Butternut Squash
By hilary west
- 1827 reads
Butternut Squash
“This is a different kind of soup.”
“I’ll try anything once,” said Gary to his mum.
He ate the soup with gusto, thinking it had a queer appellation – butternut squash.
“I want to get to Joyce’s by seven o’ clock, so hurry up,” said his mum. “You can meet Nicole, she’s a visitor from Germany, on the twinning programme with Judith’s school.”
Judith was Joyce’s daughter and sister to John and Mike. Gary got on well with the whole family, so was eager to go and see them. Joyce’s family lived across town from Gary’s, and Gary was not terribly familiar with the roads and what have you or the names of the streets. He left all that to his mother; she knew where she was going.
After a quick sprucing up they were all ready to go. It was a summer night and the night was light and balmy. They arrived at exactly seven o’ clock. As soon as Gary laid his eyes on Nicole, the German friend of Judith’s, he was smitten. She was so fit, so athletic-looking, and really quite beautiful. Gary’s fancy seemed to overtake him completely. He focussed on Nicole and Nicole alone. He just wanted to get her alone, experience all of her. He must have her. A wonderfully slim girl with long legs, full breasts and delightful good looks she was to Gary perfection. In his eyes she became god-like and so absolutely desirable. Nicole responded to Gary’s advances and soon they were talking of going out together.
The countryside was nearby and the two of them made excuses to the other members of the group. They had cracked it. Nicole was like a love machine; once they got out into the woods she surrendered everything to Gary. His penis became hard and now the two of them enjoyed frottage on the riverbank. The bluebells were covering the grass and in the beautiful early summer night the two lovers knew ecstasy. Nicole’s long, blonde hair was splayed out on the grass. Gary toyed with it then plunged into full sex. They were in delight, the delight of youth, full satisfaction and perfect fulfillment. The attraction they had for each other was overwhelming. Both of them were only seventeen, but in their lives they had reached an apotheosis. Sex was a garden of delight to be savoured, fully enjoyed, and then the memory of it would linger so sweetly in each other’s imagination. This night had been ecstatic for both of them; neither would be the same again. They knew all about love: it was god-like and perfect.
Gary’s penis started to become floppy, he was losing his power. The dream was nearly over. He kissed Nicole and the two went hand in hand along the riverbank towards open country. They then came to a slope which went down to a field. Nicole seemed to change, the spell was broken, and she turned away from Gary, then without warning she pushed him down the slope. He fell and went rolling down the slope. He seemed to hit his head and was left in a pile at the bottom of the hill. Nicole left the scene and went back to the house to see Judith, John and Mike. Their perfect night was over.
Gary was out cold. Slowly but surely he regained consciousness. Where was Nicole, his dream girl? He got up, dressed himself down and made back for the house, but just where was he exactly? He didn’t know this part of town very well and was unsure of where he was going. Dressed in only a T-shirt and shorts he felt somehow vulnerable. He realized he was lost. Eventually he came to a road and he could see he was now near the centre of town. He went down a side street and thought he would go in a pub and ask directions but he didn’t know the address of the house. What would he do? He met two guys; Gary thought they were gay but they might be able to help him. Maybe they would know Joyce’s family. He couldn’t be that far away. The two guys knew nothing; then as Gary was leaving the pub, one guy pressed a lighted fag into his back. He felt the pain, then to his horror his T-shirt was on fire. The other guy seemed to want to help. He threw Gary to the ground and tried to smother the flames with his own jacket.
The fire subsided and Gary got to his feet, his T-shirt in tatters. That had been a close shave. He started to run, but where was he running to? He dived into another side street but to his horror was confronted by two terrifying-looking dogs. They were rottweilers. They snarled and growled and looked him over, saliva dripping from their toothy jaws. They came very near to him but didn’t actually bite him: thank God for small mercies. They then whimpered and trotted off. He had had another close shave.
The night was still very light and it was warm and accommodating, but in this terror-filled experience it was little comfort. He then saw a restaurant window filled with a table all set for tea. He went in the restaurant and sat down but immediately he was seized on and the waiters there held him down while others poured jam and honey into his eyes for chrissakes. This was mad; what on earth was going on? He was in some sort of nightmare world where nothing made sense anymore. Gary was mentally and physically wrecked. He felt a great nausea overpowering and engulfing him.
He wanted to get out, see his friends again, but where were they? Didn’t anybody care anymore? Just as he thought about Mike and John they appeared in the street. Oh, at last he thought, they must be looking for me. They exchanged words and they seemed sympathetic, but then mysteriously and bewilderingly they disappeared again.
He approached another street. It was full of carnival-type people, all dressed in costumes bright and colourful. There was music blaring and they were dancing; it just added to the sense of menace and torture. They were all quite oblivious to the mental pain he was going through. Then he came to a church. Inside it was full with the congregation. Surely someone in there would help him.
At first they seemed like good people, but no it was not to be; they turned on him, shouting he was the devil and must be killed. They rushed upon him and in the mangle of bodies he twisted and turned on a spigot of his own making. A cross on a pole crashed onto him nearly breaking his skull. He saw stars and felt crushed, broken to his very core. They were a heaving mass of people all rushing to the exit; he tripped and fell, but managed to get up again and he fled from them, hating and cursing as he went, but not before they stuffed dripping hot wax into his mouth and nostrils.
He was burning, the flames of hell were licking about his body. His physical and mental torment was complete. I must get back to the house he thought but still he had no idea of the address or where he now was in relation to it. If ever there was a hell, Gary had experienced it, but he knew in his heart there was a price to pay for everything good in life. Nicole had been that good thing, but how long ago that seemed now, when in reality it had only been an hour or so ago.
“Gary, Gary, wake up.” It was his mother, “we are ready to go to Joyce’s now.”
“Oh, Mum, it’s you. I don’t think I’ll bother somehow. I’ve had the most awful nightmare.”
“But, Gary, I thought you wanted to meet Judith’s friend Nicole, just over from Germany.”
“Oh yes, of course, yes, on second thoughts I’ll definitely be coming.”
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Seems like a nightmare
Seems like a nightmare warning. NIcole or her like, and such outer attractiveness and casual sex could not be a good thing in the long run in any way. Rhiannon
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That was some nightmare!
That was some nightmare!
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Hi Hilary,
Hi Hilary,
you captured the nightmarish scene, which thankfully evaporated as he was awoken. Thank goodness reality is kinder. We can learn a lot from nightmare situations. Hopefully good wins out in the end.
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