By Lore
- 193 reads
Groaning. Char was awake. Confused, she meandered to the bridge in search of Lore. The doors slid open revealing Lore lounging awkwardly on the captain’s chair laughing with Destiny. The way they were sat reminded her of the good days.
“What’s going on here then?” She asked causing Lore to jolt.
“We were just getting to know each other and waiting for you to get up.” Lore invited Char to the seat beside theirs.
“Well, now you’re up let’s get to brass tacks. There are three planets we need to visit and a whole bunch of things we need to do on each. Where first?” Destiny brought the map up on the main screen.
“Could you give us a run-down of each planet. Not the job, the planet itself.” Lore repositioned themselves.
“Well, I’ll tell you about them in the order I think we should visit them in. You can decide if you agree.” the image of the planet closest to their current position was magnified. “This is Illia. Humanities first colony world and the template upon which the rest were built. Beautiful planet and first in my ordering because it should be the easiest.” Lore nodded and gestured for Destiny to move on. The screen returned to the planet map and zoomed in on the next closest planet. “This is Rexel Five. Mining colony slash dumping ground. Scum of the galaxy just seem to be magnetized to the Rexel system but the fifth planet is the worst. Highest crime rate of any human established colony; so high in fact they gave most of it back.” Char looked at Lore who was sat there seemingly indifferent as they once again gestured for Destiny to move on. “Last but not least is UPC-052.” Lore sat up
“UPC-052? What sort of a name is that?” They leant forwards.
“It’s in a system that no one really visits so they didn’t bother naming it. It’s also why that’s the best I can do for imaging. No one has taken a scan of UPC-052 in the last hundred years. I know next to nothing about it except it’s surrounded by a seriously dense nebula.”
“I think we’ll save that one till last then. Might be able to learn a bit about it on the way.”
Lore looked at Char for her opinion. She nodded. “Probably for the best.”
“Right then. Ease us in, take us to Illia please.”
The two of them buckled their seatbelts ready to jump. Lore primed the K.A.D.S. and set their destination. Destiny was suspiciously quiet. Lore looked over to Char, they were both braced. Char nodded and Lore activated the drive. And then they were there. No shaking, no sound, no banging just arrival.“That was anticlimactic.” They said in unison. Destiny was doubled over in laughter. “I don’t quite know what I was expecting. Just more than that.” Char said.
The planet below them was beautiful. Encased in glass, verdant grass, pure blue lakes. As they approached they could see the cities. Towering metropolises of silver and white standing proud in the suns glow. Trees lined the streets with walkways of glass allowing pedestrians passage over streets.
“This is Illia docking control. Please broadcast you’re ID codes and prepare to power down your engines.” A voice erupted from the aether.
“This is the Destiny, Pilot authorisation L052Ω.” Lore responded.
“My apologies Inquisitor. I didn’t recognise your ship. You’re clear to dock in bay three. Please follow the signs and once again, sorry.” The transmission cut out.
“Inquisitor?” Char looked at the terminal in front of her, checking the calendar. “Lore was stripped of rank nearly six years ago.” She looked at Lore confused. They mirrored this sentiment.
With the ship safely in dock, Destiny emerged from the wall. She grabbed the pad from the desktop and joined Lore and Char in the garage. She handed Lore the tablet, showing the objectives they had to complete. The airlock opened allowing the fresh air of Illia to flood in.
“Welcome back Inquisitor Loren. It’s been a while.” There was a powerful voice at the exit of their ship. “It’s good to see that handsome face of yours.” The woman was clad from her shoulders down in polymer armour with her arms outstretched. Lore looked to Char and Destiny confused. “Don’t say you don’t remember me. I know it’s been a while but really…” Her voice trailed off.
“I’m sure it’ll come back to me. Had an accident a few years back. Memory hasn’t been the same since.” Lore replied shocking Char.
“Nice.” Char whispered under her breath nudging Lore. Little did she know, Destiny had been preparing Lore for just such an eventuality while she was unconscious.
“Well, introductions. I’m Commander Undulia, head of Illia’s military guild. We met on your first assignment as an inquisitor.” She smiled. Lore moved in to shake her hand. She drew them closer, planting a kiss firmly on their cheek. “That jog your memory?” Lore twitched their way from her grasp. “Damn. Must have scrambled yourself something fierce. Well, if you’re not here for me, what brings you to Illia?” She looked disappointed.
“We’ve got a few things we need to check out if that’s alright with you.” Lore replied gesturing to the tablet.
“My men and I are at your disposal Loren. Anything you need is yours.” Lore smiled, acknowledging the kindness but wondering why it hurt to hear her say Loren and why Char looked mad every time she did. “If you’ll follow me, I can give you a lift to the city centre.” Not wanting to appear rude, they accepted and boarded Undulia’s speeder. The ground below them passed by in a blur as they headed into the first city proper. Illia.
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