Heaven's Reward (Islamic State Comes To Heaven) : Ch.3 : Establishing The Caliphate In Heaven

By Kurt Rellians
- 602 reads
Chapter 3 : Establishing The Caliphate In Heaven
Mohammed had been quite an important figure in his battalion. He had blown up many an American serviceman in their tanks and troop carriers, while the infidels had still been present in their land. He had fought them in Fallujah, when they closed in. They had all been Al Qaeda then. He had pulled out while they still could, ready to attack somewhere else. Then tribal leaders and groups of politicians had started making deals with the Shiites, and worst of worst, with the Americans. They had all had to be patient for a few years. It would take longer before their land came back to them, before a true Caliphate could be established, and justice could be delivered. The Sunni brethren in Syria had risen in revolt and it became possible to attract some of the better, more dedicated fighters to the black flag.
They became the largest group fighting Assad in Syria, then they really took the fight back into Iraq, teaching those Shiite cowards a few bloody lessons. They took Mosul and then they were back in the big league, setting up a Caliphate which would spread over the whole middle east.
They came across some people enjoying their afterlife, bathing their feet in the river, lying pleasantly in the sun and chatting idly. They came amongst them wondering who these people were. Some of the women were beautiful. Mohammed went to one man who sat comfortably, and asked, “Who are you people here?”
“We were all from Mosul,” said the man. “Some of us were Christians, others Kurds, Sunni and Shiite Arabs, and Alawites. There are other groups amongst us here too, Yazidis and Turks and probably others. We all reflect the very varied history of our region. Now we’re in heaven it doesn’t matter what our cultural background is any more. We’re all equal in heaven you know!”
“I don’t think the Prophet ever said that,” said Mohammed. “He said the truly innocent might come here, but if in life you did not choose the true path you should not have a place here!”
“Well don’t ask me,” said the easygoing man. “All I know is that we’re here so it must be meant to be. It seems to me that all religions are still represented here, so it must be that God accepts Islam and Christianity are part of the same religion, his religion, because they’re all still represented here. There are Jews here, and Yazidis also, they are all welcomed and treated as God’s children by the angels.”
“This won’t do,” said Mohammed, shaking his head angrily and moving into the trees away from the people near the river. “Bring our brothers around.” Soon most of the fighters were gathered together.
“It isn’t finished yet. There are a lot of people in heaven who should not be here. The angels on the gates have obviously not been checking them right. We could do better than this on Earth, while in Life. We’re going to have to reorganize heaven for them, because they don’t seem to be doing it. We’ll have to do a bit of shepherding, move these people about, and segregate them into different types. We’re not allowed to use proper weapons here so we will have to make do with whatever we can.”
They went on to meet other victims of ISIS, people of all factions and types, when they raised weapons towards them the weapons disappeared, and the angels blocked them from physical force. They harried the enemies instead, spoiling their peace, telling them they did not belong in heaven.
Mohammed led them towards a group of heaven’s residents. Some of them were Jews by the skull caps and long beards, religious Jews, but the strange thing was they were sitting with and passing time with muslim men and women, although by the dress of the women they were not observant women. “What are you talking to these pariah Jews for?” asked Mohammed.
“They’re not so bad now that we have all passed through life. They have all the time, an eternity to pass here. It’s kind of nice that while we couldn’t know them in life because of what they did to Palestine, and we treated them with hatred too, that now we can talk and play, and understand. There is more than enough room here for everyone. Heaven is as big as it needs to be to accommodate all its residents. Bad people don’t come here so we are free to see the good in people we might once have thought of as enemies. We are not arguing over land rights and water channels, walls and identity passports, or money.”
“A mistake has been made,” said Mohammed and Ahmed. “Jews are not supposed to be here in heaven. They should not be here with Arabs of the true Sunni faith!”
“We agree,” said the other fighters who were with them. It was unthinkable for any who had served the cause of Allah in life to think otherwise. “We must act to prevent this mockery of his will!”
“But all our weapons have disappeared. It seems the angels will not let us use them, not even knives are being allowed.”
“Let us run at the infidels and the false religions and scare them away,” suggested one of them. “When we get to them we will punch and scratch them. We’ll soon see them accept the true authority of Allah. They will run away, even if we cannot dispense justice upon them.”
“That seems a good plan,” agreed Mohammed, “Let us try it. Come brothers, do this for Allah. We must purify heaven it seems!”
At the order from Mohammed they ran down the hill towards the infidels, as they would in battle, but there were no weapons to use, no bullets or mines to avoid or shelter from. The wide eyed people from Mosul knew fear once again for the first time since coming to heaven. Perhaps the knowledge and caution gained in life was still with them now in the afterlife, because they ran across the river and away from it on the other side to get away from the Islamic State warriors who threatened them. Mohammed caught up with one infidel and reached out to grab him, but his arms found nothing to hold. He could find no purchase on the man. Truly he was no longer flesh and blood, probably neither of them were.
Anyway the charge had the effect they wanted. The infidels ran and scattered, even the man Mohammed had been unable to hold. What a shame they could not kill these unbelievers, these peoples of the wrong faith or of no faith. It was what they deserved. He so much wanted to hold them and break them, to tear off their arms and limbs, especially their heads, to fill them with bullets and tear them with knives. In the world of life they had been able to deliver the sweet justice, but here they could do no more than scatter their enemies and encourage fear, to try to separate and punish in the only way they could.
Like Bedouin with their sheep, or cowboys in America, they herded the infidels into different groups and pushed them to the most unpleasant places in Eden, away from the rivers and the trees and the flowers, which were still, unfortunately pleasant places to sit and walk and congregate in. The attractive women they made into concubines and shared out amongst them. The men who were of the Sunni faith were ordered to join them and to follow their rules, but if they did not take a part in herding the infidels about from place to place they would be ostracized and cast out from the true believers and herded and hounded like all the rest.
Very soon heaven no longer seemed to be heaven to many of the souls collected there.
Jibril’s grandparents led the complaints to the angels. “Please angels you have lost control of heaven to these young men, the so called Islamic fighters. All was peaceful before they arrived and somehow you let them through the gates into heaven and within a short time they have segregated us into groups and forced us to separate into different places to congregate according to our faiths and group background when we lived. They are trying to restore the rules from Earth or Life, although being of extreme philosophy they interpret those rules most literally and cruelly. How is it that such cruel people can be allowed into heaven? These were soldiers who never grew mature in life, so they never reflected on the crimes they committed in life, before being allowed into heaven. Why is it that they have been allowed to come to this area of heaven, where all their victims have been sent? If Allah’s intention was to help them to see the errors they made in life then it is not working at all so far. They are repeating all the mistakes and crimes they committed in life. Surely they should have been sent to limbo or purgatory before being offered any chance to come here, where they have no understanding of even the most basic religious principles of their faith.
“How is it that the rest of us who have deserved to come here are being treated as we were treated by the evildoers in Life?”
The Angels’ replied to Jibril’s grandparents and the other complainants –
“We have had a lot of complaints, an unprecedented number for heaven. Usually there are no complaints at all. All the veterans of Life put it all behind them and can thus be at peace. But it seems there is no peace, not even in heaven now. These young misfits from the world have come into heaven after committing the most atrocious crimes. Ordinarily we would never have let such people in, but they seemed so pious, and believing in Allah! There have been so many dying in the world recently that we have been inundated so we did not do all the checks we should have done. We should never have let them in in the first place. They obviously do not belong here. We have been noticing their behaviour, particularly as others have been complaining too that the harmony of heaven on this first level has been shattered. Allah has been considering the question of how to resolve this canker in heaven. Allah is very displeased with them and feels they need a long period of punishment in a place called Hell! They will be quite at home there as it is very close to what they tried to create on Earth.”
If : Tolerance + Order = Civilization
Therefore : Intolerance + Disorder = Barbarism
So Islamic State = Barbarism, not Civilisation
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