Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.4: Prisoners Of Prancir (Part 4: Profits From Priestesses)

By Kurt Rellians
- 525 reads
Chapter 4 : Prisoners Of Prancir
Part 4 : Profits From Priestesses
“I have also been thinking about our purpose, but while we are still prisoners perhaps we cannot do much”, said Danella. “For sometime I was relieved to be more comfortable, and for our lives to return to some degree of normality, after the fighting and the rape. But now I begin to feel impatient again. Is there not something we can do to resist the Prancirians or to improve our own situation and those of the men in the camps?”
“Sreela I have been thinking about the money which the soldiers have been paying to come in. I have discovered that money is power amongst the Prancirians. Who ever holds money can control others because they can pay others to do things for them. All Prancirians want as much money as they can acquire. That is why the officers visit us more than the ordinary soldiers, because they have more money. Have you considered who is receiving the money which is paid for our services?”
“I have been thinking over the last few weeks Sreela,” Danella said, “The money which the soldiers pay for us is given to the guards and various people benefit from it in the Vanmarian way!”
“Yes” said Sreela wondering what Danella had in mind, but finding the concept of money a difficult one to grasp even for a High Priestess.
“The guards collect it,” Danella said “It is worth perhaps a couple or more days pay to an ordinary soldier, so he cannot come here very often if he has other needs for his money which most of them do. This money is valuable to them. I was wondering who received the money. I asked one of the regulars and he said he did not know but he can make a good guess. The guards get a part and the officer in charge even more, I would think, and the General Ravelleon must receive much of it because it is under his authority that this is allowed. Maybe the other Generals receive some too. I would not be at all surprised.”
“I suppose for the Prancirians the money they collect helps to support us, pays for our food,” said Sreela slowly, as if still grappling with the idea of money.
“Yes you’ve got it. Among the Prancirians we have to ‘pay our way’. “It’s a term they use”, said Danella, knowledgeably. “It means we have to earn money for the Generals and officers who ‘protect’ and feed us. So we pay them for looking after us.” She waited for Sreela to indicate understanding.
“I see what you mean” Sreela confirmed “I had thought that but you express it so much better than I would. Roger did say he would look after us. But he also said, later, that we were looking after ourselves. I did think it was odd because he was always saying he would protect us all, as if we could not look after ourselves. Well that is alright is it not? In the same way we ‘looked after ourselves’ before the conquest. We just didn’t use money, but we still gave and received from everyone around us. Is that not what a community is?”
Danella was impressed with Sreela. She could well appreciate why Sreela had been made a High Priestess. She had a good brain and a good understanding , even with difficult alien concepts such as money. She could understand the workings of her own society and translate it into an understanding of the Vanmarian ways. However, Sreela had not quite made the leap of understanding yet which Danella felt she had made. Sreela understood exchange of services but she had not yet understood the concept of money as exploitation, but she had at least understood that. Danella was leading to something critical about their new masters. A Priestess lived and ‘worked’ with people and they understood the moods and the subtle suggestions made by each other and by their people of Pirion.
“Yes Sreela you have more than half of it but I am trying to say that these Generals and Officers are earning too much from us. They are receiving far more money than is necessary to look after us, and instead of allowing us to keep what we earn they are keeping it for themselves to become rich.” Danella did not know the word ‘profits’ but she was beginning to understand its meaning. Sreela however looked perplexed. “You see people in Vanmar want to make as much money as they can so that they can be rich. Being rich means you can buy all the things you want like a house and furniture, and control other people’s lives. Not being rich means you cannot choose where to live, afford the best furniture, and you are controlled by others. These soldiers here are controlled because they fight for money. In Pirion our position gives us power and control but it is not done with money. A General or a High Manager is granted a large private house and he is given a wide choice, even High Priestesses can do that if they wish. Ordinary people live in smaller homes and dormitories and have less choice. In Vanmar they can earn money or even steal it from others in any way they can get it, in order to have this control, whereas in Pirion this choice comes only with position. This is why Roger and the new man Gerald, and probably General Ravelleon and the guards, and we don’t know who else, are making money for themselves out of what we do, making money from their own soldiers. They want to become richer, so they can have more control and power. Do you understand what I am saying Sreela?”
“I think I can see that, but we are in their power anyway. Why would they want more power?” said Sreela.
“It is true we are prisoners and we are in their power and under their protection. But they want power over their own people too which means they need money,” Danella explained.
“So they are receiving a reward for their protection of us!” concluded Sreela. “Is that wrong?”
“They are being rewarded. They deserve some reward but I am saying they are taking too much. They are taking more than a fair reward. That is money which, if we were Vanmarians, we would wish to earn for ourselves. If we were Vanmarians we could do what we do and earn that money for ourselves and achieve more control over our lives” said Danella, extending her argument into new territory.
“But we are not Vanmarians” said Sreela, she was following Danella’s reasoning well now and even had her own answers. “We are Prisoners. They would not allow us to earn money for ourselves, surely. We are at their mercy still. Look how badly they continue to treat our people in this city, particularly our men.”
“You are correct of course” agreed Danella, “I am not suggesting we can do much about it right now. But in time we may be treated more like their own citizens and we will be allowed to earn our own money.”
“Maybe one day, but I would hope” said Sreela “that Pirion will take back its city and all the others from these barbarians.”
“Of course so do I,” said Danella, “but do you really think it will happen? Certainly not tomorrow or even next week!”
Sreela pulled Danella closer to her and kissed her lingeringly on the mouth while her hands massaged her body through her gown. They lay like that for a while in rest and mutual love. “You will make a good High Priestess when the Empire is restored” whispered Sreela.
“Do you think so?” Danella replied, not expecting this sudden change of subject. She had always hoped to be a High Priestess but to a young Priestess the possibility had remained a distant one and her recent ambitions had run beyond this towards learning and travel until she found herself a prisoner of the Prancirians.
“I think you would make an excellent High Priestess,” Sreela persisted. “ You have all the qualities, beauty, sensitivity, intelligence and love for your fellow Priestesses.”
“I always wanted to be one, but now Dalos, and who knows how much more of the Empire, is conquered. I don’t think I will ever be able to take on that role now. Do you?” declared Danella.
“None of us know, but we must live in hope. Even while we are conquered we may still need High Priestesses, to lead those of us who still follow the ways of the Goddess and to keep her spirit alive. Even the Vanmarians may come to the Goddess in time. Look at these soldiers here, they want the Goddess desperately. They really need her,” said Sreela.
Danella listened and agreed and these words would stay in her mind for the rest of her life. She could not appreciate now what they would mean to her in the future.
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