People Keep Asking Me "Is COVID- 19 REALLY that Serious?" Listen Y'all, The Casinos And Church's Are Closed. When Heaven and Hell AGREE On The Same Thing, It's Probably Pretty Serious. #saferathome.
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 295 reads
People keep asking me, “Is COVID-19 REALLY that serious?” Listen y’all, the casinos and Church’s are closed. When Heaven and Hell AGREE on the same thing, it’s probably pretty serious. #saferathome (Instagram).
Last night a young man came to my home, I knew he was coming over, I hadn’t seen him in a very long time. I knew he wasn’t going to stay long, for when he’d rang me earlier in the day, he’d said, “I’m going out after, so I won’t be long.” I wasn’t sure what he meant by, “Going out,” As everywhere is closed.
He arrived at 9pm it was lovely to see him and he stayed for about 15 minutes. He told me, “In 5 minutes I will phone for a taxi,” He told me how many miles away he was going to his friend’s house, (30 miles to be exact) and he named all the others of his friends who was going to be meeting up at the friend’s house.
He said something startling, “I don’t believe the coronavirus is real” I was stunned! He said, “It’s all made up.” I told him, “It is real, you are breaking the Law by going out and meeting up, people can be carriers and 2 weeks later, it can manifest itself, but then it will be too late!”
His friends who he mentioned, most of them have young children, and Partners, they would then be all going back home to what should be a safe place, and they would have brought goodness knows what, back to that safe place! I was a bit annoyed with him and said, “You should stay home, this is dangerous, serious times we are living in.” My words made no difference, his strong views and words wouldn’t be changed. He then went on to tell me how, “Trey was born sick, and has been sick for all of his life.” WOW! Yet he is not alone, for up and down the country and indeed across the World, people are still meeting in private in groups, flaunting the Law, thinking it doesn’t apply to them, because of their stupid belief! Yes, I’m fuming.
The “Keep safe,” Message is not getting across to everyone, our roads are quiet and many shops shut, but people like this young Man is breaking the chain, by meeting in private.
Recently, I’ve heard of people I know who have had IT, and have been in 2 weeks self-isolating and thankfully, I don’t know anyone personally who has died from IT, if that happens, it will be devasting.
Today is a warm sunny day, very tempting to go out to the seaside or friends’ homes. But thanks to Social Media, most of us have been able to stay connected. What has impressed me the most, is how SO many creative people and children there are! The range of things on Social Media, jokes, poems, things to do indoors, it has also brought out the good in a lot of people, which for most will never be forgotten. Yes, scams have also rocketed and some corner shops have shot themselves in the foot by putting up high, their prices, but we won’t go there.
It never ceases to amazes me how inventive we humans are, the various, viziers shields, mask for Deaf People so the persons lips can still be seen, and a see through cubed shape, plastic, framed, shield that is placed over the sick persons face and shoulders, as they are in the hospital bed, if the Medical Staff need to do CPR, protecting them from coughs or sprays etc, and many other new inventions.
I love it that there are many Food Banks available, and the Stores like Morrisons have donated 10 million pounds worth of food and Asda 5 million pounds worth, and ‘ordinary’ volunteers are doing extraordinary work by, flat-out getting food to those who just can’t get to the shops.
Loved that we as a Nation Clap for the NHS every Thursday at 8pm and equally importantly (other people like those who empty our bins, deliver our post, serve us in the supermarkets, drive the buses, Carers and many others, who keep our Country ticking over.
So, keep safe, don’t break the chain. x
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