A Comparison Of The Dissolution Of The Monasteries and The Dissolution Of Europe : by Mr Alfred N.Muggins

By David Kirtley
- 827 reads
Good Old King Henry’s Reformation and the dissolution of the monasteries was a bit like Brexit, thought Alfred Muggins (The Great) idly! It was a big change of tradition and history, and an escape from the arms of the Pan European Bureaucracy! Just as the Pope, the Cardinals and the Holy Roman Emperors could no longer hold sway over England in Henry’s time, the European Commission and Parliament, and the Courts in Strasbourg could no longer dominate England in today’s future. No longer would the English have to eat Brussels Sprouts if they did not want to, or buy hundreds of Dutch Tulips and Belgian or Swiss Chocolates! Now we could make our own at last!
He hadn’t voted for Brexit in the 2016 referendum, because he thought it would create a lot of fuss and bother, and work, which it certainly had in the years since! But he came to accept it as ‘The Will Of The People’, even if it was just 52% of those voting. While he fervently hoped that the British and EEC fishermen would not get their nets too tangled up, and that the French farmers and hauliers would not get too militant, he could see that there might be some good things to come out of it all, like Independence and a return to the British/English Golden Age (whatever that had been – perhaps the Age of Good Old King Henry and his daughter Elizabeth?). Old Henry! He didn’t take no nonsense from French fishermen or EU Cardinals!
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Henry VIII - a huge figure in
Henry VIII - a huge figure in the long lineage of English kings. He definitely stood no messing!
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