The Wee Ones - Chapter 4

By mcscraic
- 112 reads
The Wee Ones
A novel
By Paul McCann
Chapter 4
The Rainbow Bridge
Finn is one of the wee ones from the hidden hills, whose job it is to look after the Christmas trees that grow in Silver Tinsel Forest . Each year as Christmas is on its way Finn has to select the best trees that are to be cut down by the Lumberloppers and carried away on carriages and trailers to all the wee ones homes around the hidden hills . Then after Christmas is over all those trees are brought back to the Silver Tinsel forest for Finn to give them a touch of magic , with a period of trickling healing time on every tree that then would be replanted in the magical soil for the following Christmas . Once all the trees are replanted ,Finn has some free time , to go exploring around the hidden hills until Christmas would begin all over again .
Finn has been given wings of wisdom to bring him to places where most of the other wee ones have never been . It was a wee while after Christmas was over and Santa had been seen and all the trees were put back in the ground having their trickling healing , that Finn decided to fly beyond the hidden hills to the cloudy lands of the Misty Mountain Top . So off he went flying up through in sky towards the Misty Mountain top to somewhere no wee one had ever been . As he passed through the clouds of daydreams a rainbow appeared all around him and suddenly he fell all the way down the arch of the rainbow into a golden stream . As he landed on the water there was a sailboat waiting there to being him to the streams of a secret rainbow land .
Across the water the sailboat took Finn to a cabin that stood on the Mossy Flossy banks of a multi coloured land . As Finn got off the sailboat different coloured raindrops began to fall so he folded back his wings and ran inside the cabin for some shelter. Inside the cabin it was warm and dry and there was his favourite stuff to eat like slices of fairy bread sprinkled with sugar and pink fairy floss , there was sticky toffee strands and melting caramel drops , sweet crystal lollypops and fairy cakes on plates , soft jelly sweets with marshmallow treats . He sat at the table and started to eat , looking out the window he saw reflections from beyond the rainbow streams to a pond that glistened brightly where it seemed as if that was the place where rainbows rise . He watched in wonder as the rain stopped and the sun began to shine and little silver clouds were being blown in across the sky .Then from deep in the pond her saw a coloured strand of colours rise up and curve into a rainbow bridge that called him to come .
He left the cabin and flew high above the rainbow streams . beyond the sky '
to the heavens above where peace and love left him in a state of mind and he was in paradise where friends welcomed him to come and play .’
He stayed a while and they danced and sang until another rainbow appeared around him and he felt these unseen arms take hold of him and carry him over to a window in the sky that began to crack and a whisper spoke .
“Finn it will soon be Christas and time for you to fly back to hidden hills where Christmas trees are ready to be cut down again . But before you do , go explore some more now .Away now , you must go ”
The crack in the window opened to a wider gap that opened up a space as the unseen hands placed him there as a soft wind that came and took him away as he opened his wings . He flew underneath a rainbow there to a place where he saw a river shinning like silver under a golden light in the sky and on both sides of the river there were two towns there where he went to have a look ;
In no time at all he met the two tribes of the creatures called The Flossers .
On one side of the river lived the heavy handed flossers and on the other side of the river there were the green finger flossers ..
Finn was told the story of a time when the flossers were enemies and how they had become friends .
The green finger flossers were very talented gardeners . They grew fruit and vegetables on their side of the river but apart from being great gardeners they also were great cooks as well . They could whip up meals in a jiffy and invented tasty dishes everyday . They were happy to live on their side of the river and never bothered at all with the heavy handed flossers on the other side of the river who were master builders and wood workers . They were always busy drilling and filling holes , sand papering and stapling , routing and grouting , painting and pumping and plaining and staining . They were always making noise with their hammers and nail guns and they always sung everyday , They were a happy crew and loved to do their thing on other side of the river .
They also never bothered those on the other side of the river .
The green-thumbed flossers were always busy working in the plots and gardens and sometimes they could hear the songs on the other side being sung ,
“ The wood we carve into wooden toys for all of the girls and all the boys , the tree trunks we hollowed into boats to go fishing everyday on the river .”
So this would start a banter with the green thumb flossers who would reply with a sing of their own /.
“ We will dig out weeds and sew in seeds to grow things to eat , we cut the hops and bring our crops to all the homes every street . “
There was a rivalry that grew between the two on each side of the river .
As happy as each tribe was on their own , they never got on well together .
There was always fights and they would often shout over in anger at each other,
Trouble was always brewing and on the boil between the two tribes .
The story of how they became friends was one that came about the day when some of the heavy handed flossers were out fishing and their boat sank in the river because the weight of the fish they caught made the boat too heavy to float so it sank and all the catch was lost which made the heavy handed flossers face hunger for a while . During that time of their hunger a meeting was called to offer some suggestions to help them in their crisis .
One of the heavy handed flossers said ,
“ We have a problem in the Lake . I think there was an unseen force that made out boat sink and now we are unable to go fishing until we make another boat . We are all getting sick of our hunger pains maybe we should try to ask the green finger flossers for some help .“
Many shook their head and said
“We don’t need their help “
Then another said ,
“ Who among us wants to go through another day without food ?”
No one answered .
Someone said ,
‘”They grow things don’t they so why not ask . We have no alternative . We need to ask them on the other side for food . Maybe in return we could build them some homes .“
Unbeknownst to them on the other side of the river the green finger flossers were having a meeting .because the word had come to them that a hurricane was heading their way and very soon the river would be turned into a wild raging force that could destroy all their homes .
One of the green finger flossers called for suggestion’s on what could be done .
One reply came.
“ Dear green finger flosser friends I feel we must reach out for help to those on the other side as when the storm comes the river will rise so we need to build walls to keep the water out . If we don’t all of us might be drowned . I suggest that we ask the heavy handed flossers to help us build the walls and in return we will supply them with food and cook for them as long as it takes .“
Of course there was arguing and debating however the motion was carried and a delegation was chosen to meet up with the heavy handed flossers .
Each od the tribes stood on both sides of the river and signalled for a truce by sending over a white dove across the Lake . The dove brought a message from each tribe to the other .
After a brief discussion the doves were returned with the agreement for both two tribes to help one another . The work began fast . A bridge was built by the wood masters across Fairy Lake . They called it Rainbow Bridge .
At last their was a common goal and with new found friendship and confidence the green thumbs brought food to the hungry Flossers . They started to cook up a huge feast for all the wood workers who were starving . Once they had eaten their strength had returned and they began to bring tools and timber across Rainbow bridge .
Soon walls were being erected on both sides of the river to keep out the flood water .
They finished just in time . The hurricane arrived in a flurried frenzy . Wild winds brought debris and mayhem and yet the walls stood firm . The river rose in a fury of flowing water that scurried up the walls but the flood waters never overspilled and in a short time the storm passed and the river retuned to its normal level.
Since then on both sides of the river there has been peace and something very special had also happened . There were new plants growing on both sides of the river that resembled fairy trees and as time passed the trees brough fruit that was so sweet to eat ,
It was almost as if a blessing had come from the storm that brought the two tribes a gift . Peace and love now was a way of life the two tribes shared and now on both sides of the river a Rainbow Bridge stands in memory of a storms that brough the two tribes together ..
Finn returned to the hidden hills and shared the story about the Rainbow Bridge that was spread among the wee one of the hidden hills at Christmas Time which made the tinsel shine brighter on every tree and the stars above glow much longer every night from then on .
End of Chapter 4
The Wee Ones
Link to chapter 5
By Paul McCann
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