Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.2: The Priestess Meets A General (Part 2: Worship With A General)

By Kurt Rellians
- 497 reads
(Part 2 : Worshipping With A General)
She walked past the houses where some of the leading citizens of her city lived. They were bigger than those of the ordinary people and usually surrounded by trees and bushes for privacy. When she visited these homes she often wondered why these people wished to live more apart from the ordinary citizens. In fact they had priestesses and priests visit them and engaged in their own ceremonies and worked just like anyone else, so why did they need privacy? She guessed the reason was much the same as her own desire for the privacy she did not have. The important people must feel the same desire to shut out the rest of the world as she did. It must be natural for some people or maybe all people to want privacy. Or maybe it was just for some people. Perhaps they were more intelligent than the others, or maybe they just wanted more control over their own lives.
The House of the General was here among the houses of the important people. Apparently he had seen her before at one of the ceremonies. The High Priestess who had sent her did not say which one. Apparently he had not participated with her then but had wanted to. He had seen her then and wanted to worship with her now. It was not unusual for important people to make specific requests to the High Priestesses. Indeed it was common for people who had enjoyed worship with a particular priestess or priest to request them again, often many times. But it was usually only important people who made requests for priestesses they had not personally met before.
The House was wooden as most of the houses were, painted blue as befitted the house of a General and surrounded by bushes and lawns. Again she felt reluctance as she walked up the path. There was no longer any excitement in this for her. She had done this so many times before. She hoped it might be an interesting meeting however. He was an important person and a soldier. He must have travelled widely. Maybe she would learn something which interested her.
At the door she knocked in the way priestesses were taught. The door was opened quickly. Before her stood a mature woman housekeeper.
"I have come to worship with General Polad."
"You are expected and welcome. Follow me."
Danella followed to a large room, tastefully decorated with soft carpets and cushions. There was a leather bench for sexual uses and a bed for gentler activities. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that there was a large collection of books in one corner, standing in a row along the top of a large writing desk. Just one book might have been of interest to her, but there were many. She had never seen such a large personal collection. It was like a library, unusually large. The General was at the other end of the room, wearing his robe, ready and expectant for the acts of worship. he opened his arms and invited her in.
"Come in, Danella. I have been looking forward to meeting you."
"I understand you have seen me before, sir."
"Yes, at the Ceremony of Noise in your temple three weeks ago." He was slim and tall, with average pleasant looks and for a General still quite young, being about thirty-eight or forty she guessed, very masculine. He held a natural authority in the way he spoke.
"Oh, the Ceremony of Noise. Yes, I remember that one. But I do not remember you." She remembered the ceremony alright. It had only contributed to her present attitude towards life as a priestess. As its name suggested this was a ceremony where the participants were encouraged and expected to make as much noise as possible during the sexual union. It was one of the most animalistic of ceremonies where ten priestesses were subjected to repeated penetration by a succession of males who queued up on the altar steps to take their turns. It was preceded by erotic dancing in which the priestesses encouraged the men to handle them as they paraded themselves around the temple. At a cry from the High Priest the priestesses were carried by the men to the leather benches on the altar where they took on as many men as they could bring to full completion. She had taken their penises in her mouth at the same time as part of the ceremony. While her mouth had been free she had alternately taken the penises from the front and behind, lubricating herself well with oils in between. It was a performance of complete sexual abandon where the priestesses cried and shrieked in mock joy and pain as they were taken repeatedly. The men also grunted and cried out loudly as they took the priestesses.
It was one of those ceremonies which Danella wished she no longer had to perform. They were alright, even exciting on the first few occasions, but Danella no longer took pleasure in them. They were ceremonies which were not intended to give pleasure to the priestesses. She was an object who was expected to give herself completely to the role for little in return, and the sexual part alone went on for two hours or more.
"I was not a participant unfortunately. But I remember you. You were very lovely. I wanted to take you but the queue was too long. I spilled my seed for you however."
Somehow she was touched despite her dislike of the ceremony. "You spilled it for me?" Why should it surprise her? That was part of the ceremony too. "That was kind of you."
"So I wanted my turn and I requested you. And here you are. You are very special, you know. I want you very much." He pulled her to him and held her close.
"Would you like to start the ceremony?" she asked.
"It has already started. I want to take my time with you and to talk to you too. I hope you don't mind a long ceremony." There was no need for him to say that. Now that she was here she was his to do what he wanted as long as he did not hurt her, which was never allowed. She was his servant for the next few hours. She had no wish to resist him. She thought he was a good man. She liked him and she liked the things he said about her, even if she had no great desire for sexual worship right now.
Sometimes worshippers liked to start with prayers to the Goddess spoken by the priestess, maybe candles lit to her, but most were satisfied with a more informal act. "I would like to massage you to begin, then you will do me. Then we can really worship."
He took her robe off, caressing her body as it fell away. She gently stroked him as they remained in embrace. He fell silent as he guided her onto the bed and began to stroke her.
She could now see he was tired. She sensed he needed to relax and gently lose himself in her. Many men might prefer to let off their desires more quickly upon her, but he was intent on a long drawn out act of love rather than mere worship. This was not unusual but was not the average duty. She braced herself for a long communion but at least it would be gentle and he may want to talk.
There was no further sign of talk at this point. He was emptying his own mind of the pressures of his own life, of which she knew nothing yet, concentrating on her body which he evidently found attractive. His hands gently explored all the contours of her body. She lay on her back as his hands moistened her vulva and his tongue lapped her nipples. He breathed heavily as if to relax and exercise his lungs, and to calm her. She could feel his breath on her skin.
After some minutes he mounted the bed and lay beside her, putting his arms around her, enclosing her in his cocoon. Gently he began to kiss her face and finally settled his lips upon hers. His tongue went in to find hers and to share the taste of her mouth. This she found very personal. She was used to her vagina being entered by strangers and every day she took male penises into her mouth but to have a man rest his mouth upon hers for so long was less normal. She felt slightly more invaded than normal, as if her personal space was being unfairly eroded. But she was also touched by his loving attention and her training as a priestess brought no word of complaint from her. His body was slim and healthy and he demanded little else of her right now. She was able to relax, and began to feel that if they continued much longer both would go to sleep in each others arms.
The General began to mutter sensuous sounds and the words "beautiful body", "I love you", and others. She guessed his passion was rising and that soon he would seek to enter her and spend himself, forgoing her massage of him until later. His penis had been erect from the start but now it briefly became harder. She had not yet touched it until
bidden, and wondered whether the time had come.
Then to her surprise he began to talk. "Have you worshipped with a General before?"
"Not to my knowledge, Sir, unless it was in some larger ceremony and I did not realise."
"I thought perhaps you would not have. There are not many of us around here, but there are many Generals in these times," he said.
"In these times," she repeated, thinking aloud. "Are there more now than there used to be?"
"Oh yes, we are in great demand at the moment," he said. "Have you not heard? I suppose you might not in this province. It is not something priestesses need to know about. And it is a long way from here. There is a war being fought. It is a long way from here now, but one day it could arrive here." She had heard about the war, of course, but had not been thinking of it. It took place a long way away in the north. She had followed the reports but here in Shanla it was possible to forget there was a war.
She was genuinely interested. This was a new subject of conversation. It would be interesting to hear what the General had to say and it would be a welcome change from the ordinary routines of the flesh. "Have you fought in this war?" she asked.
"Oh yes, all of us soldiers have, by now. I have just returned a month ago but I will be going back soon. I have called you to help me forget about it, but you seem interested," he said.
"I know Pirion has been invaded, but do not understand why this should be," she said, trying to recall all that she had read in the newspapers.
"The states of Vanmar have become jealous of the territories of the Empire. They have told lies about us to other people in order to encourage them in their war effort against us. Six months ago the allied states of Vanmar invaded the Empire. They have taken much territory and threatened to defeat us entirely, but we have slowed their advance and begun to contain them. Our best chance is to encourage them to fight each other. They are so greedy they have begun to do just that, which will probably save us, but it has been a close thing. I hope now we will restore the Empire but there is much effort ahead of us."
There was much she did not know. She had heard of Vanmar the continent. She knew it lay northward, far across the sea, but she knew little of its geography or exactly how far away it was. Few of the people of Pirion had ever been there. These things were not important in the education of a priestess. She was more interested in these matters than most of the priestesses around her and yet she had no idea the Empire might have been close to collapse. Little had been said to her ears in Shanla. The worship of the Goddess was all, the provision of the comforts of life and the raising of new generations. Nothing else seemed important here. Her head began to fill with questions, but the General began to kiss her again. It seemed his moment of conversation was over and he now wished to relieve himself of the tensions she had already aroused and to ignore the trials of the war again.
Obediently she reached for his penis and began to stroke it gently. It became hard again and she pushed him back on the bed as she took his penis in her mouth. If she could not control the conversation, she would take control of the worship if he permitted her. She would avoid the massage and bring him to a quicker conclusion. Maybe he would talk again later. Slowly at first she sucked him, then faster she gobbled, while he fingered her vulva and vagina. To her surprise she began to feel some excitement. She liked this man quite well.
When she judged he was ready she left his penis and lay next to him. He rose and as she opened her legs for him he began to insert his penis into her. Despite his obvious enjoyment it had lost some of its hardness in the change and he needed to be stimulated again before he could enter. Holding his own penis, he began to wank himself as she brushed it and between his legs with her hands. When he was erect enough he slipped it into her passage and began to push hard into her. It gained a momentum of its own now as he placed his arms aside her and pounded himself into her. She began to feel her own pleasure rising as she saw him working above her. His eyes lay on her body, seeing her torso and her breasts. She knew he found her attractive. She looked into his face and gave the hard sexual look which men found so attractive. Her hands explored his chest and his stomach.
Thinking him ready to reach the end of his worship she called to him as an animal, grunting and thrusting her body as he drove his penis into her. "Give it to me, give it to me," she cried, arching her neck and breathing heavily, then flinging her head from side to side, as her hands coaxed him.
She felt her own excitement rise as she entered her role, but not enough to achieve her own pinnacle. The General gave himself fully to the act of worship. For a long time he continued to rut her in high excitement. Then she sensed that his excitement slowed. Maybe he was deliberately controlling his action, but she sensed he felt some expectation that he should be finishing but was not ready. He remained hard but it would take longer than expected.
She asked him, "Shall I change round?" He nodded and withdrew as she turned over on all fours, buttocks raised, hand raised behind to help him in. He pushed his penis to her vagina but it had lost some of its strength again in the change. She rubbed it with her hand, swaying her buttocks and moaning gently as she did to arouse him. It was to no avail. The General had lost his confidence for the moment. As a priestess she was used to this. Turning again she laid him down and took him in her mouth, wanking and sucking him to hardness again. When she felt the time was right she stood above him and turned away from him and lowered herself onto his erection, allowing him to feel the excitement of her moving buttocks. After some time she moved off him and placed herself against the bed, buttocks upraised. He followed her quickly, keen to continue his pleasure. He entered her easily from behind and she felt his hands on her breasts and torso. He rutted her hard as she turned her face to him and grunted as she wriggled upon him. His strokes became urgent and then desperate as he cried out unashamedly for her. His climax was long and demanding as he shunted her mercilessly and spent himself inside her.
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