The Wee Ones - Chapter 12
By mcscraic
- 107 reads
The Wee Ones
A novel
By Paul McCann
Chapter 12
Teddy’s Return
The wee ones came out from their hideaway place under the stairs to see why everything had gone quiet. Scruffy Teddy was lying alone on the floor . Her little eyes twitched but she refused to speak to the little ones who asked if she was all right .
She tucked her head under her arms refusing to look at the wee ones . She couldn’t stop thinking about the long night ahead with no one to hold her tight and begged the night to go away and not to invade the lonely room . A cold silence engulfed her in its heavy grip . The little teddy bear tried not to be sad as she sat up on the floor of the empty house .
The wind was howling and rain was pelting on the window pane .
Teddys tired little eyes began to close but suddenly they opened wide as one of the wee ones called out. “
“ Is anybody home ? “
A little mouse scurried across the floor and stopped dead in its tracks when it saw the wee ones then it rushed out of the house through a gap under the front door .
“ Who care’s anyway .“
The teddy bear replied .
“If you don’t want to talk then we won’t listen and we’ll just go and leave you all alone here in this empty old house .“
Said one of the wee one’s and the teddy replied .
“Ok I will talk then . “
Teddy moved across the floor to where the wee ones where and started talking .
“I’ve been abandoned “
Said the teddy and a wee one said ,
“I’m listening “ Said a wee one .
“We’re here to help “ said another .
“I’m all alone in the world “ Teddy said .
“Tell us exactly what happened “ said another wee one .
“I’m just not sure what to say or where to start “. Teddy said .
“Ok just tell us what you remember Teddy . We’re all listening .
Said the wee ones .“
The teddy bear started to talk .
“Well you see its like this I used to have a family . They all lived here in this house with me . My best friend’s was Molly . Sometimes she took me to school with her and told me stories . Then one day I woke up and she was gone . Everything and everyone in my life has just disappeared .“
One of these ones said .
“I’ve an idea . I’ll just go and check a few things and I’ll be back .“
Said a wee one who quickly left .
When he returned he went over to the teddy and said .
“I’ve investigated the situation .
spoken to all the stray dogs around and seems like your family have moved house. “
I asked the rats and mice in the neighbourhood they saw the big removal truck arrive one day and it everything away . I tracked down the removal company and there is record book showing Molly and her family are living in Beijing In China .”
“In China ?“ The teddy said .
The wee one continued .
“That’s right . Now Teddy , don’t worry , my friends and I are going to help get you back to your family . Don’t worry about a thing . I’ve done this kind of thing before .“
“I don’t know what to say . That’s the best news I’ve ever heard , do you really think you can bring me back to Molly ?“
The teddy said .
The wee one smiled said ,
“Sure . Now listen . The first thing we have to do is get you on the milk truck in the morning . That will bring you to the bridge at the end of the village . From there you will have to jump off the bridge on to the roof of a passing harbour train . You must stay on that train until it stops at the wharfs . I’ve already made arrangements with the wee ones at the docks to get you on board a ship going to China . Once you are on board , stay out of sight and rest until the ship gets to China .
Another wee one spoke ,
“ I’ve spoken by telepathy to our wee ones in China . They will be there to meet you as soon as the ship arrives and our Chinese connections there have found out where Molly lives so they will bring you straight to her home . “
“ Thank you all so much . I am so happy now “
Said Teddy and a wee one said .
“Let’s go now . The milkman is almost here .”
The teddy did a back flip and screamed out for joy .
“ This is just amazing Thanks to you . I’m going to be back with Molly again .“
The wee one said , “Just be happy .“
Action began as soon as the milkman walked up the path next door . Teddyjumped inside his hand crate and got a lift up on to the truck.
The milkman was soon back on the road and heading down towards the bridge . Right on time the train was passing by and teddy made a leap from the milk truck and she landed on the roof of the train .
Later when the train arrived near the docks, a group of wee ones came to say hello and brought the teddy to the ship bound for China at the docks
A week passed on the open sea and Teddy stayed out of sight in a lifeboat on the ship to China . A number of wee ones were waiting as the ship arrived and greeted teddy .
In no time at all the little Teddy was lying there outside the front door of Molly’s house . The door bell was rung by one of the wee ones .
When the door opened, Molly screamed with excitement and grabbed the teddy and raced inside the house . Filled with delight Molly hugged the teddy and said ,
“Scruffy I thought I lost you . “
“That’s right but now we’re together again . “ Thought teddy .
Molly rushed over to her mother and said ,
“Mummy , look what I just found on the doorstep .“
She proudly held Scruffy up in the air . Mollys Mum took the teddy and checked it over .
“Why I can hardly believe it . It’s a miracle . How ever did Scruffy get here ?”
Said Molly’s Mum .
“I have no idea . She’s just lying at the front door Mum “
Said Molly .
Her mum replied ,
“Didn’t you say you forgot to pack her when we left New York ?”
“I did . But here she is .“
Molly said .
From that moment on Molly and Scruffy were permanently attatched .
They lived in China for three months before returning back to New York.
Teddy was never alone again and the years passed .
Molly grew up and became a Mother herself and Scruffy was still a big part of the family .
The wee ones were never far away , always watching from the great beyond .
End chapter 12
The Wee Ones
Link to chapter 13
By Paul McCann
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