Life and Times of a Priestess : Ch.14 : The New Lovers : Part 1 : Section 2

By Kurt Rellians
- 427 reads
Part 1 : Section 2
She felt the weariness of a long day which had begun by making love to Mireau and would end with at least one tryst with Valery, and she knew not what else at this time. The evening had been one full of conversation in which she, the stranger, had been the centre of attention for much of the time. She had found out many things about this group of people who, had proved to be far more interesting than she had expected from the Prancirians she had met before in Dumis. These were ‘modern’ people, flexible in their attitude to life, well educated. The men were skilled in the professions they had chosen, although neither Arabella nor Jeanette had mentioned anything about work, and she suspected they were wealthy ladies of leisure. Arabella seemed close to Philippe and indeed the two had left before them arm in arm. Danella recognised that if she were to realise her intention to seduce Philippe she might be seen as a competitor by Arabella but she determined to achieve her goal sensitively in such a way that the lady would not become her rival. Danella felt renewed energy when she considered the sexual activity which was soon to commence. In sexual relaxation the body lost the tensions of the day and was encouraged to throw off lethargy in the demands of a higher motivation. Her body would again become radiant, pulsing with energy and hunger, in deep affectionate harmony with partner or partners.
“Why not take Jeanette’s arm,” she whispered to Mireau. “She needs an escort as we go, indeed why not see if you can make love to her while I am with Valery. Do you not admire her beauty.”
“Of course she is beautiful, but it is you I want,” he whispered back. But he did oblige her by moving back to Jeanette who was just behind and engaging her in conversation. As they came down the last flight of stairs Danella saw in the mirror which faced them that Mireau had offered his arm to Jeanette and she had taken it. She hoped they would be persuaded to engage with each other tonight for they would both be made happier by it.
The entrance to the grand building which they left was a wide lobby with doors which were held open by paid smartly blue coated, hatted male attendants. There appeared to be a short queue for the carriages as they came out onto the pavement in the cool darkness. However, she soon realised that, as with many previous such engagements with Ravelleon and with Mireau, it was the carriages who queued for longer than the privileged wealthy people. When the three or so immediately before the doors were filled they disappeared into the night down the avenue and into the streets beyond, their place soon filled by the next carriages. Very soon they found themselves in a carriage and heading back to Valery’s house in the city. It apparently lay in a suburb not too far away from the centre. He used it as his ‘town’ house.
Even Valery seemed quiet now as they sped through emptying streets past shops and offices deserted in the night and further past the homes of employees who must be in their beds now so that they might face another working day tomorrow. Danella sat sandwiched between Valery and Mireau. Jeanette sat next to Mireau on the other side of him. She lost no time in placing her left arm around Valery, who never had taken his arm away from her waist, until they sat. Gently he laid his arm around her shoulder. She felt the need to include Mireau in her embrace. His proximity would allow no other course. She pushed her arm around his back and warmly cuddled him into her. He was awkward but he enjoyed her touch she knew. She placed her left hand further down Valery’s solid torso feeling for the belt in his trousers and tunnelling under it onto his flank reaching for his penis again, although she could hardly reach it. She sought this time, to make no secret of the tenderness she felt, unlike before. Mireau was no stranger to her. Valery was in a state of excitement, which had rendered him momentarily speechless. He was surely not merely tired. He quivered as she found his penis and began to slowly massage it and his testicles. She would have been tempted to reveal him to the others by unbuttoning him, but she expected it was not far now and this was not the time.
As she felt Valery squeeze her around the waist she turned her head to Mireau. “Why don’t you put your arm round Jeanette?” she suggested, “I am sure she would like it, would you not Jeanette?” This was embarrassing behaviour in Prancir. She had learned that much already here, but these friends had been with her all evening and knew where she came from and what she believed. There was no need for much more talk. It was the time to show something of her true self before Mireau and Jeanette could rush off to their separate rooms. They need not follow her advice but she wanted to push them a little, to give them a chance to become more intimate.
Neither Jeanette or Mireau responded immediately. There was a giggle from Jeanette which told Danella that the lady could be swayed. The idea was something which had already occurred to her. She had flirted with and won men over before. This situation was unusual because it was more public. She probably feared the rejection of Mireau because he was handsome, but she should have known she had no reason to fear. Unlike the Priestesses and women of Pirion she had not known enough men closely to be certain of herself although Danella suspected she had experienced a number of wild and fulfilling experiences with a number of men over some years. She was more confident and probably more intelligent than most Prancirian women but she had a long way to go before she would be able to view her powers in the way that a Priestess or any woman of Pirion could.
Mireau said, “Danella, not now, I want you later. You must understand Jeanette. It is not that I do not find you attractive. You are a very attractive lady, but I am already involved.”
Valery laughed, not cruelly, “with a woman who believes in sharing her love and is about to make love to me, I hope.” Danella gripped his penis more tightly in response, as if to acknowledge his statement. It caused further hardening of his penis. Jeanette also laughed dryly. Danella was not quite sure whether this signalled approval of Valery’s logic and criticism of Mireau’s hypocrisy, or merely amusement at the strangeness of the situation. The lady did seem both exited and slightly unhinged by the situation, as if she could not believe it was real, and felt her own part in it to be absurd.
“I did not say I wanted you,” said Jeanette, bravely directing her words at Mireau, “but I would not object if you have any inclination to do that. I would not invite you any further than that, but for our mutual comfort while these other two ignore us, just so we do not feel too lonely, you may place your arm around me if you like.” Mireau said nothing. He had already explained his refusal but it was clear to Danella that he must find the lady attractive.
“I think the lady would like you to put your arm around her” said Valery.
“So do I” said Danella, “and whatever else you may wish to do with her must be up to the both of you. We will not intervene unless you wish to join with us in the same room or the same bed.”
Mireau continued to hesitate but was caught between the principles of his desire for Danella and his desire not to be rude to a lady whom he did find powerfully attractive. He was far too much of a gentleman to leave her rejected when she had made it so plain that she offered at least the comfort of a cuddle. Not fully knowing what he was doing Mireau acquiesced. “Lady I should feel rude if I ignored your warm charm and your beauty. I would of course be very moved to hold you. He took her into his arms, she leaning comfortably against him as he did so. Danella kept her right hand behind him, squeezing his buttocks gently as he took the lady into his arms, while Valery leaned to kiss Danella’s lips.
The carriage had arrived at Valery’s Dumis house. The occupants of the carriage knew it only because the motion of the carriage had ceased and the clopping of the horses. Lost in the worlds of love Valery wheezed contentedly, his penis hidden from the view of the other two occupants of the carriage by Danella’s head as she took him, in her mouth, at last performing the act of service she had desired to earlier in the evening. She had held back then because of the nature of Dumisian society, but now there was little to stop her. She had no desire to protect her lover Mireau and her new friend Jeanette from the pleasure of watching her perform. She intended to encourage them to partake of the shameless joy of life as she did. They would soon learn to revel in the fullest sexual pleasures and perhaps spread the pleasure to other friends and lovers. A revolution of sexual love could then proceed across Prancir and through the many boundaries of Vanmar proclaiming the return of the Goddess and her love throughout the world.
She realised now, that was taking the war the Vanmarians had started into their own lands. It was the only way she could fight back. Perhaps it was the only way Pirion could fight back. Its soldiers were not strong enough on their own. A revolution to bring the Goddess’s love into Vanmar was the way the world, Pirionite and Vanmarian alike could be released from the bonds of war, of fear, of economic slavery and delivered into a new one of sensuality and taste, of simple pleasures and shared ecstasy.
Jeanette and Mireau too appeared to be locked into an embrace. Jeanette, at heart a woman who loved the flesh of any handsome man, had taken the lead. As soon as Mireau had reached out to take her in his arms she had turned on the taps of her own overflowing passions. Nuzzling her face up to his she let him feel her hot breath. Her eyes ravaged his as her hands searched his clothing and her tongue invaded his mouth. Faced with such a fearless attack there was no appropriate defence for a warm blooded man. He found that he could still be excited by a woman who was not Danella the priestess. To have resisted would have been to ignore beauty, and to ignore her daring, would have been to insult her. They kissed in the way often ascribed to Prancir, their tongues deeply searching each other’s inner mouths, lapping each other’s juices and entwining. His hands felt her corset’s bounds under the dress and caressed her arms as her shawl fell down. Then boldly he rested his face momentarily on her bare chest licking the top of her breasts hungrily above the dress before returning to her mouth.
There was a rude clatter as the door to the carriage opened and the carriage driver peered in. “We have arrived sir.” He had been told that their destination was Valery’s home, but he would have no idea of Valery’s importance. While his name was famous among the well educated and newspaper readers a carriage driver was less likely to be aware of him. Certainly his face was not well known. Only the faces of President, the Prime Minister and a handful of ministers were well known among the people. Few artists had ever attempted to paint or draw him and few photographs of him were to be seen.
“This is the right place I believe. Oh I am sorry,” he petered out as he realised the slight state of undress Valery was in and the reason why Danella was knelt on the carriage floor with her head in Valery’s lap and her corset untied. The lipstick on her lips was smeared as she raised her head and smiled at the driver, Valery’s penis flopping forwards as she let go. After that Jeanette and Mireau’s embrace was hardly noticed, as he backed away and stood up next to the carriage so that he could not see.
“When you are ready of course,” he said, quickly composed after the surprise which had flashed across his face.
“Just one minute,” said Valery, sounding flushed and unready.
Danella crouched and alighted from the carriage without bothering to adjust her dress and corset. While she might care to observe the Prancirian society during the day or in the social meeting places of the evening she was in no hurry to conceal her activities from a lone carriage driver at night. Valery was a little more concerned, perhaps because he had grown up in the restrictions of Vanmar and they were second nature to him unless he was in the mood to rebel. Mireau came out next, with Jeanette behind him. Neither had attained a state of undress, despite the passion of their first real acquaintance. Then Valery stepped down, adjusted as if nothing had happened, his normal composure returned. Saying nothing of what the driver had seen and with no indication that anything unusual or amiss had occurred he said, “Thank you for your services. What a good night it is.”
“It is indeed”, replied the carriage driver in the well trodden language of business. “Will you be requiring any further journeys tonight? I can wait if you wish.” He nodded towards Valery’s friends as if to suggest that it was not usual for two couples to live in one house and perhaps the other couple would need to be taken to their home. However there was no predicting the whims of the wealthy. They had large houses which would amply house many ordinary families in addition to their servants. They certainly had the room to house visitors and friends, even if it were slightly strange.
“No man. They are my guests tonight. None of us will be leaving here tonight. Here is my payment for your kind service, and a little more for your family.”
The man thanked him respectfully, a little subserviently, Danella thought. To the ordinary people of Vanmar money was a very desirable object. It seemed to provide the whole meaning to their lives, certainly to their choice of occupations, although many it seemed did not choose occupations but became what their fathers or mothers had been before them. The man’s subservience led her to suspect either that he was poor and needed the money badly or that he had been given more than he expected and wished to express that his loyalty had now been bought. The man who had been generous once might be generous again. As the driver climbed back onto his seat and exhorted his horses to canter the four proceeded into Valery’s garden between exotic shrubs and into the wide door which he opened with his key.
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