On the continuing violence
By Parson Thru
- 903 reads
Diatribe removed. I'm not sure I even agree with myself anymore.
No flags though. Just a wish for peace. Change that will bring about peace.
So sad for all those involved and all those yet to be.
Ok, so, killing other people.
That’s a bad thing in my eyes.
Doesn’t matter whether it’s some Bronx stick-up or a suicide-bombing in a Metro station.
Doesn’t matter, either, if it’s a carefully targeted drone-strike with the trigger pressed on a computer-game console in Fort Obama, Arizona.
It’s a bad thing. We should just stop killing each other, period.
That’s a tall order in some ways.
Maybe if we stopped hating each other first. Or better still, started respecting each other.
“Thou shalt not kill” one of the entertaining fairy-tales tells us. Good intention, though.
“Thou shalt not steal”. Another extract from the same fairy-tale. Another good intention.
But I’m sure people already knew that before the fairy-tale, or it would never have been in there. That’s because people write fairy-tales.
“Kill them wherever you find them”.
Defend yourself, by all means, but otherwise can’t you just wish them a good morning and pass on your way?
Does everyone have to fuck around with everyone else’s life and everyone else’s head?
I’m a believer in something. Probably the human spirit. Can’t tell you exactly why, but it feels right and I’m sure there’s something present in a living body that’s not in a dead one. I even think spirits speak to each other through our eyes. Crazy me.
But I don’t expect you to think the same, or to kill me for believing it.
Fairies at the bottom of the garden. I’m up for that. Harmless enough.
I wouldn’t want some feller who says he’s from Rome to be tying me to a bonfire over it.
What does he get out of it, other than numbers up at mass next Sunday – a couple more coins in the tray. “Thank-ee. God needs every penny”.
If you screw someone over, is it theft? Or just good business?
Liberal democracies are brilliant. Don’t you think? Everyone should have one.
Why are some people not allowed them?
Is it so we can steal from them?
No wonder people hate each other.
Maybe if we all respected one other – were nice and that – we wouldn’t have to hate each other anymore. I’d like that. It would be good.
It’s not nice killing each other, is it?
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