Home Read Write Forums Blogs Triptych By torscotSun, 11 Feb 2018 563 reads 1 likes three soiled and torn mattresses crumpled against a wall a triptych of bedsit DNA awaiting incineration ethnic cleansing the stains of humanity a forensic nightmare to decipher those who passed through on a journey to nowhere Certificate 18Non-fictionOther Non-fiction Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
Triptych By torscotSun, 11 Feb 2018 563 reads 1 likes three soiled and torn mattresses crumpled against a wall a triptych of bedsit DNA awaiting incineration ethnic cleansing the stains of humanity a forensic nightmare to decipher those who passed through on a journey to nowhere Certificate 18Non-fictionOther Non-fiction Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments