sighting 20 clicks east! They are coming in hard! They W-WILL NOT
TAKE PRISSOONERS! Move it soldiers!’
Climbing out of the bunker. Out into the sky. Rise…rise… fall.
The explosion of Earth to the right.
A scream as Peterson -my drinking and fuck-buddy- loses the side of his face.
The skull fragments shatter into the steel cloud above.
Recall: We lie in his bunk.
‘What’s your greatest fear?’
Snuggling in his arms...losing you just losing you.
‘That I…might die not completing my mission.’
Now ...His blood -like hot tea- splashes on my lips. I can taste its rich thick warmth in my mouth.
Oh let me wake up Christ let me wake up!
The boots feel heavy hard weighted down the sky is full of stars: 2001 a space odyssey of all thing to remember when I see a kermit in my scope.
The orders come. ‘Ten to the left! Five to the right ! Shots are short! Make it count people!’ Kermit’s explodes in gun sights, Bits of Kermit brains, mix with boiling ash of laser fire.
That’s for Peterson you shit stained frog cunt!
The face of Jess comes to mind. Her smile as she shoes me her latest puzzle the innocence of child family life oh how I love family life stolen from the past a memory recall to hide the pain.
Kermit's got wise. He takes his ships up high. He knows we are the last of us and He can wait like the twisted slimy frog he is he knows he can take his time to fish us out and feed on us Kermit has a weakness though. He has a collected need, Kill the queen and the fuckin' rest might burn We know this. That’s’ why we are here. Getting our skulls ripped open. Just ahead is their way-station the beam that takes us off world and into the sky.
Kermit came with promises. Sweets that made us feel good. Feelings like “you’re not alone” and “The Universe was not made by God” also lovely technology. However Kermit lied and he broke us with his machines. Now we pay. But we fight back. Oh Fuck how we fight.
Another explosion to the right Earth spurts open. Stumps of trees are ripped from the soil. The sky is steel coloured. The remains of a building: bricks and half a roof come through the smoke and fire to the left.
‘Holleran, take Jaccobs, Cree and Newton into that building! Fuckingg re re groupregroup! Re…’
the world shudders with another explosion. We fall back to the building.
‘-shit.’ A fall to the wall.
‘-Dani! Hollerann! You okay?’
A distant call now, His voice muffled
‘You like this daddy? Mummy?’ a picture of a green man appears.
‘Yes hun Its beautiful…Its lovely.’
Then Jess stares at me with Kermit eyes.
‘Kermit wants me for a sunbeam daddy. He wants to eat me whole.’
A scream.
‘For Jeus sake wake UP!
‘Holleran! Fucs I thought I lost you!’
‘-Peterson they got Peterson!’ I scream
‘-Sarge 'it too! Cree shouts.
The cunts!’
A siren wail sounds. The burst of fire. Over-heated plasma scorches the wet
earth by the broken buildings entrance. We wait till dark.‘
‘We can still make it. Its not far… from the entrance.’
‘-what’s the ammo?’
‘ -Six six grenades. five cartridges. The E.M.P and the device.’
Newton sticks a stim in his neck. A brief smile returns to his muddy bloody face. Cree sips his flask of home brew liver rot.
Newton mutters ‘-Do do you really think it will make a difference?’ the drawling of cynicism gets to me.
‘-the inte-‘ Cree points out
-Intel’s been wrong befo-’
‘-There’s only four of us and an an fuck knows how m-many kermit’s between between here and an their cloud station. We are under-gunned an’ fuckin' surrounded!’
‘-We have to make a stand. If we don’t what we wort-.’
‘-Remember the time before the Kermit came? The fuckin way we hurt each other was far worse. Least there is some sort of honour in this war. This us and them, is is better than building walls an’ saying to our fellow men fuck off and die!’
‘-families, remember them?’ A smile. ‘I have a dreamer. he keeps me sane. I need him. I drift into this guy’s head, an old relative dead years before. I sometimes feel his boredom with his dull life. He doesn’t see the kids and the wife and the family. He doesn't see that one day all of that will be wiped up like a spill on a table. You know sometimes I hate the fucker. I wish he’d wake up and face the future!’
‘Nice soliloquy’ Cree grins
‘Fuck off Cree.’ A grin back. Perhaps a new fuck buddy?
Darkness comes and with it silence.
The placing of the holo-map on the floor. A large dome with four smaller domes around it, each numbered 1 2 3 4.
‘The entrance to the cloud is here. (Pointing to the west side of the dome.) There is a small chance. If we take out the defensive positon here....’ Pointing to the small dome 3, ‘…then we can set the charge by the main entrance. 3 has to be the the least guarded. Look at the the terrain?’
He points to 3, where the ground was closed off by the side of a hill.
‘The kermit’s a'are arrogant they think we’d miss that. Remember The Thames? They thought they could win that? One cloud at a time.’
‘-IT might work…’
‘IT’S A fuckin suicide!’
‘Jeus don’t you get it yet?’
The stares at each other confirm the truth. ‘We are the last of our platoon.’‘-an we have done this before.’
You have...' mutters Newton. ‘…ve never been further than Bunker hill.'
The night is dark. The moon hidden by clouds, the soil is wet. There is not a sound save our wet boots in wet feet slapping into wet mud. Kermit’s are busy miles away. They think this is safe.
‘Eleanor Put the cat down!’
‘Dani switch the dreamer off. This is reality. This place however shitty is real. We have one chance. Only one!’
‘-who fuckin put you in charge?’
‘Don’t be an arse Dan.’ He gets sexier every moment.
The Dome slowly comes into view. It’s lit from within by some weird kind of Kermit energy. Fuck knows what it is. They never gave us that. Its surface glistens with oddly shaped pentangle's the cloud from above seems to criss-cross on its surface as it humms.
The trees about it are bone fingers pointing up to a God that stares down with apathy at the creations they made fighting for life.
‘-Did I tell you he had this thing. This -lastic thing that had oil inside. He shakes it but its busted. He knows its busted but he shakes it anyway.’ ‘-Dani whaat the fuck are you talkin’ bout?’
‘-My dreamer. He has this weird shaped plastic thing it has two coloured oils in it. You turn it over, and the oil falls. Gravity. But it’s broken. The oil has set at the top in clumps. He knows it’s broken. But he still shakes it anyway.’
‘-and the point of this?’
‘-Hope I think. Its what separates us from the Kermit’s. We have that. They have their plan. We have something else.'
‘-shit your talkin' about faith?’
‘- an how does that help us here?’
-‘(giggle) I jus don’t know.’
‘-anythin’ that get’s you through the day- or night- I guess.’
Dome three is dark green . Its surface hums like a Kermit on heat. Its stinger in its flabby tail primed for firing.
'Shit I’d never thought we’d getthis close.’ Says Newton
‘-That’s faith Bro.’ ‘-fuck you.’ Newton retorts
The smell is bad. Its always bad by any Kermit’s lair. The reeking of warm rotten flesh, of wet bones lying in heaps. Kermit’s best friend is the fly. They love each other. They cover the bones in a black slick. The bones stick out of the earth. People cages.
The e.m.p is charged. Steps move away into the dark of the bones of the trees. A large flash then silence. The silence is like a numbing to the ears. Then distant rumbles stir.
‘Q'ick come on the entrance. ‘ Charging against the distant rumbling from behind. The kermit's are coming. Shit I release my weapon into the sky in a panic of frenzy light staccato shatters. ‘Come on Dani move it. An entrance curls open into the dome as bodies fall in.
'The lock reset the lock!'
Inside all is quiet. The dome has one thing inside: A circular portal.
A door. Beyond is their ship, The cloud.
‘Ever have a chat with a Kermit up close?’ asks Newton
‘-Just once.’
‘-What it say?’
‘Donno, I couldn’t speak their shit language… And the translator was off line.
‘We haven’t much time…’ Begins Cree.’… We need to get through and close this off, the lock won’t hold for long.
The portal glows Running into the portal.
Will I wake up will I ever wake up. ‘-Arghh ElEanor!’---‘-Daddy she is taking over the game daddy help me daddy I need you daddy daddy daddy!’
The floor of the ship is crystal The earth is seen below. Now it’s covered with yellow splashes heaved vomit. ‘That was fuckin unpleasant.’ Newton grins laconically
‘-Well it’s designed for the frogs of space. I doubt it was meant for us.
‘-(Giggle) Shit here we are! Spawn central Kermit's home from home. '
.-One of many.'
'How many times now?' Cree grins. His wide set eyes shine.
'My third and still I vomit. ‘ I smile. A look below at the earth: a crystal orb glistening surface brown green and splattered with milk.
‘It’s beautiful… He wanted to do this -The dreamer- He wanted to come here and see this. I doubt he want to see it over-run with Kermit’s and their spawn though. He wanted to become a spaceman as a child. He ended up-’
‘-They're trace memories. We can’t go back we can’t reply. Cree rehtroted ‘-Sometimes I think…I think he hears me.’
‘-Your so fuckin' sweet. We have a fuckin' job to do Dani! Come on!’
Newton appears.‘-Ive managed to cut the drones. This cloud is off line for now. We have fifteen before we drop back at another local or take the drop-ships. Shit we could do this'.
The walls of the cloud are shining lines of light move in spirals along its curved interior. The helix the double helix the Fibonacci Sequence the 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... all lead to life.
‘Why do they hate us?’
‘They’re animals like us, they want a place to live. They see us as inferior. Its survival that’s all. We take up space and they don’t want that.’
‘-if we had the same technology, would we have done the same?’
‘I..don’t know. We might have, we-‘
‘-I just wonder sometimes.'
‘You know you spend too much time with your dreamer! That’s dangerous! They’re programmes from past memories! Emotional algorithms to give you something to hold on to! To help you! This war this is the real world….and one day, It will be over…’
‘-I wonder if it ever will be.’
The steps sound hollow on the floor the smell begins to get bad again.
'Kin Kermit’s.'
Cree continues ‘…’nd don’t think that there is some connection between the past and the future! That’s not real. This is real. The Kermit’s need to go. They spread and they kill. We are the ones dying out. And you know despite it all, we will win, because we have something they don't. We fight and we keep on fighting because that's what keeps us alive. They hate any life other than their own. The harder they push. The tougher we pull. 'Sounds like rhetoric to me…' begins Newton. ‘…you should run for office' we all smile.
Then the ship speaks, with the voices of children and parents.
'You cannot defeat me I’m un-defeat able I am in a hot air balloon and I love you. Where is Angela you can’t breathe really high you need oxygen to breath really high I’ve just had enough of this what’s wrong with you… I wish you were back this week.'
'what the fuck is that?'
'My dreamer. How the fuck?'
Running down the hall and up to the steps to the doors hands feverishly work on the release mechanism cracking the codes.
‘I hate children.’ ‘-leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone I didn’t do anything wroooonngg!.’
The walls reverberate with the sounds of long ago.
‘is this your dreamer?’ Asks Cree.
‘yeah. Why the fuck is this happening?’
‘I don’t know. I don’t know tech stuff’
‘I don’t like it’ The walls echo.
Slow steps up to the platform all milky a snowy bowl. The spawn float in their cloud of milky dew. Half formed legs and arms. Bulging eyes wet and watery, peer through the haze of glass. Above
the pool the hybrid is clamped. It is unable to move or speak or move. It stares down through lidless pink eyes. Perhaps it wants to die. Perhaps its sick of all this life.
‘-Dani you have the charge.’
The charge, is a fifty, big enough to burst the hybrid Kermit and its cloud and small enough to carry. Its placed at the foot of the glass tank over which the bloated thing squats and blurts sounds as it spurts out its eggs.
Cree looks up at it.
'Its not over yet. We know that . But we can beat you now.'
The bloated thing licks its huge wet lips wet lips. It wants to speak.
Dan feels repulsion by it and turns away. They all walk away. They walk slowly as it slowly starts to speak.
‘Mummy Mummy! Eleanor won’t leave me alone Its unfair mummy mummy!’
Then they run and they keep Running and running to the pods.
Space fall first the silence of a lack of sound. The silent rupture of the cloud ehinds in a burst of hot yellow lights and trace gases forces the single person crystal ship to glide off course.
A scream. A wail. The pressure of the skin of the sphere shudders about the small space. Dani looks left. The pods are falling falling falling.
Heat builds up. The cracking splinter of shards. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... we will make it we will make it. Then splash- crunch and the lurch of retro rocket stabilisation. The door slides open. A new place of operations. The south… possibly France. Dani looks up and ducks as dives as Kermit fighters slice through the sky. The earth is ripped in blasts that shudder about her as she runs.
‘Daddy I love you.’
‘I love you too pumpkin.’
A door slides opens beneath her feet she falls into the safety of the bunker entrance. Its darkness embraces her. She is alone. Cree? Newton? Did they make it? All is lost by the Hugs and the words “Bonjour Comrade.” This is followed by a warm bed a sense of togetherness and isolation the warmth of a cocoon.
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This is full of fast pace and
This is full of fast pace and sounds are so real, the dialogue blasts out, it builds up fabulously in sensory overload. Not sure about the ending - the 'dream' ending but is it a dream - feels cliched and I think you might be able to strengthen your end based on a sharper point. That aside - it's animated and feel good.
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