Long-range Forecast
By Lore
- 148 reads
Meeting arranged. Lore, Char and Chairman Shren had a day to prepare their presentation for the coming summit. Of the three key leaders they had reached out to, only two had confirmed their presence. Chairman Trayar and Minister Foreen, the leaders of the South and Eastern settlements, had both expressed hesitation in accepting the summons but their actions spoke louder than their words, with them both aiming to arrive way before the given time.
“Destiny, I need you to send me our descent log for when we first landed on O’Raes.” Lore was about to lower their Breacher but a thought crossed their mind. “Also, can you get Brian on the horn?”
“He’s been trying to reach you for the last three hours. It’s been getting rather annoying hanging up on him.”
Lore sighed. “Put him through.” There was a click so as to indicate the line had changed. “Brian, I’ve just had a thought.”
“Lore! So glad to finally get through to you. How’s everything your end?”
“Great but I’ve had a thought, if we stop the famine from killing everyone, what’s to stop whoever’s behind all this from trying again.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to get through to you about. I’ve been watching the Rexians and noticed a trend. After the first cases of the plague showed up, some of the Rexians fled the system. For the most part, they died and everyone assumed that it was because they were plague carriers in the first place but, those who made it to Earth or one of these other planets were completely fine.”
“I’m guessing your theory is based on more than coincidental evidence?”
“It is, the plague, theoretically, would have the same effect on the Soloss but the moment the Rexians landed on Solosur…” He clicked. “The plague was gone and the Rexian cured. I think, if you can, you could exploit this. Get the O’Raes to either Solosur, Earth, Quatarr or Aetar and they should be fine.”
“Thanks for the plan Brian. How is the Rexian situation?”
“It’s not changed since you’ve left. I’m calling from an emergency Null Space base so time hasn’t progressed since you left.”
“Keep yourself safe then Brian.” Lore signed off and made their way back to the presentation group. “We’ve got a plan.”
“What?” Char and the Chairman turned around.
“If you can evacuate your people to Solosur or Earth, they’ll be safe.”
“Why those planets?” Lore looked at the maps Brian had sent to their Breacher.
“We aren’t sure yet but they seem to be the safest bet.” Lore thanked Brian then signed off, considering the information he had given.
With the new knowledge in hand, they set to work evaluating the effect that emptying the planet would have on those who remained. Due to the relative closeness of both Earth and Solosur, those evacuating would only require currency to safely make the journey, opening up the food reserves for the waiting population. By the time the relevant changes had been made, the leadership had arrived. The South’s Chairman stood taller than all others in attendance but had a warm and cuddly aura about him. His very presence seemed to put the room somewhat at ease. This was countered by The Eastern Minister who, while the shortest in attendance by far, exuded fear and anger. The two balanced out eventually leaving them as worried about their presentation as they had been without them.
“What’s this all about then?” Minister Foreen leant forward in his seat.
“I’ll let my new associates explain that.” Shren spoke confidently.
“I would normally start with the usual formalities but we’ll get a move on. In three years, your planet is going to be hit by a natural disaster of unfathomable proportions.”
“And seven years later, there will only be a few thousand of you left. We’re here to stop that.”
“And you know this how?” Trayar leant back in his seat.
“We’ve seen it. We’re from the future, sent by The Alliance Time Council.” Lore projected the video of The Destiny landing. “This was taken as we landed in the centre of the Northern city.”
“That’s where our Parliament was.” Shren bowed his head.
“This all starts in three years’ time?” A familiar voice came from the back of the room. He was quickly hushed by The South’s minister. “Kind of hard to believe that all this damage is from ten years in the future.”
“You are here as an observer Chronicle. Speak when spoken to.” Foreen snapped.
“I thought I recognised the voice.” Lore beamed at the young Chronicle. “After the famine hit, food scarcity fuels war.”
“War that can be avoided.” Char chimed in. “The Famine is an absolute, it has to happen but the war can be avoided if we come together and take action now.”
“With the help of Chairman Shren, we’ve created a programme that will allow you to properly pool and ration your resources. With the data you’ve given us and your following of the plan, you can survive on this planet for another twelve years at least.”
“What happens after that?” Trayar adjusted himself.
“Hopefully by then, most of the planet will have been evacuated to one of the designated safe planets.” The mention of evacuation sent a shudder down everyone’s spines.
“You’re suggesting evacuation?” Foreen backed away from the table.
“If it saves us, we shouldn’t rule it out.” Trayar raised his voice slightly.
The three leaders voices overlapped in a chaotic shouting match. The Chronicle moved in closer, violently scribbling in his notebook, attempting to capture the events before him. Lore stood hand in hand with Char, wishing for any kind of intervention to stop the shouting. Their wish was soon answered as there was a knock at the door. Lore opening it did little to stop the shouting but once the knocker had been identified, the room was silenced. A woman stood at the door. Without a word she removed her hat and crossed the threshold, inviting herself in. Barring herself, Lore and Char, all in attendance had their jaws on the floor. Lucky Break.
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