Heaven's Reward (Islamic State Comes To Heaven): Ch.4: Islamic State Goes To Hell (At Last): Part 1

By Kurt Rellians
- 636 reads
Chapter 4 : Islamic State Goes To Hell (At Last!)
(Part 1)
(in which everyone in heaven breathes a sigh of relief, while hell’s denizens prepare to welcome their long lost brothers)
In the end God realized these Islamic State fighters did not deserve to come into heaven, and should be sent to the alternative place where they thought only infidels deserved to go. They found themselves amongst rapists, murderers, criminals of all sorts, and paedophiles, in a never ending hell of conflict. There were no beautiful virgins here, no peace or tranquility, and everyone here was a bully of some sort, so they could not lord it over everyone else, and they become rather picked on themselves, getting raped and used as sex slaves. Here it was possible to kill or be killed, but you soon returned to afterlife and you could feel pain!
The warrior Mohammed, veteran of Fallujah, found himself carried by the underlife populants of hell, unable to wriggle free. Strong hands held him. They carried him to a cross, a big crossed wooden stake, the kind used by the ancient Romans to kill the prophet Issa, whom the infidels regarded as the Son of God. He knew what it was. He had used them himself, when he brought Islamic justice to a small town in Syria. Some of the Christian infidels had been given a taste of the suffering their leader Issa, or Jesus, had received at the hands of the Romans. They admired their leader so much and freely admitted to being Christians so he had ordered them nailed to their crosses like their Christ. They had left them to expire slowly in the hot sun, experiencing the pain of their ancient master. Thinking of that he was suddenly reminded that this might be his new fate? How could that be in the afterlife. He was already dead. But as Allah’s angels had said, this hell was to be punishment for the crimes of their lives. But he had committed no crimes. Everything he had done had been for Allah. He had never put himself first. To spread the Koran, the words of Allah. That had been his whole life in these last years, and even in the days of his youth he had always done his very best to be Allah’s servant.
And then it came to him. There had been another punishment killing which he had given the immediate order for. Two young men of another small Syrian town had ignored the duty of fasting in Ramadan, choosing to eat during daylight hours. Their crime had been reported to him, and naturally he had ordered fitting punishment. He had ordered them crucified upside down for their ignoring of the prophet’s rules. A good example had been made so the muslims of the town would treat the words of the prophet with more respect in the future, and so they did afterwards.
As he was turned upside down he understood the punishment these riff raff were attempting to bestow upon him. He screamed as the nails went in and as his arms were dislocated painfully by the weight they attempted to hold. His legs roared with unspeakable pain from the nails and the torn flesh. Then he was still, in excruciating pain. He prayed intensely, more than he had ever done in life. How could it be he should suffer such pain when he was already dead. He told himself he could not die, because he was dead already, but then how long would he be made to suffer this pain in this hell?
Unbeknown to this veteran Mohammed God was listening to him, waiting for some sign of remorse or apology, but nothing of that sort was coming through from this man, so convinced that his crimes in Life had been God’s work. His continued presence in Hell was therefore assured. Without repentance there could be no mercy for him.
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